533. Chapter 531 – 530 Bounty of Avalon, the Swamp Power

Chapter 531 530.Power of the Swamp – Avalon’s Bounty
From Mrs. Water’s words, it’s not difficult to find out that although Adele feels that she hides herself well, but in fact, those who see her true thoughts are by no means limited to Dorothy and Hogg, and some of the observant little wit amongst the players have also discovered the “clues”.

After all, the eyes of love and want to knife a person’s eyes are the same can not be hidden.

So on the way to Wolf Castle, the topic of “Lady Adele and Lord Murphy’s love affair” became the focus of the girls’ chatter.

Young students are restless.

Although they worship Lord Murphy, but also quickly joined the discussion, like single dogs always like to provide relationship advice to others, these guys also began to plan to help Mrs. Adele and Lord Murphy re-establish the red line.

Anyway, in their simple values, Lord Murphy’s so gripping NPC, having one or two confidantes is normal, isn’t this what a mainline NPC deserves?

After all, the saying that beauty is only for the strong is equally applicable in this continent.

However, the older players do not like to discuss this, such as fire brother and Yuan someone, these two newcomers have just joined the Church of Avalon, compared to the feelings of the NPC gossip, the two men this will be to enhance the level and power is obviously more interested in.

It wasn’t that they were utilitarian, and they weren’t the intensity party.

It’s just that because Brother Fire and Brother Yuan entered the game “with a mission”, and will accompany their wives to travel all over the world in the future, the middle-aged men’s pathetic pride won’t allow them to accept the protection of the ladies all the time.

“White Knight! Choosing the White Knight path is obviously more suitable for our brothers.”

Riding on a wind vulture, Brother Firechild held a “Avalon Church Power System Chart” drawn by the players, and after studying it carefully for half a day, he said to Brother Yuan, who was maintaining the same speed beside him:

“My wife is a Priest, your wife is a Shield Bearer, the two of us becoming White Knights can just match each other in battle.”

“No, no, no, Brother Fire, your idea is simple.”

Brother Yuan had a different view on this, he glanced at the chattering girls and shook his head:
“We have to think about the team, as the only two men’s reserves in the current Silver Moon’s Pride group, we have to take on the girls’ hopes of making up for their shortcomings and become part of them as a team.

My idea is that I go hunter and scout, and you take on the versatile role of defense and healing.”

With that said, he lowered his voice to explain:
“The girls are great, the two of us are now unapologetically dragging our feet, if we want to stay in their group for a long time without burdening our beloved ones, we need to show our functionality in time.

Become a short board is to be disliked, you do not want to be forced to separate from your wife in the game because your strength is too poor, right?”

“Well, that’s true.”

Brother Firechild was a gentle and submissive person, he quickly changed his decision and said:
“So you’ll be the Scout Hunter under the Witch Hunter system, and I’ll pick a Druid?”

“Well, this one would be a good fit.”

Brother Yuan nodded and said:
“It just so happens that there’s a natural sanctuary of the Church of Avalon near Wolf Castle, so if we complete our transitions there, we’ll be able to give a boost to the Pride of Silvermoon group almost immediately, and that way the other girls won’t be gossiping about us because of our presence.

However, I saw you living a whole pretty good meal with that ‘great wealthier’ among the players in Scarlet Fortress before, is he looking for you for something?”

“Ah, he said himself that it’s ‘paying respect’, but it’s actually cooperation.”

Brother Firenze chuckled lightly:
“The four girls under his command helped him set up the stall in Hidden Treasure Bay, and now the four golden flowers have officially joined the Silver Moon Corps as combatants again to start enjoying their gaming life, and a few of the girls would like to make a career in the game that helps them with reality, so Old Huo would like me to provide them with some life advice.

That young man is quite interesting.

I thought he wanted to work with my foundation in reality, but he didn’t even mention it.

A man of ambition at first glance.

This is a great game!

It has a very strict player screening mechanism that makes the gaming environment surprisingly good, which obviously prevents a lot of unnecessary trouble from occurring, I even played Legend when I was young, and the feeling of being maliciously PK’d every day really sucks.

I spent money to dominate the service, the result is that after playing for a few days it is not interesting to throw it aside.”

“I also feel that.”

Brother Yuan agreed:

“I was worried when I didn’t enter the game before, with such a realistic game build coupled with no mandatory constraints, players are almost completely free here, I just don’t dare to think about how strange things would happen.

After I came in, I realized that the development team has adopted a management style similar to that of some hardcore games, where they artificially set the bar for players, and operate the game’s community environment in a way that develops a ‘clique’ culture, where every random player you meet on the street is a person of ability or potential.

That hierarchy comes up all of a sudden.

Even if you strip away the fun filter of the game itself, the community environment that has taken shape so far can be seen as a fairly inclusive ‘think tank’ organization. It’s like a pioneering effort, more like a large social experiment .”

“You’re thinking about it too much.”

Firenze looked around and whispered a warning:

“My wife told me to not think about it too much, the fact that it exists openly and that new players can enter the game unchecked already shows that its existence is harmless, so enjoying the pleasure that the game itself brings is the right thing to do.”


Brother Yuan nodded.

He knew this was Brother Firenze reminding him that the tall, burly man riding on the wind vulture had swept another glance over to the sisters, which happened to meet Orchid’s gaze, and the big traveler glared at him fiercely and twisted his head to ignore him, leaving Brother Yuan dumbfounded.

Orchid was definitely not this kind of character in reality.

That girl was high strung as hell.

It seems that she also enjoys exploring in this strange world, perhaps, one should learn from her?

“There’s still twenty minutes to Wolf Castle! Brothers, feel free to move around for two hours after arriving there, and each of us will purchase the supplies and materials needed to cross the swamp, and we’ll restart in the afternoon! Be careful when traveling through the swamp, we’ll mercilessly leave anyone behind who falls behind.”

Three Pounds of Groundnut Roast shouted out in the newly created team frame, the pretense of a menacing gesture causing a group of players to laugh.

The “pioneering group” gathered by Mrs. Adele had basically all Black Iron except for a few newcomers, and after the scourge of the jackal warlocks had disappeared, there were very few forces in this swamp that could threaten them.

However, just as the people rode the wind vulture into the swamp, Mrs. Water let out a surprised snort.

As one of the only two nature walkers among the players who had climbed to the middle level of the church, she easily noticed the “change” in the filthy swamp.

The swamp was still the same uncomfortable swamp, but a certain invisible power had already begun to spread and rise.

“The power of Avalon is growing here! The God of Nature has blessed this swamp.”

Lady Water said to her companions:
“In the previous pass notes after we captured Wolf’s Castle, the development team said that Avalon was applying enhancements for us in this swamp, and I thought it was just brushing a status out, but I didn’t realize that it was actually a realistic aid in the more logical way that it’s being provided now.”

“Huh? How come I can’t feel it?”

Pomegranate looked at Lady Water in surprise, only to be met with a big blank stare, and next to her, Lumina covered her mouth to keep Pomegranate from seeing her scorn, before she explained in a serious manner:
“Aren’t you forgetting your race? A vampire from Midnight still wants to be strengthened by the God of Nature? Aren’t you afraid that Avalon will put a spell on you or something? I also felt that invigorating power, it seems that the swamp blessing of the God of Nature can be enjoyed by everyone but vampires.”

“Ch, so it’s ‘camp limited’, this Avalon is actually a guy who engages in racial discrimination as well, it’s no fun!”

Sister Pomegranate skimmed her lips.

She was obviously disappointed, but her “blasphemous” words didn’t attract any chastisement, and the God of Nature apparently pretended that he hadn’t heard the vampire’s blasphemous words at all.

From that point of view, Avalon was a very big-hearted fellow indeed.

They soon arrived at the Wolf’s Keep, which was bustling with activity, and despite its small size, had more players than the Scarlet Keep.

The reason for this was probably because this swamp had become a “newbie leveling area”, allowing newcomers to receive various quests ranging from easy to difficult, and the Blood Rats were planning to make a replica of the Fight Club here as well.

With the current bustling scene, Ms. Dorothy could easily see the strong development of this swamp town in the future.

Maybe it could become a settlement and small town on par with Fort Riptide and Batasin.

The entire Wolf Castle has now been taken over by the Blood Claw Clan, Hogg has returned from the Scarlet Castle to sit in the town, and the barbarians under his command are wearing the mighty clan protective gear and riding coyotes to patrol around the town to maintain order, but unfortunately, the mage tower has not yet been completely restored, and the town’s “Spiritual Master,” Sir Heru, can only temporarily reside and work in the constructed tower.

Silver Moon Troupe out of the “flight point” immediately met many old friends, fierce men’s group of Shan Nan Hu Xiao is leading a group of people intend to raid the “land of corrupted corpses”, to see Mrs. Water this player recognized as the “first treatment! When she saw Mrs. Water, who was recognized as the “number one healer” by players, appear, she immediately brightened up and ran to get close to her.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Water has a task at hand, there is no way to accompany them to play this, can only introduce a few she thinks good treatment players.

“Wow, my wife’s popularity among the players is really high.”

Brother Firechild said sourly to Lady Water:

“I’ve heard them call you ‘Sister Water’, those guys are practically chasing you like they were chasing a star, it really makes me feel so much pressure, in case any bad guy has a crooked mind, this middle-aged man of mine will have to start a ‘Wife Defense Battle’ I’m a middle-aged man, and I’ll have to start a ‘wife defense war’.”

“Dead look, be serious!”

Mrs. Water rolled her lovely and seductive white eyes, whacked her husband on the chest and said:
“Let’s go, I’ll take you guys over to the Nature Sanctuary to transfer, are you sure you want to take the Druid career path?” “Of course!”

Brother Firechild hemmed and hawed, making wisecracks as he walked behind his wife, he said:

“You’re a Nature Priest, I’m a Druid, doesn’t that round up to Grandma Tai and World Deity?”

“Ah, the outdated gaming habits of middle-aged people are so uncomfortable, who understands young people when you talk about this now?”

Mrs. Water said with a hand on her forehead and sighed:

“Then are you going to turn into a bear or a deer in the future and let me ride you around the city?”

“If you’re willing, I’m sure it’s fine with me ah.”

Brother Firenze chuckled:
“Even if I don’t turn into a bear I’m willing to carry my wife’s honor on my back and walk all over the sky, watching the sun rise and the moon set, and savoring the clouds roll in and out.”


Lady Water hummed, pointed to the side and said:
“Then you carry me, speaking of which, you haven’t carried me after tricking me into it . Yikes.”

With a startled cry she was picked up like a princess carry by Brother Firechild and walked across the muddy ground outside the town ahead, the middle-aged man who worked out all year had a good back and carried his wife down the road where she wouldn’t get her shoes dirty before setting her down and carrying her behind him again amidst Mrs. Water’s crimson cheeks’ complaints.

The two of them happily and affectionately strutted towards the natural sanctuary, and the moody Firenze even sang to the accompaniment of Lumina’s flute playing not far away.

It had to be said that he did have a good voice.

This scene watched behind him as Brother Yuan’s heart went apoplectic, he glanced at the stern-faced Orchid, just wanting to make a move to play a romantic or something, only to see Orchid grip the hilt of the sword at her waist, staring at Brother Yuan’s little brother with a gaze that made people afraid.

“This style of spreading dog food doesn’t suit me.”

She chided:

“Hurry up and go transfer, don’t disgrace yourself here, you weak man.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll go, don’t be so mean all the time.”

Brother Yuan whined and rushed up, Orchid looked at his back and rubbed her forehead helplessly and with a headache, always valiant and ready to leave when she said so, she really didn’t know how to get along with this guy who chased her to the other world.

Avalon’s nature sanctuary is not far from Wolf Castle, walking is only fifteen minutes away.

This place used to be a big post for the skeleton army on the outer defense line, there would have been collapsed walls to get the main structure, after the war in the land of the rotting corpses was over, those tree people who didn’t die were brought back here by the witch hunters.

They planted magical tree seeds here, and in less than a week’s time, the ruins were turned into a place of “birdsong and flowers”, with a very natural style, and Natalie’s president also specially put the Avalon’s icon here and made a simple “pool of holy water! The “Pool of Sacred Water”.

Sister Marianne had brought an elite group of witch hunters to stay here for a long time, and a few of the old church members who had returned to the druidic ways took care of the surroundings and summoned some of the swamp beasts as natural sentinels to guard the small sanctuary.

As one of the most stalwart and inclusive power systems in the game at the moment, the Church of Avalon clearly had a good reputation among new players, and many players who had joined the Church of Avalon could be seen training here after Brother Firenze arrived with his wife on his back.

But just as he was about to seek a transfer, he heard a loud, ghostly laugh that was very unlike the good guys.

Soon, however, he saw Brother Woo Meow strutting out from the crypts of the Holy Land with his brothers in a six-parent arrogance, triumphantly walking out of the crypts.

“Yo, Lady Water, is that your husband carrying you?”

The very good at it, Brother Woo Meow immediately went forward to get close to Mrs. Shui when he saw her, not forgetting to appreciate Brother Fire Son for being tall and powerful, elegant and easy-going.

The several brothers beside him were also warmly receiving this legendary big brother.

Their “Big Bird Group” has been appointed as the “Guardian” of the swamp nature sanctuary, and has certain privileges in this area, after hearing that Brother Fire and Brother Yuan are here to change jobs, they were immediately obliged to act as a guide, and also made sure to present the two of them with a set of outstanding Newcomer armor.

The enthusiasm made Brother Fire and Brother Yuan too embarrassed to refuse.

They flanked the two newcomers to the crypt, while Brother Woo Meow stayed on the surface to talk to Lady Water.

It wasn’t that Brother Whimpering Meow had any bad intentions, although he did appreciate Lady Water, but this time the two were talking about serious matters, as the two players with the highest positions in the Church of Avalon, Whimpering Meow and Lady Water obviously had common interests.

“We managed to complete Boss Avalon’s missionary task with great difficulty, and our God of Nature has generously honored his promise.”

Brother Woo Meow clapped his hands and said to Lady Water:
“My brothers and I have learned the Beginner’s Luck Technique, and after trying it with a few chests just now, this thing can really boost our chances of touching treasure chests, but the way it takes effect is quite arcane.

Relying on this thing to change our fate against the heavens is still a little bit not too good.

But it doesn’t matter, the qualifications to learn this series of divine arts are already open to us, after that we just need to reach a new rank and come back to learn it.

But we still have a set of learning qualifications for divine arts in our hands that we can’t use, so take it and use it.”

He handed a set of petrified nature emblems to Lady Water, which shone with emerald green streams of light at a glance was not extraordinary, Lady Water did not reach out to take it, she shook her head and said:
“No! This is too valuable, there is currently no open path for learning divine arts, this thing in your hand is the only way to learn divine arts, I can’t take it.”

“If I tell you to take it, you take it, the two of us have to help each other in the church to make a path for our brothers and sisters.”

Brother Woo Meow graciously waved his hand and forcefully shoved the emblem into Mrs. Water’s hand.

But how smart Mrs. Water was, she no longer refused but asked rhetorically:
“You, Brother Woo Meow, don’t do money-losing deals, so just say what you want to do.”


Brother Whimpering Meow heatedly smiled, he looked around and whispered:

“You guys must have something else in mind this time when you go to the Dark Valley to pioneer, right? Is it related to the stronghold?”

“Ugh, I really can’t hide it from you.”

Lady Water didn’t deny it either, she said:
“I’ve analyzed this mission, I’ve also talked to Lady Dana and obtained some information from Lady Bernice again, and I’m seven percent certain that once this pioneering is completed, the Dark Valley where Lady Adele came from will most likely become a new stronghold.

Whether or not it can be controlled by the players is not easy to say at the moment.

But it’s the most effective way we’ve come close to gaining a stronghold after Wolfsburg.”

“Then I’m not hiding anything.”

Brother Woo Meow said in a hushed voice:

“We’re going to work together! We’ll discuss how to run it after we take that stronghold… Mrs. Water, your team and my team aren’t elite teams that take the mass recruitment route, and neither of us have the ability to be able to take the stronghold alone.

The Wolf Castle thing has clearly expressed the development team’s attitude on the stronghold issue!

They want to see players use their initiative, preferably taking strategic locations without NPCs being involved, and then generating strongholds.

This isn’t a problem for stickmen and student parties, and the numerical advantage of the Knights of the Riptide is even more non-negligible, but it’s a headache for small groups like ours.

So, want to cooperate?”

“Cooperation, yes!”

Lady Water ruffled her hair as she didn’t budge an inch:
“But joint rule, no!
My sisters and I don’t like politics and hate trouble, and the Valley of the Shadow can only be the exclusive stronghold of the Pride of the Silver Moon Legion.

But don’t worry, Brother Woo Meow, if you can accept this model, then we will do whatever it takes to help you take the new stronghold when it is discovered.”

“Good! Let’s use this model.”

Brother Woo Meow didn’t object at all as he said with a smile:

“To tell you the truth, we also discovered an area that might be decentralized as a stronghold when we were escorting the mountain people earlier, right in the middle of the area bordering Sax and Transylvania.

We’ll help you take the Valley of the Shadow, and when the Black Plague is over, you’ll help us gain victory there as well!
But our union always has to have a strong name, so I think we might as well call it ‘Silvermoon Big Bird’ .”

“Cough cough.”

Lady Water coughed violently, representing her extreme opposition to the name.

After coughing, Lady Water raised her head and said:
“Let’s call it ‘Wilderness Covenant’, we are all affiliated forces of the Church of Avalon, and the NPCs won’t object to this title.”

“But I still think that the Silver Moon Great Bird Corps is very”

“Hey, if you keep insisting on this name my husband is going to come and beat you up, you Red Knight Reservist wouldn’t necessarily be able to beat those bodyguards of his in reality ow I’ll give you that.”

“Uh, well, having bodyguards is really something.”

(End of chapter)

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