Chapter 232 231 To emphasize once more, making the best use of things is really an

Chapter 232 231.To emphasize once more, making the best use of things really is a virtue! [Seeking Monthly Tickets 610]

“This is still made quite formal, it feels exactly like an interview when you join a job.”

As the sun rose at the beginning of the day with the Administrative Academy going to work, Old Chen Tou, who had changed into the attire of a trainee administrator, played with the Spiritual Energy Dog Tag and Arithmetic Treasure Pearl in his hand, and left this place under the leadership of his two students.

The attire he was wearing, which was very similar to a casual suit, was designed and made by another famous manufacturing player, “Lady Warm Atmosphere Water”, with her apprentices, and had already been unanimously approved by the honorable Transylvanian civil servants.

Mrs. Water has received more than 1,000 gold coins from this design task alone.

This is enough to prove that the manufacturing industry seems to be the current version of the “version of the child”.

Prof. Chen also had a new understanding of the game, just now, he talked with Consul Miriam and Prof. Malcolm, and easily conquered the two officials with his decades of solid professional knowledge.

Especially Professor Malcolm.

He was a genuine professor of the Chardonnay Artisan University, so naturally he could tell the difference between a true-master and a charlatan at a glance.

Therefore, when Old Chen Tou left, Prof. Malcolm had already begun to address him as “Master”, and without any hesitation, Consul Miriam conferred on the “old man at the construction site” the very formal title of “Transylvania’s Chief Master Builder The Consul Miriam did not hesitate to confer the title of “Chief Architect of Transylvania” on the “old man of the construction site” and the full authority of planning and construction of the territory.

This allowed Professor Chen to leap into the administrative career “head horse” beyond the dump trucks, shovels and full insurance semi-trailer three old brothers, but this three old brothers did not have any complaints, after all, old Chen Tou is really capable of big brother.

The only problem now is that Lao Chen Tou is still a player, although he came to Transylvania to “guide the work”, but his career path still has to follow the steps of “fighting monsters and upgrading”.

“8 points of Thinking, 6 points of Charisma, five Character Specialties, Teacher, you are the opening template of the ‘Chosen One’.”

Playing the gray man squinted his eyes at Old Chen Tou fiddling with the projected character interface on the arithmetic pearl in his hand, although the same is 30 points, but this kind of a certain numerical value full value is still very rare in today’s small players.

Even rarer were Old Chen Tou’s five character specialties:

[Master Architect], [Master Designer], [Educator], [Knowledgeable – Charisma Judgment +2] and [Learned – Learning Power X1.5 times, Learning Time -20%.] .

There wasn’t a single combat specialty in there, but it was definitely the ceiling-level existence of the administrative profession.

The most awesome thing is that Old Chen Tou is probably the only player in the game who was born with his own “profession”, the main profession of his three profession columns was already fixed at birth as “Architect”, and after he switched to the administrative profession, his second vice profession also changed to “Reserve Village Chief”. After he switched to the administrative profession, his second vice-profession also became “reserve village chief”.

“Old man I’ve been doing construction site work all my life, isn’t it normal to have these characteristics?”

Faced with the surprise of the gray man and the bricklayer, the old professor himself looked indifferent.

Although he didn’t say it on his lips, he was actually satisfied in his heart.

In particular, the respectful attitude of the two NPCs had greatly satisfied his pride as an intellectual, and as he himself belonged to the category of masters, he could just as easily judge whether the opposite person was truly capable or a straw man.

Miss Miriam was obviously a bit raw, but that Professor Malcolm was definitely an academic researcher like him.

He was said to be a professor of history in one of the three universities in this game, so it was no wonder that talking to him always felt like attending a seminar at a school.

“Geez, in your words the map isn’t open right now, or else I really want to go and have a look in the Chardo Artisan University, what’s the difference between this and our university?”

Old Chen Tou was in a good mood as he glanced at his main quest.

Even though he had only just entered the game, the first quest he had triggered was to do the pre-construction master plan for five collective farms, and this difficulty had already crushed all the quests that had appeared in the game so far.

However, to Old Chen Tou this was nothing, he had done similar jobs many times before.

Designers in his era always had to do a lot of pragmatism, and although they were always ridiculed by the new generation as having no style and no imagination, from a pragmatic point of view, Murphy would rather trade 100 postmodernist designers for a sufficiently pragmatic Professor Chen.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the zoned areas of those farms first.”

Old Chen beckoned, intending to walk.

But the Gray Beater had already made arrangements for his mentor, a black carriage that wasn’t luxurious but was very practical was parked in front of the Administrative Courtyard, and the Gray Beater’s two assistants, the Parian Sisters, and his three apprentices were all waiting by the carriage.

“This is my mentor, Professor Chen, a true master of architecture.”

The Gray Beater proudly introduced himself to his apprentices and assistants, and the five of them saluted Old Chen in unison, but the old man easily noticed that the two very similar-looking girls seemed to be a bit closer to his apprentices.

He shook his head and gave the ash beater a hard stare.

Obviously, the man with all the bones in his body was not used to seeing this kind of behavior.

But the grey beater also had a hard time saying, he was really not thinking of doing something strange, just player now this chicken are controlled by Lord Murphy’s situation, even if you want to do bad things, but also have no ability ah!

“Teacher I’ll go apply for an escort for you.”

The bricklayer had realized that things were not right and immediately wiped his feet, he shouted as he ran:
“The consul specially assigned you two elite witch hunters as escorts, I’ll go get them for you, let’s rendezvous over at the farmhouse ah.”

He ran off in a puff of smoke, leaving only the old professor with a face as heavy as water to take his students onto the carriage.

The heckling along the way made the gray-hitting man agonize, feeling more and more that dragging his teacher into the game was a bad choice.

But it’s too late to regret it now ah.

In the days that followed, everything went as it should.

The players of the combat profession cleared the jackals in the wilderness at an extremely fast speed, and along with their leveling up and skillful cooperation, Happy Stick’s 30-member team alone had already picked several large lairs in a row, and the other casual players also took the initiative to form teams to raid similar places.

They soon discovered the second joy of this event besides the leaderboards.

You see, the main role that the Jackals served in the Transylvanian land was that of robbing bandits, right?
And since they were bandits and robbers then they must have hunted!

Although the Jackals’ style of looting has always been to take both people and money, and to them looting is only to fulfill the most basic physiological need which is to fill their stomachs, but as the days and months pass by, the loot in some Jackal bandits’ lairs has also accumulated to the point of being quite lucrative.

The chaotic state of Transylvania region simply can’t give the jackals a channel to “sell their loot”, even the craziest underground gangs don’t dare to do business with the jackals, who knows which day they will become the meat in the jackal’s pot?

In this case, in the players captured some large lairs when the subsequent rummage can bring them extremely lucrative “profits”.

Although there is not much currency in it and you may occasionally find “suspicious meat” which is frightening and scary, the looted goods from the lairs can be exchanged for money at NPCs!
That’s not bad!

Not only can you swipe the point pool, but you can also pop gold coins?
Aiyaa, the old jackal brothers are so polite!
“These items are of average value, but they can indeed be used in the reconstruction of Scarlet Fort, warriors, this is the reward you deserve!”

At the edge of the Dark Baron’s territory, in the temporary camp set up by the Cadman People’s Army, Maxim, who had brought the new recruits to practice, handed a bag of gold coins to the three small players in front of him and watched them turn away with smiles on their faces.

Underneath Maxim’s helmet was a rather odd and helpless expression.

He glanced back at the three large crates that had been brought over by the three small players on a crate, the dried blood stains on them proved that they must be the loot found in the jackal’s lair, and inside the crates were stacks of fabrics that were a bit damp due to the lack of good preservation, which should be handmade rolls of cloth from the Ice Bay region.

There was also a box of preliminarily tanned leather in fairly good condition.

These three boxes could be sold for around 60 gold coins in what was once Cadman City, and that box of leather alone could be sold for 40 gold coins, and that was still the purchase price. But just now, he just gave the small players 10 gold coins plus a few dozen silver coins was enough to make them raise their eyebrows.

“It’s so useful .”

Maxim whispered with emotion and asked the quartermaster under his command to register the supplies into the warehouse.

At the entrance of the camp there was a group of grimy recruits returning with a few Black Iron ranked Jackals tied up with ropes, all of them were supporters seconded to the Happy Stick team this morning, and by looking at these recruits it was clear that they had not had an easy fight.

But luckily, there weren’t too many casualties.

It seemed that the warriors had kept their agreement and didn’t use the recruits as cannon fodder.

This discovery made Maxim’s heart even more satisfied.

Although Lord Murphy’s warriors were good to use, their numbers were too small, and it was still necessary to train elite local soldiers to truly defend the territory. This great siege by the Jackals had come at the right time, and all 300 men of the Cadmanian People’s Army now had to be tested in this actual battle before they could be given a more important mission.

Maxim was planning to train the loyal and brave soldiers that he personally brought out as future commanders, and once those captured armed bloodservants were returned, large-scale army building would be on the agenda.

With these three hundred veterans who had experienced the Cadman disaster and all sorts of actual battles in hand as the main body of the new force, Maxim was confident that before the Black Plague arrived, he would train a battle-ready army for Lord Murphy.

“My lord, the new batch of gladiators is enough.”

The scion named Norbert came to report to Maxim, wrapping himself up tightly in the dusk to avoid direct sunlight, and speaking again in a not-so-comfortable raspy voice:

“The Blood Rats have come to receive, and that Lady Dorothy wishes to speak with you, she says she has a mission from Count Murphy.”


Maxim let out a quizzical snort.

He assigned Norbert his task then went forward to pick up the pieces, when four wagons rested at the back of the camp with metal cages on the panels, where soldiers were feeding the elites and black iron jackals captured in battle into the cages.

These ferocious fellows were infused with a weakness potion, enough to ensure that they didn’t make a scene before being sent to Fight Club.

Some thugs in black uniforms were holding whips to keep watch, these were the newly recruited members of the Blood Rats, while their leader Dorothy “Razor” was leaning in front of the first wagon, boredly playing with an oddly shaped short sword.

Maxim had never seen such a strange blade before.

It was obviously a recurved blade modeled after an eagle’s talon, with a ring at the end, which looked rather strange, and Dorothy showed off her powerful handiwork by putting the talon blade on her finger like a butterfly through a flower.

Quickly noticing Maxim’s eyes, she graciously tossed the black, annealed and beautifully clouded clawblade for the vampire warrior to hold in his hands.

“Nice weapon, isn’t it? Perfectly suited to the assassin’s style, I saw those hillbilly blacksmiths building similar weapons occasionally in camp and ordered 50 of them in one fell swoop for my subordinates to use.

I’m calling it the ‘Rat’s Claw’ as the new symbol of the Blood Rats gang.”

Dorothy crossed her arms and spoke, then whispered to Maxim:
“You are the operator of the Fight Club, tonight is the opening day of the second installment of the gladiatorial tournament, won’t you return to town to sit in personally?”

“I have more important duties and you have promised to run that place, if you fail to do so then you prove your worthlessness! In Transylvania, where Master Murphy rules, worthless guys don’t live long.

Master’s mercy is a superior virtue, and unfortunately, I do not possess it.”

Maxim’s fingers moved between them, holding the clawed blade back in the air with a piercing whine.

He did a few combat maneuvers very pleased with the vicious weapon, and seemed to have seen its menacing stance as it sliced through his enemy’s throat, and slipped it into the combat pouch at his waist in one smooth motion.

He raised his head and addressed Dorothy:

“Say, what’s your mission?”

“It’s a very strange mission.”

Dorothy bristled and whispered to her temporary superior:
“I was approached by a few of my lord’s warriors and asked to cooperate with them on a matter.

They brought a strange jackal with them, said that said Lord Murphy’s newest servant, and they wanted me to resell them a jackal gladiator who had survived three battles at a low price, to be used by the skinny, talking, weird jackal to start a clan.

I don’t know what Lord Earl means.

But this kind of thing has never happened in Transylvania in the past, so I took the opportunity of coming to receive the gladiators to ask you about it.

I’ve heard that you are Lord Murphy’s most trusted person, so perhaps you can explain the deeper meaning of this matter for me?”

“Lord Murphy’s warriors are supremely loyal, you don’t have to doubt them, they say it’s the Lord’s orders and you just carry them out.”

Maxim shook his head:
“If the Lords don’t think you should know, then there’s no need for you to come and ask me.”

“But I’m not really interested in the truth, just someone to dump on.”

Dorothy shrugged, bluntly:

“Look, I reported it to you, so if this causes trouble afterward then it’s not my fault, that’s the rule of survival for us underground rats.”

“Such cunning is not the work of a warrior.”

Maxim waved his hand and said:

“But this has nothing to do with me, I’m just temporarily in charge of you guys, when Adele comes back you’ll be her trouble. What’s the situation on the third floor of the sewers now?”

“The usual.”

Dorothy bristled:

“All the warriors who don’t fear death have run to exterminate the jackals, the ghouls on the third level of the underground are unattended, they’ve been roaming around occasionally charging up to the second level, which is the second reason I came to see you.

I hope you can assign some veterans to form a defense line over on the second floor.

The new recruits under my command are all novices, it’s really a bit hard for them to deal with the ghouls.”

“Like I said, worthless guys don’t live long.”

Maxim said in a cold voice:
“I will give you thirty veterans, but they will only do defense, clearing out the ghouls is your Blood Rat Gang’s mission, so you have to find a way to complete it! The leaders of the underground ghouls have all been cleared out by us, and the ones left behind are just stragglers.

If you guys can’t even pass this hurdle, what qualifications do you have to serve Lord Murphy?”

“Ah this.”

Dorothy was a bit confused by Maxim’s brash and unreasonable attitude, and she asked rhetorically:

“But shouldn’t offering loyalty be rewarded? I’m just asking for help, I can’t do this”

“In return? Loyalty itself is the best reward you can get!”

Maxim interrupted her question and said:
“You’re going to have to figure out how to do your job on your own! That’s non-negotiable, and if you really don’t know what to do, why don’t you ask for help from those warriors, aren’t they asking for your assistance?

But you have to be a little cautious.

If you can’t get the rewards you deserve for giving them what they deserve, it won’t turn out too well.”


Dorothy blinked as she seemed to somewhat understand what Maxim meant.

Several hours later, in the sewers of the Scarlet Fortress, in the Blood Rat Gang stronghold near the Fight Club where this week’s gladiator tournament was about to begin, Dorothy, who had come back from a dusty journey, toyed with her eagle-clawed blade while looking at Viktorina and Lumina in front of her.

She said:

“You guys want those elite gladiators who can survive more than three fights, of course I can give them to you, I don’t even need you to pay for them. But as you can see, my Blood Rats Gang is severely short of manpower right now, and Lord Murphy has asked us to take care of the ghouls on the third underground floor.
This troubles me greatly.”

The cunning Thief Sister reached out and placed her hand on the arithmetic jewel on her chest, winking her eyes as she spoke to the young players in front of her:

“So, let’s make a deal.”

(End of chapter)

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