547.Chapter 545: 544 Vampire Race Main Quest Update to Wrath

Chapter 545: 544.Vampire Race Main Quest Update to Rage Rescue
“The reinforcements from the Blood Fear Clan are trapped in Desolate Mountain by the Dusk Believers? No wonder those guys haven’t arrived in Transylvania so much later than scheduled. I had thought that the Blood Fear Clan had learned and grown in their two hundred years of exile and dared to rebel against the will of Venerable Lord Paying, but I didn’t realize that the truth would be so upsetting.

As expected, it’s still the same thing from Charlemagne’s era, the Blood Fear Clan was famous for playing it safe back then, treating everyone as prey to be toyed with like a bunch of cunning hunters, but these guys aren’t really good at picking out their targets!
Otherwise there wouldn’t have been the ‘Blood Fear Armageddon’ back then.

Ch, Descendants of Greed, I knew it, greed is always the worst original sin!”

Tris’s pungent tirade and angry complaint rang in Murphy’s ears along the communication distance of the Arithmetic Treasure Pearl that was already nearing its limit, and the Blood Vulture Archduke paused and chortled again:
“But why didn’t they ask for help earlier? And since Desolate Mountain is so close to Black Flame Pass, why don’t they ask the knights of the Blood Alliance Clan to save them? It still has to be us? Is this another one of those damn trials that His Holiness has sent down?”

“This has nothing to do with the Exalted Lord, in fact I don’t think the Exalted Lord is in the mood to deal with such a trivial matter, after the Sage Wolf’s plan was proposed, the Exalted Lord should be very busy right now. And according to Nefertari, those guys from the Blood Fear Clan deliberately stood us up.”

Murphy stood in the desolate night colors of Baphomet Canyon looking out in the direction of the Black Flame Mountain Pass as he responded to Tris:
“The mummy lady from the Moon Sacred City has her head in the sand, and her words are so upside down that it’s hard for people to understand, but I’ve summarized what she’s saying, and it basically boils down to the fact that even though the Blood Fear Clan has received the order and picked out strong clansmen to form the marines, and brought the family’s holy relics to support them, their current patriarch clearly doesn’t think that Transylvania can fend off the Black Calamity.

This idea can’t be said to be wrong, after all, when they got the news from the Blood Vulture Clan, it was when we were at our weakest, when the Scarlet Fortress hadn’t even been rebuilt yet.

Therefore they followed their own understanding and strictly carried out the orders of Venerable Lord Paying.

They established a semi-permanent stronghold in a hidden valley somewhere behind the Blood Alliance position in the Desolate Mountains, intending to cooperate with the Blood Alliance Knights there to block the Jackals, thus accomplishing their ‘redemption’.

People aren’t late to the party, Tris.

People didn’t even think of joining forces with us to fight the enemy, they trusted the Blood League Clan more than they trusted us, but as I said earlier, I don’t feel surprised at all by this harsh truth.

Let’s just say that the great vampires really do have their own country here.

So, take your pick.

You’re the Archduke, so what do you say to saving it?”

“Ah, what a bunch of arrogant assholes.”

Tris instantly became furious when she heard this statement, and she spat out in a conspiratorial manner:

“Charlemagne’s descendants are shrewd, they know that if they camp in the Dark Mountain Range once they encounter a dangerous situation they can still follow the Blood Alliance Clan to evacuate to a safe place, but if they enter Transylvania, they’re a turtle in a jar with nowhere to run.

These damn vampire pirates!
If there’s a choice, I care about them dying, but the problem is that Venerable Lord Paying won’t allow us to leave our companions behind at this time, and you just said that those guys messed with Dusk? What’s up with that?”

“Well, that goes back to our amazing in every way Nefertari-sama.”

Murphy sighed as he rubbed his brow:
“That brain-dead mummy lady was caught trying to steal the Blood Fear Clan’s holy relics on someone’s pirate ship, and the pirates terrorized her into going pedal to the metal, which resulted in her feisty personality jumping into the ocean and nearly turning into whale poop.

Apparently, the Sangha people aren’t very good at water, and although she was rescued afterward, she stopped hiding her distaste for vampires after her brainstorming.

The relationship between the two was thus completely broken, and after Nephthali recovered from her injuries, she was going to travel to Transylvania alone, but on the way, she accidentally encountered the Torn Flesh, which had been fought off by the two of us, and got the Civilization Slate from it.

However, instead of returning the tablet to us, this little smartass thought that the Creator’s legacy should be returned to the Land of Origin.

She started marching in reverse, and ended up falling headlong into a trap that Dusk had prepared for her; the bastards had the ability to track down the tablet, and she panicked and ran into the great palace of Baphomet.

The tablet was snatched.

She almost died there too, and the Blood Fear pirates were dragged down by the guy.

Right now the Dusk Believers were laying siege to the Blood Fear Clan’s stronghold, presumably thinking that the vampires were Nephthali’s accomplices, and the cultists must have cut off communication there with the Barren Hills defenses, but the Civilization Tablet was somewhere in the Great Dungeon right now.

And I’m not hiding anything from you, Tris.

I want both right now, so we’re going to have to figure out a way to split up.”

“You and Femis and Adele to the rescue.”

Tris made a quick decision, and she said:

“Leave the dungeon side to me and Parano, the two of us will kill our way into the dungeon, and we’ll have absolutely no problems with combat, but the positioning of that stone slab is a problem, especially since it’s now in the most complicated labyrinth on the continent.

There’s no way for that thing to be localized by a prophecy spell.”

“How about getting a jackal in there?”

Murphy said as he edited the quest text:

“Isn’t that thing the racial symbol of the Jackals? They should be able to sense the orientation of the tablet, or at least I think our Lord Hogg should be able to react to the tablet after the King of Biting Bones ‘passes on the power’.

Anyway, you guys try it first.

If it doesn’t work, let’s talk about something else.”

“I definitely used to think this solution was okay, but after seeing the greatness of the Creator, I’m not confident that this metaphysical solution will work, but Hogg might be able to send some Dogheads into the dungeon.”

Tris said:
“Those guys come and go as they please in the labyrinth, and really we can’t dig a tunnel that leads directly underground . Well, wait a minute! I’ve got a great idea! I’m going to give your apprentice Touch You Poor a spell to summon the Minotaur!

Those otherworldly creatures love mazes!
No maze is too difficult for them, and those mighty minotaurs have a talent for walking through mazes! Oy vey, it’s great to have the wisdom of the Scarlet Witch back after a hundred years.”

“Why don’t you do it yourself then? Touch you poor that situation you taught him, he can’t summon it, the summoning spots are all crowded with Scorpion Lions.”

Murphy sighed and retorted:

“Wouldn’t it be better for you or Phineas to do the summoning?”

“What do you know! That’s why you’re an uneducated summoner!”

Tris explained in a scolding voice like a teacher to a bad student:

“Summoning a Minotaur is risky, that thing mixes with a Hell Cow, hell I don’t know if I’ll summon a Hell Cow. You know about hellcows, right? Do you know about the instant death ray?

I don’t want to gamble on probabilities.

Your players aren’t afraid to die, but we NPCs who can’t be resurrected if we die can’t take such a risk. Forget it, I’ll pick from the other summoner players and see who has the luck to learn this spell.

It’s a high-level spell.

Do you know how much you have to pay to learn this in the Tower of the Ring?
You hurry up and go save the people, I’ll leave Baphomet’s great dungeon to me.”

“Alright, Your Excellency the Grand Duke is truly my wise helper.”

Murphy gave a small pat on the back, Tris over there made a queen-like sound and did not retort, then the vampire lord sent down the text of the quest that he had edited and completed.

But this time it wasn’t to all players, but rather the same pattern as before when they faced the Wolfsbane attack in Scarlet Castle, the quest was sent out to all the vampire players.


Happy Stick, who was still walking his “blood servant” Melia under the night on the Maginot defense line, looked at his arithmetic pearl in surprise, and there was an event that had just been triggered:
[Vampire Race Main Quest Chapter 2 – ‘Rescue by Fury’ has been triggered!

Mission Content:

The stupid and greedy Blood Fear Clan promised to aid Transylvania’s war in the Black Plague, but those cunning sea dogs added their own pathetic understandings to the execution of the pact by trying to exploit the loopholes to give themselves an advantage, but the end of dishonesty was that the fools were trapped in a desperate situation in the Deserted Mountains.

As a representative of the Blood Vulture Clan, Governor Murphy really wanted to give those accomplished fools two big slaps in the face to wake them up, however, unfortunately, in order to do that one would have to save the Blood Fear Pirates from extinction first.

The war Transylvania faces requires all available forces!
Therefore, Governor Murphy hereby issues a call to all members of the Blood Vulture Clan! He will personally lead a team to the rescue of the Blood Dread Fleet Marines and the current generation of Blood Dread Archdukes in six hours, and those enlisted are urged to immediately seek out the nearest Blood Vulture Clan stronghold and assemble via teleportation spells at the campsite in the Valley of the Shadow!

Countdown to the opening of the quest: five hours and 59 minutes.

Quest Rewards:

1.Racial Template – Vampire Civilization Branch – Thorn Clan opens.

2. Vampire Civilization Branch – Blood Fear Clan camp reputation opens.


This quest is a racial mainline, and any member of this race may not choose to refuse! Those who are unable to take their place within the allotted time will be stripped of all honor within the clan and banished.

Dev Team Tip!

Racial Main Quests will only be open to certain races, but members of other races can participate as minions, and will not be able to enjoy the quest rewards but can pick up loot as normal.

] “The last racial mainline wasn’t mandatory, it looks like the dev team changed the setting of the racial quests, but what about those guys who don’t have the means to go online?”

Stick’s brain was clear.

He instantly associated a very odd problem, and immediately boarded the forums and scanned them, realizing that there was an additional thread on the forums, which was posted by the development team.

The content of the post was simple, explaining the mandatory nature of the racial quest, but also leaving room for maneuver.

Players who were unable to go online and participate in the quest within the quest’s advancement time could fill out a form to explain their situation, not blocking the way.

This made Stick put his heart down.

He did not really care about the game experience of those unlucky people, mainly because Stick did not want to see this kind of thing to destroy the reputation of the “real other world” and eventually lead to the violent death of the game results, he already can not get away from this ghost game, this thing is already a part of his life!
Well, a big part.

“Lord Murphy has issued a call to the members of Clan Bloodwyvern, and I must answer!”

Happy Stick turned his head to Melia behind him:
“I’ll drop you off first, then I’m going to make a trip to Desolate Mountain, so you should rest early.”

“Are you stupid? I play with swords too much causing my intelligence to deteriorate master.”

The blindfolded Melia sighed, she helplessly flapped her wings that had just grown out some time ago, which were very “petite” compared to other blood vultures, and said:

“I am also a member of the Blood Vulture Clan, and in the face of Governor Murphy’s call, my sister and I must also participate.”

“Oh, I forgot, I always thought of you as a weak woman, but neglected to mention that my servants are also the ones who possess power.”

Stick hemmed and hawed and flapped his huge wings to levitate as he said:
“Wait for me here, I’ll go arrange for a job handover, by the way, where has Winnie been lately? How come I haven’t seen her?”

“Her, she joined Ms. Femis’s psychic organization, the Red Magic House, and is now a servant of Onii-chan.”

A very odd smile appeared at the corner of Melia’s mouth as she said softly:
“What? It’s not enough that some men have already possessed their elder sister, but they still think of hitting on their poor sister?”

“Where are you thinking about! Am I that kind of person?”

Stick was made to blush as he chortled:

“Get a grip, Melia! You weren’t like that before, a lady shouldn’t joke like that. I’ve always thought of Winnie as a poor girl, and I’d be happy if she had a good home.”

“Gee whiz, too proper, master, that’s not funny, and it’s not in keeping with the tradition of the vampires that you should behave more decently in the face of such flirtation.”

Melia also flapped her petite wings and took off slowly.

But she was not a Bloodwing pureblood, and with her small wings she flew slowly, trying to keep up with Happy Stick’s Sibyl was very difficult, so she took the initiative to hold Stick’s hand in a forward lunge.

This action made Happy Stick, a single dog of more than thirty years, like an electric shock, immediately want to shake off.

However, he looked back at the “servant” that he was flying with, and finally acquiesced to this contact and held Melia’s hand back, pulling her to fly towards the defense line command headquarters.

“It’s a bit too much to ask a blind woman to fly in the dark.”

So he told himself, so he convinced himself.

As the nominal commander of the Maginot Line and the commander of the “Cadman Raiders” company, he had to leave a note of leave for a temporary absence.

This was his rule of order for his company, and he could not take the lead in breaking it.

Luckily, Stick’s company consisted of only two vampires, him and Shark, so their temporary absence would not disrupt the chain of command of the position.

At the same time, the specially set up teleportation hall in the Blood Vulture Cloisters had begun its official operation for the first time, and the Blood Vulture members who had been rushed over here were waiting for Miss Firmis to fine-tune the teleportation portal drop point.

They would teleport at once to the Wolf Castle, which was currently the furthest point of the portal erection, and then teleport again from there to the Valley of the Darkness; Madame Adele had already left behind spatial channeling markers, and it was a matter of sensing and maneuvering them for a powerful spell caster like Missy.

“Ah..! This is for the glory of Clan Bloodwing!”

In the crowd of “Grand Knight Uther” leaning on the blood vulture sword shouted, this guy is half a month into the game, listen to the name to know that he is a member of the Riptide Knights, and can use the name of the Grand Knight means that this guy in the status of the Knights is not low.

He was the leader of the third regiment of the Riptide Knights, but it was still a false title at the moment, as his members were still undergoing recruit training at Ms. Becky’s place.

However, the fact that this guy is here already shows that he has another identity other than being a “Holy Light Believer”.

“Shut up, you betrayer of the Holy Light! You’re a vampire who has the nerve to flaunt the name of His Excellency Uther?”

A budding vampire who had just become a vampire a few days ago with an ID called “Captain Infernohead” squinted his eyes and stared at this unreliable guy as he said contemptuously:

“If there really is a holy light power here, I’m afraid you’ll be the first to be purified!”

“Mouthful of nonsense! How benevolent is the Holy Light, how could it punish me just because I’m a vampire?”

Grand Knight Uther said with a smug face, patting his chest:
“Don’t you know that the Holy Light even creates miracles such as casting the undead in light? Uncle, I’m going to be a light-cast vampire from now on, understand?
Hey, how common is it for a mortal to walk the path of the Holy Light? A guy as powerful as me must challenge himself! Thapar said he wants to establish the faith of the Holy Light in this continent, what a great ideal!

We must do our best.
Well, the portal is open! Go go go, Yan Tou, go forward and support our Vampire Governor Lord who has been blessed by the Holy Light.”

“Hey, call me Captain! Either that or call me Captain Infernohead, it feels so weird just calling me Infernohead, asshole.”

“Ch, who asked you to name me that, do you really think that I, an old Ajusshi, can’t get the stems? Heck, if I hadn’t been playing with Tepal and the others for so long that I couldn’t afford to give up my status in the Order, I’d be tempted to call Card Face to fight.

Alas, that good name will eventually have to give way to my good friend, who will presumably be in the game next week.”

“What kind of old Uncle’s memories are those? I don’t usually read those, I read Spring and Autumn.”

A few guys walked noisily into the portal and arrived safely at the still rebuilding mage tower of Wolfsburg again.

These simple guys didn’t realize at all that there wasn’t a single NPC following them, and it wasn’t until after they had arrived safely that Missy in the Blood Wyvern Cloister’s teleportation hall breathed a sigh of relief, gestured, and shuttled herself through with a wave of the remaining vampire clansmen.

This was just like using the small players as exploratory cannon fodder to determine whether or not this portal was working properly.

However, with the character of the players, even if they knew about this, they probably wouldn’t have too many complaints, after all, the NPCs in this game are finished when they die once and won’t be refreshed again, so in the player’s handbook there is a special emphasis on the fact that, under the necessary conditions, the players who appeared in the identity of the “righteous adventurers of the Ceres tribe” should protect the NPCs from being harmed. In the player’s handbook, it is also emphasized that under necessary conditions, players who appear as “righteous adventurers of the Ceres tribe” should protect NPCs from harm.

So far, the players have done a good job.

“Nash! Go inform Chief Hogg.”

Upon arriving at the Wolf’s Castle, the first thing that Miss Fimis shouted was to the Bloodclaw Jackal hunting captain who stood nodding in front of her eyes:

“Tell him to get ready, His Excellency the ‘Sage Wolf’ has been conscripted by Archduke Tris, and he is going to accompany the Archduke into the great palace of Baphomet in search of treasures.”

“Huh? Who? Who is the Sage Wolf! That’s a weird name.”

Nash spat as he ran off to find his chieftain, Hogg would be ready to go by now, and after seeing the fawning Nash enter, Hogg sighed and shoved the jackal knuckledusters, symbolizing his chieftainship, into Nash’s hand as he watched in shock.

It patted Nash’s shoulder and said:

“I’ll leave the Bloodclaw Clan to you, I’m going to be a ‘Sage Wolf’.”

With a jolt, Nash fell to its knees with a plop, and it screamed:

“No, Chief, I haven’t wronged you! Although I’ve been privately smuggling with a few warriors to earn a little money to spend, but I swear, I’m loyal to you ah, don’t kill me, okay?”

“You still engage in smuggling? I don’t see it.”

Hogg skimmed his mouth and kicked Nash, who was dryly crying without seeing tears, and it couldn’t believe that this cunning action didn’t taste the flavor from his recent series of perverse actions.

This panic was just an act.

But this is good, he has to leave a powerful guy to help take care of Clan Bloodclaw, there is no better choice than Nash.

“Get up! I’m just going to do great things, not die, call me ‘Lord’ from now on, understand?”

“Ow, okay, Lord Sage Wolf!”

(End of chapter)

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