Chapter 215 214 Rat Gang’s Newborn Allies add more, asking for monthly votes! [

Chapter 215 214.The Rat Gang’s Newborn -Alliance Owner’s Extra, Seeking Monthly Tickets! [1315]

(For brother ‘Sakurababy’ [3/5])
There were still a huge amount of ghouls moving around in the “third floor” of the sewers, and among them, there were some elite ghouls that had been transformed due to the reinforcement of the Underworld’s breath, but due to the deaths of the “Calamity Rat King” and the Pestilence Ghoul Overlord, these ghouls had lost control of the ghoul creatures from the source. However, due to the deaths of the Plague Rat King and the Plague Ghoul Overlord, these dead creatures lost control from the source.

They had changed from their previous furious raids back to wandering around in a state of confusion.

Especially after the survivors with life force were moved out, they could no longer sense the presence of “food”, so they were quiet again, the dead are mostly quiet, unless you mess with them or they are “hungry”.

But the sight of so many ghouls gathered together was quite frightening, so much so that it made Murphy a little worried.

He knew that these weren’t even the sum total of all the corpses in the sewers.

There were more corpses that had been moved to this place in that honeycomb-shaped stone wall cave that were undergoing the infusion and transformation of death spirit energy, and Natalie said that the Calamity Rat King had used evil magic here in order to allow the ghoul overlords to be born smoothly, so that this place was shrouded with a huge amount of death spirit energy and the underworld aura, and it was difficult to dispel it in a short period of time.

Therefore, this sewer crypt must be sealed off from the ground!
If not, it might not be long before more combinations of ghouls, water ghosts, and spirits would spread over the newly cleared sewer floor again.

But if it was completely sealed off, these undead creatures would not be able to die out naturally, and coupled with the constant reinforcement of the Underworld’s aura, perhaps after a few months, Murphy would have to organize another small player cleanup of the sewer crypt again, and then he would probably have to face nearly ten thousand fully elitist dead spirits.

That’s definitely a super-sized team book .
It was a big headache.

However, when Murphy thought about it, the number of players in his hands would definitely be over a thousand in a few months, so it wouldn’t be a breeze to start another team book at that time.
From this line of thought, Murphy felt that he was not at all at a disadvantage, and could even prepare for a new copy a few months later in advance.

This wave is a big victory for the “development team”!

So his mood also turned from cloudy to sunny, while beside him, the former boss of the Rat Pack Dorothy who was brought here has been secretly observing the uncertain expression of this vampire in front of him.

This cunning woman knew that she had to fight for her own life, but she was a very clever gang leader, did not immediately rush to answer Murphy’s question, but while Murphy was thinking, she also went through her own miserable experience in the past period of time in her mind.

Only after organizing her language more or less, she changed her miserable tone of voice and opened her mouth:
“We haven’t seen Zweig before, Lord Murphy, it’s not that I’m lying, although he’s always been active in the sewer area, he’s always appeared as a mysterious and secretive figure, and long before he appeared, my fellows and I had already formed the Rat Gang and operated a black market business in the sewers of Cadman City.

For some time before the disaster of the astral world erupted in the city, his relationship with us was little more than that of buyer and merchant, and he would occasionally pay to order some psychic ritual items from us, mostly odd materials, the kind that were expensive and not at all useful to civilians.

That being said, my fellows were actually annoyed to do business with him.

Although he was generous, it wasn’t really easy to get those things in the war-torn Transylvania, and it took far less time than smuggling a little more daily necessities to maintain an equally good profit.

But alas, I larded up.”

Dorothy sighed, taking a weak stance and speaking honestly under Murphy’s calm gaze:
“I thought at the time that he was a guy with strength and origin, and that doing favors might be useful in the future, after all, vampires living in the sewers are also very rare, so I’ve been maintaining a not-too-distant relationship with him.

Facts have proven that the return on this ‘investment’ of mine is indeed very high.

On the eve of the outbreak of the Astral World Disaster, he suddenly approached us and mysteriously declared to us that a disaster was coming…”

“So Zweig knew in advance that the Tower of the Ring would unleash certain spells in Cadman City that would be enough to destroy the city?”

Murphy asked, interrupting Dorothy.

The original leader of the Rat Pack nodded vigorously as she said:

“Yes, he knows! And not just a little bit, I still remember him gleefully describing to me what would happen in Cadman City the next day in graphic detail.

Something about the astral realm tearing apart, something about matter engulfing it, something about the Blood Wyverns perishing.

He was like a mad prophet with foresight.

But it turns out that he was right about everything, things were going almost exactly as that asshole described, even the time of the disaster outbreak was accurate to the hour.

We were able to move our shelter ahead of time and escape, but just when we were glad to be alive, the guy suddenly flipped out.

He commanded the ghouls to surround us and demanded that we immediately return to the sewers to help him lure more survivors down.

It was clear that he wanted to do something bad.

But as you know, we ordinary people simply don’t have the power to fight against a psychic like him .”

“Do you mean that a Black Iron ranked Stalker and Thief can also call himself a ‘commoner’?”

Murphy looked Dorothy up and down.

Although the latter was frail, the calluses left behind by the long training on those fingers and her well-proportioned to astonishing size, as well as the unique silent steps when walking represented that this person was not a guy with no hands.

She was a very good and class-trained Shadow Walker.

Dorothy didn’t panic in the face of Murphy’s skepticism, she sighed and said:
“You are right, I can escape, but what about my brothers? All the wealth I’ve been busy for years to accumulate is also here, I can’t just leave them behind and walk away.

Okay, okay, I admit it, I was thinking that defecting to a powerful guy in that desperate situation might be a way to survive, after all, for us ‘sewer rats’, it’s the same for whoever we serve.

Not to mention he was a vampire.

The Blood Vulture Clan is the ruler of this land isn’t it?

I recognize that, my lord.

We did bad things for him, very, very bad things, and most of those who fled into the sewers in the panic were killed by the astral forces that followed them, but some of them were brought here underground by us.

I remember it well, we rescued at least 2,000 people, which is about the limit of what this crypt can accommodate, I had thought he was planning to have a ‘vampire kingdom’ here, that was actually within our tolerance.

There’s no shame in being a blood servant to stay alive, let alone here in Transylvania.

But then, that bastard revealed his villainous nature!”

Dorothy grimaced and gritted her teeth:

“He demanded that we move the corpse!

Carrying back the remains of those victims from the first and second floors and desecrating them with evil spells, transforming the corpses into monsters, it was like a snowball, and within a few days, his ghouls and spirits took over the sewers.

By then everyone already knew this guy was no good, but we were already in too deep.

There was no way for us to escape.

I remember very well that a rebellion broke out here on the seventh day after the disaster, starting when someone out and about realized there were already survivors moving around on the ground.

The survivors were burning the surface, seemingly trying to reclaim the city, and at that point we were desperate to get up there and join them, and the asshole was relentless in his slaughter of those who tried to leave.

He commanded the ghouls to kill at least half of them, and the rest didn’t dare say anything else.

I didn’t want to die like that!
I knew that guy wouldn’t let us go in the end, no matter how much we offered him it wouldn’t be enough, our lives were the fruit he would harvest in his final moments.

I’d had enough, so I planned to run.
However, I overestimated the loyalty of my brothers despite the threat of death…”

At this point Dorothy tilted her head, trying to make her poor expression at this point look sincere as she addressed Murphy:
“My lord, I don’t deny that I’ve done bad things, and I’m in no position to claim to you that I protected these people, but I think you need people now your territory needs people! I can be of service to you.

I used to work as a slave catcher and I know my way around this business.”

“With all due respect, that’s a lousy ‘cover letter’ you’ve got there.”

Murphy glanced at the beguiling fellow and continued his question:

“So Zweig actually had a batch of ghouls in his hands before the disaster broke out?”

“Right! That was carefully cultivated by him.”

Dorothy said in a huff:
“I’ve heard that he excavated the graveyard to create it, and I’ve also heard that this crypt used to be a place for the Blood Wyvern Clan to practice during the Second Black Night War, but it was abandoned because of the difficulty in getting in and out.

And when we were just working with that bastard, he would disappear for a day every week.

I suspected that he might have gone to make a joint, but that guy became a vampire, but he couldn’t hide his own shamelessness and lowliness.

He always shamelessly proclaimed that he would become the king of the Necromancers in Transylvania, but in reality, in my opinion, he was nothing more than an outcast that people used up and threw away.

At most, he’s an informer.

I’ll be honest, with that guy’s qualifications, it’s hard for him to make it in the gangs. He’s addicted to pleasure, and he’s always picking the kind of… Ahem, that’s the lesser known ‘slave girl’.

But he’s so brutal that when he gets tired of them, he throws them to the ghouls.

He also tried to woo me, saying he would give me the first child to become his heir, but I knew exactly what he wanted, and I refused to talk about it the few times he did.

Maybe that’s what offended him.

But even if I were truly desperate, I wouldn’t throw myself under the command of such a rat-faced bastard.”

“Do you know where that guy is meeting?” Murphy asked, and Dorothy shook her head:

“How could I possibly know that? I haven’t even been out of this crypt, but if I have to say, that guy has a strange aroma if anything on him every time he comes back, and although he handles it very carefully, I’m a thief.

I’m very keen on that aspect.

It was the scent of a woman’s perfume, a very distinctive odor.

It had a foresty, fresh scent not quite like the perfume scent a human woman would choose.

Moreover, when he came back, the soil under his feet was not the color of the soil in our vicinity, if we had to say, it seemed to be the kind of black mud deep in the mine pit.

I also worked as a mine accountant for a while before I worked as a slave catcher, so I recognize that dirt.”

“That’s quite a career you’ve had .”

Murphy couldn’t help but spit out, and Dorothy smiled sardonically.

But the information she provided was valuable, and Murphy had basically guessed where Zweig had met with that “source”.

The Transylvania region does not have many resources, and there are only a few mining pits in the southern mines, but according to Zweig’s previous statement, that place is probably long gone.

He pondered whether he should go there or not, while Dorothy beside him had already provided all the information she knew, and whether or not he could survive now depended on whether or not the vampire lord in front of him would accept her.

As an experienced gangster, she knew that the more times like this, the less passive she could be.

She must take the initiative!
Thus, Dorothy hesitated and said:
“My lord, I can serve you, and not as the most basic laborer or fighter. I have more value! Your territory must be in dire need of all sorts of supplies right now, and I can go and rediscover my previous smuggling partners, and I can provide you with .”

“Was your previous smuggling partner Franks Shovan?”

Murphy asked as he glanced at her, and Dorothy immediately froze.

Her expression changed drastically and she stammered:
“Can you you really hear my heart? How do you know this…”

“Shovan is now an Executive Knight under my command, and he and his brother-in-law have set out for the East Prussian side to negotiate the purchase of firearms for me.”

Murphy held his accent as he looked at the thief in front of him, and he lengthened his voice:

“So your last resort is of little use in my eyes, dear Ms. Dorothy, if you want to be reused . No, if you still intend to live, then you’ll have to show more value.”

“Uh, that . I mean, if you trust me, I can bring you a fortune!”

Dorothy gritted her teeth and decided to ‘offer the big one’ as she whispered:

“Actually, before I worked as a mine accountant, I worked for a while as a uh, archaeologist! Yes, I have skills in that area, and I happen to know that the tomb of the first Earl of Cicco is buried in the mountains near Cicco City!

The place had been destroyed in the war.

Instead of letting that fabled riches remain buried for a long time, it would be better for them to see the light of day and be put to better use in your hands.”

“Geez, you’re not going to have a great career.”

Murphy said in surprise:
“From grave robber to mine accountant to urban gangster and finally to black market smuggler and cultist, you’ve had a much more exciting life than the vast majority of people, Ms. Dorothy.”

“Uh, it’s a lot of skills for a lot of people.”

Dorothy smiled sarcastically.

She was nervous inside, that was her last card, if it didn’t work she really had no choice.

But Murphy asked another question, he said:

“I have a criterion for recruiting people and that is that they must have a clear history, so you need to tell me where exactly you come from? And what kind of turbulent first half of your life?”

“Well . I don’t think you need to know .”

Dorothy seemed to resist the question.

But before she could finish her sentence, she saw Maxim beside her raise his left hand, his fingers elongating like sharp claws in the throbbing of scarlet points of light.

The implication of this action was clear.

In this great land, there was nothing that Lord Murphy did not need to know!
Except, of course, the secrets of the dead.

“I can’t tell!”

Dorothy said through clenched teeth:

“I’m finished if I say it, unless unless you can give me true refuge, I mean, become one of you, my lord.”

“Oh? You still want to become a vampire at the end of your rippling life to fulfill the challenge of immortality? That’s quite a breathtaking set of ambitions.”

Murphy grinned as he waved his hand:

“It’s not that it won’t work, it just depends on how much information you can come up with in exchange for this blessing of eternal life, I for one am always very lenient with my capable subordinates, you’ll be rewarded, Dorothy. Provided you can actually come up with something that interests me.

Tell me, where you really come from.”


The gangster’s big sister let out a long sigh.

Knowing that she had no choice, she finally decided to tell what had happened to her in her life, and she tugged something out of her close-fitting corset and put it in her hand and said:
“Before I became a grave robber, I worked as a nobleman’s squire for a while on Grimm’s Island, and before that, I was an explorer, a licensed kind of proper explorer!

I was born in the Cato region.

It’s very close to the Genoa Peninsula, so I grew up hearing stories about the Explorer’s Association, and naturally I aspired to that kind of life, and at the age of twenty-five I took the first step towards what I called my ‘ideal’, and I joined that organization.

But it flopped on the first official mission.”

Dorothy covered her face and said in a sad tone:

“We were ordered to go on an expedition to a human ruin in the Antani region, which was said to be one of the former seats of the Church of Avalon’s Primordial Elders, deep in the Emerald Green Forest.

We found it.

But were ready to begin excavating the archaeology when we accidentally discovered something very horrible.”


Both Murphy and Maxim’s expressions changed.

He made a nasal inquiry, and Dorothy didn’t hide it as she shuddered:
“That holy place was desecrated! And by the Grey Knights of the Church of Avalon themselves, can you imagine? The most fanatical group of people in the largest religion in the human world are actually desecrating the holy place where they first connected with the gods with their own hands.

It’s horrible!

That event shocked us all.

But what was even more shocking was that less than a month after that expedition, the Church of Avalon revolted.

I do wonder if mankind’s loss of divine favor had anything to do with that incident we discovered, but the fact remains that one by one, those who participated in the expedition in the first place died mysteriously.

I ran away from home knowing I couldn’t just sit around and wait to be killed.

That was ten years ago, and after traveling almost half the continent in those years except for Yankee territory, which I never visited, I eventually chose to land in Cadman City and take up the gangster trade.”

“You’re very frank, and the matter itself is interesting.”

Murphy rubbed his chin, and after a few seconds, he addressed Dorothy:

“Go! Go to the president of the Adventurers’ Guild, the humongous lady with the holy sword in her hand, tell her what you know, don’t hide a single thing, and then gather up those of your subordinates who are still alive and wait for appointments in the camp.

You survived, Ms. Dorothy.


Whether or not you can join the Blood Wyverns will depend on how much you can contribute to this land, and I promise you that Transylvania will not treat any of its meritorious servants poorly!
Even if she has to live in darkness for the rest of her life.”

(End of chapter)

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