472.Chapter 470 469 Snakes! I hate snakes!

Chapter 470 469.Snakes! I hate snakes!

In the afternoon, the student party and the new players attached to them who had already entered the position launched an exploratory raid on the “small copy” at the end of the western battle line in an “exuberant” manner.

Thanks to the fact that the mortars, which were both outrageous and useful, had been distributed to every small guild, the firepower of this exploratory attack wasn’t weak at all.

At first a dozen or so high-explosive shrapnel shells whizzed into the undead swarms, although the explosive power of these things was not that good due to the manufacturing process, the scorching shrapnel that flew around was enough to trigger the chaos they wanted.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the Head Iron Warrior Monks, nearly a hundred players lined up in a scattered line and formed several squads to assault forward.

As a small copy outside of the team copy, the development team didn’t even write a specific backstory for this place, only vaguely describing it as an ancient undead awakened by the vicious ways of the Jackal Warlocks.

But there is no shortage of them who have made a splash in times past.

Gee, that description alone is “ambiguous”.

It’s almost as if the words “hidden quests” were clearly posted for the players to see.

In addition to the fact that some lucky people have already obtained some clues by contacting the controlled necromancers and knights of the underworld, and many people know that Lord Murphy is “keeping” a “husband and wife” of necromancers and knights of the underworld underneath the Blood Wyvern Cloisters, so what’s this?

What is this? Isn’t this a “teaser episode” for the next version?

So in today’s raid, the casual players ignored those amazing number of skeleton soldiers, almost all of them bravely went straight for those few knights of the underworld riding on horses.

But this kind of attack without strategy obviously can’t have much effect, but Mr. Li, who is in charge of today’s battle, doesn’t want to eat a fat man in one breath.

This was a trial attack!
On the one hand, to see the strength and intelligence level of the monsters in this copy, on the other hand, it was also to let the new players, who were now growing in number, experience the feeling of raiding a copy.

In the setting of Real Otherworld, raiding copies and fighting copies were two very different concepts.

The monsters in the trial copies preserved through the snapshots of the copies are all real NPCs with fixed routines, and players will naturally know how to fight them as long as they destroy them a few more times, but the real “copies” don’t have this kind of “convenient design”.

Veteran players have long summarized the ghost game in the copy of the law, that is, after you enter the copy of the ten or even nine points of vigilance, because here anything can happen.

For example, three pounds of groundnuts burned five-member squad is under the command of the old Qin forward assault, the result as the attacker of the “two cucumbers” rushed to pull out the grenade bomb forward continuous throwing, intends to blow up a road.

But as everyone watched dumbfounded, the Hades Knight in front swung his war halberd like a baseball, swish swish swish three times and smashed the grenade that Brother Cucumber had thrown out back the way it came.

Seeing that white smoke thing rolling on the ground, Old Qin a jolt of national curses on the side of the back of the barrel of the groundnut burning kicked out a few meters away, his own movement athletic turn over and pounced on the other side of the bottle of ketchup is raising the gun aiming at.

The bomb then exploded, the unlucky “two big cucumbers” and their squad’s firepower hand “four two tofu milk” involved in it, the two guys can not even do a ga sound on the spot to heaven.

At this time from the last time they were resurrected to now less than twenty-four hours, said, before the old Qin led them to fight the blockade, these two guys seem to be the necromancer Baldwin a fire strike taken away on the spot.

We’re all art students who didn’t fall through the cracks, how come you two are so unlucky to this extent?


Old Qin, who had eaten several mouthfuls of lousy water from the explosion waves, climbed up grimly, picking up the arithmetic treasure beads and dog tags dropped by his teammates along with their equipment while shouting to the people beside him:

“Can’t hit! I can’t fight a bit! The power gap between the two sides is too big, the head-on charge simply can’t be beaten, or wait for the fire support of the Golden Bird Flower to arrive and then say it. Points are solid, withdraw!”

Old Qin was quite prestigious in this group of newcomers, his heroic deed of leading ten new recruits to block a team of a thousand has been spread on the forums, which led to many newcomers respectfully referring to him as “Master Qin”.

Of course, this is not just a social term.

The main thing is that the old Qin himself said that his age in reality than Professor Chen are ten years older, which is already the old man, the young people call a “master” is not the old Qin intentionally take advantage of them.

This will be the old Qin a word, this was the undead army front suppression of the new players suddenly dispersed.

One by one, they wiped out their feet and ran away as fast as frightened rabbits, making the knights of the underworld and the skeleton army under their command, who were already prepared for a head-on duel with the legendary “death-defying” Transylvanians, fail to react too well.

It was as if these guys ran away in a flash!
They wanted to pursue but were blown up by the volley of barrel fire from the rear, so they didn’t dare to continue to impact out at will.

The battlefield that was still very lively just now returned to a strange calm, only the Shadow Trail Sect’s martial arts monks took advantage of the chaos to “tie” a Hades Knight back, and the Devil’s Eight Jiejie are now researching how to “tame” this powerful undead.

And the knight of the underworld handsome armor skeleton horse has been in the trench dug out by the newcomers as “trophies” live auction.

Have to say, “the shadow of the swamp” this event of the new map can be bad, the environment makes everyone complained, the number of enemies is high quality and irregular refreshment is simply fatal, but this version of the introduction of this kind of cool ground vehicle is still very much loved by the players.

Compared to the living war horse, although the skeleton horse can not interact and can only understand the simplest commands, but it is better than the need to prepare food and do not need to find a post station to store, and more hanging this thing does not know how to get tired!
They can keep running and ignore all kinds of terrain obstacles until the death energy in their bodies is exhausted.

For players who were afraid of trouble and didn’t want to brush up on their reputation or keep a real horse, the Skeleton Horse was almost the best vehicle they could find right now.

The only unfortunate thing was that in order to get it, one had to either brush up on the Bloodclaw Clan’s reputation or there was only a small chance of it dropping after taking down the Underworld Knights and Corpse Witches.

In the past almost a month, a total of less than twenty Skeleton Horses had been spawned on the three fronts, making it a rarity among rarities, but it was said that last night’s bombardment had messed up a lot of necromancers and Underworld Knights, and there were already a lot of nimble-brained newcomers who had already moved on by now.

They intend to turn around in the swamp front after the end of the “carrion land” strategy, and may be able to find the “masterless skeleton warhorse” this kind of rare elite.

Hey, when the time comes, we’ll have to use the adventurer’s way to decide who belongs!

Naturally, whoever finds it will be counted as the winner, and there’s nothing more to say.

At the same time when the frontline position was conducting the exploratory attack, the student party as the important fighting force of the western front did not participate in it, on the contrary, they had already sneakily crossed the edge of the Plague Town under the cover of the night color, and they were making use of the advantage of all of them being able to fly, adjusting the direction of their flight towards the east of the area of the position and advancing rapidly.

That was the only place in the four directions of Plague Town that was not heavily fortified, and it was also the destination where the student party had ventured to conduct behind enemy lines reconnaissance tonight.

At this moment, the Electronic Snail with the strongest sense of direction in the student party was holding a map and checking it out as he led the way ahead, speaking as he flew:

“I specifically went to the village of Moorland to ask about it, and a few old witch hunters over there gave me a detailed description of the local horrors of Transylvania that they had heard about from their instructors back when they were training on Grimm’s Island.

The giant swamp serpent Ninkinanka!

This legendary beast is definitely real, and according to those witch hunters, they live in this eastern swamp.

This was also proven by the letters on the Jackalese Undead Messenger that Brother Xiao Fu had killed in the sewers of the Scarlet Fortress earlier, and these Jackalese Warlocks had camped out here for several years just to enter the territory of the Swamp Giant Serpent to search for the so-called secret stash of the King of the Biting Bones.

I reckon they must be fighting the Swamp Giant Serpent at the same time as they’re fighting against us, so if we can capitalize on that, we might be able to overthrow Plague Town in one fell swoop.

It won’t even cost a single shot.”

“You’re thinking too optimistically.”

Che Che waved his staff to patch up the crowd with a spell for concealment as he said:

“If that Swamp Giant Serpent was really powerful, then these guys should have been wiped out in a group when the Jackal Warlock provoked it, but isn’t it true that people are living such a nourishing life in the swamp as well? It’s highly likely that both sides are evenly matched.

That said, Meowshark, you’re a hunter, do you know what this legendary beast represents?”

“Shit! The most powerful beast I’ve seen right now is just that Scorpion Lion of Brother Xiao Fu’s.”

Meow Shark, who was carrying a heavy crossbow, spat viciously:
“That Scorpion Lion is only a Giant Beast Elite Template, and it’s still a step away from the Legendary Beast Leader Template, and we hunters can’t even tame Giant Beasts, let alone Legendary Beasts. However, it is certain that this set of grading of natural creatures made by the Elf Druids must be justified, and is by no means randomly ranked, so I estimate that the destructive power of this Legendary Beast must be super strong.

And Ninkinanka is said to live in packs.

That makes it even scarier.

I also feel that this alternate plan we have now is certainly promising if it works out, however the question is how do we get these legendary beasts to Plague Town.

With our current fragile little bodies, I guess we’ll be finished if we get a glare from afar.”

“Just fly a kite.”

Badger was optimistic.

He kept surveying the terrain and distance between Plague Town and the swamp sanctuary from a high altitude, then rubbed his chin and said:
“Adopting a relay-type guide and exempting our current vampire members, I think it shouldn’t be too much of a problem to lure it to Plague Town before we die out. The only thing we need to confirm now is if this beast is really powerful enough?
Can it help us break through the Plague Town’s defenses with its own strength?
And so on!

Did you guys hear any movement?”

“Over there!”

The most perceptive Meowshark immediately closed his wings and speed-dropped down towards the area of low growls and strange vibrations in the distance, followed by the other vampire players, who saw the scene they wanted to see as they approached the ground through the strange layers of shrouded green smoke over the forbidden land of this swamp.

A large group of jackal warlocks were commanding large swaths of undead in the ruins of a strange building to lay siege to a legendary monster.

The Ninkinanka, protected by swampy mud and water, continued to roar and unleash seismic attacks, each time ferociously crushing a large number of undead around it, and its special “ugly ugly ugly” and majestic appearance and jeweled skin also made a group of unseen vampire players cry out in disbelief.

“Is this the legendary creature of this world? Crap this sells hard to get! Look at its face and our oriental divine dragon have some resemblance, fish whiskers and horse eyes, cloud mane and unicorn horn, handsome!”

Badger exclaimed as he stared at the other’s thirty meter tower-like neck:
“And this guy is so big! Even if it’s thrown directly into the Monster Universe, it can still have a 1V1 solo with Skull Island Pretty Boy, right?”

“If you’re joking, then I think it’s funny, if you’re serious, I’ll tell you that Skull Island Pretty Boy’s adult body height is at 120 meters, and that’s a true ‘True Ape God’ without compromise.”

Next to him, Che Che grunted as he emphasized in a more serious tone characteristic of monster lovers and psychics:
“This swamp monster isn’t enough to look at in front of Pretty Boy, at most it’s on the level of bullying Wind God Tigers and Hell Cows, but considering that this thing lives in packs, so if their whole family comes in a wave, then Pretty Boy would probably have to pull his legs out and run away.”

“F*ck! Is this the time for you guys to talk about this? Is it the time for you guys to play Void Fighting Chess? Why don’t you hurry up and videotape it!”

Pigeon Treasure stretched out his hands and knocked both Badger and Che Che on the head, telling them to hurry up and get to work.

However, after seeing the true appearance of this legendary thing called Ninjiranuka with their own eyes, the doubts that the vampire little players had just had in their minds had all but disappeared.

Look at this super destructive power of others!
Look at this guy every hit will bring up a huge seismic know, as long as it can lead it out of this forbidden land, the district plague town really does not matter, what do you mean by legendary creatures of the platoon? The person’s flat A are AOE slice damage effect ah!
But soon, Meow Shark realized the problem.

He frowned and said:
“Why do I feel like these Jackals are stuck in a bug?”


The rest of the group looked at him with the eyes of caring fools, but Meowshark frowned tightly and reached up in the air, pointing at the terrain of the strange ruins in front of him, drawing another invisible line in front of him as he said:

“You guys, look! Every time those Underworld Knights and necromancers couldn’t hold their own, they would quickly retreat back behind that line under the Jackal’s command, and Ninkinanka wouldn’t give chase, and even if they occasionally rushed out, they would quickly return to the interior of that line.

It was like a strange ‘disengagement line’!
Just cross it and you can disengage from Ninkinanka’s combat status, cripes! I know what these jackals are doing! These bastards are using this feature to ‘bleed’ this giant snake! Bleeding in the physical sense!

Some jackals went up to get containers to purify the blood of the giant snake that was spilled in the muddy water, and they seem to be using the blood as a ritual medium to put a curse on the giant snake, which seems to be moving a bit slower than it was a moment ago.

Are these assholes trying to wear out this stupid giant snake alive this way?
Why can’t it cross that line?”

Meow Shark was puzzled.

The other players also looked at each other wide-eyed, and just when they couldn’t come up with an answer, a relaxed and prodigal voice suddenly sounded behind them, saying with a hint of teasing:

“Of course it’s because that’s the line drawn by the Creator, it’s like restraining the things of legend from stepping into the earth and causing trouble, even though the Creator’s power has dissipated after thousands of years, the ancient legacy has made this stupid and loyal serpent still not dare to cross this line.

It knew that if they did, they would be punished.

Well, all of the above is my guess, but I don’t think I’m wrong.”


The weapons in the student party’s hands pointed back in unison.

They then saw a guy dressed like a western cowboy putting a hood on himself while still showing off his “new clothes”, saying:
“My clothes from the Creator’s closet look pretty good, don’t they?

I don’t know if I’m wearing it correctly, after all, there isn’t a guide there. I don’t know if I’m wearing the right clothes, after all, there isn’t a guide there… I say I’m a god who made the world, but I don’t see much of a difference between us mortals… the same pursuit of pleasure and luxury and a unique way of life.

How does such a Creator deserve the respect of the mettlesome ones in this Era of Error?”

“Who are you!”

Badger looked at this inexplicably brushed out “NPC” in front of him, and the alarm bells went off in his heart as he shouted:
“Why are you here? Identify yourself!”

“Well, your language is so interesting, translating it into Transylvanian through the arithmetic pearl tsk tsk, if it was in the past, I would definitely have to spend some time to ask you about your unique culture.”

The explorer reached up and tugged at his hood, not caring at all about the vampires’ stabbing weapons.

The moment they launched their attack, the strange metal cane he clutched in his hand once again erupted in streams of light, like a halo that swept all the vampires around him, and in the next instant threw them all into the astral realm.

The explorer didn’t care about the question he had just answered.

While that one was an important answer, the dead wouldn’t spill the beans unless these weak black iron vampires could make it through the crisis-ridden astral realm until they were rescued, but how would that be possible?
The explorer let out a sneer and summoned his magic carpet for one last look at the jackals still fighting Ninkinanka, he shook his head and turned to go as well.

It was time for the final handoff with Torn Flesh.

The pathetic old thing still thought he could return safely to the Dark Mountains with the remains of the King of Biting Bones.

What a stupid jackal, Lord Gen has already made arrangements near the barren mountain, the power a gold ranked skeleton can wield in their hands can be too great.

Hmph, curse this misguided epoch!
After the Dusk Flame burns, all the filth that the foolish Creator has inflicted on this world will be purified! All things will be returned to their rightful place, and then the ancient original sin will be washed away, and the true era of quiet beauty and prosperity will come.

“Fuck! I’ve been sent to the astral realm again, that dog must be something, now listen to me and use your psychic energy to protect yourself. Trust me right! It wasn’t the first time Che Che had been sent to the Astral Realm.

I have plenty of experience getting lost!”

At this moment, in the chaotic and bizarre star world, the vampire players who had been banished here were learning how to survive in the star world under Che Che’s tutelage, but before they could complete their first step, a terrifying shadow quietly descended above these guys’ heads in the tearing of a lavender nebula.

With a vicious chill, Che Che turned his head and cursed:
“F*ck! It’s you asshole snake again! Wasn’t it you who ate me last time? You’re still addicted to it, aren’t you? Chasing after me? I’ll give you an electric shock!”

“Che Che, you’re fucking crazy, run! This is not a guy we can deal with, fuck, this snake’s head is as big as a castle! I’m afraid of giants.”

(End of chapter)

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