Chapter 231 230 Doing a good job graduating, not doing a good job is good to eat the seat [requesting monthly votes

Chapter 231 230.Well Done Graduation, Well Done Banquet [Requesting Monthly Tickets 510

“Why is this ground desertification so severe?”

Old Chen Tou came down to the ruins of the inner city above the Blood Wyvern Cloister led by the two students, and at a glance, he saw the terrible soil condition on this large ground, and bent down to grab a handful of soil on the ground and put it in his hand to squeeze it.

The large lump of earth immediately dispersed when it was subjected to external force, with no stickiness at all.

Moreover, the color of the soil took on an odd grayish white color, and Professor Chen frowned as he watched.

“There’s no way to directly construct in this situation, even after doing the reinforced foundation, have you guys measured it? What is the thickness of this kind of soil?”

“At least one and a half meters downwards, mentor.”

The gray-hitting man pushed up his decorative glasses and said to Old Chentou:

“I’ve asked someone, and it’s said that it’s because of the erosion of the Astral Realm’s spiritual energy outside of this world that the life force of this earth is rapidly draining away, and the entire part of the city that’s on the surface has been dragged into that other dimension, leaving behind a land that has been eroded by the tainted energy and has become like this.

I think what the locals mean by the loss of the ‘life force’ of the land is probably this loss of fertility and desertification-like situation.

And look!”

He pointed to the sky, there was a 12-hour time difference between the game and reality, so it was just near dawn when Old Chentou entered the game.

When he raised his head he could see the strange Star Realm Creation emanating a ghostly purple glow in the dome of the sky above his head, like a rift in the sky that was out of place in the surrounding starry sky.

“The tainted psychic energy of the Star Realm is still pouring into this place, Mrs. Tris said it would last at least ten years, there’s no way for the inner city to return to its original soil under its shroud, the outer city is honestly a little better.

That side was paved with stone slabs before to sort of block the energy intrusion a little bit and there are underground waterways, which somewhat mitigates the spread of desertification.”

“This won’t work.”

Old Chen Tou dispersed the sand in his hands, clapped his hands and said:
“We have to think of something, if we have to start construction on such land, we have to dispose of this fluid sandy soil that doesn’t have any stickiness first. On our side we can just do a large-scale reinforcement of the underground structure before filling it with special cement to make a building platform.

Not on this side.

Doesn’t this world have magic? Do they have similar technology?”

“We’ve asked about that as well, and Sister Marianne, the knowledgeable one of the witch hunters, said that the Earth Priests of the Silver Dwarves are very good at dealing with this sort of thing, and that they can cast Mother Earth’s divine spells here to bring the land back to life.”

Moving Man replied:

“But the awkward thing is that the Silver Dwarves belong to the allied forces of the Kingdom of the Golden Birdflower, and the Kingdom of the Golden Birdflower has just crushed the Confederation of Portia, which we’re in, and now even though the war is over, the two sides are still hostile yet.

However, Sister Marianne also said that the Church of Avalon can plant some special trees on such a land, they can grow rapidly under the catalyst of natural spiritual energy, and after their roots are intertwined to a certain extent, they can just as well restore this land to be tough enough to carry large swaths of buildings.

She said that if she started now, then a similar effect could be achieved in three months or so if everything went well.

But the problem is that this is a vampire city, and it always feels odd to plant that many trees.”

Movers said awkwardly:
“This is proposal number two from me and the Greybeards, it hasn’t been reported to Consul Miriam and Lord Murphy yet, this isn’t an invitation for you to come over and see if there are any other solutions.”

“You can plant trees?”

Old Chen Tou hesitated for a moment and asked:
“And it only takes three months? So those ‘witch hunters’ actually have a way to make plants grow, right?”

“Well, they are experts in this area.”

The gray-hitting man explained:

“Although the old religion doesn’t have any druids who are more specialized in this area anymore, they all use natural spiritual energy to promote plant growth.”

“Then let’s grow plants.”

Professor Chen narrowed his eyes and said:

“Didn’t you guys go on an expedition to the Northwest last year? Referring to the sand-fixing techniques over there, looking for similar plants locally, and using square-format planting and irrigation practices, these sandy soils are still within manageable limits.

Of course, trees have to be planted!
The entanglement strength of the roots of trees is much tougher than that of grass, the effect of the two combinations may be better, and by the way, it is used as a pre-greening for this ruin, and three months is also completely enough time for the two of you to adjust the urban planning, and then slowly advance.

However, that big cracked ditch has to find a way.”

He pointed to the huge rift between the inner and outer city, and said:
“At least three bridges, otherwise the transportation of supplies alone will be a big trouble, later on if you don’t intend to fill it in then bring in a local water source and make it into an artificial river that crosses over the main structure of the city and also introduces a little bit of shipping industry and exotic flavor to the city.

Now tell me, how do you plan to plan the functional areas of the city?”

The Grey Beater and the Bricklayer looked at each other again fetched the diagram they had just taken and said to their mentor:
“The outer city is small and the land is much better affected, so we intend to first establish a temporary gathering point in the outer city and get the residential area built. The rest of the place is divided into seven streets along the two central axes, making it four-square to improve land utilization.

With the current population of Scarlet Fortress, the outer city will be enough for a long time after it is built, and when the reconstruction of the inner city is completed, the outer city will be used as a large trade area.

This Great Rift Valley can just be used as an interval between the inner and outer cities, separating the trade and residential, administrative and church areas.

Although Lord Murphy did not specify it, we feel that a new ‘Midnight Tower’ should be built in the center of the inner city at a later stage of construction to serve as the landmark of the Scarlet Fortress.

Both the inner and outer city have a relatively complete sewer system that can be used directly, but before they were directly discharging their sewage into the Cadman River, but of course they can’t do that now, so they need to build a sewage treatment and filtration place outside of the city as well as a few water storage areas.

In the ghoul plague incident that just ended a few days ago, there were villains who tried to use the city’s underground water system to poison the water! So Lord Murphy made special instructions to separate the groundwater from the water sources for daily use.

What Consul Miriam means is that the Barony of Lim in the north will later serve as the core settlement of Earl Cadman’s domain, and she wants us to make a plan for water conservancy by the way, to facilitate the irrigation of the five collective farms and whatnot.

But this one would really hit a knowledge blind spot for both of us.”

“So the job at hand for you guys is actually not just building the city, but also doing construction plans for the entire Earldom? That’s the equivalent of doing the overall planning for a prefecture-level city. No wonder you guys are in a hurry to drag an old man like me into the game.”

Old Chen Tou grinned and said:
“This job really isn’t something you two greenhorns can do.”

The two guys grinned.

Obviously because the experienced mentor had gotten on board.

Oops, now there’s a topper, making the pressure on these two guys with low confidence reduced by a large margin.

“We’ve probably converted it, Mentor, the entire Transylvania region is the size of one and a half Central Province’s iterations, but this place is really notorious for its sparseness, the population of such a large area in its heyday didn’t exceed 2 million, and now after a decade of war has made the population here plummet to less than 300,000 people.

So it’s not that hard to do the planning, with an expert like you, it’ll be done in a few months’ time.”

Bricklayer said as he patted his ass from the side:

“If you go with us to the consul’s office to register, you will be the chief architect of Transylvania, you haven’t taken on such a big job in reality, how exciting is this. Moreover, NPCs basically do not interfere with our planning, the freedom in this regard is simply super high!
Even if you want to reproduce a pyramid in Transylvania, it’s up to you, as long as the reason is appropriate, you can pass.”


Old Chen Tou lectured:

“How can this place have so much manpower for you to replicate a pyramid? It’s hard for them to even build this city with the amount of people they have now, and it’s not as easy a job as you think.

Before I start making maps, I have to walk around Transylvania to see the topography of the place, and I also need to have some local local customs, so the two of you will follow me on a field trip.”

“This soldiering.” The gray-hitting man shook his head and said:

“Now the other players are still exterminating the jackals, you want to go out to walk the NPCs will not let people go, die once will have to take three days to resurrect, too much of a delay, why don’t you go to the collective farm side to take a look first.

Let’s go to the collective farm first. Let’s master and disciple three first take care of this mess to show the NPCs the ability of our ‘Stonemason Brotherhood’, and then we’ll talk about the whole matter of Transylvania.

I think that’s the main task for us administrative players.

The combat professions are going to pacify the threats in this great land, the manufacturing players are going to make this place prosperous, and us administrative players are going to be in charge of building, and this game actually spells out how the major professional factions are going to play from the very beginning.”

“I don’t understand much of what you’re saying, but it’s obviously good to have each faction.”

Old Chen Tou nodded and said:

“It seems like the NPCs in this game are really smart.”

“They’re not as simple as intelligent, teacher ah, you should take a look at this first.”

The gray-hitting man grinned widely and took out a few planning maps for Professor Chen to see, the latter took it in his hand and scanned it then frowned and said:
“What the hell is this drawing? Is this the graffiti of a child? If the design of this house can hold up to a single rain without collapsing, I’ll write my name upside down.”

“Hey, this is my ‘apprentice’s’ drawing.”

The gray man scratched his head and said proudly, and as a result, he was stared hard at by Old Chen Tou and said:
“Don’t you have any idea what level you are at? You’re still teaching your disciple, you’re misleading people!”

“It’s a professional task, teacher.”

The bricklayer said with a loud sigh:

“We’re taking apprentices, the Gray Beater took five, and I took six, all of them are smart teenage girls handpicked by Ms. Miriam in the camp, and we have to make them pass the ‘Junior Architect Examination’ in three months.

It’s not just us.

All administrative professions and manufacturing players have to take apprentices.

It’s part of the career gameplay, and this damn game always gets extra realistic with those details; those guys are pretty good at learning, but all sorts of problems make your head spin.

I feel like it’s similar to how apprentices used to be in the olden days, anyway, Consul Miriam’s exact words were that we could even physically punish or even send them to jail if they didn’t learn at a satisfactory pace or disobeyed our orders.”


The old professor rounded his eyes and exclaimed:

“Are the games nowadays already this crazy? This doesn’t comply with the laws in this area, does it?”

“If not, why don’t we say that this game is real.”

The gray-hitting man sighed and said:
“You’ll know when you’ve been playing for a long time, anyway, there have been claims on the forums that the underlying logic of this game was designed to completely mimic the way the real world functioned in the Middle Ages.

The development team has also been emphasizing that their goal is to create a 100% real virtual world, and some people guess that this may be a big project of the state, aiming to develop the legendary ‘Second Life’ as a way to alleviate the various social conflicts in the real world and so on,

Anyway, listen to them blowing their nose.”

“100% real? Can’t be done, right?”

Old Chen Tou hesitated as he asked in a low voice:
“Have you two tried making cement here?”


The two graduate students looked at each other, not quite understanding what their teacher meant, and Professor Chen reminded as he walked forward:

“Don’t underestimate this cement thing, although its production process isn’t difficult, the various materials involved and the preparation process all follow the laws of physics. I believe that current technology can mimic a relatively realistic virtual reality, but if they want to produce a 100% anthropomorphic environment, they’ll have to work on these unseen foundations.

A completely real world cannot be based on the rules of an unreal world.

In other words, if you guys can make cement in this game, it’s proof that that development team wasn’t kidding.

They are really, really serious about modeling the grassroots logic of how the real world works, and even modeling the physical and chemical laws of the substances that are everywhere, that make up the world.

To put it in a more esoteric way, it’s gone from ‘looks like’ to the level of ‘real and subtle’.

To be honest, I don’t really believe that they can do this, just this kind of simulation of the real world needs to consume too much manpower and material resources, but it doesn’t stop you two from trying it out in your spare time.

Also, I just had an idea.”

Old Chen Tou stood at the edge of a weathered ruin in the inner city, casually picking up a board on the ground that was already cracked and looking at the vaguely visible patterns on it, he said:

“You two still have almost two years until graduation, so let’s make Transylvania’s city planning your graduation project.

You two were right just now, old man I can’t mobilize so much manpower and resources for you two to practice with in reality, but in this very real game you already have all the conditions that architects dream of.

Finish it as well as you can!
Such a large project from the design point of view, or the implementation of project management and personnel mobilization, material distribution and other details of the experience, for you are invaluable wealth.

If you do a good job, I won’t be stuck with your graduation before writing you a letter of introduction to the job.”

He turned back to the graybeater and the bricklayer and smiled:
“Don’t look at me as just an ordinary teaching fellow now, I still have some connections in a few design institutes, so for the sake of your future, do a good job.”

“Ah this.”

The two guys were struck by lightning for a moment, they would very much regret dragging Old Chen Tou into the game and letting him see the vast world of Transylvania.

What can be done about this!
Originally, writing a thesis and doing a few designs would be enough to graduate, how did it all of a sudden escalate to this kind of hellish difficulty?

“Ah, that . Teacher, can we shake people?”

The gray-hitting man scratched his head and said:
“It’s just our previously graduated senior brothers and sisters or something, we can’t even handle this job with just the two of us.”

“Huh? Nice try!”

Old Chen Tou, who was wearing novice boxers, crossed his arms and said:

“Don’t you have your own apprentices? Don’t you like giving lessons? Figure out how to handle it yourselves, don’t even think about graduating if you dare to shake people. And don’t find it hard, just what you guys just said, the current Transylvania with all its wasted looks is like a painted white canvas for you guys to splash your ink on.

So be bold and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

I’m here, and I’ll warn you both before you make a big mess.”

“Yeah, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, be bold!”

In the night sky above the three of them, the Blood Eating Spirit Vulture Revlono flew by silently.

With the help of its eyes and perception, Murphy heard the conversation between this master and disciple trio, sitting in the cloister office he laughed like a fox that stole a chicken, he lengthened his voice and said:

“I, a local lord, am not afraid, you guys are afraid of nothing! Spread your learning and your creativity all over this wasteland. Everyone will thank you, my warriors!”

(End of chapter)

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