452. Chapter 450 – 449 Blood Weakness, Machine Flight? For “Who else is with me?

Chapter 450 – 449. -For the “Who else is going to rob me” brothers [1625].


Ensign Robinson felt a stab of pain.

He struggled through the bewildering chaos as his own seemingly disembodied soul was drawn back down to earth again by the call of some force.

He uttered a groan, and with muddled difficulty tried to open his eyes.

“Highly burned chest and back, requiring multiple debridements and special care, and some degree of internal damage, but luckily Pigeon Treasure life-transferred him, which kept him from going into organ failure limbo.

The left arm, which had become completely necrotic, required complete amputation.

In addition there are broken bones in his back at the spine, an injury that according to my learning is not curable in this rudimentary environment, but perhaps you can come up with a plan?”

“Broken spine? Minor problem, I can complete the stitching and healing with ghost hair and abomination glue, but I’m old and weak and my hands are unsteady, I’ll teach you to operate this psionic technique, and with your skills you’ll definitely be able to stitch it to perfection.

But before that you’ll have to cut open his entire back, we’ll also have to check for damage to the psychic chakra in his body.”

The Ensign could hear the whispers around him.

It seemed as if people were talking beside him, and uncomfortable sensations surfaced from all around his body.

And his last memory was of fighting those damned skeleton armies in a swampy post, Major Ron about to be hit by a phosphorus firestorm when he himself defiantly lunged to crush him.

After that the memories were lost in the chaos along with intense pain.

The brave ensign thought that’s what it felt like when death came, but as it turned out, his life was far from over.

His duties to the king, the marshal and his superiors were not yet over.

It wasn’t just out of duty that Ensign Robinson had been so brave in defending Major Roane, but out of gratitude for General Thoros’ knowledge.

He had been a poor boy from Bourbon, unable to read or write, and with little prospect of a career in the Goldenrod army, he had been recognized and trained by General Thoros during the attack on Sycamore, and had been sent by the General to the military academy, where he had crossed the line between enlisted man and officer.

Although currently only a second lieutenant, but his future has been lit.

This kind of favor from the higher-ups makes him determined to repay the General, Major Ron is the youngest son of General Soros, he saved the Major as a matter of necessity, even if he died as a result, he would have no complaints.

However, the trajectory of fate never shifts based on the mindset and will of the person concerned, for example, in normal circumstances must have been dead Ensign Robinson this will be lying on the cold stone table with difficulty to open his eyes, his blurred vision to see is a young man with a mask is standing beside him.

There was a psychic light pulsating above his head, dazzling people who could not really see.

Because he was so weak and unable to move his neck due to the serious injuries from the burning of the Phosphorus Fire, he could only vaguely see that the latter was holding a willow-like scalpel in his hand and was cutting his skin, while on the other side of the operating table stood a guy with a withered face like a dry corpse, and with his eyes still burning with the ghostly blue spirit fire.

This was an undead!
This is the enemy!

Ensign Robinson’s bewildered mind tightened at that moment, and he instinctively tried to fight back, but before he could cry out he saw the undead dryad reaching out towards him.

His own vision darkened down in the growing coverage of the oddly smelling bandage-wrapped hand, and his own will was guided back into chaos by some evil psychic energy.

So, was one captured by the undead?


What about the Major?

Should he be okay?

This was a question that was destined to remain unanswered, and at that moment Feng, the busy pantsless demon beside the second lieutenant, glanced at the patient who had been reimposed with the stupefying spell, and he looked across at his mentor, Bella, and said:
“With such an uncertain effect of the drowsiness spell, it’s obviously not something that can be used for emergency surgery, I think it’s better to make the anesthetic.

Surgery requires precision!
I can’t allow my patients to suffer this kind of uncertainty that should be manageable.”

“However, the ingredients of the drug you gave are too complicated, and those otherworldly terms are simply incomprehensible to me.”

Bella, the necromancer serving as a surgical assistant, complained:

“I can’t understand the medical theories on your side, and I admit that death may have actually taken away a part of my intelligence, leaving me uninterested in those obscure terms and explanations.

But if it’s just deep anesthesia, I have here the recipe for the pterodactyl toxin that the Shadow Elves use in their hunts.

I can configure it as long as I have the ingredients.

It can achieve the controlled deep anesthesia effect you want, and tell me more about the concept of ‘implant’, right? You just said that this kind of burns, which in looking at me seems to be beyond cure, can be treated?”

“Well, the principle isn’t really that difficult.”

The pantsless demon who was doing the debridement with a whistle and gloves was like he was back in his familiar operating room, and he explained to his otherworldly mentor as he skillfully handled the ensign’s wounds:
“Because of the rejection reaction, we can’t freely obtain skin samples from others, but we can take a piece of sample from the Ensign’s other intact body parts to cultivate it under a special environment, and subsequently use a complex set of surgical procedures in conjunction with medication to re-grow the skin in the area where he was burned.

With some cosmetic surgery at a later stage, it would be possible to return him to the realm of ‘normal’, though of course it’s basically unlikely that he’d want to return to his original facial features.”

“Woo hoo hoo, on our side of the world, for this kind of injury one would go to a bishop level priest who can cast advanced healing spells to regrow the wounds, and even the skin can grow back along with it.”

The necromancer grunted in defense:
“It’s much more convenient than that complicated and cumbersome process of yours.”

“Yeah, psionics and magic are such no-nonsense contraptions that it pretty much washed away the science-based worldview I had molded for the first half of my life.”

Feng didn’t refute the idea, but he shook his head and said:
“However, as far as I know, the number of Episcopal priests in the entire continent who can easily perform high-level healing spells does not exceed five hundred, and a patient like Ensign Robinson, who comes from a humble background, is unlikely to come into contact with that circle in his lifetime.

Even if by some miracle he did find someone who could help him, the expensive offerings would be enough to make him choose to kill himself.

Our technology is complex.

But as long as the process goes through, and as long as I can work out a simplified method tailored to the situation, I can train many, many doctors.

One day, ordinary people will be able to undergo this kind of surgery.

This is the meaning of the existence of medicine, even with the special factor of psychic energy, ordinary doctors are still indispensable.”


The necromancer Bella did not dismiss this argument.

It stopped arguing with its own apprentice on a conceptual level and focused again on observing Feng’s maneuvers as he cleared and stitched up the patient.

It had to admit that Ah Fung’s skills were even better than the lunatic constructor Crippled Claw, no! The two were not even on the same level of skill.

Compared to Ah Feng’s precise-to-artistic stitching at this point, Crippled Claw’s kind of wide-open routine was more like butchery.

Thirty minutes later, Ah Feng’s surgery was done.

He put down his tools and took a few steps back to stretch his body, while the necromancer Bella took over the next job, it released a healing spell on the unconscious ensign and waited for the wound to heal while at the same time used a replica of an infusion tube to pour the alchemy nutrient solution that Feng had concocted with it into the weakened ensign’s body.

The chairs around the two men were filled with “Transylvania Field Hospital’s first phase trainees”, and they observed the whole operation in silence as a training subject before they were “on duty”.

On the second floor of this healing place, Murphy and President Natalie also watched the entire process.

“How was it?”

Murphy said to Natalie, who didn’t say a word, with her hands behind her back:
“My second warrior’s performance was not bad, right?”

“If this level of first aid and healing techniques can only be said to be ‘okay’, then I feel that most doctors in the entire continent have been reduced to the category of ‘charlatans’.”

Natalie commented in a pungent tone:
“This warrior of yours has enough attainments and qualities in the doctor’s profession to make King Louis’s royal physician feel ashamed, and I’ve never seen so many disciplines involved in just a simple wound cleaning and suturing.

Perhaps I should really take your advice and have the current healers and priests of the Church of Avalon come and learn from Mr. Yang.

Especially his philosophy in the medical field
If the bishop priests serve the dignitaries, then the medical philosophy he represents is one that serves the commoners completely, perhaps there is still a gap between the two in terms of effectiveness, yet just the philosophy itself is worthy of being recognized and learned from by all the followers of my god.”

“This is exactly what I was hoping to hear.” Murphy nodded as he addressed Natalie:
“The fledgling Church of Avalon is the largest healing organization in the hot land of Transylvania, and your priests have healed and helped many in the territory in recent months.

Yet their numbers are still too small for the commoners to bother the venerable priests and ministers with the occasional headache.

Therefore I would like to use the ‘field hospital’ we are building as an opportunity to invite all the priests and herbalists under your command to join it.

Together we can discuss healing methods and form a set of proven medical texts that we can use as a teaching tool to train more doctors and healers.

Like this book for example”

The vampire lord removed a hand-copied tome from his psionic bag and handed it to Natalie, who took it in her hands and scanned it, which had a rather peculiar name.

“The Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook?”

The president of the adventurer’s guild said in surprise:

“What does this mean? This book’s origin is something otherworldly?”

“Well, it’s a ‘treasure’ that my warriors brought from their side.”

Murphy explained with a subtle smile:

“It originated from a special strategy made by a great nation during a special difficult time, this book records hundreds of remedies and treatments and preventive methods for various diseases, it of course can’t be directly used by us, after all, the environment and even the manifestation of diseases in the two worlds are very different.

After all, the two worlds have very different environments and even manifestations of disease. It is of little use on this side of the world, but this kind of thinking can be borrowed.

A book like this certainly can’t make an ordinary person become a good doctor overnight, but it can ensure that even ordinary people know how to save themselves in a crisis situation.

I wish to leave this matter in the hands of the Church of Avalon, and I hope that you will compile the same book under the guidance of Feng.”

He looked at Natalie and said in a hushed voice:
“I’m sure you can understand how much the already bad reputation of the Church of Avalon will be saved once this set of books is edited and sent to all parts of the continent in our footsteps.

I also believe you have the vision to see the importance of this matter to the entire continent and to the faith of Avalon.

You want to save your faith and your church, and this is the best way to do it.

The Church should be rooted in the commoners, for it is from the commoners that you were born, and you may serve the nobles, but that is not the future you should seek.

An organization that is divorced from the grassroots is a rootless tree that will crumble with the slightest push.”

“I can understand that.”

Murphy’s words seemed to bring back some “painful” memories for Natalie, and the Demon Huntress, who had been a bit haggard lately, rubbed her brow and said in a low voice:

“That bastard has been feeding me such thoughts all day long, and the worst part is that I can’t find a single reason to refute him.

Even the most stubborn Eugene has been convinced by him, and at his suggestion, Eugene has even begun to gather clerics from all over the world to come and prepare to revise the ancient Avalon Canon to make it more adaptable to the new era.

Sister Jules even regarded him as a ‘think-tank’ like figure, and was even considering appointing him as the permanent undersecretary of the Faith Administration.

He also got me a new set of bylaws for the Adventurer’s Guild, and I have to admit that this new set of rules will allow me to better manage my organization and even my church”

“Oh, are you talking about His Excellency ‘Raven’?”

Murphy asked with a wink:

“He’s been doing odd jobs in the Adventurer’s Guild lately?”

“It’s not so much mucking around, he’s shouldering the expectations of Consul Miriam and Professor Malcolm to bring a code to this land. He needs a lot of information to help him accomplish this, and the resources at the disposal of the Adventurers’ Guild are exactly what he needs.”

President Natalie said in deep frustration:
“He is my advisor by name, but in reality I feel like I have been ‘hollowed out’.

He’s only been here for less than fifteen days, yet the captains under my command are already acting according to his instructions, and the most frightening thing is that after he took over the management, the efficiency of the entire Adventurer’s Guild increased by more than thirty percent.

Lord Murphy, am I useless?

I feel like I’m being crushed by Lord Crow in every aspect, except for force . Well, I can beat him up, that’s easy, but that means I’m admitting the fact that I’m far inferior to him in other aspects.”

“That’s normal.”

Murphy said with a shrug:

“Someone like Raven is a proper elite, one in a million kind of guy in the other world, and you can’t compare yourself to him.

The stuff he’s got in his head is enough to compel you to deviate from the path you’ve chosen.

I want you to stay true to your heart, Natalie, you’ve always been a believer, you have a duty to Avalon, and the Raven is a faithless man, or a rather ‘scary’ faithless man in a sense.

His previous occupation was jokingly referred to on the other world as ‘Devil’s Advocate’ .
You can learn from him.

But don’t let him interfere with your thoughts; once you follow his train of thought, it means you’ll soon be out of Avalon’s favor.

Raven no doubt thrives under Avalon’s watchful eye.

But what he can’t comprehend is that the gods are real in this world, and perhaps soon he’ll be taught a lesson by Avalon. I don’t think even the God of Nature’s temper would allow an unbeliever to dominate his sanctuary on earth.”

As the two spoke, things had shifted in the healing room below.

After Feng left with his apprentices, Count Sheron, who had received the news and rushed here, had already brought her apprentice, Loyal Brother, who was wearing the “Capitalist Suit”, into the room.

Loyal brother also carried an engineering toolbox in his hand, and a set of tools for drawing and designing was clutched under his mechanical arm.

Little Count Sherron flew through the air, still chattering to his best apprentice:
“This is the first implementation of our ‘disability insurance’, and while I think your previous proposal was a bad idea, I have to admit that if this system works properly, then I’ll soon be able to raise the money to rebuild Westcoat City.

Since it’s the first sample, it needs to be planned properly.

We, master and apprentice, are going to create a super powerful mechanical arm for this poor ensign, so that the barbarians of the Kingdom of Goldfinch can fully understand the beauty of machinery.”

“Yes yes, I think so too!”

Brother Loyalty wore an indescribable expression on his face.

He placed his engineering toolkit at hand and gleefully moved his eight mechanical fingers to take out a measuring tool and began to measure various data on the unconscious Ensign Robinson’s left arm as a way to customize a suitable combat robotic arm for him.

On the other hand, Xiao Xuelun took out a whole set of structural drawings of the mechanical arm that she had designed in her spare time, and began to pick and fine-tune it according to the data that Brother Loyalty kept giving.

“We’re going to use this war to declare to the warriors that machinery and steel are better than the weapons in their hands! This era may belong to psychic energy, but I am certain that the next era will be the era of machinery!”

Brother Loyalty said to Sherron as he busied himself:
“The so-called ‘Blood and Flesh are bitterly weak, and Machinery soars’ is the truth! Sooner or later, the Armsmasters who are still immersed in the realm of bayonet fighting and gun playing will learn that only the combination of flesh and machinery is the sure path to power and greatness.

Ensign Robinson’s ‘mechanical rebirth’ would prove it!
Speaking of which, this guy’s internal organs could be replaced as well, didn’t they say that there were prototypes of ‘iron lungs’ and ‘adrenaline pumps’ on the Halfling side?

Can you get some, little mentor?
Wouldn’t it be one step to transform this brave soldier into a ‘Medieval Evangelist’? What with two hearts and three lungs, nineteen sets of remodeling rituals, let him cross over from mortal to super god of war in one step.

Hmm, should we castrate his pain nerves?

Or give him a more powerful mechanical eye that can see through invisibility?
I feel sure he’ll need that.”

“Hey! Get your head out of your ass, Mr. Loyalty, those are realms we can’t reach yet! Let’s just be honest and give him a new mechanical arm this time, and develop these ‘advanced functions’ after Ms. Parian brings us back machine tools and special tools.”

“Aw, too bad . But we can add a mantis blade or a missile launcher to his robotic arm, right? Please, Mentor. This is the last holdout of my pathetic middle-aged self!”

“Emmm, fine, add one then! There can only be one, don’t mess around with it, Ensign Robinson is just a normal person, he can’t take that many modifications, if he really gets that ‘Cyber Psychosis’ you told me about before he’ll be screwed.”

(End of chapter)

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