Chapter 291 – 290 Affirmation from Winter Fox

Chapter 291 290.Affirmation from Winter Fox

Today in the Blood Wyvern Corridor was much more lively than before, and the reason for this was probably because of the new NPCs being brushed out.

And not to mention the fact that Little Earl Shirren had brought valuable knowledge of steam engineering to the players, just the firearms with special phrases and some unique engineering items she sold in her personal store were enough to catch the eyes of the young players.

After all, in a game that focuses on realism, even the most arrogant caster player wouldn’t refuse to put a gun in his bag that could save his life in a critical moment.

Not to mention the melee fighters who always have to do the “dance of the knife”, carrying a gun that can be shot from the waist is already their consensus.

The “Reed Name Sword Technique” is not very nice, but it is really useful.

“Oh my! Brother Loyalty, your left hand is so cool!”

Lin Bei’s dog planes, who had come to purchase firearms and weapons for the team, were picking and choosing, but when they looked up, they saw Brother Loyalty, who was helping Count Sheridan with his accessories as an “apprentice mechanic”.

“Haha, cool, right? I spent a lot of money to buy this!”

Brother Loyalty was red-faced at this moment.

He proudly showed off his “mechanical left arm”, which was made entirely of metal with three miniature steam furnaces as energy sources under the operation of the Psychic Motion Sensing Technique.

Although there was still a lag in movement compared to flesh and blood, as Brother Loyalty’s five fingers moved, the clacking joints were still filled with a certain kind of compressive force.

Especially when the power of the steam furnace was elevated during wide range of motion, white columns of air would erupt from the exhaust holes at the shoulders.

Don’t mention how cool it is!
What man could resist such a thing? What man wouldn’t be mesmerized by it?
Lin Bei dog paddle immediately came up and circled around Brother Loyalty twice, also reached out to touch, the latter was like showing off a newly acquired toy, raised his arm a moment to pop out the assassination sword, a moment to let the cannon hidden in the palm of the hand to extend, but also the steam prosthetic limb attached to the mechanical shield to expand a few tactical movements.

The dog planer brother who watched this was crying out, and some of the small players beside him were also attracted over to tsk and wonder.

But soon there was a sharp-eyed guy who noticed that Brother Loyalty’s right hand was strange.

There is also a mechanical hand, but far less precise than the left arm, very rough three-claw structure like a pirate captain’s claw hook, how to look at it is full of a kind of “shoddy” flavor.

Loyalty brother refused to respond to this, just “practicing engineering” as a pretext to pass.

Of course, he would not tell others that he had made a mistake before, in order to install the mechanical prosthetic body to give himself a knife, if not for Sheridan here has a spare robot, loyal brother to “disabled” identity to continue their own gaming career or simply give himself a brain to the door, waiting for three days after the brand new life.

However, the loyal brother really is not nonsense.

He is learning the technique of making robotic hand from Count Sheridan, using his right hand, which was lost due to an “accident”, as the first test subject.

The only pity is that this thing is quite cumbersome to make, just hand rubbing a miniature steam furnace is enough to make Brother Loyalty busy.

“It’s new, it’s new, get out of the way!”

Brother Loyalty saw that the various firearms placed on the stalls were sold out, but immediately placed a new batch of finely crafted weapons on the shelves according to Little Earl Sherron’s instructions.

As a result, Little King, the traveling scholar who had just run over to get himself an additional firearm, jumped three feet in place when he saw the price, and he cursed:

“F*ck! 20 gold coins for a gun? Why don’t you guys go robbing? I bought it at the camp for 2 gold coins, right?”

“Then go to the camp and buy it! Why did you come to me?”

Brother Loyalty moved his cool mechanical hands and crossed his arms:

“Can white plate equipment be the same as this good stuff with words?

Let me tell you, don’t think it’s too expensive, right now in the whole of Transylvania, we are the only ones who can make this kind of precision firearms, charging you 20 gold coins is already very cheap, right?
If you really think it’s too expensive, you can go to Sister Mary Ann’s place to customize ah, her side is cheaper.”

“Cheap is cheap, but you have to wait.”

Little King, the traveling scholar, helplessly scratched his head and said:

“My brothers will soon be going to the collective farm to fulfill their duties, although there are guards to protect them, but without a good weapon in their hands they are really panicky, Transylvania is a hellish place full of jackals, and occasionally ghouls will come out.
Forget it, 20 is 20, give me four!
I’ll take four of them, and I’ll give you a 30% discount on the ammo.”


Brother Loyalty let out a yell, sighing in his heart that this manufacturing industry is too easy to get money.

Sheren little earl to each gun pricing 15 gold, their own from her at the original price of goods, and then easily resell can earn 5 gold coins difference.

As expected, it was still a monopoly business.

This side sent away the traveling scholar Xiao Zhou who was shaking his head and complaining about the treacherous merchants, Brother Loyalty picked up another unfinished drawing, not too skillfully grasping the charcoal pencil with his mechanical hand to write and draw.

He still has a “otherworldly heavenly fire” hidden mission, this old brother is holding back to give Lord Murphy the whole job, although the modern style rifle and bullets have been made, but if only to this extent how can they reflect their own bullishness?

He intends to make a little more “more criminal” things before the mission deadline, and now with the help of the little count of Sheridan as a mechanical engineer, many of the ideas that Loyal Brother couldn’t do before have already had a basis for realization.

However, before he finished his drawing, he saw a money bag being thrown on the counter.

Brother Loyalty looked up and saw that a new guest had arrived, but not a player but an NPC.

Andre, the Earl of the White Mountains!
This melancholic Yankee poet was picking up a finely crafted shotgun with a bayonet and playing with it in his hands, and since he was a broad who wasn’t short on money so he had ordered 100 of them in one go.

Didn’t even ask the unit price.

But this also aroused Loyal Brother’s curiosity and he inquired while recording the order requirements:

“Lord Andre, you and your followers are all excellent midnight assassins, weapons like firearms that make noise and are inconvenient to carry are not suitable for you, are you ordering so many weapons?”

“For the blood servants in my faction.”

Earl Whitehill replied in a calm tone:

“A new batch of Blood Servants will arrive in Transylvania in a few days, and they will participate in the strife that will follow this land in the name of the White Mountain faction and dedicate themselves to their country and honor under the Black Plague.

It is only natural that I, as leader, should equip my servants with the best weapons.”

“Ah, so that’s how it is!”

Brother Loyalty nodded, then with a twinkle in his eye, he inquired:

“Then is it necessary to purchase another ‘disability insurance’ for your servants? I mean, while vampires certainly don’t worry about missing arms and legs, and you can heal yourselves under midnight, human blood servants can’t defend themselves against such possible risks, and my mentor, Earl Sherron, happens to be an expert in this area.

You see!”

He put his robotic arm on display again, moving it around a few times to demonstrate its performance before coquettishly speaking to Count Andre, who wore a curious expression:
“All it takes is a mechanical arm or leg to allow your disabled servants to return to the battlefield to kill for you again, until their human bodies can no longer withstand more battles and then they can be welcomed with a midnight embrace.

I guess a good ruler like you must have a balance of talent and loyalty when selecting servants, so let the talented blood servants show their loyalty in battle, and then eventually give the Lord’s approval and midnight blessing as a reward for their loyalty.

What a beautiful thing that would be!

All it takes is a simple disability insurance policy!

Yes, for a small fee, your servants can enjoy engineering assistance from Count Sherron, and we can guarantee that they will continue to fight for you for as long as they can breathe, forging a strong vampire bloodline by fighting in glorious battles as their last days as humans.”

“Ah this.”

Loyal Brother’s statement made Count Andre surprised, he looked at Loyal Brother’s mechanical arm a little heartily but then he lowered his voice and asked:
“Wouldn’t this be too inhumane? Requiring them to fight until the last moment to receive the Midnight Blessing .”

“But a reward that can be obtained casually is something no one will cherish.” Brother Loyalty shrugged and said:

“Surely you can mercifully bestow the Midnight Glory on those Blood Servants who have not undergone any trials and expect that they will not sneak around and fail you.

Or you could bestow what they deserve after you have fully understood their loyalties and discerned the disloyal ones.

It is all your freedom.

But I think that you should learn from our Lord Murphy and Archduke Tris that the Blood Vulture Clan only needs warriors of the Black Iron rank to be fresh blood.

It sounds harsh, but it does ensure that there won’t be any weaklings among the new members of the Blood Vulture Clan.”

Earl Whitehill fell silent.

After a few seconds of contemplation, he inquired:
“Then, what is the pricing of that ‘disability insurance’ you mentioned before?”

“It’s not expensive, it’s very cheap, Your Excellency the Count.”

Seeing that he was about to make a big deal, Brother Loyalty excitedly rubbed his hands together, making his mechanical hands clink in the collision.

He said:

“It only costs 300 gold coins to insure a person, and 50 gold coins every month after that, and Earl Shirren promises with her status as Lord of Sicco and the honor of the Sicomair family that she will be responsible for every insured person to the end.”

“Well, in terms of the value of human life, it is indeed cheap, so let’s start with 100 copies.”

Andrei returned to his room in the Blood Vulture Cloisters.
There was still a vague uneasiness in his heart, and this uneasiness came from the “disability insurance” that he had just signed with Brother Loyalty.

He knew that by signing it, he meant that the Bloodservants who would join his faction would be treated horribly, and that the presence of mechanical prosthetics would mean that they would become true fighting machines until their broken bodies could no longer take any more training.

Count Hakusan felt that he had just committed a real “sin”.

“Not bad, you really have grown.”

Just as Andre was feeling anxious because of his inner guilt, a familiar voice resounded in the shadows of his room, causing the Earl to subconsciously grip the hilt of the Gray Claw Staff Sword at his waist, but then he relaxed.

It was because Grand Dame Shani just stepped out of the shadows.

The pretty yet gentle face of this matriarch of the Thorn Clan wore a rare look of approval as her blonde hair braid hung low behind her as she walked over to her great-great-grandson, nodding her head in satisfaction as she said:

“Just a moment ago, you made the right decision.

I was able to rejoice in the fact that you have finally figured out the difference between ‘allegiance’ and ‘duty’ and have seen the true value of your followers with the reasoning of a ruler.

Your cowardice and unnecessary kindness is being stripped away a little, allowing the heroic blood of Boris to awaken within you.

But you seem disturbed by this?”

“Yes, Archduke.”

Without hiding his not-so-quiet state of mind in front of his ancestors, Andrei whispered:
“I know it is necessary, and I have resolved to learn from Archduke Tris about the reconstruction of the Blood Vulture Clan as a way to rebuild my faction.

But this practice of treating human lives as grass and personally pushing servants who have pledged their loyalty into the abyss of war is just not a happy one.”

“You are young, and you do not yet understand that all loyalties must be tested by time or tribulation before they are perfected.”

Archduke Shani did not chide Andre for his weakness.

She said softly:

“You can’t always hope to be lucky enough to meet a loyal servant with a naturally obedient personality like Maxim’s like Murphy, you need to find your own Maxim.

Or raise a ‘monster’ that belongs to you by hand from among your servants.

War has always been a cruel thing.

But it will hammer out strength and help you discern the loyalty that is truly worth valuing.

Ah, it was the right thing to leave you in Transylvania before, Andrei, your sister and I have received your gift back to Northwind Keep.”

Archduke Thorn said with a satisfied nod:

“You have not witnessed your sister’s emotion at the sight of that hideous ice sculpture work of art, as she praised her youngest brother for finally growing up and proudly placed it in the halls of the Ice Palace for all her subjects to admire your courage and strength.

You have received her initial approval.

And, of course, I am pleased with the vampire heart you delivered.

The heart of lycanthropy, the power of the wild and brutal. Keep it up, child, and let the weight of it polish you into the perfect and radiant raw stone with which you will realize your vision.”

“I am honored, Archduke.”

The longing for recognition in Andre’s heart was finally somewhat satisfied, which soothed his jittery heart, but he knew that such a small matter was not worth a personal trip by Archduke Shani, and the presence of his ancestor at the Scarlet Castle surely meant something more important.

So he waited patiently.

“The 100 court sword guards gifted to you by your sister are already on their way, they will arrive at Scarlet Fort in half a month.”

Lady Shani commanded:
“But that is not the main purpose of my coming here; make an appointment for me with Lady Tris and Lord Murphy, for whom I bring good news and intend at once to fulfill the engagements that have been fulfilled.”

With that said, Shani glanced at Andre.

She said:

“Murphy is about to be recognized by the Wolf Woman as the true Governor of Transylvania, but that also means that you will be out of touch with the throne of this fiefdom.

Do you feel uneasy or discouraged by this?”

“No. Ruling Transylvania was never something I sought.”

Count Andrei replied with great candor:
“This is not the land to which I swore allegiance, nor is it the place where I have decided to display my talents; it is only a stop on a journey for me, where I will gain courage and growth so that I may better serve my true lord.

I offer nothing but applause and best wishes to Murphy as he becomes King of Transylvania.

It is what he deserves.”

“Very well, such a temperament is also that of a king.”

Lady Shani was even more satisfied.

An odd smile appeared on her gentle face, and she reached out with a “kind” smile and touched Andre’s head as she whispered:
“You made the right decision, Lord Murphy thought that he could rest easy after defeating the Jackals and accepting the allegiance of Earl Cecco.

But what he may not realize is that this is only a small and hardly even praiseworthy accomplishment that he has just accomplished.

Real trouble is coming soon, and it is always harder for a ruler to maintain his authority and deepen his rule than it is to pioneer.

Hopefully, Murphy is ready for it.”

(End of chapter)

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