417.Chapter 415 414 The development team unanimously decided after a study that it was

Chapter 415 414.The development team unanimously decided after research that it was time for a wave of enhancements to the human race
The forums had gone crazy.

Just ten minutes after Lumina’s post was sent out, the heat of that post allowed it to overwhelm many of the previous cheats and demystification posts to climb up into the catalog of the forum’s most discussed threads, but of course only a very small portion of them were seriously discussing about the significance of the racial conversions and the actualization of the pin-up feature to the game’s current progress.

The vast majority of the discussion centered on the small video Lumina sent out with the post.

The cunning bard had videotaped the entire process of her “face-lift” into a female version of Lord Murphy, which immediately blew up when it was made public.

In addition to some abnormal guys on the ground to start the sob story mode, most people are lamenting Lord Murphy this “natural beauty” degree is really not unusual.

This kind of almost perfect neutral face is really unisex ah.

Unfortunately, just when the discussion was at its peak, the administrator Alpha suddenly appeared and locked the post.

That’s not really a bad thing.

Because there are already some guys are discussing “collective plastic surgery” into Lord Murphy’s appearance to form a “Transylvanian men’s heavenly group” debut, to charm the continent’s thousands of young girls and young women.

Although they praise Lord Murphy is a handsome man to make Lord Murphy very happy, but you are ready to wear Lord Murphy’s face to do bad things, let Lord Murphy can not be happy.

Subsequently, the test group official also released a detailed description of the “racial conversion” and “pinup face” features, after Lumina’s revelation set off a “super heat” to put the After Lumina’s revelation, the matter was officially finalized:
A description of the ‘Race Conversion’ and ‘Shape Customization’ features of the ‘Real World’ game support function:

Under the pressure of the day-to-day feedback from the treasures, the programmers in the development team had to perform a mysterious ritual.

I heard that they sacrificed the loser as an offering to the god of all machines after an internal duel, and finally got the blessing to allow them to smoothly knock out those wonderful codes and finish designing the complex features.

However po-po-po’s shouldn’t get too happy too soon.

Because the ‘Race Conversion’ function is still under testing, and the tester ‘Lumina Yang Trace’ is the tester chosen by the development team after three times of shaking the number.

She will be responsible for cooperating with the development team to complete the subsequent testing and improvement of this ultra-complex feature, and your hairy brother I have already communicated and exchanged in detail with the development team side.

The program apes have assured that this function can be officially launched in the near future, but because of the plot flow, we must wait until the ‘Black Plague’ event is over before we can give Lord Murphy more time and energy to focus on these matters that have nothing to do with the main line.

In order to appease the disappointment of the Pozi, after discussion with the decision-making team, we have decided to bring forward the ‘Shape Customization’ feature.

This function needs to be explained in detail here.

Knock on the blackboard, please listen carefully to the precious children!

First of all, the Appearance Customization function does not change your character’s attributes or racial talents, it is only a secondary application based on the ‘Psychic Projection Reshaping Technique’ researched by Madame Tris.

You can obtain the permission to customize your appearance after completing an exclusive quest chain, and change your appearance and body type based on all the races currently included.

Notice the problem? Pozi’s.

Your currently optional appearance customization templates are based on other races that have interacted with Transylvania in some way as the game’s storyline progresses; ethnicities that exist only in legend are not included in your choices.

Secondly, shape customization can have an impact on the stability of a player’s psychic projection, so the development team suggests that players should not attempt it until they have reached the Black Iron rank.

A player is allowed to undergo shape customization once in three months, which minimizes the risk of you suffering an ‘accident’.

Lastly, it should be emphasized once again that appearance customization is only a modification of your character’s appearance.

Just because you change yourself into a Dwarf doesn’t mean you’ll be able to access Dwarf racial talents, and you’ll have to wait until the ‘Racial Conversion’ feature is installed before you can realize the deeper level of talent conversion.

Most Most Last!
The service is currently supported by psychic spells from Madame Tris’ Alchemy Lodge, so players will need to pay a large service fee for Madame Tris before they can customize their appearance.

For the sake of your wallets, please choose carefully before proceeding with this feature experience.

In addition, along with the ‘Appearance Customization’ feature, there is also the ‘Appearance Template’, a special ‘Collection Currency’, and the development team is working overtime to add new ‘Appearance Rewards’.

Currently there are relatively few appearances available to players.

But please give the development team some time and more exclusive looks will soon be available in the game.

For example, for the ‘Maxim the Bloodservant’, ‘Kudel the Nantes Ranger’, and ‘Dorothy the Explorer’ themed series of rare appearances, please go to the target NPC to increase your favor and reputation to trigger a quest to get the appearance. and reputation to trigger a quest to obtain the appearance.

Oh, and by the way!

As your most loyal friend and forum administrator, I feel I need to remind the Pozi who are already getting restless that the development team is not disallowing you all from pinching your faces to look like NPCs, but it’s extremely risky.

For example, our badass Lumina-sama didn’t tell you that after she transformed herself into a sexually-transformed version of Murphy-sama, her favorability rating with Murphy-sama dropped by a full third!
I mean, if you guys can afford a similar loss, then the development team is more than welcome for you to try to do some pitifully bad things in the game in someone else’s face.

Please always keep in mind that above the vaults of Transylvania, Hair is watching you].

Below this official note post, there was an immediate follow up.

Reed Name Female Sword Saint: [@Lumina Yang Scar, bad thing, get out! Why don’t you say something about you dropping your favor with Murphy-sama!

Did you have bad intentions to see everyone go down with you?

Aiyaa, why are you so bad!

If it wasn’t for Brother Fat specifically reminding me, I’m afraid I’d have to make the same mistake you did.]

Lead Big Pigeon: [Right, right, right! Lumi’s behavior is so bad, it’s lucky that I’m able to hold it together, or else I’d be hated by Lord Murphy just like you!

Arrival: [You’ve got it under control!

If you’re capable of showing everyone your new cell phone screensaver, who just cut off a picture of a sexually transformed version of Lord Murphy and made a screensaver for themselves?

If it wasn’t for the snail and the goo goo chicken stopping you, you’d be licking the screen, right?
Isn’t it disgusting?

Lead Dove: [Ahem, it’s just a momentary wavering of the moral heart, I’ve already confirmed that I’m going to mold my appearance into Lord Murphy’s current wise and powerful appearance, as a tribute to my honorable elder!

Touch Your Poor: [FatGoFatGo @Alpha, do we have to have in-game character modeling for this appearance customization or can we import data from outside?
I think it’s pretty cool to make yourself look like Daniel Wu.]]

Alpha: [Uh, we haven’t opened up external data import yet, and according to the development team’s pursuit of data security, I don’t think we’ll be able to open up this kind of large-scale data import in the future.

However, although there is no template to learn from, you can try it yourselves in the game, and make a ‘Daniel Wu ingredient pack’ or something.

I’m sure that’s no problem for you guys, right?]

Woo Meow King: [Bah, that’s all you’ve got, Little Richie, why are you still limited to the third dimension? Why don’t you pinch yourself as a Super Saiyan?

Wouldn’t that be cooler?

Wholesale Invincible Old Fording: [Shit! Don’t stop me, I’m going to mold myself into the classic look of Lord Frodin.]]

Legendary Brave: [Alas, I’ll just have to be a reluctant Alsatian, @Master Broken Blade, Broken Blade, I’ll order a Frost Sorrow in advance, okay?

Master Broken Sword: [No problem, brother! The production of psychic alloys on our side is already increasing, so this time, brother, I’ll give you a whole serious psychic weapon to juggle with].

Shrimp Catchers: [I say, do brothers want to start a special thread to record their choices? I mean, wouldn’t it be more embarrassing than a collision if everyone pinched two of the exact same appearance?

I see Brother Woo Meow isn’t the only one here who wants to make himself into a Super Saiyan, a lot of people are dumb enough to do it, yo.]]

Alpha: [There’s no need to worry about that, there’s a record of each player’s personal template at Madame Trish’s place, and there won’t be exactly the same face, but fine-tuning the details isn’t enough to ensure that it reflects everyone’s uniqueness, so the development team suggests that everyone tries to reflect their ‘personal characteristics’ when customizing their appearance. Also, some of the weird guys in Pozi should stop private messaging me!
Fury’s appearance doesn’t work!
Much less rebuild a siren number with this feature! Don’t bring that ZZZQ stuff into Transylvania, and don’t wreak havoc on people’s well-established turf.

The dev team’s XP and tripe aren’t crooked enough for that…]


The post was filled with wailing.

It made Murphy wonder just how many strange guys were in his little playgroup? Had the XP of young people nowadays gone wild to this extent?
In Room 4, Murphy wasn’t the only one paying attention to this post, Tris was also holding an arithmetic pearl and watching the “otherworldly people” bicker with interest.

She found it very interesting.

However, the Spiritual Energy Master’s control over emotions was still very powerful, and Tris quickly withdrew from this simple pleasure, she looked back at Murphy and said:

“This might be an opportunity, little Murphy, haven’t you been thinking about what to do to strengthen the players’ initial human racial talents before?
I think it would be better to take this opportunity to give them another chance to choose their respective originating races.

At a minimum, make the talents of the four human races of Silan, Nord, Cait & Mountain Folk explicit, and in their words, make a wave of enhancements to the human races.

As we’ve just seen from Lumina’s racial conversion, even an incomplete elven bloodline gives her a much stronger talent increase than the normal human template.

It’s true that other races’ psychic traits are more troublesome to collect, but humans don’t have much of a problem in that regard.

You’re a Siran yourself.

On Andre’s side, there are 100 Nordic Royal Sword Guards backed up by his sister, all pure-blooded Nords, and one drop of blood from each of them will be enough for us to collect a complete Nordic racial template.

And the Witch Hunters’ side are all descended from the Caitians of Grimm’s Island, and there’s plenty of racial information they can give, not to mention that the mountain people of the Ancestral Woodlands are apparently more than happy to cooperate with your work in this area.

It’s a really good opportunity.

If you can’t find a racial conversion that will get players off the ground anytime soon, then a wave of enhancements to the base based on the current status quo would be the way to go available.”

“Well, your idea is great, let’s get started now!”

Murphy nodded.

He glanced at the degree of information gathering on his character interface for the three human races and subspecies, determined to finish this in the shortest time possible.

Lumina’s experiment proved that he could accelerate the collection of racial template information through the vampire’s blood-drawing trait, and aside from being slightly evil, this means was fast and good.

By midnight, Murphy, with the help of Tris, had already collected enough blood from the Nords, Caitans, and mountain people, which he kept drinking like a wine tasting to analyze, and the whole process took about 4 hours before the template information about the human races on Murphy’s character interface had been collected to the extent of 100%.

And the racial talents of the three major ethnic groups and the mountain people were finally able to display the mysteries before Murphy’s eyes:

Human Template – Silanian Racial Talent [Outstanding Diplomacy]:
Westlanders have always been the most articulate group of people in human civilization, and their judgment of the situation is far superior to others of their kind.

Humans with this talent have a +2 Charisma rating to Persuasion, Questioning, Intimidation, and Deception.

Humans with this talent increase their reputation and favorability by 20% in all camps.

Humans with this talent gain a special camp honor – Silver Dwarf – and after reaching a certain level of honor, they gain the opportunity to become “Earth Priests of Gaia”.

Human Template – Nord Racial Talent [Descendant of Extreme Cold]:
Nords were born in the frozen wilderness and barbaric lands, their veins flow with indestructible rocks, cold ice and violent blood.

Humans with this talent have a +2 to their Endurance and Strength ratings for Movement, Carrying, Confrontation, Attack and Defense.

Humans with this talent gain frost resistance based on one-third of their endurance value.

Humans with this talent have a chance to trigger the [Power of the North Wind] status when attacking, slowing and freezing enemies or applying a weak ice shield to themselves.


The chance of triggering this status depends on how well the possessor has tapped into the “power of the bloodline”, and will be activated after triggering the Silver Trial.

Human Template – Caitian Racial Talent [Nature Walker]:
The island of Grimnir has always been regarded as the second natural sanctuary besides the Castilian Forest, and the humans born here have been bathed in the protection of nature’s spiritual energy for generations, giving them the talent to manipulate and serve nature.

Humans with this talent have a +2 to spell and attack effects when performing nature psychic techniques.

Humans with this talent gain a one-third natural resistance based on perceived value.

Humans with this talent are granted a special racial talent and skill related to nature psionics upon completion of the Silver Trial’s Bloodline Tapping.


The skill and talent awakening has a high probability of [Nature Enlistment – Beast Companion] and a low probability of [Elemental Enlistment – Secret Summon]

Human Template – Human Subspecies Mountain Folk Racial Talent [Savage]:
The relationship between mountain folk and humans is quite subtle, but even the most stubborn historian will not deny that mountain folk and humans come from the same source, and that there are many similarities between the two, but it is undeniable that mountain folk are synonymous with strength, rudeness, and wildness in all human legends.

Humans with this talent will change their body type to Mountain Folk physique, with +3 to Endurance and Strength attributes, and a 20% increase in the rate of life and psychic energy recovery.

Humans with this talent will have stronger limbs and a +2 to physical attack and defense judgments.

Humans with this talent will be regarded as a “foreigner”, charisma attribute -50%, charisma judgment when engaging in persuasion and fraud -2, charisma judgment when engaging in questioning and intimidation +3.

The information danced on the translucent character card in front of Murphy’s eyes, and the complete deciphering of the racial template originating from humans brought him a pleasant surprise.

After the racial template information was cracked to 100%, he added the [Update] option to this page of the racial template.

This meant that players could finally choose which branch of their ethnicity they were a human of and light up their unique talents when customizing their appearance.

Although these talents were rarely used to enhance or strengthen combat power, except for the simple and brutal direct enhancement of the mountain people, with the support of the racial talents, it was enough to change the players’ existing career system drastically.

For example, players who take the physical route should choose Nord or mountain folk, those who take the spell route should choose Cilan or Kate, and those who want to take the dark route are naturally not Cilans.

The increased success rate of persuasion and deception alone was enough for them to play a lot of tricks.

“Now you guys say I’m a dog planner again, and it’s a bit hard to say that the development team doesn’t work, oh.”

Murphy revealed a satisfied expression.

He put down the arithmetic jewel in his hand and was about to compose an additional description result when he saw Mrs. Adele appear outside the door of the fourth secret room.

Murphy inquired with his eyes and Adele replied in a low voice:

“Master, that peculiar spirit that you placed in Uncle Bella’s construction room has awakened again, and he wants to have a conversation with you.

Regarding his current situation and his future in Transylvania, you instructed that he is a very special individual, so Uncle Bella has asked you to go ahead and check on the condition of the lost man.”

“Well, it is necessary.”

Murphy said as he got up to bid farewell to Tris:

“It is also time for me to have a good talk with my second warrior.”

(End of chapter)

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