420.Chapter 418 417 Basic Labor Force 60,000, and then so on down the line

Chapter 418 417.Base Labor Force +60,000, if this goes on Murphy is going to get rich overnight!
The military observer mission of the Kingdom of Canary Blossom departed with great vigor, and Marshal Short Man was courteous enough to make an announcement to Murphy’s side before his own army departed. His intention was for the cunning Murphy to be ready to receive 10,000 armed bloodservants and 50,000 soldier ruffians along with all the scummy criminals in the prisons of the East Prussia region.

Though doing the same thing, Marshal Loren, a young dwarf in his seventies, was still apparently not as shameless as the Yankee politicians.

Though never friends with the Transylvanians, he himself felt that what he was doing now was a bit unseemly.

He had thought that his notification would make Murphy storm, but he did not expect the other party’s reply in the arithmetic treasure pearl to be quite calm, and that tone of voice even contained a deep sense of pleasure and anticipation This made Marshal Loren wonder if Murphy had gone crazy because he was under too much pressure in his governorship?

In the current situation in Transylvania, what is there for a vampire governor to be happy about?
Shouldn’t you be trying your best to find a way out before the conflict breaks out?

Marshal Loren was puzzled by this, but he didn’t understand the significance of the “labor force” he had sent to Transylvania on all levels.

Murphy and his administration had been plagued by manpower problems for a long time.

Although there are now mountain people and stragglers to ease the situation, but these “admiration for the king, took the initiative to join” people are Murphy and Miriam eyes of the meat and potatoes, is absolutely not willing to throw into the dark baron’s territory to dig pits or sent to repair from the Cadman Earl’s territory to the big straight road to the Westcoat territory.

As the time of the black plague approaches, Murphy now urgently needs a batch of “consumables”.

And Marshal Loren at this time sent the Governor the things he needed most, and sent 60,000 people at one time!
What kind of concept is this?

Even if we take the situation of the trenches being dug in the Barony of Darkness near the area of the Filthy Swamp where one or two dozen men are dying every day, this batch of consumables will be enough for Murphy to survive until the Maginot Line is established and transfer them to the road construction project.

The Brotherhood of Stonemasons would have access to enough basic labor to make the construction work, under their sole responsibility, a thousand miles a day, as long as Old Chentou and his two disciples were ruthless.

However, after all, Prof. Chen was an intellectual, and his heart was too good to see the cruel exploitation of humans by those humans.

Therefore, the ash-beater and the bricklayer never let Old Chen Tou go to the Dark Baron’s Territory, lest the sentimental old man feel sad when he saw the scene at the front line where people were used as livestock.

However, Murphy and Miriam’s tacit approval of the frontline’s behavior also spawned an unexpected result.

According to the report of the secret informant under Adele’s command, the dogs digging trenches at the front line actually became more cooperative and obedient after seeing the humans sent over to do the same work and receive the same treatment as them.

Some of the leaders of the dog-headed clans have begun to believe in Murphy’s promise, and they believe that Governor Murphy will definitely treat all the races in his territory as “equals”!
They believe that Governor Murphy will treat all the races in his territory equally! See how hard this vampire can hit the humans, and since the establishment of the Scarlet Fortress, the members of the Blood Vulture Clan have been carrying out a strict hunt for traitors.

Therefore, Lord Murphy would never allow a superior ethnicity to appear in his territory.

This report had once caused Murphy great distress.

Although he was happy to see this scene, the vampire governor could not help but ask those dog-heads, is there something wrong with your understanding of “equality”?

Ow, do not talk about equal benefits, now we are talking about equal punishment, right?
Your requirements for a pathetic life are really low, this description is the perfect description of the word “pathetic”, right? It is fortunate that the dog’s head is not very good with the brain, if this is replaced by Hogg that ass, this will absolutely sing praises to Murphy.

Anyway, after a series of arrangements that Marshal Loren couldn’t understand at all, three days passed by in a flash.

As Colonel Fraser brought the chief officer of the military observer mission with the complicated composition of the army under his own command to enter the Transylvanian territory in great numbers, they met the personnel from the Scarlet Fort who came to receive the prisoners near a newly-built post station close to the Sikor Territory and the Andromeda Hills.

There were quite a number of them, probably several hundred at a glance.

The dozens of large and stern winged cavalrymen at the head of the group made the young officers of the Pioneer Legion look at each other sideways. Although not everyone here had participated in the Battle of Xike City more than two years ago, they had heard of these winged cavalrymen who had almost broken Marshal Loren on a spiritual level.

As for Colonel Fraser, he observed more.

He saw that these wing cavalrymen still had a somewhat childish aura about them, which was enough to show that these were new recruits, in other words, the wing cavalrymen had already begun to rebuild.

This was not good news for the Pioneer Legion.

Colonel Frazier, who had personally participated in the Battle of Westcoat City, knew that once these guys recovered their vigor, then their feud with the Pioneering Legion would have to be reintroduced on a daily basis.

“Hats off to you! Sir.”

General Maxim of the People’s Army, who had been officially appointed as the main military officer of Transylvania, marched forward on his horse, and he said solemnly to Colonel Frazier:

“On behalf of Governor Murphy and Consul Miriam, I would like to welcome you all to Transylvania to assist us in dealing with the Black Plague, and we have already chosen several quarters for you…”

“I won’t trouble you all with that one.”

The Colonel said in a quiet voice:
“We will choose for ourselves where we will stay.”

“Well, that’s out of your hands, gentlemen.”

Maxim said with an expressionless face:

“Transylvania is not a colony of the Kingdom of the Golden Sparrow, and the decade-long war ended with this land still unbowed. Since we didn’t bow down to you in the most difficult of times, you can’t expect us to suddenly turn into a shrinking violet now that everything is on the upswing.

Please take your officers to the Scarlet Castle to meet the Governor and His Excellency the Consul, Colonel, and your men will have to stay here until both sides are agreed!

The Transylvanians have no tradition of allowing the armies of other nations to move freely across our lands.

Please note!
This is not a request.”

Such a forceful reception caused a stir among the younger members of the Observer Corps, and Major Ron, Colonel Fraser’s adjutant, was about to open his mouth at once to retort only to be silenced by the Colonel’s gesture.

He looked at Maxim, who had acted together before, and saw the stern light in the other man’s blood-colored pupils.

He knew that this was not negotiable.

Unless the Pathfinder Legion was planning to do battle with the Transylvanians here and seize control of this land once and for all, they would have to accept these guys’ arrangement.

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with your arrangement.”

Colonel Fraser nodded, but then his words changed and said:
“But all the wear and tear incurred during the time my soldiers stay here will have to be paid for by you, since you call yourselves the masters of Transylvania, then show some hospitality!”

“Transylvania may be barren, but it’s still capable of entertaining a bunch of uninvited guests.”

Maxim whispered:
“Please, gentlemen, calm the soldiers, the reception of prisoners has already begun, besides, where are the ‘consumables’ that the half-dwarf marshal supported us with?
Our representatives from the various trades are ready to select ‘talents’.”

“They are human, albeit scum, but I hear a lot of uncertainty in your words.”

Colonel Fraser responded:

“Though I have no love for them, I do hope, out of fellowship, that you do not take them indiscriminately as vampire food.”

“You’ve been away from Transylvania for a long time, Colonel, and your understanding of vampires in this great land is stuck in the past; we’ve long since moved on from that kind of foolishness of killing chickens for their eggs.”

Maxim said casually, carrying his riding crop:
“The act of using people as blood packs is such a waste, their talents need to be explored, whether they want to or not! Only those who are worthless can be slaves to provide blood.

That will also be their last use in Transylvania.”

While the two sides were conversing at a high level, the people who had followed Maxim here had already begun to move.

Colonel Flanders, the former war hero of the Third Brigade of Armed Blood Servants, had already chosen to retire, and instead of joining the Kadman People’s Army to become Maxim’s aide-de-camp, he was relieved of his armor and elected again as the leader of a coalition of stragglers who were about to head to the Spectre Baron’s Domain to reclaim their land.

But now that some of his compatriots from the past were returning to Transylvania, the colonel in the prime of his life did not refuse Maxim’s invitation to come here as a representative of the armed Bloodservants.

Accompanied by several officers of the People’s Army, he came to the queue of the 10,000 armed bloodservants who had been captured by the Kingdom of the Golden Sparrow.

He looked at his compatriots in front of him, who were exhausted and no longer had the light in their eyes, and was quite saddened by the fact that the Third Brigade had been captured by the Yankees and sent off to the Great Wilderness to build the steam railroad that was constantly devouring lives, and that the Bloodservants of the First and Second Brigades in front of him hadn’t had much of a good time in the POW camps of the East Prussia.

Colonel Flanders saw men with whip marks on their bodies, dressed in rags without the bearing of a soldier, and some of the invalids were placed on wagons, with their hair and faces like beggars. Some of them had seen Flanders, the war hero, and some of them were barely decent officers who made an effort to salute the colonel.

Flanders responded to each one, and then in the midst of all the attention he shouted:

“Where is your commander-in-chief? Where is General Berkeley? Is Colonel McCann still there? Where is Colonel Mario? Is he still alive? Squeak out!
Don’t hide behind your own men like a coward!”

No one responded to him, only a sea of numb eyes spoke of silent suffering.

Several minutes later, a major with a broken leg was carried by his own soldiers to Colonel Flanders, a man whose physique had wasted away to such an extent that his once well-fitting uniform was as empty as a flour sack on him.

He spoke very faintly even as he lay on his back behind the soldier, and he said to Flanders:
“Hail to you, Colonel, I am Major William Scott, Captain of the Assault Company of the First Brigade, and the commanders-in-chief you seek are no more.

The Kingdom of Goldfinch captured us and sent us into the mines of Anjou, they did not kill us but what awaited us was hard labor for over two years.

General Berkeley died in a suspicious mining accident.

Colonel McCann was swept under a cliff in a mudslide trying to save his soldiers, and as for Mario that bastard defected.

He took fifteen hundred of his elite blood servants and defected to the Wolf Vulture faction of the Wolfsbane Clan.

I had been one of the only officers left, and the assholes in the Kingdom of Goldfinch were apparently systematically purging us, but the Mother of Midnight took pity on us and allowed us to eventually return to our homeland.

I’ve heard that the 3rd Brigade suffered the same thing.

Those shameless bastards in the POW camps will still remind us of what happened to you in the Great Wilderness, saying how merciful they were not to take our lives.

They call themselves the embodiment of ‘civilization’.

I shucks!”

“We failed, and this is what happens to losers.”

Colonel Flanders was silent for a moment, then said softly:

“You have returned, and this represents the end of your long and bitter service. I must tell you with heartfelt relief that the current ruler of Transylvania, Governor Murphy, is a vampire like no other, and while we may not necessarily reap the life we desire under his rule, I can assure you that you will not be subjected to discrimination and abuse in your homeland.

I and a few other retired officers have formed the ‘Transylvanian Veterans Guild’, a semi-official civilian organization, and the Executive Branch has allocated us enough supplies to arrange for our brothers’ future lives and destinations.

Major William, I now solemnly invite you to join us, the brothers have already shed blood for their homeland, so we can not let them shed tears again.

Of course, the work you will have to shoulder afterward will still be heavy.

The Kademan People’s Army is recruiting qualified soldiers, and you will be responsible for selecting enough of the current 7,000 men under your command to be transferred to the People’s Army.

A further 1,500 men will be drawn to become militia in defense of the villages and cities, and the rest of your brothers will be demobilized.

Those with families will join them, those without will be dispersed into the collective farms, or will follow our newly formed Barony of Darkness Reclamation Regiment to the south to build our villages and cities with our own hands.

I’ve got authorization from His Excellency the Governor!
As long as we can do it, we can have our homes back! His Excellency the Viceroy has even named our future territory himself.

He named it ‘Dalung County’.

I don’t know what that means, but I believe the name is full of blessings for us.”


Major William, who was being carried, froze, and he subconsciously lowered his tone:

“But the Black Plague…”

“We can’t escape it, William.”

Colonel Flanders whispered:
“Unless you are willing to leave your homeland once again and live a rootless life, would you still make that choice after everything you’ve been through before?
I think that even if we have to die, we have to die in our homeland! It’s the last vestige of dignity for us guys who can no longer keep up with the times.

What do you say?”

The Major, who was already very tired and now just wanted to take a rest, was silent, and no one from the junior officers around him raised any objections.

Anyway, the situation had already gotten so bad, how bad could it get any worse?

The reception on their side could be described as a peaceful handover, but the situation on the side of the 50,000 border guards that the Kingdom of Canary Flower had aided to the Transylvanian side was less descriptive.

The line of 50,000 people stretched all the way across the grassland of Xike Collar like a black tide, even if these people did not bring weapons just the number of people was enough for them to form a large-scale chaos after they were disbanded, but fortunately the officers of the Military Observation Mission were still a little bit of a score, and didn’t unleash these guys as soon as they entered Transylvania.

Several of the officers who had been assigned the task of transporting the “consumables” reluctantly handed the roster to Prof. Malcolm, who had come to receive the aid on behalf of the Administration.

The professor didn’t take the time to exchange pleasantries with the people from the Kingdom of Golden Sparrow, and after getting the roster, he returned to his own side, flipping through it while saying:

“The Pathfinder Legion’s information gathering was very muddled, they didn’t register the individual specialties of these Border Guard soldiers, which means you’ll have to find a way to recruit the needed manpower on your own.

That’s 50,000 men, and it won’t be done in a while, so my advice is to spread them out”

“Don’t go to that trouble, Professor.”

The representative of the Brotherhood of Stonemasons, Brick Mover, waved his hand and said with a big grin:

“We’re about to start building the two big straight roads from Scarlet Fortress straight to the south and the north, and according to Old Chen Tou’s calculations, in order to finish them in three months without specialized tools, we need at least 30,000 laborers to work overtime.

I mean to split them up right here.

First of all, they all form a group of 20 basic labor force, and after that, who has any talent and so on to the construction site will naturally be examined by someone.

I’ve brought twenty foremen with me, and we can each take three hundred people.”

“We need all the veterans with artillery experience!”

Tiger Leopard Rider-Lin, who had come over to pick people on behalf of the Scarlet Hammer and Sickle Regiment under the People’s Army, also exclaimed:
“Brother Stick said that we’ll bring all the valuable people over first, and then we’ll slowly reform them afterward.”

“Alright, alright, you guys pick first.”

Moving Man shrugged and said:

“I’ll take people away after you all finish picking.”

“But that means they have to stay here.”

Professor Malcolm frowned:
“That’s fifty thousand people, temporary lodging and all.”

“Couldn’t they just build themselves a POW camp on the spot?”

The bricklayer glanced up into the sky and unsurprisingly saw the spirit vulture Revlono soaring in the sky, that meant Lord Murphy was looking this way.

He squinted and said:
“With so many people, a brick each could build a town. This is the first order of aid, so if they’re not willing to do even this little thing, that means there’s actually no need to keep the windowpane, right?
Aren’t the winged cavalry under Knight Valand waiting for orders a kilometer away?
Honestly, I’d kind of like to see these guys start a riot, really, the people outside of Transformation have always been more afraid of authority than they are of virtue, so the age-old wisdom of the killing stick is a necessity in any age.”

(End of chapter)

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