Chapter 47 47 NPCs are saying this game is too hardcore! Family members who

Chapter 47 47.NPCs are saying this game is too hardcore! Families who get it!

Led by the vampires, the rescuers, split into three teams, finally set foot in the city, as the survivors of the outer streets had largely been taken out by the smaller players, and the rest would require these people to go deeper into the outer city.

This was undoubtedly dangerous behavior.

But huffing and puffing over a hundred people with bright torches led by vampires deep into the ethereal night was also quite imposing, at least those fear derivatives in the shadows didn’t dare to just jump out again.

These invisible fellows were the manifestation of the filthy energy of the astral realm in the emotional guidance of mortals, in other words, as long as the group’s fearfulness subsided, the number of despair derivatives would also be relatively reduced.

In layman’s terms, the more you fear it, the more of it there will be.

And at this time in the ruins of the blackness of the fire dancing in succession, those fires let the Transylvanians renewed courage, in their culture, fire is a sacred thing, like the traveler’s campfire in the darkness of the night always intimidates the bad things in the darkness, so that they dare not wantonly do anything.

Of course, Murphy and the other three vampires and Maxim and the little players had to make occasional cameo appearances in combat roles; the Despair Derivatives were only the most trivial of nuisances, and the beasts of the astral realm that scurried out to frighten people from time to time were the real source of danger.

These guys who could only hunt for food in the fringe outer cities were not difficult characters for Missy and Mrs. Adele to deal with, but Murphy had a bit of a hard time dealing with them.

He was currently at the periphery of the area he was responsible for, fighting with a group of Star Realm Wild Dogs.

These guys were very vicious compared to the dogs of the material world, the state of the virtual body could even see the bones inside, while a pair of eyes lit obscure fires in the darkness of the night, and their sharp teeth and claws were attached with filthy energy, and a hit would be accompanied by a weak spiritual shock.

These traits are unique to the creatures of the Star Realm.

They existed outside of the material world and were born and raised in the filthy spiritual energy of the astral realm, and thus were very good at wreaking havoc on the spirits of material beings.

The good news was that Murphy was not alone.

The Star Realm Giant Wolves he summoned were also very good combatants, loyal and fierce enough to help Murphy share a lot of pressure.

The vampire didn’t use his newly learned Grave Sword Guard Sword Technique or the Shadow Elf Secret Sword Technique that he “whored” from Adele, both of which belong to the Advanced Sword Technique, which is powerful but needs time to slowly improve.

The fierce battle in front of him was more suitable for the Blood Wyvern Sword Art, which had already reached the Proficient level and was still powerful enough to be used in a wide-open manner.

Under the cover of the Star Realm Giant Wolf, Murphy quickly used his sword and crossbow to finish off four of the six Star Realm Wild Dogs, the remaining two saw the situation and tried to run away, only to be bitten to death by the ferocious Giant Wolf jumping over and biting one of them.

The last one fled into the darkness of the night, Murphy did not chase but took off the permanently hardened psychic hand crossbow from his waist and very naturally raised his hand to aim.

This was one of the few times he had used a long-range weapon, but there was no rawness to it.

Probably because of the shooting proficiency Adele had fed back to him, plus the vampire’s precise and undisturbed vision in the darkness of the night made it easy for him to lock on and pull the trigger a few seconds later.


With a light buzzing sound, the short but sharp crossbow arrow shot out with a green shimmer, and the limping fleeing Star Realm Vicious Dog had its head blown off from behind, and its entire body flew out and smashed into the ground where it quickly dissipated and disintegrated.

[Shooting Skill – Hand Crossbow Proficiency Increased, Currently “Beginner”].

A line of hints jumped in front of his eyes, causing Murphy to breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, he still had a Dwarven shotgun in his bag, but it was too noisy to fit the vampire’s dark style, and it didn’t fit Murphy’s understanding of “firearms”.

However, the power is not bad, and can be matched with a hand crossbow for close-range combat.

Listening to Miriam said, this shotgun uses lead bullets with some special engineering powder called “burning gold”, so its destructive power in the middle and long distance is quite considerable, it is said that the dwarves of the earth priests also have a special dragon’s breath bullets, can be in the close range to ignite all the darkness of the evil spirits.

Priests with large caliber guns to physically exorcise evil spirits?

That’s good, that’s very Dwarf, and that’s very Wunderkind-Charged.

“Lord Murphy, this neighborhood has been searched and we’ve rescued 37 more people, should we continue on?”

Black Silk, whose face was covered in black ash and whose body armor was covered in dust like he had crawled out of a coal kiln, ran to report.

This guy was carrying a shovel, and the combat recruit’s greatsword was carried behind his back.

He seemed to be in good spirits, Murphy looked back at the crowd behind him, the men with torches were actively protecting the rescued women and children in the center, and there were also some people rummaging in the ruins.

Compared to when they set out, their morale has now quietly recovered a lot.

“Exit first to the walled defenses, where there is water and food.”

Murphy replied:
“Come back in after a 15 minute break, also, make a note of the few who have been most active and have Miriam issue them weapons, Maxim will enlist them in the militia. We’ll do another search before dawn, this time deeper and more dangerous.

The vampire’s keen senses made his ears twitch as he looked back at the darkness before him and spoke to Blackthorn, who was feeling furtive:
“You guys go back, I’ll stay here . There’s a ‘big guy’ up ahead!”

“I can fight with you too!”

Black Silk Brother immediately straightened his back and said something beautiful, obviously wanting to take the opportunity to brush up on his goodwill, Murphy glanced at him with a gentle expression and patted his shoulder, encouragingly saying:

“Wait for later, your potential needs time to cash in, precious warrior blood can’t be wasted here.”


The favorability had definitely risen!
Black Silk Brother looked at Murphy’s soft expression and felt a surge of joy in his heart, then obediently retreated back.

Murphy looked at his snickering expression as he left, and was deeply impressed that his acting skills were simply soaring daily as he got along with the little player, and if it continued like this, it was estimated that he would soon become the most skillful vampire in the Blood Wyvern Clan.

The torch-lit search and rescue party soon retreated towards the outskirts of the city, escorted by Brother Hesse and Lumina, while Murphy grasped his hand crossbow and swift sword and petted the giant wolf of the Star Realm crouching at his feet before stepping out into the blackness ahead of him with it.

He threw a range scout into it, and soon an information tag floated out into the blackness with a blurry, slightly red label:
[Star Realm Bobcat – Preying Status – High Danger]

“Is this guy stealthy?”

Murphy had a hard time catching what existed in front of him even with the vampire’s black night vision; the latter seemed to be an invisible fog that kept wandering back and forth in the ruins.

The Star Realm Giant Wolf at his feet also let out a low whimper just like the dog, obviously sensing the presence of danger.

According to Tris, Star Realm wolves were not considered powerful characters among Star Realm creatures, their individual combat power was poor, their strengths were their sharp senses and excellent hunter’s talent, and they often needed to form packs in order to fight against more dangerous things.

This Star World Bobcat clearly belonged to the “more dangerous” category.

However, as Tris also said, the wolves that formed a large-scale pack in the Star Realm were a real dominant force, so any life probably had its own way of survival.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Murphy crouched down and stroked the head of the anxious Star Realm giant wolf as he whispered:
“We are the two-man wolf pack, and I am your wolf king, follow me and hunt it.”

The Star Realm Giant Wolf seemed to understand Murphy’s meaning.

It quieted down and licked Murphy’s finger with its rough and illusory tongue, then searched over to the darkness next to it under Murphy’s instructions. Seeing that Murphy was alone, the hidden and cunning Star Realm bobcat immediately came to life, and it began to approach Murphy in a circle, causing the vampire’s back to ooze with a pinprick-like sensation.

The vampire was no longer a combat prima donna.

He adjusted his breathing and gripped the Ethnic Blade of Desire at his waist, and the hand crossbow in his other hand quietly pulled the trigger.

The thing was a classical weapon, and while its power was good, it needed to be reloaded again after it was energized.

One might need a more versatile long-range weapon, such as the scarlet hand cannon in Lady Adele’s hand that could fire six rounds, but that thing was a special weapon given to one’s housekeeper by Missy anyhow.

In the closed and conservative place of Transylvania, something like a firearm would be seen as cowardly and unwelcome by the tough folk.

Perhaps sensing that Murphy’s mind was wandering, the hidden Star Realm Bobcat soon attacked from behind.

It dropped down swiftly like a cloud of fog, intending to use the feline creature’s characteristic lockjaw to try to kill Murphy with a single blow, but at the moment of pouncing down, the vampire dodged the blow with a dashing and ethereal sliding dodge, dodging the blow in between.

Shadow Elf Family Secret Sword Art – Spectral Pace.

Although he didn’t have the time to study the Elven Sword Technique that Adele had fed back to him, Murphy had been quietly practicing the techniques used for dodging, and now the dexterity that had reached 16 points under the rare template’s support allowed him to launch a counterattack the moment he dodged.

The Blade of Desire Ethnicity turned into a foraging snake, biting down hard on the illusory skin of the Astral Bobcat, and the hand crossbow also fired at that moment, but that cunning beast dodged the crossbow arrow with that strange vaporization.

The vampire did not hesitate, and immediately tangled with the ferocious bobcat with his sword in one hand.

Although the name is bobcat, the size of this guy has nothing to do with bobcats, if you have to say, it’s probably similar to a leopard that has been enlarged twice, and it’s already about the size of a tiger.

Aside from the Star Realm creature’s trademark illusory outer skin with burning eyes and filthy sharp teeth, this guy had three tails, and each of them had scorpion-like barbs behind it.


One of the barbs was like a flying knife, grazed Murphy’s cheek and hit the wall behind him.

The splattering of masonry showed the destructive power of this thing, but then it was chopped off by Murphy’s swinging up and chopping off the tail, causing the Star Realm Bobcat to keep backing up in pain.

However, with a low gasp, the Star Realm Giant Wolf that had just run out of the room would come charging in at breakneck speed, slamming headfirst into the bobcat’s waistband and pouting it to the ground.

The two Star Realm beasts tore together and wailed, and Murphy also took the opportunity to pounce on the bobcat and give it two hard hits.

The Star Realm Wolf’s shortcomings in individual strength were quickly exposed, and was killed by the fighting bobcat’s lightning fast bite to the throat, but it, like the wolves under the leadership of the Wolf King, also returned the favor to its rival with its claws and wolf kisses before its own projection in the material world disappeared, tearing off the bobcat’s entire left paw.

At this point in the fight, Murphy had won solidly.

He wasn’t sad about the death of the star world wolves, not because Murphy was cold-blooded, but the star world creatures were just a projection in the material world, just like a player, when the skill cooled down and summoned again it would come back to life.

They will only truly die when they die in the astral world, which is similar to certain demons under another worldview.


The shaking swift sword pierced forward, as Murphy’s wrist flicked, a bloodied eyeball was sliced out of the star realm bobcat’s eye socket, the pain made the beast go mad, but without its eyes, without its paws, without its tail, it was only left to wait for death in front of Murphy.

Two minutes later, Murphy stabbed his sword into the bobcat’s ear, churned its brain to pieces, and dryly won the hunt.

In addition to the sense of accomplishment there were more practical gains:
[The Blood Vulture Sword Art proficiency has increased and is currently at “Master”!
This sword skill has reached its upper limit and cannot be further improved!

The Blood Vulture Swordsman’s career level has reached 10!

This profession has reached its maximum level and cannot be further advanced, so please look for a way to change professions.


The Blood Vulture Swordsman’s standard parent profession is Blood Vulture – Catacomb Swordsman, and he has mastered the Catacomb Swordsman Sword Technique, so please upgrade it to “Skilled” and make the Catacomb Badge to complete the transfer.

Currently masters the Shadow Elf – House Mejava secret sword art, and may choose to switch to: Shadow Elf Sword Bard.

To do so, you must raise your Mejava Secret Sword skill to “Master” and visit the Mejava Clan Temple to complete the transfer with the help of the Maiden of the Weaver’s Fate.

Character level 10!

“Trial of Power – Black Iron Body” triggers! Please read the power level and trial rules before completing this trial of power.]

A large series of prompts made Murphy’s eyebrows rise with joy.

Although it wasn’t an ordinary monster upgrade, the fierce battle with the Star World Bobcat had undoubtedly allowed his basic Blood Vulture Sword Art to break through the final bottleneck in a logical manner.

It wasn’t really difficult, after all, it was only a basic skill even if it was complicated.

But what surprised Murphy was that this Elven Sword Art that he had white whored from Adele could actually trigger a special transfer, which made him unable to help but have a bold idea.

This set of alien swordsmanship can be used as a “hidden reward” for the outstanding contributions of the young players?
And with hidden rewards, it wouldn’t be flavorful enough to have a Lucky Roulette or a Blind Box Diet without gathering all the other treasured items. That is, this “game” can not be kryptonite to become stronger, otherwise this set of mysterious degree of pull full of the elf sword out, how not worth a VIP3 membership rewards?
With such a regrettable thought, Murphy found the specific information of “Trial of Power – Black Iron Body” in the power level column of the character card:

[Explanation of Terms – Black Iron Body:
From the ancient tradition of the elves, the division of power is divided into several stages, respectively: mortal → professional → black iron body → silver body → transcendent – gold body → transcendent – perfect body / demigod critical.

These represent the ancient elven descriptions of the power of life at different levels.

The Black Iron Body can be interpreted as an ordinary person who, after rigorous training and constant battle, masters his body to the extreme and exerts its destructive power, while the significance of the Black Iron Trial lies in the unlocking and unlocking of an individual’s hidden potential through the challenge of a strong enemy.

Throughout the Black Iron Body stage, the individual will continue to explore their potential to complete a more powerful remodeling at the life form level, and then usher in the Silver Trial, which is the level of transcendent power gained from the embrace of psionic energy.]

“Not bad! Not too hard to understand, and this division of the elves really has that flavor of the game’s power system, so perfect that I don’t even need to tinker with it much before I can just take it and use it as game material.”

Murphy gave the description a nod.

Then he took another look at the contents of his Black Iron Trial, and then his entire face darkened:

[Trial of Power – Black Iron Body – Exclusive to the Vampire Race: Independently hunt down a Black Iron Rank enemy and drink the opponent’s blood to the fullest until the potential is unlocked, or independently challenge a Black Iron Rank – Elite Creature to complete the potential unlock.

This trial must be completed solo, any outside intervention will be considered a failure!


Murphy spat viciously in the darkness:
“It’s really just a simple and crude way to fight monsters across levels, right? In order to become Black Iron you have to slaughter a Black Iron Elite first? And you mean you have to choose a creature with blood?
So the astral creatures can’t do it?
In the current chaotic environment of Cadman City, where can I find a Black Iron ranked enemy with blood?

Why don’t you just make me one out of thin air?

That old saying is so true, reality is really a crappy game!”

(End of chapter)

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