447. Chapter 445: 444 Combining and Fighting for “Orchid Color

Chapter 445: 444.Combining Harmony and Hooking Up – For “Orchid Eyes” Brothers [1125

As soon as the “Report on the situation in the Filthy Swamp” was posted on the forums, several forces under Murphy’s command that were related to the events in the Filthy Swamp began their frequent activities.

There was no need to mention Hogg’s side, the Smuggler’s Woodland where it was located was the force that had the closest connection with the Filthy Swamp.

The Blood Claw Chief had completely cut off contact with that side after the last wool-gathering from Plague Town, and it had also begun to share all the intelligence it had gathered about the swamp at a very low, almost half-sold, half-given away price to the student parties that had long been active in that vicinity.

Speaking of which, the student party had gotten lucky this time.

When they captured the necromancer Bella, they were sure that there must be a hidden storyline in the Filth Swamp, so they decisively made the Smuggler’s Woodland the temporary base camp of their “Scarlet Beasts” guild, and now that the storyline is out here, these brave students have become the first group of players to set foot in the swamp under Transylvania’s command.

They had been preparing for this storyline, no longer relying on luck, but relying on the experience they had gained during this period of time to collect the supplies needed for long-term activities in the swamp.

Even the alchemy potion for preventing mosquito bites had been stocked up with more than a dozen boxes, and when they decided to take action, all the guys in the student party who had the profession of Spiritualist had at least one Commanding Sectional Staff on them regardless of their level or rank.

As the leader of the student party, the leader of the big pigeon even reached the game’s first “Friends of the Blood Claw” achievement.

As the first person to brush the reputation of the Blood Claw clan to worship, the good pigeon got the gift from the Hogg chief, and smoothly rode the cool skeleton warhorse that Lord Murphy had ridden at the beginning.

All the other team backbones had also changed into the majestic Seat Wolves to ensure their traveling speed in the swamp.

While the other teams were still making preparations for their advancement, the student party had already arrived at the advance post belonging to the Blood Claw Clan in the Filthy Swamp according to Hogg’s hand-drawn map.

Of course, nominally, it was them, the vampire pioneers, who had expelled the weak Bloodclaw Jackals and successfully occupied the Jackal’s outpost, after all, although everyone in the player camp knew that Hogg had already served as a dog to Lord Murphy, and even Colonel Fraser of the Goldenrod Kingdom knew about this, a superficial disguise was still necessary.

If the news of vampires and jackals making peace were to be rumored at the moment of the Black Plague’s imminent outbreak, it would definitely cast an undue shadow over the currently stable and favorable situation in Transylvania.

Of course, although the student party acted quickly, but this does not mean that they have a head start, because the situation of this “new map” of the Filthy Swamp is different from all the areas that players have raided before.

It’s just too big!

The entire filthy swamp is located in Transylvania and the center of the dark mountain range, counting the swamp forbidden land that small piece of unknown area, the current area of exploration has been equivalent to the whole of Transylvania but also a little bit larger, even just the undead near the town of plague activity area is equivalent to the entire dark baron’s territory.

Such a large swamp occupies a rather important role in the ecosystem of the entire continent.

The Church of Avalon claimed that once the filthy swamp was contaminated by the power of the underworld, it would have a devastating effect on the ecology of the entire continent and was not preaching fear, which was also the conclusion of several master witch hunters in the church after repeated discussions.

Avalon would not stand by and allow the Filth Swamp to be overrun by the enemies of nature, it would be the beginning of an ecological disaster.

“That’s too hard to handle, isn’t it?”

From the sentry tower of the emptied but kept intact jackal post, Good Dove looked ahead at the swampy hinterland that emitted a strange smell and greenish monsoon aura with a sad face.

With wandering undead visible to the naked eye coming and going in the muck in the distance, he leaned on his psionic mage staff and spat at Badger beside him:
“Although I was instructed by Hogg before we left to make sure not to split up our forces, I didn’t realize until I actually saw the situation that this dark line buried by the development team is just too damned big! It’s simply not something we can handle as a guild.

The simple idea of us going straight for the dragon before now seems a bit too naive, we still have to find someone to work with, otherwise we won’t even be able to get close to the Jackals’ outer defenses, not to mention attacking Plague Town.”

“Have you seen any game where a new map update can be chewed up by a single player guild? Probably no one other than you is thinking that they can level this place just by relying on us.

Peace of mind!

We just need to maintain our advantage over the other guilds.”

Badger was quite the general as before, and while calming the somewhat agitated Good Dove, he opened the map of the swamp that he had gotten from Hogg.

This was a “premium item” that they bought after they had swept the Bloodclaw Clan’s reputation to Worship, and Hogg had labeled all the information that he had found on it, so as long as they followed the map, it would allow the student party to avoid most of the trouble that would arise in the swamp.

The terrain of this swamp was quite complicated.

In many places, there are forked paths and even “death swamps” that can’t be distinguished with the naked eye, just like sand pits, if you mistakenly enter it, you won’t be able to climb out again.

“From Hogg’s private map, the terrain of Plague Town is guarded by different forces under the command of the Jackal Warlocks in three directions, so we must choose one.”

Badger said to Good Dove:
“We don’t have enough manpower to attack all the defenses at the same time, and I’m guessing that’s what the development team had in mind, that players wanting to participate in the main plot of attacking Plague Town in such a large and complex new map would have to choose a route of attack first.

There’s also the battle report that Fat posted on the forums.

There are a total of eight forces besides Lord Murphy that will appear in this big plot, and I’m guessing that each attack route will have at least one force that they can choose to engage and get assistance from.

Following the general flow of the game, we’ll have to cooperate deeply with the power of our choice in order to move the plot forward on all three lines at once.”


Good Dove nodded as he said:

“So, the perfect situation is to press the situation into our favor with the joint assistance of our respective supporting forces, and then we, the players, will attack the Plague Town with a bang and destroy those Jackal Warlocks?”

“Theoretically that’s the case, but since it’s divided into three fronts, there’s definitely a fast and a slow. According to the level of intelligence of the NPCs in this game, if they also participated in the siege of Plague Town, then the spoils of war afterward would definitely have to be shared with them.

If all eight Prestige Forces are involved, then even if we capture Plague Town, the benefits we can reap from it have already been divided to the most basic level.”

Badger put away the map and said thoughtfully:
“That’s why I think this is actually a hidden ‘challenge mode’!
Although the development team didn’t explicitly say so, they must have set up this scenario whereby players on a certain front advance swiftly, faster than the other two fronts to attack the Plague Town and complete the overthrow of the Plague Clan on their own without relying on NPCs to lead them.

The difficulty of doing so would definitely be incredibly high, but if we did do it, then the rewards that could be gained would definitely be amazing as well.

The volume of at least one player stronghold is definitely there!”

“Ow ow ow, I get it I get it.”

Good Dove’s realization dawned on him as he summarized:
“It’s the progressive buff mechanism of the Ice Crown Fortress, the full state of Haka and the zero-light challenge of Yogsalon, this development team can really come up with something new every time. However, according to the strength of the players now, the whole without the participation of NPCs to help basically impossible to deal with this.

Even if we gather all the player guilds together, we still won’t be able to do it.”

“Hey, we’re still too few and our strength is still too rookie! It’s all because the development team isn’t willing to take people in on a large scale.”

Badger hammered the railing with great displeasure as he stared in the direction of Plague Town and said:

“We have less than two hundred Black Iron Warriors at full strength right now, if we had five hundred Black Iron players we’d be able to push our way through flat out, but no matter what, if we want to maintain the highest earnings we have to try to avoid NPCs from massively getting involved in the Plague Town’s raiding operations.

You’ll have to go to the forums and communicate with a few other guild leaders, we’re all in a competitive relationship but we still need to reach a consensus on certain key things before we can act.

In addition, you have to talk about the ownership of the three battle fronts in advance!

Before the two group book are all people together, make the final split equipment and benefits have to be divided equally, although the equal share is nothing bad, but if you can own the round that is not beautiful?

This time, it will be a copy of the Raider War! Each guild will take turns!
In the end, if we really can’t take it down, then we’ll talk about joining forces together.”

“Good! I’ll go now.”

Good Dove immediately took hold of the communication jewel and logged into the forum, while Badger himself spread his wings and flew down to the sentry tower, relaying his thoughts to his companions below who were gearing up.

A few fellows in a dormitory of course had no problem with it, they were all veteran players who had long been eager to make a career out of it, while the student party new to the game were also eager to try it out, rubbing their fists together, and the honest Dog Egg, who had just passed the Black Iron Trial last week, even suggested:
“Now that our Scarlet Beast Troupe rating has reached the second level and has the authority to recruit on its own, I see that the scale of this event won’t be over for a while, so why don’t we take advantage of this opportunity to have a ‘big practice’!
By me and the four traveling scholars to recruit alumni offline, let them take advantage of this new plot into the game to sharpen their skills, I estimate that this is the last big event before the arrival of the black plague, they come in to practice well in time so that we can shine in the black plague, to add color.”


Badger nodded, and the shrimp catcher next to him who was carrying a big axe also raised his hand and said:
“How many people can we find in our school alone?

This is a war, we need good brothers who can fight when they’re online, like this, after I get offline tonight, I’ll go to the gymnasium in the university town, I also have a few good brothers there, and they train every day, so energetic that they’ll be braying like a donkey.

I’ll find the backbone of their student union and pull a group of strength department animals in to build up their momentum.

The guys over at the gymnasium are real ‘good soldiers’, each and every one of them precipitating the party.”


Badger thought this was a good idea, at this time Che Che, who was sitting cross-legged in place and was recording today’s spell book, shook his head while holding his Command Sectional Staff and said:
“It’s still a matter of selecting the best of the best, even if we get to the second-tier guilds, there are only a dozen or two slots that we can share each week, we’ll have to have a ‘tournament’ offline! We need those who can work as soon as they come in, or else all the lead we’ve managed to secure will be spent on training newcomers.

As it happens, isn’t the ‘Great Lover’ Niu Niu unable to go online these days? Let him go to the gymnasium to ‘kick off’ and get us a batch of raw power.”

“Well well well, that’s a good idea!”

Nee gave Luda Oil and Khaki Toni Too mouths were about to burst into laughter.

They felt that Che Che’s idea was great, but after the Cuckoo Chicken and the Electronic Snail combined their ideas, they came up with another idea and said:

“It’s not just offline, we need to call out our friends online as well, this time, since it’s a guild war, it’s not just a few big guilds, the smaller guilds definitely need to participate as well. It’s impossible for us to occupy all of a battlefront, so we need to gather those small guilds that have good relations with us in advance to form a joint front with the casuals.

There’s no need to mention the Stonemasonry Brotherhood of the Traveling Scholars, they’re our own brothers, and I think that the ‘Demon Eight Jiejie Collection’ can be brought in as well!
Dog egg brother is not their counterparts?
You go and walk around.

Their taking the evil route doomed them to not work well with both Brother Woo Meow’s witch hunters and Brother Stick’s army, but we are vampires.

Born midnight creatures go best with these evil magicians.”

“Hmmmmm, those eight teasers are actually pretty interesting, I don’t think they’d turn them down for sure. Apart from them, the Shadowfiend faction can also cooperate, don’t we have several members among them?”

The honest dog egg heatedly laughed and pulled down his hood, and raised the Soul Snatching Scythe in his hand, and the four elite skeleton army beside him immediately escorted him to get up.

Hey, that’s what it takes to be evil.

“Yes, the Shadow Tracker Faction should be pulled in as well, I heard that Cat and that Uncle Yang have an exclusive mission in the swamp, so I don’t think they should refuse to cooperate with us.”

The plan has been finalized now it is left to execute, Badger took his good brother Goo Goo Chicken to enter the swamp first to check the situation of the battle line.

His heart is full of fire, as a young man, if he is not a bit arrogant, he will be ashamed of this good time, they will make a good career this time, and show those people in the society the real strength of the “future flower of the motherland”.

At the same time as the students acted, the other guilds were also not idle.

They didn’t focus on Hogg’s Smuggler’s Woods as a key strategy, which caused them to fall behind at the beginning of this big event, but it seemed that this lag was still within an acceptable range.

After all, the development team hadn’t officially announced the specifics of this big event yet, so there might be surprises waiting in the back.

A momentary lag doesn’t mean anything.

In this 100% realistic world, walking fast is not an advantage, walking steadily and being able to successfully reach the end of the line is considered a success.

Not only did the students realize the necessity of guild cooperation, but Happy Stick also wanted to unite with their “traditional allies” from the very beginning, but this time the situation had some subtle ups and downs.

“What do you mean? What do you mean by ‘compare’ this time? Do you have other partners out there?”

In the barracks beside the trenches of the Dark Baron’s territory, Stick, who had just been sucked out of Meria’s blood and was still weak, stared wide-eyed at Brother Meow, who was sitting across from him, and the latter sipped his tea and said in a long voice:

“That’s literally it, we, Big Bird Corps, won’t cooperate with you this time, we plan to go it alone. The information that Pigeon Treasure just shared on the forums is very interesting, and if it’s going to be split into three fronts, I’m going to ‘contract’ one of them this time.

Brother Stick, your guild is currently the number one guild in Transylvania, you don’t need this many of us to handle one of the fronts on your own.

I won’t go and join in the fun with you.”


Stick wasn’t angry.

He hadn’t known Brother Woo Meow for more than a day or two, and knew that the guy had a cause, but he stared at Brother Woo Meow and said:
“How many of you are there? Trying to eat a line alone is a bit too much of an appetite, aren’t you, you’ve joined forces with other guilds?”

“Well, Lady Water has reached an agreement with me on behalf of the Silver Moon Corps, and both of us will take down a front together.”

Brother Woo Meow didn’t hide anything as he said:
“The map of the Filthy Swamp is too big, I consulted Sister Marianne on my way here, and she told me that although the Filthy Swamp is not the preferred terrain for natural powers, the swamp power is also an offshoot of natural psychic powers, and the warriors of the Church of Avalon can gain some natural reinforcement in it.

And certain things produced in that swamp are very beneficial to our natural path.

Lady Water guesses that once we take Plague Town, it will become a permanent unit similar to a stronghold.

Currently Governor Murphy has another stronghold in his hands that has not been delegated, and Lady Water and I are in agreement that Plague Town will most likely be the third stronghold, and we can’t afford to give up such a large benefit, this is no longer the time to talk about years of friendship, Stick.”

“But even if you are united, you are still outnumbered!”

Happy Stick said with a frown:
“Unless you recruit NPCs, but that means you’ll have to split some of the loot, unless wait! The Knights of the Riptide have sided with you as well?”

“Ha, that’s really smart.”

Brother Woo Meow said with a big grin:

“Tepal’s knights have the advantage of quantity, and we and the Silvermoon Regiment have the advantage of quality, so by working together the three parties can maximize their benefits, so Brother Stick, we’re rivals next.

Let’s see who’s better!
Let’s see who can be the first to plant their flag on top of the high tower in Plague Town!

I have a feeling that NPCs won’t be too involved in this big event This is the stage that the development team has reserved for us! Now it’s time for us exotic warriors to perform a victory dance for Transylvania.”

(End of chapter)

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