302.Chapter 300 299 Black Face Can’t Beat Red Hand, Probability Can’t Beat It

Chapter 300 299. black face can’t beat red hand, probability can’t beat metaphysics

Murphy single-handedly opened the jackal wolf big hunting activities in the settlement of a total of more than 300 hunting keys, such a large-scale give itself is a symbol of “quality”.

Although the official did not announce the specific reward list of the hunting treasure box, but can give so many keys in one breath has actually shown that this thing is difficult to open the real good things, even if the development group this time “full of sincerity” really give the box into the extraordinary things, the probability of that can be basically regarded as the same as winning the lottery.

Therefore, the fact that the settlement at dusk can make everyone so happy is more of a symbolic affirmation of “payment” and the acquisition of a sense of accomplishment.

Of course, such a happy joy must also have something to do with the players’ “people crazy” character.

Small players this creature is quite strange, they get together with a large number of people naturally happy, and the more people the happier, the more people are not afraid of death.

Another marvelous characteristic is that when there are more and more of them, the opinions they want to express will begin to “influence reality”, so that the deity named “Dog Planner” will have to carefully consider their opinions and make corresponding adjustments to the “rules of the world”. and make adjustments to the “rules of the world” accordingly.

When the number of small players reaches a certain level, a “leader” will naturally be born among them, and when the leader has reorganized the small players under his command into a battle-ready division, they will start launching a large-scale “expedition” to the outside world!
It doesn’t matter who the target is, just have fun!
And if you can have fun and get something out of it, that’s even better!

This kind of characteristic, which was quite subtle and strange from all angles, always made Murphy think of a kind of marvelous race that also liked to have a large number of people, also had no fear of death, and also had fun every day.

With such a strong sense of fait accompli, Murphy and Maxim quietly entered the Adventurer’s Guild camp.

They were here to deliver something.

In Maxim’s psychic bag, there were ten “Family Warrior Treasure Chests” that had been carefully prepared by Murphy.

This time, they were real chests, handmade by Tris and enchanted with a shimmering psionic spell to make them more in line with the “treasure chests” in the player’s mind.

In addition to this, there is also an “Archduke’s Guard” set for the top three players.

In fact, it is the family guard set as the base, and then by the master of enchantment Tris to apply more than five kinds of powerful enchantment, so that in the level of combat power to obtain a qualitative leap at the same time, and then by the artistic attainments of the quite superb Count Andrei hands for these armor design new decorations and will be painted into a more luxurious gold-red color.

In this way, as a collection of value and practical significance and family status of the triple meaning of the “top equipment” issued to a small number of players as a “powerful party” symbol.

Murphy is also holding a very delicately decorated weapon case, in which is placed a vampire war knife found in the private collection of Salokdar.

The quality of the master craftsman’s grade is already superior to 99% of the blacksmith’s works on the continent, but also its background story and noble yellow description, all of which make this thing in every sense into the continent’s legend of the proper “divine weapon” category.

This was to be given as a reward to the first place winner of the Jackal Hunt.

“This new set of armor of yours is not bad, just from the looks of it you can tell that it’s definitely a divine weapon, and judging from the style it seems to be from the Grimm’s Island side.”

After Murphy walked into the tent, President Natalie sized up the “Greenie Lion” suit on Murphy’s body and suddenly said, the vampire lord shrugged his shoulders without explaining much, but Natalie still solemnly reminded:
“However, I feel that the staff sword in your hand has a life-destroying filthy power, you’d better use it properly.”

“Thanks for the reminder, I will.”

Murphy smiled, and while Maxim was putting his things away, he looked ahead at the bustling players and asked in a small voice:
“So, have those two ‘treasures’ been opened yet?”

“Not yet, I’m also waiting for the lucky one to show up.”

Talking about this, the previously disinterested Blackheart Demon Hunter Hime immediately stopped being sleepy, and she said with excitement:

“I originally thought that this would be boring, but it turns out that your knowledge of them is really above mine, seeing the exaggerated expressions of joy and movement when these warriors get their hands on high-value items, it’s almost like watching a wonderful stage play.”

“Hahahahaha! Che Che really is the Chosen One! Look! I got the good stuff!”

Before Natalie’s words had even left her mouth, a ghostly cry rang out from the crowd in front of her as Che Che, the invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex from the student party, waved the red saddle in his hand and shouted:

“A limited item! A finely crafted saddle that increases riding speed.”

“Hey, you’re a vampire! Wake up, you can fly! You don’t need this. I’ve never seen you ride a horse. You won’t get any use out of it! Don’t be so happy, come on, come on, let’s talk about it, sell this to me, I’ll just take it to decorate my little stinky treasure, I’ll give you 50 gold coins!”

“Shameless! You’re bullying a student who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, aren’t you? I’ll offer 70, sell it to me, I’m going to pass the Winged Cavalry’s riding test soon, I need this thing.”

A few fellows were bickering on the side, but Che Che was still immersed in the joy of finally proving his “Emperor” bloodline by touching something good.

Of course he wasn’t going to sell this thing.

Although he was a vampire who rarely rode horses, he also had a hunter’s colt boarded at the Witch Hunter’s stables, and he wanted to give his horse this beautiful thing to make it the prettiest in the stable so that it could attract the attention of those haughty little mares.

He is already a pathetic single dog, can’t let his own mount to follow his “widowhood”, right?

“Really, I could watch this all day and never get tired of it.”

Murphy said to Maxim, who had a subtle expression next to him, with his hands behind his back:
“This kind of purest joy can move the heart the most, Mark, do you remember when was the last time you were so happy?”

“I think it was when I received my first embrace to be proven worthy?”

Maxim thought for a moment and replied:
“But such pure joy is rare indeed in my life. I must say, our warriors are always easily satisfied in that regard, and as you commented they don’t even want money, truly the best group of quality mercenaries to be raised on this continent.”

“Well, I think you should reap the joy that is yours as well.”

Murphy said:
“It just so happens that when I was looking for that Famous Blade-Griffin’s Greatsword for Kudel earlier, I found another Famous Blade for you to use as well.”

“No master, I don’t need it.”

Maxim shook his head no:
“I am a Transylvanian, I will find myself something usable for myself, the weapons in your collection should be used in more appropriate scenarios, such as rewarding your warriors. Their loyalty has a price, obviously not as pure as my priceless loyalty.”

“Ah, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard a vampire sell himself short, it’s a real hair-raiser all over.”

Natalie spat:

“Did Your Excellency Maxim turn out to be such a coquettish person as well? I think you have enough self-aggrandizement to put all those sycophants in the halls of the Louis dynasty to shame.”

“I’m just being honest, and if it amuses you, my master did once bestow upon me the nickname ‘Coquettish Mark’.”

Maxim shrugged and was about to retort with a few words when he heard Murphy suddenly speak:

“Someone’s about to open a treasure, look!”


Natalie’s face changed slightly as she said:

“We’re putting it randomly, how do you know who’s going to open it?”

“Marking, my dear president.”

Murphy held his hand to his forehead and sighed:

“Do you really think this kind of thing is completely random? You are so simple, since it is a holy relic of the God of Avalon, wouldn’t it fail the glory of the God of Avalon if it is held in the hands of a vampire?

As a messenger of the god you must learn to proclaim the majesty of the god, do you need me to teach you such things?”

“Ship out!”

An excited roar rang out from the edge of the campsite, Brother Woo Meow’s group of seven was going crazy with joy!
Because just now, Frost Tooth’s Claw, who had opened thirteen treasure chests in a row and harvested seven bottles of high-quality Sword Oil, three bundles of bandages, and three sets of Witch Hunter Veteran Suit components, had finally proved his qualifications as a “Little Red Hand”.

When the fourteenth treasure chest was opened, a lingering green stream of light proved that the treasures had appeared.

Even Tooth himself was startled.

After all, according to his observation just now, the highest quality of the things that could be opened out of these hunting treasure chests was only Seiko Veteran Grade, which was not bad but proved that everyone’s previous discussion was still correct, that is, the probability of this kind of treasure chests that were distributed on a large scale would not be able to hide anything particularly good.

However, the reality soon hit the face, but also with this big slap in the face to prove that this thing of luck is far from being a boring legend.

Amidst the mesmerizing sounds of revelry from the Black Hand Seven next to him, Tooth reached out and took out the wooden one-handed war hammer from the treasure chest.

It was really quite heavy for a dexterity-specialized thief and wanderer like him, but the shape was very elegant and sacred; the one-handed hammer was wooden in its entirety, with emerald-green and extremely regular woodgrain embellishments, and silver sacred mottos littered the main body of the warhammer, which had been carved in the likeness of a falcon, one of the symbols of the Church of Avalon.

It was obviously handwritten and then carved with a special technique, and the elegant lines alone were enough to prove the “artistic value” of this thing.

Its power also came from the emerald green shimmering light wrapped around the thing, as well as the slender vines wrapped around the handle and underneath the head of the hammer, and the “equipment effects” that constantly blossomed and wilted.

Even if you don’t need to appraise it, you can tell that it must be of extraordinary origin.

The most important thing is that in this aspect of identification, Frost Tooth and Claw is also considered an expert, he can see at a glance that this thing was made until now at least a hundred years, and the wear and tear of the wooden war hammer represents that this is an extraordinary ancient artifact.

“Here you go!”

Tooth’s Claw looked at the small players who kept gathering around him to “suck in their breath”, and as his social fear was about to kick in, he threw the war hammer to Woo Meow and jumped into the shadows with a swish of his own.

Oh, my God!
There are so many people, I feel like I’m going to be trampled to death by so many people the next second.

But Brother Woo Meow didn’t care, and in front of the crowd, he activated item identification:
Name: Undefeated – Avalon Church Classical Sacrificial Weapon
Quality: Seiko – [Weapon of Faith] Commander-in-Chief

Trait: Extremely Effective Purification – Extremely Effective Heavy Strike – Enhanced Armor Breaking – Enhanced Heart Strike – Self-Repairing

Special Effects: I. Heart of the Saints:

When this weapon is held by an Avalon believer, each attack has a chance to trigger [Divine Condemnation], which applies a [Mind Shock] and [Attack Weakening] effect to the enemy.

When the enemy type is ‘Enemy of Nature’, the weapon also triggers an additional [Advanced Evil Spirit Purification] effect.

II. Never Defeat:

When this weapon is combined with the Sacred Heavy Shield [Unbreakable], it grants the holder the [Never Defeat] effect, which ignores most psychic attacks and fear effects under Divine Magic, and grants [Natural Healing V] and [Thorn Art V] special protection when the user’s life is in danger.

In forests, jungles, and grasslands, the holder’s endurance, strength, and perception will be enhanced by 10 points.

Set: Diana’s Beloved Words [1/2].

Set Effect: While possessing both Warhammer [Undefeatable] and Heavy Shield [Unbreakable], the wielder is granted the skills [Divine Art – Avalon’s Blazing Bow] and [Divine Art – Avalon’s Terrestrial Divine Kingdom].


This set effect requires the holder to be of the Avalon Faith and have a rank of Silver to trigger Psychic Resonance.

Requirements for Use: Avalon Faithful, Requires Strength ≥ 12, Requires Thinking ≥ 8.

Creator: [Healing Saint] Diana Doreen Lawson
Item Description:

[This is the weapon that Lady Diana spent three years crafting for her husband Finok in the Holy Land of Glamour after becoming a Saint. It is imbued with a lady’s desire to care for and protect her beloved, and the old Knight Finok has never given up on the best gift he has ever received in his life, even in the grayest moments of his life.

Now it passes into your hands!

Please make good use of this weapon compiled with love and guardianship, and do not allow it to be tainted with dust that it does not deserve.]

“I knew this thing looked familiar, so I’ve seen the old knight use it before in the Blood Vulture Cloisters.”

Brother Meow Meow caressed this weapon that could be called a “good thing” in every sense of the word, and he sighed with some regret.

This was the professional weapon of a White Knight, and he was destined to become a Red Knight, so in front of the glittering eyes of the other players, he handed it to the befuddled Sanwu Doo, the Shield Hand of his team.

“Holy fuck! This is given to me? But I don’t have enough money in my pocket, why don’t I bet next month’s paycheck?”

Sanwu Dou wasn’t quite brave enough to take it.

After all, this thing’s attributes were too supermodel.

It’s no exaggeration to say that this is basically the first “super weapon” that has been opened in the game so far, and it’s even stronger than the Holy Blade that Brother Woo Meow is holding.

“If I tell you to take it, just take it, what’s with all the nonsense?”

Woo Meow Brother’s eyes glared, shoved the war hammer into Sanwu Dou’s hand and said:
“Don’t you see, this thing is a set, itself is for defenders, didn’t you say you’ve already confirmed that you’re going to follow the White Knight’s path of guardianship in the future?

Take it.”

“Right, if I tell you to take it, you take it.”

The old song haha laughs and reaches out and puts his hand on Sanwu Dou’s shoulder, teasingly saying:

“This is much more important than a salary or something, after you take this, what do you do if you don’t do it, you’re embarrassed yourself.

You have to be glad that meow meow is not interested in men.”

“Fuck! You’re scaring me a little with that.”

Sango Doo spat viciously, but eventually reached out and took the light looking but actually quite substantial war hammer.

“Brothers! Since the undefeatable was opened in the chest, the heavy shield ‘Unbreakable’ should be in the other chests as well, the development team isn’t going to split a set into two events, right?

We, the Big Bird Spinning Troupe, are here to ask the other brothers to buy the Heavy Shield Unbreakable at a negotiable price!”

Brother Woo Meow shouted at the top of his voice, and the other players immediately came to their feet.

There were still at least 200 treasure chests that hadn’t been opened, and it had been confirmed that there was definitely another super weapon hidden in them, so now it was up to whoever this fell to.

Woo Meow Brother’s roar is equal to the already hot “open the box activity” added another fire, other people wailed to continue this exciting activity.

After they left, Tooth reappeared.

He took a look at the three or five fighting hammers holding a silly smile, and felt in his heart that this guy really has never seen the world.

Hey, see these two daggers on dude’s waist?
It’s of the same quality as your crap, or buddy I personally stole them from the BOSS, and you haven’t seen me showing off so much have you?

“Tooth old brother hurry to open the box.”

Ring Rush and Black Silk Brother urged from the side:

“Maybe that Unbreakable Shield is in the rest of these chests, oops, we’re really convinced of this luck of yours, bull!

You’re probably the legendary Chosen One, right?”

“But I suspect that you won’t be able to eat instant noodles for the next several months without necessarily having a spice packet.”

Little Hands spoke sourly from the sidelines, but Tooth was fine with that.

He opened the rest of the treasure chests, but his good luck seemed to run out and he wasn’t able to open the Unbreakable Shield, which was more or less stifling.

It seems that this little red hand isn’t omnipotent ah, probability science does still exist .
“It’s out! It’s out! Mrs. Water has shipped!”

Little Vikrama’s screams broke Brother Woow Meow’s contemplation in the next second.

He turned around sharply and saw the “Player’s No. 1 Beauty”, Mrs. Shui, struggling to grab an oak shield out of the box.

Her strength attribute was obviously not enough, so she couldn’t lift this thing at all, and had to be helped by Orchid next to her.


Brother Woo Meow was a bit thunderstruck for a moment.

He had already made up his mind to put together this weapon set for his own brothers, but why did it favor the sisters who pressed the shield?
How was he supposed to get it all together? Dumping his family’s money wouldn’t do it.

Sanwu Dou also noticed Brother Woo Meow’s expression, he gritted his teeth and came over to say:

“Why don’t we sell this hammer? We’re not in the business, the game is fun, but real life is more important.

This thing sold out brothers at least half a year’s salary you do not have to worry about, but also save you all day anxious on the fire.”

“What are you talking about?”

Brother Woo Meow chided without thinking:
“This thing to our hands is about a fate, you also want to hand it over is not a waste of the brothers’ hard work.”

“Right, we’re not to the point where we can’t make ends meet.”

Black Silk Brother shook his head and said:

“On the ooh meow and stick brother to discuss that thing after you still have to contribute to it, the girls and not bad money, I guess they are not interested.”

“You don’t care, I’ll go talk to them.”

Brother Woo Meow gritted his teeth and went up to negotiate, but the process was super smooth.

The shield hand of the girl group, Orchid Flower, had no intention of joining the Church of Avalon, so she couldn’t use this item of faith, but since it was opened by Lady Water, they simply gave up their shields from Brother Woo Meow after exchanging the Scarlet Witch’s cane that he had gotten earlier.

However, when I saw Brother Woo Meow’s expression of flesh pain, I knew that there were probably other additional conditions.

“Well, there’s no more happiness.”

President Natalie said with some regret as she shook her head when she saw the three or five buckets assembled with the weapons her father had left behind:

“What a pity, I was expecting to see a little more of these warriors’ ecstatic face expressions due to good fortune favoring them.”

“You need to understand that this joy stems from your gift, just as giving a rose will perfume your fingers as well, the pleasure will not go away.

They will always transfer from the unlucky one to my face.”

Murphy gave a relaxed smile as he looked at the ten family treasure chests behind him and said:
“You’ve gotten your pleasure, now it’s my turn.”

(End of chapter)

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