Chapter 241 240 Primitive Capital Accumulation is Always Bloody

Chapter 241 240.Primitive Capital Accumulation is always bloody!


Entering the posture of the Wilderness Monstrous Form, the Wolfsbane Secret Envoy who attempted to fight for his life with brutal force was smashed out like a leather ball and fainted before he hit the ground.

Kudel obviously restrained the force, just let this guy’s hand bone and sternum broken and not to be killed in a second.

Although Kudel’s paper strength is only elite silver rank, but in addition to the vampire system of the night blade sword hero has a “Holy Grail Knight” as a secondary job addition, which allows him to actually play out the combat power to be far more than ordinary silver individuals, otherwise it would not be by the Salokdar in the fourth black plague as a treasure back to Cadman City.

It’s no exaggeration to say that Kudel, the civil protection officer, is now the number two force of the Blood Vulture Clan besides Tris, Missy, who has completed the Silver Trial and discovered her unique power, can be ranked as the third, and the humble Lord Murphy is naturally the fourth.

Of course, Murphy had a slight “problem” with this ranking.

He felt that he was certainly not a match for Kudel, but if he were to fight Missy to the death, it was still uncertain who would win and who would lose.

In short, for a unique individual like Kudel, whose real combat strength does not match his paper rank and who is so experienced in battle that he can’t even be described, an ordinary wolf clawed warrior of the Black Iron rank is really a brush with death.

These frail compatriots were even less of a threat to the Bailiffs than a jackal leader wielding a bloody flail.

But it was indeed an oddity to actually encounter the minions of the Wolfsbane Clan in this southernmost part of Transylvania, causing Kudel’s face to turn serious beneath his faceplate.

When he retrieved his heavy sword, he had to start thinking about a very important question, that is, what exactly are these bastards in front of him planning to do in the great land of Transylvania? The next question was, although the Wolfsbane Clan had always been known for their unruly behavior throughout the Blood society, these unruly guys had actually started to mix with the Jackals.

This was obviously a little too abnormal.

Could it be that they were recruiting these jackals?

If we start from this slightly frightening conclusion, then it is worth pondering whether the newly risen Jackal Warlord of the Andromeda Hills is really relying solely on his “personal charisma” to gather an army of Jackals.

“At the time of the Black Plague, you actually dare to collude with the Jackals! Your guts are really fat, but this may not be a bad thing, Murphy has been trying to find more help, and your stupidity will give him a perfect reason to ‘ask for help’.

What’s that saying they’re always hanging on to?

You guys are still weirdly nice.”

Kudel’s tone was filled with contempt.

He waved his hand from his warhorse, and several veterans of the People’s Army following behind him immediately swarmed over the dying Wolfsbane Vampire Secret Envoy and locked him up with locking cuffs.

The Baron of the Hunt had already sensed that something was wrong at this point, and he raised his head just in time to call for the other vampires, and saw Maxim slowly fall down carrying a female vampire who had had two arms and a leg torn off and was living or dead.

In Maxim’s other hand was a vampire’s heart that was still beating, so there was really no mercy at all. It looks like if he didn’t want to keep a captive to torture, it is estimated that the two werewolf venomous girls will have to die under Maxim’s claws in a miserable and incomparable way.

This kind of fratricide between kinsmen was hardly a virtue, but Kudel knew that as long as Murphy gave a look, Maxim would turn his blade on anyone without mercy.

Loyalty was a positive word in many cases, but it could occasionally be chilling.

“Mark, you shouldn’t treat a lady so rudely.”

Kudel, who was a former Knight of the Grail, shook his head in reminder:
“Although I loathe vampire red tape, you are after all a member of the Blood Wyverns, and you have to act according to the traditions of the ancient Blood Race, or else the other vampires will think that you have no upbringing. You may not care about that, but it will involve the face of your honored elders.

There is a distinction to be made between the way you treat traitors and the way you treat others, even enemies.”

“I appreciate the reminder, Lord Kudel.”

Maxim nodded very seriously.

It was true that he didn’t care much about things like etiquette when he came from the bottom of the ladder, and he had no intention of changing his fighting habits, but if this involved Lord Murphy’s image, then it had to be taken seriously.

Therefore, Baron Lim, who had just moved his arms and legs, immediately decided that after he returned this time, he would look for Adele to ask about the traditional etiquette of the Blood Vulture Clan in this regard.

That’s the problem with being a vampire, no matter what you do, there is always a standard.

And those pedantic standards are often inherited for hundreds or even thousands of years, in addition to the general “low quality” of the Wolfsbane and the Mad Blood Clan, which has been sealed since before the Era, the other clans are quite important to this.

The older the vampire, the more they care about these superficial work.

“There are quite a few Wolfsbane secret envoys here.”

Kudel sensed the chaotic battle in front of him, and he keenly captured several individuals with a different aura from the jackals, and he said:

“Let’s first figure out their purpose for coming here, after which I will return to the Scarlet Fortress with the warriors to report this matter to Archduke Tris face to face.

You and your army remain here, take some time to clean up the remaining jackals in the vicinity and then head to the vicinity of Baron Morland’s quarry to recuperate and wait for the next hunt.”

“As you wish, Your Excellency.”

Maxim nodded in response, but then he reminded:

“I think it would be better to leave such things as finding information to the Warriors, their talent for scavenging is far superior to ours, they will turn this lair upside down if you give the order and it will never take more than an hour.”


Kudel gripped the arithmetic jewel dangling from his wrist.

He wasn’t quite comfortable with mobilizing the warriors’ movements in this way yet, and Maxim took the initiative when he saw it:
“I’ll do it this time, Your Excellency.

But you must learn this way as soon as possible; giving out tasks wisely is one of the most important aspects when dealing with the warriors. Also, I must remind you that the two otherworldly warriors you have favored so much in the last few days are both ‘warriors’ I have chosen in advance.

As undignified as it is to say this, you will have to find the twelve ‘Warriors’ and ‘Champion Warriors’ that belong to you on your own rather than grabbing them directly from me.

We are blood vultures.

We have to play by the rules.”

“But I loathe the tradition of storing up blood servants!”

Kudel said with a stern face:

“I don’t like this model of vassalage based on blood ties.”

“It is not the tradition of blood servants, Lord Kudel, only those important people recognized by Lord Murphy have the right to recruit their own twelve warriors. You may regard them as your own warrior escorts or even knight apprentices.

They are definitely not Bloodservants in the traditional sense, as you will have to take the trouble to train your own warriors once you have chosen them.”

Maxim explained:
“Archduke Tris, Adele and Miss Phineas all have their own twelve warriors, even Lord Murphy has one, you can interpret this as a ‘new tradition’ for the Blood Wyverns, and most importantly, the selection of warriors is not limited to vampires.

Anyone you recognize regardless of race can become your warrior, and they will operate in your name throughout Transylvania and the entire continent.

Therefore you will have to be a little cautious.

If your warriors cause trouble, you will be personally responsible for dealing with them, it is a relationship of honor and loss, and you may even divide the knight titles under your command among them.

They are your vassals.
In the words of human nobles, this is a symbol of ‘honor’!”

“I see! It seems I didn’t understand enough about the traditions of the New Blood Wyverns that Murphy has been molding.”

Kudel nodded thoughtfully.

Since he wasn’t a Blood Servant, he was indeed interested in raising his own Twelve Warriors, and he hoped to raise a few “Grail Knights” like himself back then to serve as the guardians of justice and order in Transylvania.

Obviously, this is very difficult, and even depends on the luck of the draw.

But Kudel wanted to do it.

After a few seconds of making a decision, he dismounted and whispered to Maxim:
“But I do have my eye on the warrior who goes by the name of ‘Cat’, and his pursuit of skill and desire to win and bottom line perseverance reminds me of myself when I was younger! Even better is that he resists the midnight call, as I do, to seek the pinnacle of strength and skill in a purely human body.

I would love to personally train him to be the next ‘Nantucket Ranger’ or ‘Transylvanian Ranger’, so, Mark, will you cut me some slack?

I will pay for this to your satisfaction in return.”


The request from His Excellency Kudel made Maxim a bit hesitant.

He currently had four warriors.

In addition to Cat there was Sister Pomegranate, Kakitoni Too and Mud to Luta Oil, he could see Cat’s super talent but the latter was dead set against joining the Blood Wyvern in service to Lord Murphy, which did and did make him feel a little bad inside. He won’t alienate Cat because of this, but because of the difference in understanding of “loyalty” between the two sides, it’s hard for Maxim to train that warrior wholeheartedly.

The Kudel Lord in front of him was the best person he could find to entrust him with, both in terms of strength and integrity, so perhaps it was the right choice to hand Cat over to the Blood Wyvern Protector.

However, Maxim still did not immediately agree.

He replied seriously:
“We need to seek his own advice! Lord Murphy will not allow a forced exchange of warriors in this great land, if he agrees then I have no problem with it.

Of course as part of the sense of ceremony and ‘punishment’ he must complete a difficult and beneficial task for me in the grand cause of Lord Murphy as a way of saying goodbye to my faction and committing himself to your ‘Faction of the Protector of the People’.

In fact, all four of his companions are also very talented, so perhaps you might consider them as well?”

“Well, as it should be!”

Kudel nodded in satisfaction.

Apparently, he didn’t have any objections to this “chivalrous” way of handling the situation.

“New mission triggered, Stick!”

On the side of the Happy Stick team that had just captured a Wolfsbane Secret Envoy alive, the kind-eyed Giant Sharkbear, who had just passed the Black Iron Trial, came running over with gusto as he shouted:

“Lord Maxim wants our group of strong and domineering enough warriors to find evidence for him that these Wolfsbane pups are colluding with the Jackals! Is this the legendary scavenging mission?”

“No, this is supposed to open up a new branch plot, sort of a random event, this damn game has a lot of random events, but most of them don’t have much oil.”

Happy Stick was sitting on a crate resting as he spoke to the guys standing around him:

“Now that the battle is over, it’s really time to start scavenging, just start a carpet search outward using the cave the jackal leader is in as a starting point. You all know the rules; all seizures are to be returned to the public!

No matter how good it is, we have to wait until after the war when we have a meeting to share the spoils before we talk about the distribution! Anyone who dares to covet the loot will be kicked out of the team if they are caught!
This is a bottom line issue, not negotiable.”

“Aiya, don’t worry, Brother Stick, we are all hot-blooded men how would we do such a shameful thing?”

The Tiger Leopard Cavalry-Soldier returned with a bayoneted musket, and then scattered with the other players to execute their favorite scavenging session.

Thanks to the reality that Brother Stick had talked to Brother Little Rich about investing, he had already registered a company, and the first employees were his nine brothers.

This makes everyone’s daily online time directly pull full, the brothers of the family side did not have too much opposition, after all, making money than the previous hard work a little more, and Rod paid three months of wages in advance as a deposit, this a handful of silver sprinkled, and immediately the team cohesion pulled up.

Although the current business model of this game company is not transparent, but Stick is confident that it will be run well.

He would still be calculating the earnings from this one.

According to his agreement with Little Rich Brother, one-tenth of the gold coins exchanged for all captures and missions had to be sent to Touch You Poor, and this distribution ratio was fixed.

It sounds a bit of a loss, but there’s no complaints about this, Brother Stick, people at least took the real money to raise their own gang of brothers, to give people a little bit of game currency is nothing?
But the game seized in kind is not very good distribution.

At present, the game does not have an official auction house or other institutions, resulting in players are still in the “barter” primitive state, is really a pain in the ass.

The most important thing is that there is no reasonable means of valuation.

If you really get a weapon in the future, how to price it is a big problem.

However, I guess the development team will not leave this situation alone, perhaps after the update there is a patch in this regard, the best solution is the official step forward to get a pricing right or simply open an auction house, so that there is no complaint between the players.

“It’s best to have an official game currency exchange mall again.”

Happy Stick rubbed his chin and thought:
“The current 1:10 exchange of game coins is still agreed upon within the players, convenient is convenient, but in the future, when there are more people mixing up the fish and dragons there’s no chance that something will happen. This Alpha company is really amazing, all kinds of means of making money in that just do not use, really make people wonder what they in the end is a what is the head?
Do not want to pick up money for nothing?”

“Brother Stick! Come on, we found something good!”

The roar of Tiger Leopard Rider-Lin rang out from the team frame, lifting Stick’s spirits.

This guy was a recognized little red hand in the Scarlet Hammer and Sickle Regiment, and he had touched good stuff the few times he had touched prizes before, and this time when he heard him roar with excitement, Happy Stick’s heart was happy when he immediately got up and ran over.

In the depths of a hidden cave in the Jackal’s lair, the players had gathered here.

The torches were playing up to make this place as if it was daytime.

The people from the Sisterhood who initiated this battle were also here, and beside them were a large number of stacked chests, all of which had been accumulated by this group of jackals over the years of looting, all of which were commodities that couldn’t be eaten and used up, and within them were a few chests of wine and iron ingots from the Dwarf side of the world.

Looking at the traces of dragging and pulling in the cave, this should have been piled up by the jackals only recently and exclusively.

“There are several crates of armor and weapons here.”

Pomegranate Sister said as she hugged her arms and kicked the crate beside her, causing the metal items stored in it to thump:

“They all have the emblem of one of the forges in the Kingdom of Goldfinch on them, definitely not looted by these jackals! If you ask me, it’s probably the stuff those Wolfsbane punks brought over to trade. Although all of them are of average quality, they’re already pretty good martial equipment for jackals.

There’s obviously some kind of private transaction between them.”

“It looks like we’ve triggered an extraordinary quest ah.”

Happy Stick laughed and the atmosphere in the cave lightened up, but then came the part of dividing the spoils that one had to take seriously, and Lumina was the first to propose:

“All the things here can’t be divided directly, what’s the use of taking them, I mean why don’t we take them back to the administration office and let the NPCs value them and buy them away. In the end, the money we get will be divided according to the previously agreed ratio?

That’s the most convenient thing to do.”

“The NPCs will definitely press the price!”

Touch Your Poor in the crowd held up a torch and spat:
“I’ve never seen such a smart NPC, we’re lucky to get 60% of the original price for so many things handed over to them.”

“Then what should we do?”

Little Reed Name spread his hands and said:

“If you don’t sell it to the Administrative Office, who else do you want to sell it to? There’s no other power in Transylvania that can eat these things, so you can’t sell them to the Yankees in the Crimean Fortress, right? That’s treason.

How about this?

We’ll send the goods for valuation first, and then we, the ‘Pride of the Silver Moon’ group, will offer a 10% premium to buy them.”

That was an outrageous thing to say!
The abacus beads hidden therein were almost taut on Happy Stick’s face, and now even if he was slow, he had already realized that something was wrong.

“What do you want?”

Stick narrowed his eyes and said:
“The supplies in the previous few camps were also all eaten by you guys, I guess the tens of thousands of gold coins you acquired from that secret gangster treasure last time were all used to buy these supplies, right? You guys must have found a good way to get rich, and it’s a bit uninteresting to have to hide it.

We all earn together.”

Lumina and Orchid and Mrs. Water discussed a few sentences in a low voice, then she coughed and said:
“It’s not impossible to tell you guys, but this time the proceeds will not be your share, but if you ask me, using these things in exchange for a message is really not a loss.

You can trust me.”

“That’s no good, I won’t listen to it, I’m now a corporatized operation, I’m going to be in trouble if I keep missing the revenue, let’s do what you guys said before, first transport this back to Scarlet Castle for valuation.”

Brother Stick waved his hand and stopped asking more questions.

He was calculating in his mind to find Woo Meow to ask after he got offline, that cunning guy must know some insider information.

That said, it seemed like Woo Meow’s team had been collecting these supplies that couldn’t be directly exchanged for money in recent days, and I heard that they had even rented a large warehouse in the camp.

So it’s a coincidence that several forces have already taken action, but our own side is busy recruiting and training, so we didn’t realize the “little trick to get rich”?

These guys are playing dirty.

Stick admitted that he and his group of brothers were not as smart as Brother Meow and the Sisters, and they were still in the dark when everyone else realized the business opportunity.

Although their ambition wasn’t to make money, they couldn’t keep being one step behind the others.

It seems that he really needs to recruit a few advisors.

(End of chapter)

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