Chapter 260: 259 Wolfsbane Death Squad is charging for “Huo Zheng is quite good”.

Chapter 260 – 259 – Wolfsbane Death Squad is Charging – For Brother “Huo Zheng Quite Well” [920].

“I gave you five hundred men! Corando, I hope you won’t let the blood of my warriors go to waste!”

In the night three days later, in the jackal camp, Warlord Kenport rode his robust giant cloaked hyena with a haughty face to the leader of the Wolfsbane Clan faction who was preparing for a far-flung raid on the Scarlet Fortress:

“Though the moment of separation has come, I must say that it has been a pleasure working with you…”

“Stop pretending!”

Corando, who was dressed in black battle armor, would not even bother pretending this time, as he said in a sarcastic tone to the Jackal Warlord in front of him:
“You can’t even hide the expression of sending the plague on your face, and the cooperation between us is not pleasant at all, it basically belongs to the state of looking at each other, this is also a relief for me, we don’t have any relationship after that anymore, Kenpot.

I just want to reiterate that if we take Scarlet Castle”

“Ah, I will immediately turn back toward the Cato area with my army.”

Kenpot let out the weird and evil laugh of a jackal on the coyote seat as it said:
“I won’t continue to attack the city that already belongs to you, that’s the ‘agreement’ between us, gah gah gah, but the other governors of the Bite Bone Clan might not be as nice as I am, so the last advice I’ll give you is to take this time to think about how to get closer to my clan again while you’re at it. My ‘friend’.

Soon you will know who can save you all in the face of the Black Plague!

Ha, without further ado, it’s nightfall and time for you to depart, as per our Jackal tradition this would be a time to present you with a bowl of bracing wine, but I’m guessing that you’re not accustomed to our strong spirits, so have a good journey my ‘friend’ under the midnight.”

The Wolfsbane Vampires didn’t even bother to respond any further to the Jackalese Warlord’s disingenuousness, as they rolled over and mounted their summoned Starworld Wolves and turned to head out into the night that was so boisterous as to be unsettling.

The five hundred Jackalese barbarians that had been allocated for their use also followed them on their hyenas.

Kenpot didn’t go back on its word this time, it really picked five hundred powerful barbarians and handed them over to Corando.

Such a small number of people was nothing to the huge legions under its command now, let alone just some locally recruited Transylvanian pariahs, if their lives could be used to help the Wolfsbane Clan raid and take down the Scarlet Fortress, then not to mention 500, even 5000 could be given!

This is also a good thing for Kenports, but Korando’s bossy stance makes Kenports very unhappy, so 500 people is enough, anyway, these bastards are cannon fodder to die . Did you really think you’d let them go?


After getting a map of the Wolfsbane Clan’s defenses in the Cato region, Kenpot was already itching for more.

Compared to the barren and little oil Transylvania, the affluent Cato region was more like a piece of fat and juicy meat steak, as long as he could lead the army to break through there, he couldn’t get a huge amount of military supplies, but he could also get a super huge reputation amongst the Bone Biting Clan.

At that time, one can rightfully ask Mossy Valley to send more elites to support oneself, and then pull out a head back to take down Transylvania as well!

That would be the true power for it to realize its ambitions.

As for these cheap jackals of Transylvania, ch, one by one, small in stature, weak in will, barely qualified as cannon fodder, want to rely on them to make a career that is not even think about.

From this point of view, Ken Porter and Corando can cooperate to a piece really is not an accident, these two guys even want the same thing.

“Great King, these Wolfsbane pups won’t necessarily be able to take down the Scarlet Fortress.”

Just as Ken Potter was thinking about these problems alone, the “lucky one” Hogg, who had come back from the dead twice, came over and it whispered:
“They obviously underestimated their fellow blood vultures, perhaps they will suffer a big loss, but this is just a chance! If the Scarlet Fortress is thrown into disarray by this night’s raid, your army can”

“You’re just terrified by the blood vulture vampires, poor Hogg, your guts are as small as your size.”

Kenport scoffed at the argument.

It glanced at Hogg.

The guy was really lucky, and he had a good head on his shoulders, but unfortunately he was a cheap bastard, and half as good as half a noble bloodline from the Mossy Valley.

This mixture of noble and lowly in Kenport more disgusted Hogg!

It feels that this guy is synonymous with shame, but the problem is that it can not go back on its word in front of its own compatriots, before he promised Hogg if he came back alive will give the reward.

Alas, those wolfsbane scumbags couldn’t even do that right! Wasn’t getting rid of this crippled bastard just a matter of a passing sword? Why bring it back to annoy people?

“I know you worry about my conquests, I see your loyalty, but I will make the decisions on these matters, go get your bounty, Hoggle, and go pick out your former clan. I will allow you to reorganize your clan and join the elite main body of the camp.”

“Thank you for your generosity, my lord!”

Hogg showed great joy.

It shrank back and withdrew from Kenport’s side with great eyesight, and went back to his side of the Bloodclaw Clan again against the scornful stares of the other jackals.

In the two days that it ran out to “send his life”, Nash accomplished the task that it ordered well, it did not blindly recruit many jackals that only have a big appetite to fill up the number, on the contrary, the current Blood Claw Clan’s more than a hundred jackals are all the kind of very clever guys.

Intelligence was not a necessity for survival in the jackal group, thus most of these smart jackals were the fringe of the various clans, and Hogg had gathered them together so that these guys didn’t have to be bullied anymore either.

In this way, both sides were satisfied with this.

Hogg quickly announced to his new clan that High King Kenport had a high regard for their small clan and the relocation of the camp to the central region.

This made its clansmen rejoice even more.

Moving to the center of the camp would mean more food rations and better weapons decentralized, and they could have more slaves.

“Nash, come here, I have something to command you.”

Hogg called out in a whisper to his most trusted subordinate, Nash looked around and quietly followed his chief as the two jackals spoke in the darkness.

“High King Kenport also gave me back my previous clan, there were over two hundred men there.”

Hogg spoke to Nash.

The latter immediately exclaimed with joy and said:
“This is a good thing! Your previous clan members must be more loyal to you.”

“It’s not a good thing.”

Hogg was helpless.

It knew that if it were to meet with its previous clan members, its claims of being the ‘grandson of the Bitten Bone’ to its current core of clansmen would immediately be demolished.

This was something that was going to kill it.

The coldness and disgust in Kenport’s eyes when he had looked at it earlier Hogg had sensed it clearly, and it knew that Kenport despised and loathed it as a half-breed.

As long as there was a chance, that brutal king would never spare himself, but it couldn’t tell this matter to Nash, this ram would definitely not be able to hide it.

So Hogg said to Nash face to face:
“You have made an effort to follow me recently, especially when picking people for the new clan you didn’t slack off and did exactly what I told you to do, this makes me very satisfied.

I must commend you generously!
So, I’m going to give that original clan of mine to you!”


Nash’s large, scarred face was covered in hand-wringing surprise.

Even in its original clan, it was just a big-headed barbarian soldier, and now it could actually become a chief, which was something that could never have been imagined.

“Go, rule your clan.”

Hogg patted its shoulder and said:

“Lead them however you want, of course, you’re still a member of the Blood Claw Clan, that won’t change, and if you lose your own clan in the future, I’d be more than happy to welcome you back to our extended family.


Find your clan and share the joy.”

Nash hopped dizzily onto the coyote and glanced back at Hogg, who grinned broadly and waved a paw at him, and Nash was immensely grateful to his Hogg chief for the moment.

But after it left, a flash of fierceness surfaced in Hogg’s green eyes.

His own former clan was a threat!
If it wanted to become the grandson of the King of Biting Bones, those who knew where it came from would have to be taken out all together, and only the dead jackals would truly shut up.

But relying on itself it simply couldn’t do this in the current Jackal camp.

Well, maybe it’s time for him to ask for a little help from his “friends” as a “pangolin”.

“How many have come from the Cato region?”

Moriarty Corando, riding through the night on his Starwolf, asked his eldest son, Mark, as his cloak fluttered.

They were at that moment advancing toward the Gulf Stream of the Cadman River, through which they were to sneak into the sewers of the Scarlet Fortress to execute a raid.

And Mark Corando, who had brought the men from the Cato area, was likewise riding a giant wolf, and he was even larger than his own brothers, almost like a muscular monster with an inverted triangle for the upper half of his body.

Facing his father’s inquiry, Mark Corando, who had a scar on his face, said in a jarred voice:
“Three hundred men! All elite Black Iron Warriors, the rest of the lesser fighters are making their way over but they are slow, and as you commanded, I have drawn out all the members of our faction in the Cato area already.

But father, isn’t this a bit of a risky act tonight?

What if this is a trap?” “Are you doubting my detection?”

Stander immediately disliked it with displeasure:

“That was information that I acquired only through my personal reconnaissance! There’s no question about it.”

“I’m just being honest, I’ve always felt that there’s something strange about this.”

Mark didn’t even understand his stupid brother’s rebuttal, he just looked at his father who was convincing enough to whisper:
“You also told my two sisters to leave Grimm’s Island with the clan and the treasure of the Corandos, did you have a premonition of what was going to happen?
Is that old loser Edward going to make a move on us?”

“Isn’t it obvious that he sent the Grey Claw faction to the forefront of the battlefield and said that he wanted us to participate in the Black Plague on behalf of the Wolfsbane Clan? My sons.”

Corandor said in a cold voice:

“Edward has long seen us as a thorn in his side that threatens his control of the clan, he wants to get rid of us while he has the chance, and suppression from the patriarch is a hard thing for us to bear, my sons.

I too have wondered if this is a trap.

But you have to admit that the blood meal that has been set before you is indeed tempting. Even if we know it is bait, we must bite down.

As for your sister.
Well, it’s true that I’ve been hiding something from you for fear that if you heard about it you wouldn’t be able to suppress your anger and do something stupid.

Just a month ago, when the Grey Claw faction left Greenie Island, old Edward gave a large portion of our territory to a mysterious woman named ‘Cecilia’.

She established her faction in our territory.

Boys, we can’t go back, we don’t have a home anymore.

That old dog Edward has given us an ultimatum with this action, either stay in Cato and help him expand Wolfsbane’s influence on the continent as a pioneer, or be eaten up by the other factions.

Which is probably just as well.

After all, a true wolf pack shouldn’t have a home either!

Boys, our enemy may seem to be that blood buzzard named Murphy, but in reality, we’ve stood against old Edward.

He will not allow a faction within the Wolfsbane Clan strong enough to challenge his position.

We either have to throw our weight around and break through this, or we have to honestly bow down and admit defeat, and I don’t know about you guys?
But I wouldn’t want to roll back and lick old Edward’s shoes!
Even dying here would be better than that downfall.”

“How dare he!”

Stander cursed:

“That shameless and sinister old bastard, I’ll make sure he pays for it in the future!”

“He’s the clan leader, of course he dares.”

Mark Corando was equally furious, but he still tried to maintain his sanity and said in a cold voice again:
“Father is right, even if the front is a trap we must charge in, the prestige of destroying the remnants of the Blood Wyvern party will allow us to gain enough prestige among the clansmen to fight against Old Edward’s oppression.

If we can also capture the prince of the Kingdom of Nordtorf, our voice will be even greater, and we can even get direct support from King Louis.

We have no other choice but to throw our weight around!”

“Don’t forget what we as a family joined the Wolfsbane Clan for back then, children.”

Moriarty Corlando Gonzalo said as he narrowed his eyes in the darkness of the night:
“We weren’t in it for some midnight majesty, for some bullshit Blood Clan glory, we were in it for the power! It’s for a future that leads to a brighter future.

But those things are never easy to get your hands on, and to take the crown you have to have blood on your hands, either from the enemy or from ourselves.

Children, put your money where your mouth is!

Boys, let’s be a bunch of real predators tonight.

Children, do not worry about our afterlife, even if this night returns to eternal silence, the line of the House of Corandor will not be broken, and your sisters have inherited a cunning wisdom that you have not possessed.

They, too, are called Corrando.

Merliah and Winnie will finish what the incompetent men of the family have left unfinished!

Yes, I’ve arranged for us to live or die with no ties and no burdens!
Tonight we need only show our fangs and drink the blood of our enemies to strengthen ourselves.

That is all.”

Corandor’s shouts carried through the night, causing the Grey Claw ethnics who had followed him on this charge to wail with excitement one by one.

This mob never hid their thirst for power and brutality, and they willingly obeyed Corandor not only because he was the leader of the Grey Claw faction, but also because even before he became a vampire, Moriarty Corandor, the underground godfather, had spread his mighty name throughout the dark world of Grimnay.

They willingly obeyed such a powerful man.

They knew that their loyalty would earn them a future, or a glorious fall!

The frenzy of these Wolfsbane Vampires this instant made those Jackal savage soldiers who followed them all look at each other in disbelief, listening to those frenzied howls that rose and fell in the darkness of the night, looking at the group of crazy vampires in front of them that were more like beasts than wild beasts, and looking at the scarlet in their eyes that wanted to choose people to eat them.

All of this made the savage jackals think about a very philosophical question!
Who the hell is the barbarian race?

Riding on the back of the Star Realm Giant Wolf running wildly under midnight, Corando tilted his head up and looked at the silent spirit vulture that spread its wings and soared above the dark night sky.


With a twisted and brutal grin on his pale face, he raised his finger in the shape of a gun, and pulled the “trigger” and dubbed it at Revernor, who was looking down from high in the sky.

He knew there were eyes on him.

So let’s say hello.

Say hello to each other for the first and last time before you die.

“They’re coming!”

In the Blood Wyvern Cloister, Murphy opened his eyes to withdraw his vision from Revernor’s side.

The vampire lord stood up and whispered to the assembled minions before him:

“The Grey Claw faction has entangled over 300 of their elite as well as 500 jackal barbarians as a vanguard, and the good news is, Andre, your fishing expedition was successful.

The bad news is that it was too successful.

You’ve personally caught a hungry shark of the deep, and if we can’t hold off these wild fellows, the rule of Scarlet Fortress will change hands this night.”

“Perhaps we should blow up the passage?”

Dorothy, who was standing at the edge of the crowd and was attending her first such meeting, whispered:

“Blow it up and those wolfsbane vampires won’t have a way to sneak into the city.”

“But that would mean we’d have to spread out to fend off their attacks on civilians at night, and that’s even more impractical, we’re the New Blood Vultures, not the crazies of old who don’t take human life seriously.

And Lord Murphy won’t allow us to trade civilian lives for a victory.”

Maxim said in a deep voice:
“Let them come! Right in the already emptied sewers, a fight to the death is about to begin! Members of the three clans, Wolfsbane, Bloodwing, and Thorn, will offer sacred blood to the Mother of Night with ultimate victory on this dark earth this night.”

“You have me, boys.”

Tris said as she held a cup of wine:
“I alone can destroy them!”

“It would be a shame to spread the word that a raid by a faction leader has to be handled by our honorable clan leader himself, and that’s all Clan Bloodwyvern has left now .
We can’t afford to lose face anymore.

This is the only dignity we have left, and we’ll have to pick it up with our own hands.”

Femis leaned on her Night Whistling Staff as she shook her head and said:
“Leave this to us, Tris, just watch.”

“Clan Thorn is honored to fight alongside our companions.”

Andrei gripped the hilt of the sword at his waist.

The scar on his face was much fainter but not erased, and I wondered what he thought of it, perhaps, like Tris, he wanted to teach himself a little lesson that would never be forgotten.

“Let’s get going then.”

Murphy said as he fumbled with his broken pocket watch and checked the time:
“Let the blood of the sinful descendants reach the heavens, and let the Mother of Midnight judge our end and theirs.”

(End of chapter)

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