Chapter 294 – 293 – He even thanked us for this.

Chapter 294 293.Just like this, he even said thank you to us!

“What’s wrong with you today? Why are you so restless?”

In the administrative office of the Scarlet Fortress, in the small office that Consul Miriam had just moved into, Murphy, who had come to discuss with her the resettlement of the batch of captives and Yankee soldier boys who were about to return to Transylvania, frowned and said to Baroness Moeran, who was a bit distracted in front of her:
“Is it just that you’ve been so tired these past few days? Or was it the siege the other day that disturbed your mind? I see your face looks bad, why don’t I give you two days of vacation?

Or find Sister Marianne to do a tranquilizing ceremony for you?”

“It’s nothing, I’m just . . a little flustered today.”

Miriam also rubbed her brow in some confusion as the redhead, who always did her best to keep herself in an energetic state, said:
“It’s like something’s going on, but I can’t tell if it has anything to do with me or not, it’s hard for me to describe the feeling . You don’t have to worry.

I’ll go to the Avalon Sanctuary after work for a tranquilizing ceremony.”

“That’s good, you are now the centerpiece of the entire Transylvanian ruling system, in terms of importance, you’re even much more important than me as a lord.”

Murphy laughed, then his expression became serious as he said:
“What do you think of the concept I just said to you? Is it executable?”

“It’s hard to say.”

Miriam took a sip from her teacup as she replied thoughtfully:
“Letting the jackal captives build that road that was planned by Professor Chen is already an established plan, those barbarians don’t have much power in the eyes of the locals in the first place, even if they exhaust them to death there are more than enough civilians who will clap their hands and applaud.

But you’re letting the released blood servants and aid soldiers from other countries work with the jackals as well, that’s a bit too much.

You have to understand, Lord Murphy, that bloodservants are people too!

Many of them have relatives in the current Scarlet Fortress, so it’s fine if you don’t let them reunite with their families, but to fight for the Blood Wyvern Clan and then have to do hard labor when you come back is something that, if you say it out loud, will seriously lower your image in the eyes of the people.

I think it’s better for us to handle this in a different way.”

“They are destabilizing factors, Miriam, you know that very well.”

Murphy said as he pointed to the planning map of Count Cadman’s territory, which was placed on the table and had been produced by Old Chan Tou himself:
“We have to spend time screening which of them are willing to obey the new order we’ve established, the Blood Servants are a very extreme group of people, you can’t just casually release them back into the middle of the territory.

Besides, it’s not like I’m making them do hard labor all the time.

After the registration of identities and occupations is completed, those among them who have skills will be given a job, and those who perform well in a week or half a month of labor will also be given new identities.

Then there’s the Yankees who were sent into Transylvania as supporters, even Archduke Shani bluntly said that they were a bunch of retrenched scum who were thrown into our territory like garbage by the Yankee generals just to be used as trash, I think you’d better not have any optimistic expectations about their character.

With Transylvania’s currently stretched manpower, I wouldn’t want to waste my time on them, they’re here to support us not run off to enjoy themselves.

Is building roads and bridges as well as building villages not support?
I’ve already given them face by not throwing them straight into the filthy swamp side to dig trenches.”

“That being said.”

Miriam also had a bit of a headache.

It was her first time dealing with this kind of complicated situation, and she didn’t really agree with Murphy’s one-size-fits-all approach, but at the moment, it seemed like she didn’t have a second, more prudent approach.

And right in the middle of this stalemate, the door to the office was pushed open, and Professor Malcolm walked in clutching a pile of documents, he saluted Murphy with proper etiquette, and then joined the discussion very smoothly.

The professor was quick to offer his opinion.

He said to Murphy:
“Your thinking is very correct, Your Lordship…”


Murphy asked rhetorically.

Professor Malcolm laughed and waved his hand:
“Well, but this method is really too crude, and I don’t mean the inhumane part of this scenario, but it would be a waste of manpower to program them all as a basic workforce to repair the undersized.

It’s enough to have jackal and dog-head captives to do the grunt work.

Even trashier scum have smarter minds than jackals, and they can create more value, especially in manpower-strapped Transylvania.

I’ve just done a brief survey amongst the Blood League Knights, Witch Hunters and Thorn Vampires, and I’ve found that the personnel of all three parties have praised the wide and good easy to stow ‘Grey Tents’ of the kind that we produce in our camps.

It is not difficult to make, and perhaps we could set up a processing plant near the collective farm you are planning to specialize in making similar supplies.

I think that once the Black Plague starts, this kind of material that facilitates military operations will surely be in short supply.

It’s always more valuable to have the hands of soldiers to make tents than to have them digging ditches and filling in pits, not to mention that there has to be a priority for a system like punishment.

If you let them do hard labor right off the bat, how do you punish them when they get into trouble?
You can’t really kill them, can you?

Look, those who don’t want to work go to work as miners, if they still want to make trouble they go to build roads, and those who don’t even want to build roads in the safety of the backcountry are thrown to dig trenches.

This kind of stepped punishment is enough to scare most of the people who are not strong-willed, and the rest of the screened-out pricks are the ones who can be made an example of.

You have already given them two chances, but they still don’t appreciate it.

This way they will have their own way of taking their own deaths, and even if the Nordoff Kingdom confronts them with diplomatic channels, we can respond very appropriately.”

The history professor said eloquently:

“Violence is certainly an extremely effective tool of rule, however if the meaning of punishment can be utilized well, then your rule will certainly be more solid.”


Murphy glanced at Miriam who was listening attentively with her chin propped up on her hand and still taking notes, he asked, and the Scarlet Consul rolled his eyes and said:
“Of course, I’ve been learning from Professor Malcolm, this system can also be used to receive prisoners and those so-called ‘supporters’ from the Kingdom of Goldfinch.

Why don’t you promote Professor Malcolm to Consul? I really feel like there are good things I have yet to grasp the essence of.”

“That’s not my original approach either.”

The middle-aged professor laughed as he patted his notebook and said:
“It’s an experience I came up with after talking to those camp supervisors, and they said it came from a management model called ‘centralized camps’.

I’m just taking the best and removing the worst, after all, something like making soap out of people is too heretical, and it’s easy to get tied up at the stake if the witch hunters hear about it.”

“I knew they’d always come up with these mean jobs.”

Murphy bristled and mentally spat.

This was the main reason why he hadn’t dared to hand over the administrative decision-making power to the small players so far.

Listen to them come up with this bad idea, if they really want those three old brothers to manage the concentration camp, I’m afraid that in less than a month, some gas chamber or soap factory will be completed one after another.

The moral bottom line of the small players this kind of thing is too abstract, Murphy really do not dare to bet.

He was afraid that a few years later Transylvania produced “jackal cans” popular in the continent, by then he would have to be crowned “king of cannibalism” infamy, after all, vampires in this world’s reputation is not very good.

After discussing these matters with Professor Malcolm and Miriam, Murphy left the administrative center, he planned to hurry back to the Blood Vulture Corridor to prepare the rewards to be given to the players.

The humiliating defeat of the Jackals in the Andromeda Hills had already become a hot topic of discussion in Transylvania recently, and the Jackal routed soldiers who fled from there spread fear everywhere, and even the Jackal clans far away from the Count’s territory of Sicor began to flee.

The furthest runners had already crossed the border and stormed into the Ice Bay and the Great Plains of Kahovka.

Based on the information that Reyvono had gotten from his constant flights throughout Transylvania, the “plague of jackals” initiated by Murphy was expected to come to an end within a week, and the number of jackals in his territory was currently decreasing at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

This made Murphy sigh with emotion at the magic of the jackals.

Their intelligence allows them to understand failure and fear and imagine the madness they are going to face next, but their intelligence can’t provide them with a second choice other than “escape”, coupled with the fact that the degree of social organization is too low, when they encountered this situation, they can only disperse. This is a good thing.

The broken-down jackals were always screaming abstract phrases like “Murphy the Vampire Slayer is coming!”, which was enough to spread Murphy’s reputation effectively and quickly beyond Transylvania.

“Another big chunk of equipment and rewards to subsidize out, who can afford to be all out and no in like that?”

Murphy swept a glance at the individual points pool and team points pool on the character interface, because the elite monsters killed in the raid on Kenport camp also counted as points, so each of the top ten on the individual list was bereft of several thousand points.

The first ranked Cat and the second ranked Pomegranate Sister had a combined score of more than fifteen thousand points, and according to the calculation of ten points for an elite Jackal or Dog Head, these two guys’ hands had been stained with the blood of Jackals as well.

Praise a “bloody hand wolf slaughter” is no exaggeration.

And the happy stick of the large army combat also showed its prominence, this guy’s 30-member team hard to the group score of 120,000 points, the light they hunted and killed jackal corpses head to tail is estimated to be able to go around the Cadman Count’s territory of one or two laps.

“The point pool mode is really a good thing!

As long as I can come up with enough rewards, the enthusiasm of the players can burn without limit, what a great way to effectively command the players.”

Murphy lamented in his heart:

“Such a good model must be promoted, the next stage is to increase the population within the territory as soon as possible, how about another point pool? Give one point for every straggler found?
No, no, no, this way they can definitely give me a whole 100,000 points for living.

Hmm, one point for five stragglers.”

The vampire lord rubbed his chin to determine his next option, and he ran to the family warehouse below the cloister to flick through the equipment currently stored there, before coming to a frightening conclusion!

Two more big events like this, and his Murphy’s home base in the area of equipment would be emptied out! If the consumption of the new players who were about to enter the game in this aspect was also counted, Murphy would soon have no physical rewards to send to them.


Hiring players to work without giving them rewards? Isn’t this already a way to take death?

No way!

We have to quickly think of a way to cut down on expenses!
A sense of urgency rushed to his heart, Murphy frowned tightly and suddenly thought of the two family arsenals that the Blood Wyvern Clan was said to have hidden north and south of Transylvania.

He immediately rushed to Tris’s office, intending to ask his Grand Duke about this, but in the end, just as he pushed open the door, he saw that Tris was furtively stuffing two large peculiar boxes into her luxurious psychic energy bag.

“What are you doing?”

Seeing Tris looking so sneaky, Murphy immediately raised an eyebrow and shouted, Tris was startled, her hands shook as a thief, and one of the boxes slipped off the table and smashed on the floor.

It opened with a thud, revealing a set of dark red body armor that was housed within it in a black velvet backing.

Judging only from the refinement of its appearance, it was clear that this was by no means an extraordinary item, and the pair of gloves would reverberate a circle of faintly reddish light in vibration, making it a very high-class psychic item at a glance.

“What is this?”

Murphy asked in surprise:
“Who sent this? Or did you find something awesome in some nook or cranny of the cloister again?”

“Well it was a gift.”

Seeing that she couldn’t hide it, Tris sighed and placed the case with the gauntlets back on the table, reaching out to caress the delicate object with an appreciative gesture as she whispered:

“A gift that was delivered directly to Ms. Laneia thirty minutes ago via an advanced psionic transfer technique.”

“A gift? Who sent it?”

Murphy trailed off, and Tris gave him a look that said:
“Edward Spencer Gungro, have you forgotten? His Eminence Pa Ying asked old Edward to send a gift over as a symbol of ‘temporary reconciliation’ and to thank us for helping him get rid of the traitorous faction of the Wolfsbane Clan.

Here are two sets of lined armor made by Old Edward himself.

One set is for me and one set is for you.”

“Then why did you put both sets in your bag?”

Murphy squinted and lengthened his voice:

“Do you even covet my stuff? Tris, are you sure you’re a Descendant of Lust and not a Descendant of Greed?”

“I’m just putting it away for you! Who wants to covet your things?”

Tris said as she slapped the table with some annoyance:
“Am I that kind of person? It’s too wasteful to use this kind of stuff at your current rank you know? I’m going to wait until you step into the Silver rank to give it to you officially.

Old Edward is the continent’s top leatherworker, and the protective gear he made with his own hands is the highest class of defense gear no matter which country it is in.

These two sets in our hands are no exception.

Perhaps Old Edward isn’t willing to reconcile, but his dignity as a master craftsman doesn’t allow him to give away shoddy things.”

“It’s because I’m kinda weak right now that I need awesome defense, right?”

Murphy bristled and stepped forward to open the chest that belonged to him.

The neutral body armor placed inside had seven parts, but aside from its entirety, there was a black staff sword secured on the side.

However, instead of the wolf’s head commonly used by the Wolfsbane Clan, the top of its cane was faceted with a blood-colored vulture that had been carved with its wings spread out to fly, but instead, the vulture’s head was molded to look like a wolf’s head.

This was obviously sent by old Edward, but its meaning was more or less provocative.

Sending weapons to a potential enemy?
Tsk, it’s really worthy of the Ancient One, preachy and decent!
Murphy picked up the black staff sword in his hand, it was quite heavy in his hand, but the balance was perfect by weapon standards, and he gripped the hilt of the blood vulture as Tris watched.

A finger pressed down on the spring and gave it a gentle tug, and a flash of cold snowy blade light illuminated his eyes as item identification opened and an information tab popped up:

Name: Bestiality Deeply Buried – Classic Wolfsbane Staff Sword

Quality: Seiko – [Unique] Juggernaut

Trait: Extraordinary Swiftness – Extraordinary Sharpness – Extremely Effective Smooth Cleave – Extremely Effective Penetration – Wolf Plague

Special Effect: After the weapon is formed, it is tempered with the wilderness epidemic unique to the Wolfsbane Clan. Any life harmed by the weapon will be tainted with the [Wolfsbane], which will cause the enemy’s body to decay while destroying its spirit, eventually twisting it into a [Blood Ghoul].

This effect is considered an [Epidemic] and is difficult to dispel.

Requirements: This item is a Fae Psychic Weapon, and requires a specific skill to use it perfectly, requiring Dexterity ≥ 20 and Thinking ≥ 17.

Crafted by: [Archduke Wolfsbane] Edward Spencer Gungroe
Item Description:

[The sword I used in my youth was called ‘Grey Claw’, and I named Corando’s faction after it; now that Corando is dead, what this sword represents has dissipated under midnight, and even it itself is no longer collectible.

I reshaped it into its current form and gave it to the Destroyer of Corlandor as a token of my blessing for the victor.

Congratulations, young scion, for adding to an ancient hatred that turns the wheel of hate and brings a chill to each other’s eyes, and which you and I both know will eventually end, as every debt must be paid.
-Edward Spencer Gunn
Edward Spencer Gungahlo.]

“He’s an ancient man of over a thousand years old, giving a battle cry to a scion with a blood age of a year and a half, and I get the feeling he seems to be gloating over the fact that he’s found an ‘opponent’.”

Murphy turned back to Tris with this staff sword in hand:
“This old thing is pretty undignified, isn’t he?”

(End of chapter)

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