Chapter 263: 262 You lose, I win because my ambition is higher than yours.

Chapter 263 262.You lose and I win only because my ambition is more above you Mouth and Teeth! -[1220]

(For brother “Huo Zheng is quite good” [12/20])

Broken sword blades fluttered in the darkness, and as the ear-piercing sound peeled away, the blades that shattered open from the center as a whole were thrown and scattered everywhere like exciting concealed weapons, but they didn’t manage to hit anyone.

Because the two guys who were moving at high speed and attacking each other had long outpaced the speed at which the shards were spilling out by now.

Jopan’s relic staff sword had fulfilled its role perfectly, it had become even more deadly in the hands of its new user, leaving deeper wounds on the murderer’s body, but sadly, against a vampire, such a supernatural creature, the number of wounds alone could not establish a chance of victory.

The Necessary Evil pierced forward with a sharp whine, but it was quickly parried away by Kuroki’s cane.

After this smooth block the unusually vibrantly carved wolf’s head staff sword was once again sheathed, dodging and counterattacking to stab at Murphy’s heart, but unfortunately this strike was accurately captured by Count Cadman, whose form transformed into a cloud of flying bats at the moment of the blade’s thrust, dodging it perfectly.

It was this strange dodge again!

Corando’s gray eyes were filled with disgust.

Previously, he also thought that as a powerful Silver Hunter he wouldn’t be able to handle a Black Iron Blood Vulture without much effort, but after he really got his hands on it, he realized that this Murphy in front of him was really a bit difficult to deal with.

“Such outstanding talent, it seems that my child did not die unjustly.”

He did not go forward to attack but stopped in place, his left hand holding the cane in front of him, his right hand holding the staff sword hanging low at his side, the quality of the body armor on his body is quite good should be a high-grade protective gear, even with the sharp edge of the Necessary Evil in the multiple attacks only brought out insignificant wounds.

However, the fatal wound on his neck, which was rapidly healing within seconds, stung a bit, both for him and for Murphy, who was once again converging in the darkness in front of him.

Judging only by the appearance of the two at this point, Murphy was at a disadvantage.

He had more wounds, even his massive blood wings were torn open slowly healing under the dark psychic energy.

“What if I told you that Jopan actually died in an accident?”

Murphy whispered:
“I didn’t have so much power that I could mobilize at that time, I was weak at that time never a match for him, just like me and you now, the difference is visible to the naked eye.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Corando moved his neck.

Little by little, his human form was fading away to be replaced by the wolfbat’s true form that had been unleashed in battle, a true wilderness monstrosity that was far more hideous than any other wolfsbane Murphy had ever seen.

That was the monster after the fusion of the giant wolf and the bat, that was the perfect fusion of the night and the wilderness.

The wolf-like bat-like head and the flying mane on the neck, and the hunched up but muscular body, the reflexive legs and the strange arms with wings attached, and the sharp claws that were constantly extending out, all of this made Corando’s aura even more wild and ferocious.

This represented that the Gray Claw Commander had gradually lost interest in the confrontation of skills, and he began to pursue winning by crushing with absolute strength, that was the way the Wolfsbane preferred to fight.

“I don’t really care how my child died, it’s not because I’m cold-blooded.”

Corando’s voice all but muffled in the release of the wilderness monstrosity as if it were an animal roar, he said:

“His death at your hands is proof that you are stronger than him, and it is peculiar that I have always respected the strong, as you should at this point in time respect the power that is about to kill you. Already at this time you still do not have a little fear, this power is not worth your fear?”

“I’m sorry, I’m a man born with a big heart, and I’ve seen things far scarier than you.”

Murphy narrowed his eyes.

He knew he couldn’t drag this out any longer.

Farther away from his part of the battlefield, in the dense shadows of the sewers, George, the Star Realm Giant Wolf, was fighting side by side with Reverno, the Spirit Vulture, against the Star Realm Pack Wolves summoned by Corando, and even though it was stronger than the normal Star Realm Giant Wolves, it fought very hard against the summoning specialties that had been strengthened by releasing the racial potentials of more of them under the Silver Order.

Apparently, George was in a bitter fight just like its master.

Corando and his wolf pack were by no means generalized, whether in terms of combat experience or combat skills and absolute strength level, he was more powerful than the young Murphy.

He did have the credentials to show arrogance.

Spectral Pace activated, Murphy surged forward, Necessary Evil raised in his hand but was swung back by the faster and more powerful Corando, though Murphy did not stop.

He let go of the repulsed weapon and called for the Dark Claws to come forward, while the knocked away magic sword smoothly entered the “two-man tango” mode.

The attack was more aggressive when unarmed, but this method, which had been useful in the past, didn’t work as well as it should have, and Corando seemed to be on the lookout for it.

The claws of the night with real damage pierced the body of the gray clawed commander, but the necessary evil that attacked from the flank was repelled by the staff sword, and the hostile magic sword was not annoyed, but accelerated the attack, but in the clanking of the weapons, the killing moves that it brought were blocked by Corandor.

Murphy’s sharp claws continued to create wounds on the gray clawed commander, but the latter ate these attacks by virtue of his thick blood and ability to resist.

He seemed to have truly transformed into a beast.

Under the sharp perception, his body was able to avoid fatal wounds every time, making it difficult for Murphy’s claws to complete the operation of one-hit-kill in the constant attacks and dodging.

After every painful claw piercing, those wounds will be rapidly healed, it is obvious that the self-healing power of Corando under the wolf bat’s original phase has reached a level that makes it difficult for Murphy to “break the defense”.

Powerful, fast, unparalleled self-healing power, beast-like sense of danger, at this time in front of Murphy’s eyes is the Wolfsbane thugs have been fully formed fighting style.

Murphy decided to call them “rolling meat” for the time being.

Except for their inability to fly and their ugly appearance, there were almost no weaknesses that could be exploited.

“If you’re so resistant, why don’t you change your name to Wolverine?”

The vampire lord spat madly in his heart, and saw the opportunity to use his Death Grip to bind the howling Korando in place and pull him up, taking advantage of the flickering opportunity to stab Korando through the back of his heart from behind and crush his heart, while the Necessary Evil also pierced through his throat from the front and pierced through his neck.

Korando roared and swung his claws to break the Death Grip, turning back to send Murphy flying with a claw and grabbing the Necessary Evil again to pull it from his neck.

He seemed to have been waiting for this opportunity, and as soon as his claws snapped around the Necessary Evil a black psionic spell erupted from one of the trinkets wrapped around his hand.

In a flash of black light the entire magic sword was temporarily banished from the material world, Murphy could still feel the presence of the Necessary Evil, who was trying to break the banishment and return to the material world, but it would take time.

The double pounding finally had an effect!
The BOSS went fucking berserk!

And he had lost his main weapon himself.

Spinning around in the air for a week to land and unload his power Murphy looked up, and in front of him the chest that had just been ripped open by himself could still be seen with the strangled heart in it remodeling in the flesh, while the neck that had been mostly torn open by Necessary Evil was rejoining in blood in an unspeakably disgusting way.


He cursed for the first time in such an undignified manner.

What’s the point of this?

The guy in front of him was healing unreasonably, and was obviously close to being “immune” to physical damage. I heard that the main way to grow in the Silver rank was to continuously explore the potential of racial blood, so the Corando in front of him was a “devilish sinewy man” that was achieved by advancing the potential of the “blood of the wolf bats” to the extreme? Is that why he’s a “Demon Fleshman” after pushing the potential of his “Wolf Bat Blood” to the limit?

Of course, although it seems that Corando’s advantage is strong, but Murphy still keenly realized that his fatal blow just now was not without effect.

This guy’s “rejuvenation” has become even more serious!
The animal nature in his eyes has already overpowered the cunning and brutal Midnight Wisdom, his hand claws almost animal claws can not hold the staff and sword, the whole person with thick forearms to support the torso, like a real giant wolf and bat fusion into a monster like moving on all fours, that is full of messy teeth of the wolf muzzle teeth continue to drip down the blood-colored saliva.

“Well, so the thing that needs to be sacrificed in exchange for Wolfsbane Brute Force is your brain, right?”

Murphy got up in place, he no longer intended to fight this guy in close combat. There was no way to win!
He had to change his fighting style.

Fortunately, thanks to the constant urging of Tris’s mother, Murphy’s progress in the field of psychic mastery was not as good as his swordplay, but he was no longer an apprentice type who could only throw Midnight Gorilla の Big Shit Balls.


The sharp bladed whip swung up, and as the Star Realm tamer’s hunting whip lashed, George, the giant wolf who had already been dumbly punched, suddenly wailed and yelped a few times, and the extended summoning that unfolded with it as the coordinates opened the summoning door once again.

A dozen ferocious Star Realm wolves lunged out of it, driving the pack summoned by Corando back.

The two packs of Star Realm wolves fought ferociously in the darkness and this was just the beginning, Murphy held the distance with precision and began to continuously summon beasts from the Star Realm while beating the animalistic Corlando with his bladed whip.

Four large-mouthed frogs emerged from the shadows and grabbed each of Corando’s limbs, pushing him into the floating shadows with the sluggishness of pulling him into the mud, and in slowing down he was caught and eaten by several astral eagles with their sharp talons, and several frenzied baboons rushed out of the astral streams of light, wailing as they tried to rush out only to be blocked by Murphy.

The flasks were given to these crazy and noisy guys, and Murphy even rubbed out a psychic spark to help them ignite, and then watched the self-destructive mad baboons screaming and rushing over to the “self-destructive warriors”, pouncing on Corando and scratching madly while smashing the flasks.

The fire rose up and entangled the entire wolfbat.

The scraping damage caused by such an attack was obviously effective in killing Corando, but it seriously slowed down his attack and created enough time for Murphy to cast his spells.

Beating obscure psychic energy fluttered above Count Cadman’s ten fingers, the most lethal psychic spell he currently had at his disposal had been chanted to its conclusion, and the moment the wolfbat, its hide set ablaze, killed the pesky summons and rose up in the air towards Murphy, Count Cadman thrust his fingers forward in one of the most classic spellcasting maneuvers of the Dark Sith.

He almost brainlessly pressed the psychic energy in his body into this shot of psychic lightning.

Wild and dangerous dark spiritual energy erupted from his fingertips, turning into dancing and obscure spiritual energy lightning that surged forward.

The flying dark electric current with extreme paralysis and tingling entangled Corando’s body like a big net, causing him to enter an irresistible “electrified” state, and he lost his target as his whole body tingled and crashed headlong into the stone wall beside Murphy.

The force was so great that it sent debris flying, but when he got up in the dust, his movements were a bit out of shape.

Those fine obscure lightning wandered on his fur, making it difficult for him to quickly remove this bone-etching poisonous paralysis, compared to this bad bondage, the killing brought by the psychic lightning and the charred black wound on his chest was a secondary matter.

If Korando still maintained his sanity, he would have known that he should retreat and use up Murphy’s psychic energy through guerrilla tactics, but his increasingly frenzied, animalistic mind was no longer capable of such a subtle tactic.

He could only be driven by the ferocious killing intent to attack Murphy again.

Unfortunately, Murphy had already found the weakness of this seemingly powerful to invincible enemy.

His already repaired blood wings flapped to carry him up into the air, and even though the terrain in the sewers severely limited the blood vulture’s flying advantage, this already cleared area also limited the space for Wolfsbane to dodge and hide.

And when faced with an enraged beast, Murphy had all the means of attack at long range at his disposal.

It was true that “kite flying” was the correct way to fight fighters, but just as Murphy took out the miser’s hunting crossbow and prepared to start the second phase, a cold wind suddenly blew into this dangerous battlefield.

Count Cadman looked back and saw Andrei holding the Cold Tooth Blade appearing in the cold wind.

With a wave of his hand, the five frozen Wolfsbane Hearts were thrown to Murphy, and then Earl Whitehill said softly:
“Although this is a bit presumptuous, but I also ask you to let me have my own enemy, His Excellency Count Cadman.

I need this perfect Wolfbane Heart to present to my ancestors, to prove my growth and my hunt, as a way to beg for the rebuilding of my faction.”

“I say, you were hiding and peeking while I was tussling with Corando just now, weren’t you?”

Murphy dropped the Frozen Heart in his hand into his psychic energy bag as he said in an unkind tone:

“Are you planning to be a yellow bird? Or do you think that the occupation of fisherman is really suitable for you?”

“It’s not as despicable as you think, I have absolutely no intention of killing two birds with one stone, I’m just using your wonderful battle to obtain a way for me to defeat this undead beast, after all, his strength is far superior to mine.

But I also have my ambitions!

I don’t want to die here, so I have to find a chance to survive and still get my hands on the spoils of the Draconian battle.

Killing Corandor is nothing more than an optional victory for you, but it means a great deal to me, not to mention the fact that the blood alliance between Archduke Shani and Archduke Tris needs to be punctuated by the blood of a common enemy.

It would be better for both of us to have this blood alliance given by my own hand.”

Earl Whitehill replied rather frankly:

“Please grant me this opportunity, and I promise that my faction and I will be your loyal subordinates in the ensuing Battle of the Black Plague.

Sworn in the name of my ancestor, Boris the Heroic King!

We will do what we promised.”


Murphy deftly dodged the pounce from the deadly wolf bat in the air, and slammed a stored-up psychic lightning bolt onto it, causing its negative status of “paralyzed retardation” to be refreshed again.

He glanced at Andrei, who had clearly activated some kind of winter power that didn’t belong to a vampire, and he said:
“Although Corando’s weak demon is a scrying weakness, with his destructive power under his wolf-bat nature, you’d probably die if you were touched by his claws.

Do you really already have this realization of stepping into the dance of the sword?”

“I can only answer you that I have my ambitions!”

Andrei stepped forward with his cold teeth in hand.

As he stepped into the darkness, the cold wind that was entangled around him suddenly intensified, and layers of flying and swirling frost swept across the ground like a tide of extreme freezing, causing an extended white frost visible to the naked eye to descend.

“He’s all yours, Ambition.

You still owe me a Transylvanian Dawn poem, don’t die here or I’ll have a hard time explaining all this to Lady Shani and your sister.”

Murphy flew away from the battlefield in a frosty slap, reaching out as he landed, Corandor’s staff and sword fell into his hand, and was returned to the scabbard of his cane, and left this without a backward glance.

He had forfeited this victory to give himself a temporarily usable force, the transition of his role from warrior to ruler had been smooth as could be, and he hadn’t lacked this victory to prove himself.

But Andrei did need it.

From the spot where Murphy had fought, he looked at the vicious wolf-bat covered in layers of frost in front of him with his cold teeth in hand, the most dangerous creature he had ever faced since he was a child.

Second only to his sister.

“The winter wolves that patrol the great wilderness are as dangerous as you are, but they can be far more handsome.”

The Earl of White Mountain whispered:
“I will make a gift of you, your heart to my ancestors, and your head to my sister, who will see me grow and be able to bring me closer to her . To be allowed to make me the shadow, the only shadow, under that throne.

I will follow in her footsteps.

And you!

Are the first step in this ambition!”

(End of chapter)

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