Chapter 216 215 Making the best use of things is a virtue Allies add more, please

Chapter 216 215.Making the best use of things is a virtue -Alliance owner’s addition, begging for monthly votes! [1415]

(Extra for brother ‘Sakurababy’ [4/5])
Murphy had quite a lot to do next.

Although the random event “Ghoul Riot” was over, the existence of so many dead souls in the third level of the sewers was a problem that had to be dealt with immediately, and until the Adventurer’s Guild was ready to blockade this place for a long time, he was going to adopt the “daily quest” mode to mobilize the players. He planned to use the “daily quest” mode to mobilize the players.

This is a very useful tool.

For example, if each player is asked to bring back 10 pairs of ghoul teeth and claws every day, then 140 people can kill 1400 ghouls every day, and Tris’ alchemy hut can also get a large amount of Death Spirit Energy materials.

Tris said that ghoul teeth and claws could be crafted into cursed rings and talismans, which could be completely returned as equipment and sold to the small players.

In this way, Murphy’s territory would have fewer unstable elements, the threat of the third floor sewers could be stifled, Tris would get materials to better run her small store, her apprentices would learn new alchemy patterns, and the small players would get proficiency experience and equipment rewards for brushing up on their reputation.

It’s a win!

The only ones who had a problem with this were the ghouls, but they were mindless “wild monsters”, so no one would pay attention to their opinions!
Murphy had already made plans.

First, let Tris hurry to make a new collection of stones, and then make a new five-player copy of the third floor of the sewer, the name of which is “the end of the rat king”.

He even edited the information of the three mini-bosses.

The gatekeeper boss will be the Rat King’s several fighting gargoyles, and the second boss will be the yet to be fully molded Golden Ghoul Overlord, and the battle mode will be made into a field battle to stall for time until Tris comes to his aid.

The guardian boss is naturally Zweig, the Plague Rat King!
This guy is set to have a two-stage transformation, and after defeating the first form of Vampire Trickster, he will magnificently transform into a two-stage scythe-wielding Reaper.

There are also special tokens that drop “the rat king’s malicious echo” can be used to exchange for “the soul of the scythe” weapon drawings oh!
Of course, as a copy of the origin, such as “copy of rare” this kind of hard work must also be arranged, set to every 300 copies of the probability of appearing “ghoul Zweig” as a rare monster.

Players have to block it before it escapes, and can either intimidate it or kill it directly.

Rare drops would allow Tris to use the Book of Midnight as a blueprint for a “psychic toy”, which would fill a gap in the game’s current offerings.

Under such an arrangement, this already mature copy system will still be exploded by players, right?
Copy related tasks must also be arranged!
For example, the pre-mission is triggered by a memory of Dorothy, the boss of the Rat Pack, and then set up some colorful eggs and so on.

Is it really that hard to design a copy? Isn’t it just a matter of having the hands to do it?

Lastly, the Rat Pack is a new force that needs to be put to good use.

Let them stationed in the sewers for a long time to observe the changes of the necromantic creatures in the third floor area, and be responsible for the ghoul teeth ring and claw amulet as the “copy of the special equipment” to the small players, just to fill the four copies of the blood vulture corridor in this aspect of the shortcomings.

With this thought in mind, Murphy wrote and drew on his notebook.

He and Maxim left the quiet sewers and returned to the Blood Vulture Corridor, and just as he reached the door of his office, he saw Kudel, who was standing there like a wooden stake.

The fellow had also changed his clothes decently, washing off the dust and blood stains that had accumulated on his body from the long battle, but his mighty and already chipped scarlet greatsword was still leaned on in his hand.

It was like some kind of symbol.

Murphy knew that this guy had already made a decision in the face of his previous “invitation”.

He told Maxim a few words, the loyal servant then turned around and left to convey Murphy’s arrangements for the “Rat Pack”.

“Come in, we need to talk.”

The vampire lord pushed open the door to his office and Kudel followed him in.

The lord poured a drink for both of them first, and made a point of taking care of the civil protection officer’s emotions and not adding blood to his drink, then he leaned back against his desk and looked at Lord Kudel, who wasn’t wearing a combat mask in front of him.

The superior vampire, who did not identify himself as a vampire, was a rather stalwart-faced, fierce-type handsome man, who belonged to the template of the kind of character that gave people hope whenever they saw it.

In particular, his square face reinforced his “righteous persona”.

This is not only the effect of “spiritual beauty” during the process of becoming a vampire, but also the fact that this “Nantes Ranger” who was active a hundred years ago has a good background, and according to Major Fraser’s words, there are still a series of legends left behind by Mr. Kudel when he was a human knight in the present-day Anjou region. According to Major Fraser, in the Anjou region today, there is still a series of legends left behind by Mr. Kudel as a human knight.

The one thing those legends have in common is that Knight Kudel was a rather handsome and graceful man, and in several different versions of the tale, Monsignor Kudel has been described as a model of a well-lived life.

His fans even went so far as to set the knight up with more than two dozen confidants of different origins and even races.

From human maidens to dwarven warrior women to halfling mechanics and vampire sirens, even elven rangers and sangha priests and even Atlantean stormbreaker warlocks.

According to this statement, this ranger knight basically does not need to do anything for a day, just to appease his confidantes is enough for him to have a pain in the ass.

Women, that’s a burden, in every way.

Murphy can’t even handle Tris, the vampire demon woman, so he is basically sure that all the gossip about the Nantes Ranger in front of him is a brainstorm of the pouncing writers who are not too big for their own good.

In fact, according to Major Fraser, Lord Kudel’s loyal fan, Lord Kudel was a knight of pure love from the beginning.

Thirty years after he disappeared in the Fourth Black Plague, his only wife also died in her sleep, the only true love he ever loved was the one who died, and the descendants of Kudel Knight are still in the city of Nantes continuing the lineage of the Xavier family which has developed into a pretty good power.

That family has always been known for being the descendants of the Nantes Ranger in the nobility circle of Sealand, I just wonder if Kudel has certain hidden opinions about these heirs of his?

“So, is the subspace still interfering with your mind?”

Murphy asked with his glass of wine.

Kudel at this time as a standard knight that in sitting down are straight back, in the face of Murphy’s question, he shook his head mute said:
“I can hear voices, occasionally see visions, and in my dreams during hibernation I get back most of my will, but a certain part of me was taken away by it forever.

The worst part is that I don’t even know what I lost.

It doomed me to live in isolation thereafter.

I’m not sure I’ll ever lose control again, get lost in that shadowy calling again, and I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“Well, articulate and mentally stable.”

Murphy pointed to his ears as he said:
“Don’t worry, maybe it’s because you’re too hard-boned, after facing subspace head-on that chaotic will also lost interest in your stubbornness, after all, this world is full of soft bones that are good to bully.”

“Get down to business.”

The Bao Min Officer seemed unwilling to say too much on these matters of personal concern, he lowered his head and sipped his drink, saying:
“About what you said before.”

“Good, then let’s talk about about the next large-scale Jackal Purge.”

Murphy put down his wine glass.

He took out a map of Count Cadman’s territory from the drawer and unfolded it in front of Kudel, on which many large and small Jackal lairs had been labeled.

These were the results of the feedback from Freno and the witch hunters’ reconnaissance, and just by looking at the densely-packed dots, one could tell how serious the jackal problem was in the Transylvania region.

The lord pointed at the map and said to the civil protection officer:

“The Black Plague is coming, it won’t take more than six months at most! The Kingdom of Goldfinch and the Kingdom of Nordtorf have promised to aid us in our fight, but they have demanded that we must clean up the plague of jackals in this great land before the Black Plague breaks out.”

“It is necessary!”

Kudel’s life ended 110 years ago with the Fourth Black Plague, so when Murphy mentioned the threat of the Jackals, the Civil Protection Officer immediately became serious.

He said in a deep voice:

“It is necessary to accelerate the speed! Once the Black Calamity takes shape, these wandering bandits will become the vanguard of the barbarians, and I will set out immediately .”

“No, you wait first.”

Murphy stopped it:
“I believe in your fighting prowess, and I’m sure that given enough time, you alone can swat away the Jackal nests in this great land, but we need to be efficient, and I need to take this opportunity to practice.

It is Maxim’s duty to organize a siege of recruits, you need not worry about that aspect.

I need you to lead my warriors as a vanguard!
You’ve seen them and fought alongside them, how does it feel?”

“Humongous, fearless, death defying and studious.”

Kudel commented without hesitation:
“Yet unruly, arrogant and rather, well, confused! Not only in their actions, but their minds seem to be very different from normal, overactive and uncontrolled. This predisposes them to not being good soldiers, but exceptionally perfect as elite scouts and prowlers.

I can lead them!
They’re all talented and I’m willing to do so, but they must obey my orders!
There is no room for negotiation on that point.”

“Of course, that’s actually quite easy to do, once you master the right way of dealing with them.”

Murphy pointed to the arithmetic jewel that was strapped to Kudel’s wrist as he said: “You’ve already learned to use that thing, so I guarantee they’ll be the best hunters you’ve ever had under your command, and I hope you won’t be shy about teaching them advanced combat skills. Especially those warriors who have no intention of becoming vampires, but are still willing to give their contribution to this land.

Such as teaching them to become classical knights like you, teaching them how to use a greatsword, teaching them high level riding skills and combat experience, etc.

I’m sorely lacking in such ‘mentor’ type roles right now.

Also, I can give you 13 slots, and you can recruit among them ‘warriors’ that belong to you as well as ‘champion warriors’ that belong to you.

This doesn’t mean you have to take on the responsibility of raising them.

I will take care of that aspect!
All you need to do is teach those you see fit to grow and realize their potential as quickly as possible.”


Kudel thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

But soon, he questioned and said:
“I’ve seen the scene when they die, but they don’t really die, do they? So what exactly are they? Legendary ‘spirits’?”

“Well, that’s an interesting way of putting it.”

Murphy’s eyes lit up.

He stood up straight rubbing his brow and said:

“They can be Injuns at the very least when advertised to the public, and we can indeed describe them that way in the future if we have to, but in reality, they are Essences from the Otherworld.

It’s a high end psychic spell.

It’s hard for me to explain exactly how it works to you, all you need to know is that their existence is not a bad thing and that they are all good hearted coming from the realms of order and can be credible if they are well guided.

Other than that, do you have any questions?”


Kudel stood up and drained the drink in his hand in one gulp as he said dryly:

“I’ll be leaving early tomorrow morning, hopefully they’re ready.”

“Don’t be in a hurry! Time it for the day after tomorrow, it will take a bit of time for them to mobilize, and time for the rangers sent out by the witch hunters to make their final report.”

Murphy said as he waved his hand:
“You also need time to recuperate, even if it’s just for one night, you’ll need new equipment, new weapons, new warhorses, and you’ll need a new attractive enough image! I’ll have those ready for you.”

“No need to go to all that trouble, I just need my sword.”

“No! My bailiff, believe me, it’s all necessary! Besides, I know you don’t identify yourself as a vampire, Tris and I won’t force you.

But in the management system of the territory, you will be reappointed as the Bailiff Commander of all of Transylvania, and we will special order a position for you, which will be separate from the military and the militia and the city police, and can be viewed as an overseer and disciplinarian representing the majesty of Transylvania’s Laws and Administrative Division.

You may bestow the title of ‘Protector of the People’ upon any person you value and approve of, and you will command these elite warriors who have sworn an oath of guardianship.

In addition to this, I will give you the title of ‘Baron of the Hunt’ and a small fief near the Andromeda Hills.

You must accept!
This is not negotiable, neither I nor my Scarlet Consul will allow you to stray from the new order we are building.

Please understand, Lord Kudel!

This is all for the sake of Transylvania’s stability, and only if it is stable enough here will the people you wish to protect not suffer more.”

“So, what you’re saying is that we can still have the title of ‘Rat Pack’ and gain the right to circle the sewers? And we have to get back into the business of running the black market?”

Ms. Dorothy, who had already changed her clothes and eaten a full meal to feel like she had returned to her senses, was standing in front of the Scarlet Consul’s desk.

With her bandaged face in shock, she then said to Baroness Miriam, who was sipping tea in front of her with a weary look on her face:

“And we still have to be involved in the running of that ‘Fight Club’ or whatever it is?”

“Right! That’s what you’ll be working on next.”

Miriam sipped her tea for refreshment and instructed the gang leader in front of her in a business-like tone:

“In addition to that, you will also be tasked with teaching skills to the warriors of Transylvania, for example, if someone would wish to become a Thief and a Stalker, you will have to help them complete their transfers, as well as sell some related skill handbooks and vocational supplies.

His Lordship has also delegated to you the authority to issue daily quests to purge ghouls on a daily basis.

You and your fellows are to remain in the sewers at all times to monitor the movements of the ghouls in the lower levels.

Even if the witch hunters seal the place completely, you must stick to your duties until the lower levels are cleared of the dead sometime in the future.

Understand that you were involved in that incident and did wrong, by your own admission, so you will have to shoulder the responsibility of dealing with this mess!
Think of it as atonement.

A special administrator will teach you how to use the Arithmetic Pearl to issue tasks, and you must learn it before you can officially assume your duties. This is part of the business test for administrators, and if you fail it, you won’t be granted an official position.

In addition, your organization will be attached to the Phantom Intelligence Bureau under the charge of Lady Adele, and you will have to take the initiative to go to her to hand it over when she returns.

Any other questions?”

“Ah this!”

Feeling her worldview challenged, Dorothy exclaimed:
“What sane person would aspire to become a thief ah hello! Would anyone really make such an outrageous career plan? And why should we be in charge of killing ghouls? I was hoping to do what I could for the people who died so tragically, but there’s only four of us left in the Rat Pack counting me!
It’s not that we don’t want to do it, it’s that we simply can’t!

This lady, do you have some misunderstanding about our abilities?”

“This is your job description, it cannot be refuted!”

Miriam’s eyes glared, the majesty of a consul coming to the surface as she chided:
“Holding fast to your integrity as a social utility and not being able to bargain at the working level are the professional ethics an honorable Transylvanian civil servant must have! If you’re not going to be on sewer duty, I’ll have no choice but to throw you on a patrol headed for the Filthy Swamp.

Think about where you really want to go.
Also, the application for the knighthood of ‘Administrative Knight’ is already being reviewed regarding you, and if you do a good job in the first month, you’ll be able to receive an ordination.

But if you don’t do a good job, then someone more specialized will replace you.

As for purging ghouls, did you not bring your ears?
It’s just for you to post your daily quests!
Next, naturally, there will be warriors who will do it all for you, you’ll just be responsible for cleaning up the ghoul teeth and claws they bring back and delivering them to Madame Tris’s Alchemy Cottage, after which there will be someone who will settle the proceeds for you.

The Fight Club side is run by Baron Lime, if you have any questions go to him, I’m not responsible for answering them on my end!
Is there anything else you want to ask?
If not, go wait in the next house.

In half an hour you’ll be taught the duties and daily regulations of a civil servant. You’d better learn them carefully.

If you’re found to be unable to fulfill your job responsibilities . Then you will probably not end up too well.”


Ms. Dorothy’s head got big, and she finally asked expectantly:
“So this is the equivalent of us being taken in by the Earl-sama, right? On the public payroll?”

“Something like that.”

Miriam took a sip of tea to let some of her fatigue from working continuously all night dissipate.

She yawned and rubbed the corner of her sore forehead and said:

“It’s only a probationary period now, so you’d better show your ability to work! If you don’t pass the assessment next month, none of you will want your job allowances, and you won’t want your job promotions at the end of this year.”

“So the entire sewer is now our territory?”

Dorothy dizzily asked again.

But the consul was already too lazy to say anything more to this guy who had been unable to open the pattern, she waved her hand, and immediately there were big and thick witch hunter guards who came forward to politely “invite” Dorothy out of the office.

“Hey, hey, hey.”

The former gangster giggled and returned to his three loyal minions, patting the three frightened guys on the shoulders and saying:
“Boys, we’re in luck! His Excellency Count Cadman needs us to serve his old man’s territory, so do a good job and try to earn the title of ‘Administrative Knight’ next year. In addition, the entire sewer is now under our control!
We, the Rat Gang, have finally come to the end of our suffering and have become bigger and stronger.”

“Uh, Boss, it’s not a good idea to keep calling it that, is it? Look, the four of us have survived nine deaths, and after all, we’re all dignitaries now, so why don’t we change our name to say goodbye to the past?”

“Hmm, that makes sense! Then let me think about what our new name should be”

(End of chapter)

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