305. Chapter 303 302 Otherworldly Heavenly Flame

Chapter 303 302. Otherworldly Heavenly Flame

Taking care of Tris was a simple matter, for Murphy, once he understood the Blood Vulture Archduke’s current “depraved” lifestyle, he could easily compel her to do something she was too lazy to do.

This is commonly known as enhancing “initiative”.

But Tris is also a very stubborn person.

If she is not willing to do a thing, then no matter how much Murphy pushes and pressurizes her, she will not be able to make her move a finger, this is a unique habit that has been cultivated through many years of salted fish career, with the current attraction of Murphy to her is not enough to make the Scarlet Witch to change her ego more for Murphy.

But fortunately, Tris was currently no less interested in the little players than Murphy was, so she was quite willing to help these brave fellows in any way she could.

And get herself a little “favor” in the process.

Of course, there may be more than just a little, anyway, according to Mrs. Adele’s secret information, relying on the players’ enthusiastic “donations”, the number of items in Archduchess Tris’s “private wine cellar” has already reached an eye-popping level.

There are rumors that four “traveling scholars” dug up a nobleman’s wine cellar from under the ruins of the former Cadman City and offered it to Tris. It’s hard to say what the traveling scholars got out of it, but this kind of thievery will obviously be “rewarded” by Tris! It’s hard to say what the scholars got out of it, but it’s clear that this kind of petty thievery would have been “rewarded” by Tris.

Murphy didn’t care about that.

Tris can get along with the small players is what he would like to see, after all, Tris is now his “assistant”.

His Excellency soon returned to his office next door and continued to work on whatever he was working on at the moment.

When Brother Meow Meow came over just now, he was working on the content of the next update, or to be precise, the overview of the third stage of the main quest of “Transylvania Dawn”.

In this current situation, posting quests was still the most effective way for Murphy to interact with his warriors, something that, like a command flag in his hand, always made the smaller players willing to travel to where Murphy wanted them to go.

The Vampire Lord had decided to shift the focus of the next phase of players from the successive battles to territory building.

There was still a month to go before winter would start in Transylvania, and the residential area of Scarlet Fortress was already in the final stage of construction, followed by the collective farm and the settlements over in the Westcoast Territory.

There were still more than four months until the Black Plague arrived, Murphy intended to spend three months to complete the preliminary construction of the territory as well as the excavation and reinforcement of the southern defense line of Transylvania.

In the last month, he will start practicing, and then logically advance the plot to the second chapter of the main line, “The Dark Plague”, and unlock the “Mysterious Documentary – The Mystery of the Dark Mountain Range”, which has been in the drawing board.

When this stage comes, the three-month closed beta test can also be declared a successful conclusion, what? What? You say the dog planner conscience finally want to public beta?

This is not still destined to be protracted internal testing~!
These were the general directions that had already been planned, Murphy now had to subdivide the general directions into each stage under the advice of Miriam’s administrative team, and fine-tune the players’ gaming experience at the right time with the plot changes of these stages, in order to perfectly use the strength and wisdom of the Otherworldly Warriors in the places they needed to be.

But it seemed like things were destined to be particularly eventful today, and just as Murphy had finished coding a few hundred words and was about to take a break, there was another knock on his office door.

“Come in.”

The lord stretched his body and lifted his head, then he saw the little Earl of Sheridan pushing the door in.

This little earl of the Sicorian domain had spent several days in the Scarlet Fortress, preparing for the engineering store she would be opening in the city, and setting up a stall outside her room in the Blood Wyvern Cloisters before the store was even open.

Players were currently very interested in firearms and engineering items, so these days Murphy often saw that there would be hordes of small players running to pick through Sherron’s stall.

Although he didn’t know how much profit little Sheridan made from it, but judging from her glowing face and windy walk, her “contraband” business was probably good.

Murphy noticed that Sheridan had hired two young girls who could speak well and had a certain understanding of engineering to help her sell her goods.

“Still adjusting to life in Scarlet Fortress? Count Sherron.”

Murphy smiled and invited her to sit in a chair, the latter grinning across her round face as she waved her fully recovered left hand aloud:

“You have a great city oh Lord Murphy.

The people are vibrant and they’re very hardworking, and your warriors are great fun to be around, they don’t know much about the ways of engineering but everyone seems to have a strange but valid opinion.

I’m already preparing to try my hand at making something called a ‘microwave oven’ and a ‘shadowless lamp’, as they suggested.

But that’s not what I want to talk to you about.

Rather, my apprentice, Mr. ‘Crimson Loyalty’, who has completed the design of that ‘otherworldly style’ weapon you ordered earlier, would like to invite you to receive a tasting.”

“Hmm? So soon?”

Murphy blinked at once as he got up and said:

“But I want more than just a handmade orphaned weapon, that doesn’t make sense for my territory, what I need is a production line. In my estimation, it will take at least two months for Brother Loyalty to complete this.”

“Yes, it turned out to take that long, but I helped out ah!”

Little Earl Sheridan grinned.

She patted her chest as an honor student rather proudly and said:
“He was only responsible for coming up with unique ideas and thoughts and giving me the design drawings to use for reference, I did all the work of modifying those small machines that were sent by the Blood League Knights, and honestly it wasn’t that hard.

Because the two different styles of firearms and weapons have the same design idea in general, just because the ammunition used is very different, causing them to have different ways of excitation.

In this case it was only necessary to slightly modify certain parts of the production line, but bullet production was still a problem.

Although I did my best to improve that spherical bullet production line, the current production simply won’t go up.”

“That is to say, I can have a lot of otherworldly rifles soon, but my soldiers will have to save their bullets?”

Murphy asked.

The little Earl of Sheridan who followed him nodded vigorously and said:

“Yes, until we get a more advanced production line with a larger yield and complete the remodeling, there is no way for your soldiers to shoot live ammunition freely. This is a problem that can’t be solved with skill, and we can only wait until the Carpe Family sends back the production line they stole.”

“Well, those are on their way.”

Murphy reassured:
“Yesterday I received a message from the Carpe Family, they said that they have appointed a noble lady to take full responsibility for the placement and start-up of the production line in Transylvania. As for me, I intend to appoint you as the head of my first arsenal.”

“Me? I can’t.”

Dwarf Sherron spread her blood wings and hovered in the air, following Murphy forward as she waved her hand and explained:

“I have accepted an invitation from the ‘Scarlet Hammer and Sickle Regiment’ to return to the ruins of Sikor City with your warriors in a few days. They are going to hunt for treasure there, and I am going to the ruins to retrieve some of the things I left behind when I first fled, as well as some of the ancestral items belonging to House Sicomair that were left behind in the city.

It just so happens that Uncle Valander has also recruited over 100 knightly recruits, and he will be joining me to take the recruits on a training session in the steppes of Count Sicor’s domain for the new recruits in the art of horsemanship.

I estimate that this process might take at least half a month, at most a month.

We will be back in time before the first snow falls, so I would suggest that you appoint other trustworthy people to help you manage the arsenal, in fact I think my apprentice Mr. Loyalty is quite good.

He has a lot of fantastic ideas.

And with an extremely deep knowledge of otherworldly weapons and an extreme talent for steam engineering, he learns this knowledge much faster than I did back then.

The most important thing is that he’s loyal!”

Little Sherron shook his head and said:
“I think for someone who can put ‘loyal’ in his name, being given more duties is something he craves.”

“He is indeed loyal.”

Murphy spat in a small voice:
“But I don’t think his loyalty is necessarily to Transylvania however you do have a point, if we’re going to use otherworldly weapons as the foundation of our army then appointing an otherworldly weapons master as the person in charge would be very appropriate.

I will consider your suggestion.”

With that, the two of them left the Blood Wyvern Cloister to head to a clearing by the camp outside the city.

Compared to Missy, who had only recently begun to change her personality, little Sherron was a bit more self-conscious, which was probably related to her experiences over the past two years, in short, Murphy’s mood would be a bit lighter when he was with this optimistic and strong little one.

The posture of the two at this moment was like a big brother taking his little sister out for a trek. Not only did Murphy feel this way, little Sherron also felt that this pleasant way of getting along with each other was very different than the grim posture of vampires that she herself had previously imagined, perhaps because Murphy and Tris were both very good vampires?

It always felt like she was encountering strange things in her struggle to survive yet.

It was a big overcast day in the Scarlet Fortress today, with layers of clouds blocking out the sunlight so that Murphy and little Sheridan didn’t have to suffer from the sunlight, allowing them to fly quickly in the dim light of day.

When Murphy and Sheridan arrived here, Mrs. Adele and Maxim were already testing the “sample weapon” that Brother Loyalty had brought out.

Loyalist is a criminal in every sense of the word.

Murphy had already noticed the hidden restlessness in his character when he was still a craving party member, and ever since he got into this circle, he had been tirelessly discussing with other “fellow enthusiasts” on the forums about some exciting topics that could not pass the scrutiny in most places.

After actually getting into the game, Loyal quickly pushed this interest into the real hands-on part of the game.

Although Murphy only asked him to “hand roll” a firearm to pass the test, but in this “temporary shooting range” table, neatly placed several different shapes of rifles and various types of pistols.

There is even a let Murphy look at the corner of the eye twitching “big black star”, even the handle of the five-pointed star decoration were made to be exquisite.

Murphy is not a craftsman or a craftsman, so he can not understand how such a complex structure of the weapon is made in today’s environment?

Was it cast in primitive molds without machine tools?

But where did you get such molds made with specific parameters that were impossible to find on the internet?
Hey, it’s really just pliers hand rubbing everything!

But don’t go too far, Transylvania isn’t a lawless place!


Maxim, who was wearing leather armor, held a classically shaped 98K sniper in his hand and fired a shot at a target 30 meters away.

The flying spinning spiked bullet flew out of the chamber, and in the vampire’s extraordinary dynamic visual capture, Maxim could clearly see the bullet spinning at high speed maintaining a fairly accurate trajectory hitting the target’s head.

And he could be sure that the gun hadn’t been attached to any psychic spells, which made Maxim quite satisfied as he pulled the bolt, withdrew the cartridge that felt unfamiliar to him, and pressed in a second spiked bullet with the help of the small player’s assistant beside him.

This time aiming at a target a hundred meters away.

But when it came to shooting, Maxim was a real amateur.

His Excellency the Monster was obviously a King of Choppers type character who believed in the theory of “bayonets are good, bullets are stupid”, but he also knew that for the average soldier, a good gun was more secure than a knife in the hand in a large-scale battle.

At the moment, Maxim relies on the vampire’s extraordinary perception to disguise himself as a “sharpshooter”, but he is next to Adele who is the best in this line of work.

Years of practicing archery plus the shooting talent bonus of being a half-elf allowed Adele to barely need to aim, holding two classic shape Colt revolvers thumping and shooting, there was basically no off-targeting from a distance of 5 meters to 250 meters.

Murphy didn’t get involved.

Although he looks like an otherworldly person, but in fact he knows the performance of these “otherworldly style weapons” very well, he believes that Brother Loyalty dared to let him come to acceptance, it means that this guy is very confident in the performance of his own hand rubbed weapons.

Little Earl Shirren, on the other hand, was quite excited as he introduced Murphy to the side:

“When I first saw this weapon and its supporting special bullets, I also had doubts about whether the use of simple dwarven gunpowder could give them up to standard lethality, but the facts proved that after the addition of the magical rifling, these bullets were far more accurate than even the gold-burning projectiles that relied on strong kinetic energy to propel the shot.

On top of that, these bullets can be enhanced by controlling the charge and upgrading the black powder to enhance their destructive power, a truly marvelous way of thinking.

A very different but equally effective design from the original Dwarven musket.

And although it’s more difficult to make by hand, I saw the design of the bullet production line that Mr. Loyalty gave me, and I have to admit that once a set of production lines like that is made, then mass-producing these spiked bullets will no longer be a problem that bothers us.”

Murphy nodded his head repeatedly like an “amateur”, thus deepening the image of himself as an “NPC” who knew nothing.

This kind of disguise had become his instinct, just like his mantra of “I don’t understand what you’re saying” or “Otherworldly language is really hard to understand” that he would say in front of the players from time to time.

But after the little count of Sherron finished speaking, Mrs. Adele put down the gun in her hand, and she pointed out the biggest problem of this kind of “otherworldly weapon” right on the spot.

“The accuracy is excellent, but the destructive power is too weak.”

Adele pulled out her scarlet hand cannon from her waist, loaded a special gold-burning projectile into the nest, raised her hand to fire, and with a bang, the entire target at a distance of one hundred and fifty meters burst apart in pieces.

And at the same distance, the pointed bullet at most made a hole.

She used the actual results to say to Murphy:

“The addition of gold-fired powder can make ordinary spherical bullets burst the jackal’s brain at close range, but this pointed bullet is very difficult to do so.

I’ll admit it’s excellent on the level of killing unarmored targets, however once combat rises to the transcendent realm, such bullets that can’t easily and quickly attach gold-burning powder lose their raison d’être.

While I’m not a mechanic or an engineer, I do know that it was substances like gold burning that allowed steam engineering to rapidly advance to where it is today.

Even though the vast majority of the gold-fired mines on this continent are monopolized by dwarves and halflings, we can’t just give up on this kind of weapon that can turn decay into magic because of that.”

“Oh, the wisdom of mortals!”

Little Earl Sheridan learned this “mantra” from somewhere, making Murphy’s corner of his eye twitch once again, hey, you little guy don’t learn strange things from them!
“Show Mrs. Adele the eyes, my apprentice!”

Little Sherron grunted.

As an honor student, she certainly held some resistance to a vampire with a nasty body like E-sister, but at this point it was more of a retort on a skill level.

At Sherron’s command, Brother Loyalty hemmed and hawed as he picked up a small box from the table and handed it to Mrs. Adele with his own cool and creepy black mechanical arm.

The latter took it in her hands and opened it, finding that it contained ten pointed bullets marked with red paint, which were no different from ordinary bullets just from their appearance.

She took out one and loaded it into the Colt revolver’s nest, then pulled the trigger again.

This time the popping sound when the bullet was excited even made Murphy feel a piercing sound.

The pointed bullet, which was originally far less lethal than the gold-burning projectile, discharged faster and with more kinetic energy this time, piercing through two trees in a row while breaking through the limit of range before coming to a stop.

“Can this kind of destructive power lift off a jackal’s head now?”

The young Earl of Sheridan questioned with his arms crossed:

“Let alone a jackal, even a bear goblin would be pierced through the brain with a single shot, and if hit correctly, an ogre’s eyeballs would be burst open.

Who told you that you can’t add burning gold powder to this new type of bullet?
We just don’t have to waste it on regular bullets.”

“That’s right, for a new type of bullet that focuses on penetration, using the simplest and crudest increase in caliber can solve the problem of its lack of destructive power.”

Next to him, Brother Loyalty also said in a serious manner:
“We just don’t have the right tool for the job right now, or else I could show you a big baby called the ‘Anti-tank Gun’, well, of course, following the advice of my beloved mentor, Earl Shirren, we’ll rechristen it as the ‘Ogre Hunter ‘.

Also in addition to the enlarged caliber, we have a wide range of ammunition to choose from!

For example, something called ‘rifle grenade’, I can assure you that even if it’s only filled with the most common black powder, it has a lethality comparable to that of a gold-fired projectile.

As well, I also prepared this!”

Brother Loyal grabbed a brass-colored “big barrel” from his psychic bag, proudly slung it over his shoulder, and gripped the firing handle.

As Lord Murphy’s already strained expression watched, he announced loudly:

“I call this excellent and efficient anti-infantry and equipment weapon the ‘Iron Fist of Transylvania’…”

(End of chapter)

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