413.Chapter 411 410 Tris’s Otherworlder Observation Log Issue 2

Chapter 411 410.Tris’s Otherworlder Observation Log – Issue 2

“That mark was just put on, and it matches the style we found on the remains of Zweig and Mr. X.”

Although Turner, an “expert in twilight affairs”, had already examined the remains of the first Count Siko, Archduke Tris couldn’t come for nothing since she was here. So after Turner and Valander left, Tris used the vampire’s means to conduct another examination of the recovered remains.

While maintaining the operation of the scarlet psychic energy traveling over the skeleton, she said to Murphy who was waiting for the results:

“So it’s safe to assume that the guy who is secretly presiding over this grave-robbing operation should also be that ‘source’ or one of the servants under her command.”

“I’ve found out that, but almost all operations that involve a ‘source’ are related to necromancy.”

Murphy frowned:
“So isn’t it possible to determine that this guy is a Necromancy master? Using your previous deduction, she must be related to the Moon Temple of the Sanghai Empire in the Land of Origin? Could it be a Songhai?”

“No, it isn’t.”

Tris said with a shake of her head:
“Using this power doesn’t mean she’s related to a Sanghaian, the Moon Priests have apparently leaked so much of the mysteries of the Underworld that we can’t even be sure when the leakage of that knowledge began.

Murphy, you have to understand that although necromantic knowledge has been monopolized by the Moon Priests that doesn’t mean that other people can’t peer into the Underworld from other sources.

That realm of existence was never exclusive to the Moon Priests, and leaks of undead power have been occurring all over the continent over the years.

It was nothing more than the difference between a science class and a wild self-taught person.

However, these undead powers used by ‘Source’ really didn’t seem like something a wildcard had figured out on his own, the undead legions underneath the ruins of Xike City alone weren’t a job that a beginner could pull off wholeheartedly.

So right now, we have to wait for the arrival of the support promised by Venerable Lord Paying, and I guess that the Venerable Lord will surely come to an agreement with the Moon Sacred City.

His Holiness has always been a long-sleeved man, and he has a high reputation among the various forces.”

“I believe in Venerable Lord, but I just hope that his reinforcements come a little faster, we don’t have any more time.”

Murphy rubbed his brow as he said:

“I’d love to get rid of this damn ‘Source’ and the forces she’s hiding before the Black Plague breaks out, but as of right now, we may not have that chance.”

“She won’t be giving you any trouble anytime soon, I promise.

You can focus your energies on the Tainted Swamp side first, and wait until the Venerable Lord’s support arrives, then find a way to get rid of the trouble in Xike City.”

Tris spoke in a subtle tone.

The affirmative tone in her words caused Murphy to look at her in surprise.

Tris didn’t intend to tell Murphy that she had actually fought with “Source” head-on, only to fail to catch the other party and let her run away, but the Spirit Energy Master was very confident in her destructive power.

She was sure that the last confrontation in the Ice Bay area had injured the Source, and knowing that guy, she wouldn’t jump back into the fray until she recovered from her injuries.

Tris could be sure of that, since she had trained the other side.

She was familiar with that guy’s style.

Murphy didn’t pursue the matter, he trusted Tris’s judgment in this kind of matter, and after a few minutes, Tris applied a psychic protection spell to the skeleton of the first generation earl, and then led Murphy back into the Blood Wyvern Cloister.

Thanks to the frequent use of teleportation portals by the small players to go back and forth across Transylvania during this period of time, it gave Tris enough samples to improve the teleportation spells that were despised by the psychics in the past.

She told Murphy that the probability of the teleportation going out of control was now very low, yet Murphy was still cautious.

Unless it was necessary, Murphy would never use a teleportation portal if he could.

After all, his little life was only once, there was no such thing as a three-day resurrection, in case he was thrown into the star world himself there was no way he could return quickly, and maybe he would have to let the players organize themselves to enter the star world to save him
That’s another good idea!
Right, why not open a “star world rescue” quest chain?

It would give players a chance to see the hidden scenery of this magical world for themselves.

Murphy’s eyes lit up, and he quickly took out his notebook to record this “inspiration” of his, and waited for the right time to release this mission chain.

Next to him, Tris was quite speechless as she watched this scene.

As a member of the “development team”, she knew exactly what Murphy was doing.

“Aren’t you going to do the test?”

Murphy finished recording his inspiration and turned around to look at Tris beside him in surprise, he said curiously:
“Why are you so free today?”

“The experiment is done ah.”

Tris rolled her eyes and said:
“From the birth of inspiration to the design of the experiment to the completion of the test to advance, last night just came out of the results, this is being prepared to check the results, why don’t you come with me?”


Faced with this invitation, Murphy gladly accepted.

He had always been curious about what exactly Tris was doing during this period of time when she locked herself up in the lab, and now that he saw that Tris was so confident he became even more interested.

He followed Tris all the way down into the collapsed area at the bottom of the Blood Vulture Corridor.

Although the area was always being cleaned up, because of the complexity of the internal structure of the Blood Vulture Corridor, the workers could always find those inexplicable collapsed spots, making the cleanup work like a never-ending drudgery.

However, according to Missy, the current collapsed areas of the Cloister had already been cleared for the most part, and the rest of these would be completed within a month, after which Murphy could consider the matter of redesigning and building the Cloister.

The design was coming out on the Brotherhood of Stonemasons side.

Old Chen Tou’s intention was to not only repair the underground structure this time, but also to build the planned “Midnight Tower” right above the Blood Vulture Cloister, which would serve as the landmark of Scarlet Fortress and even Transylvania.

From this point on, we can be sure that the urge to “build a spectacle” is the eternal desire hidden in the heart of every civil engineering dog.

It never goes away with age.

“Where is the finished product of your experiment?”

Murphy knew he had reached the experimental area when he saw Tris stop in her tracks, but he couldn’t look left or right to find anything of interest in the empty place.

If he had to say, a few spherical bombs had been planted underneath the collapsed passageway in front of him .

Tris wouldn’t have quietly transformed into an “Explosive Witch” while she wasn’t looking, would she?
“Right there, take a good look at the amazing wisdom I’ve gleaned from my otherworldly knowledge!”

The Scarlet Witch laughed loudly and stretched out her fingers in the air in front of her, and three small balls of suspended spiritual energy flew forward to ignite the explosives she had planted under her control.

And she herself whooshed in place as a small bat flying in the sky and jumped to the back to re-stabilize her form and reach out her hand to cover her ears.

Seeing Tris move like this, Murphy knew it was not good.

But the damn explosives fuse burned too fast, he only had time to close the wide blood wings to protect in front of his body, followed by a loud bang, the collapsed tunnel was blown away.

Murphy’s wings were thumped by the flying rocks, but the good thing was that although the explosion was violent, it was just an ordinary physical attack and did not come with the concussion of psychic energy, so that the vampire lord was not so much as to be opened up by the flying bricks.

That would be too humiliating.

The explosion came and went quickly, and soon the vibrations in the same place subsided.

In front of the dusty tunnel mixed with the strong smell of gunpowder, Murphy spread his blood wings and looked at the big crater blown out in front of him and the tunnel that had been opened.

He glanced at the pleased Tris with odd eyes and said:

“Why is this explosion so powerful? It’s not at all like the result that black powder can cause, did you add burning gold powder to it?”


Tris reached out her finger and shook it in front of Murphy’s eyes as she blinked her big bewitching eyes and said:
“You can guess a little more boldly, I just said that this is from the enlightenment of otherworldly learning, I did add something to the ordinary black powder bomb, but it is not burning gold.”


Murphy’s eyes widened. He had already guessed what Tris had been working on in the lab during this period of time, and the first image that flashed through his mind was the “Periodic Table of Elements” that he had seen on Tris’s desk earlier.

That little fool Lumina had specially “paid tribute” to her in order to win Tris’s favor.

So, Tris actually realized some pretty scary knowledge from that table, right? Is this what a Master Alchemist is all about?

Crap, teaching herself the periodic table of elements from scratch to make TNT?
“I can’t guess, after all, that’s learning from the Otherworld.”

Murphy’s heart was as clear as a mirror, but he still made a confused expression that he couldn’t comprehend, and Tris skimmed her mouth, too lazy to say anything more to her academic scum heir.

She waved her hand and said:

“You’re not a professional, so naturally you can’t understand it, but the fact that I managed to make the first dose of bitter acid oops on this continent isn’t anything profound, it simply means that I haven’t wasted my time in this period of time.”


Murphy was expressionless but was actually happy in his heart.

Even though he hadn’t studied the related field in his experience in the other world, he knew what the name of this thing meant, if Tris had come up with the “fantasy version of Picric Acid”, then there was only one more step left for her to fix the real TNT formula.

This may not sound like a big deal, but Murphy, who is familiar with the “otherworldly technology tree”, knows that the success of Tris’s test is no less than the first step of “changing the fate of heaven” for Transylvania!
Once Transylvania’s arsenal can mass produce yellow gunpowder, then the problem of ammunition that plagued Loyal Brother will be solved immediately, and his intention to arm his soldiers with otherworldly weapons will no longer be a vague ideal.

From this point of view, although Tris was unlucky, she really did have the hidden attribute of “prosperous husband”!

“I don’t understand, but I’m blown away.”

Murphy stepped forward and said to Tris:

“Seeing how pleased you are I knew that what you made must be extraordinary, the power of the gunpowder explosion without the addition of gold burning powder has been greatly increased, making me want to ponder what kind of terrifying thing I would get if I added gold burning powder to your newly made gunpowder.

While it’s true that I don’t understand alchemy very well, I’m guessing that you’d be willing to share with me what’s been going on in your mind for a while now?”

“Gee whiz, there’s not much to tell.”

Tris bristled petulantly, but how could she bear to disappoint her lovely Murphy?
So on the way back to the office from the underground collapsed area that had been blown open, Tris told her the learning process during this period of time.

It wasn’t as difficult as Murphy thought, because Tris didn’t learn from scratch without any foundation.

When she was surfing the forums, she would always peek into the threads where the “very penalized” gluttony-quenching parties were discussing.

As we all know, you never know whether the guy you’re chatting with is a human or a dog, and there are always such and such experts on the magical Internet, and Tris learned about the development of “otherworldly gunpowder” from those threads.

She was inspired, and with the periodic table in her hand and Lumina’s occasional chemistry tutorials, Tris was able to get the basics down in no time.

After learning how to level molecular formulas and derive formulas, the Scarlet Witch began to experiment in this area.

As a master alchemist herself, she could be said to be familiar with the design and advancement of chemical experiments, and she was able to find multiple substitutes for instruments in her own lab, and hand rubbed out the ones she really didn’t have.

Picric acid wasn’t exactly high tech, either; the stuff had been prepared in full steps in the 18th century.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, all that Tris had to do was to restore and “localize” the process, which was no problem at all.

“I feel like I have opened the door to a new world!”

At this moment, Tris was as happy as a girl who got a perfect score in an exam, and even turned around beside Murphy, her eyes glowing as she said:

“It has been proven that the techniques of otherworldly alchemy are much more advanced than the processes we currently use, especially in extraction and crystallization they are far superior to us.

This has given me many, many, many inspirations, just like when I was an apprentice alchemist, that magical state of daily bursts of inspiration that makes me feel like I’m back in my youth.

I want to see more, I want to learn more .”

At that, Tris rolled her eyes as she moved closer to Murphy reaching out to put her hand on the vampire lord’s shoulder and whispered:
“Didn’t those little guys have to create an ‘information platform’ in their world to complete the link with the forum?
Although I still can’t figure out the mysterious way those information interacts, I guess through that platform they built themselves, they can allow us otherworldly people to enter their ‘infinite library’ and browse freely, right?
I would no longer be bound by the information on the forums and would be able to swim in the sea of knowledge of the otherworlders.

But I know that it all needs to be through your permission.”

“They do have a built-in browser and search engine in their third-party platform.”

Murphy hesitated.

He said to Tris:
“But the near sprawl of information over there isn’t always good, and there’s a lot of darkness.”

“You say that like an uneasy father admonishing his world-weary daughter that there are bad people in the world.”

Tris knocked Murphy’s head and spat harshly:
“However, I’ve been alive for more than four hundred years, I know better than you how the truth of this world is, and although you’ve been stubbornly thinking that I’m a great person, yet the truth is that for a long time in the past, I could be categorized as a ‘bad person’ in your imagination.

I know how to protect myself, and with all my understanding of otherworldly knowledge coming under your scrutiny, I am willing to submit to whatever you prescribe for me.

I just want to see their world for myself”

“You will become an ‘electronic ghost’ roaming the internet, an ‘otherworldly cyber vampire’.”

Murphy sighed:
“I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, but I’m certain that you definitely won’t be the first, and speaking of which, I’ve been planning on opening up forum access to Miriam, Phineas, and Maxim as well.

The former will be able to learn from the political experiences of another world, while the latter is going to be able to quickly become a great general in command of the army by reading and watching tons of war experiences.

As for Missy, she always had to know more about our warriors in order to form her own little organization of distinctive midnight factions.

What do you think of this idea?”

“It’s awesome.”

Tris said, clapping her hands:

“So the ‘Development Team’ is getting another new recruit? There’s absolutely no need to grieve over Assistant Jade’s promotion, because about to join the fray are ‘Assistant Cynthia’, ‘Assistant Phyllis’, and ‘Assistant Mark’ . ”


Murphy said with a grimace as he reached up and smacked Tris on the side of the head:
“Well don’t learn to pick up on all this cluelessness, and the three of them can’t be named so bluntly and obviously, you know, there’s never a shortage of smartasses in the little play house, gotta get some localized names for the three of them.

Hmmm, let’s call them Mi, Fifi and Old Horse.

There’s one more thing, though.”

He looked over to Tris and said seriously:
“Lumina helped you with all this, she was the one who guided you into the new world, so as a master alchemist who worships knowledge, shouldn’t you give her a little reward?”

“I’ve already prepared the treasure chest key for her!”

Tris said with a nod:
“I secretly put several very powerful items in the treasure chest that will definitely make little Lumina very happy.”

“No, no, no, that girl isn’t after equipment, she’s an RP party.”

Murphy shook his head:
“You and I both know what she wants, so I think maybe we should try to fulfill her cravings.”

Tris blinked as she said:

“You mean, help her become an ‘elf’? But that appearance modification program is risky.”

“The players don’t care about that.”

Murphy revealed a subtle yet odd smile as he stroked Tris’s long hair and said:
“As you said, they’re the best ‘test subjects’, and it’s about time the development team let the wind out of the sails for a little gimmick for the big move they’ve been holding back. So, let’s make our ‘switch race’ feature officially on the testing schedule.

I’m sure Lumina will show 200% enthusiasm to assist us with this functional test, but before that, we first need to take care of the preparations.

For example, a drop of blood from a moon elf
I was planning to do it myself, but I suddenly realized that maybe Maxim can help me with this~”

(End of chapter)

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