Chapter 150 149 Vampires in the Stinking Field! Run us to Transylvania!

Chapter 150 149.Stinking Out-of-Town Vampires! Running to us in Transylvania to beg for food?
“Ah, O Batasin, my beginnings as a merchant I have returned.”

The carriage bearing the insignia of Count Cadman slowly drove towards the city that had already appeared in silhouette ahead, and in the carriage, Ms. Blanche Parian Fedor looked out at the not-so-excellent scenery in front of her with deep emotion.

Although it had only been more than two months since she had last visited this small city on the Transylvanian border, it seemed like a lifetime ago.

The ups and downs of her life had made this shrewd and capable businesswoman as sad as a rich girl, but having been born in the bitter cold of Ice Bay and having grown up in the midst of migration and trials since childhood, she had quickly adjusted her spirit and allowed herself to focus on the important task at hand.

She was here to strike a series of preliminary agreements with the Yankee smugglers and ultimately broker a grand bargain between the Lord Earl and the occupying forces of the Winter Wolf Legion of Nordtorf.

This business venture would directly determine whether or not the Earldom of Cadman would survive this coming winter, and would directly determine her future under the Lord Earl’s command.

Although she is nearly forty years old, the ambition in Ms. Parian’s heart has been reawakened by Murphy’s “evil secret method”.

She is a pureblood Nord, she can live for one hundred and forty years without any disease or disaster, she hopes that when she is eighty years old, she can have everything she longed for when she was young, and before she grows old, she will leave her two daughters who have grown up to be very beautiful, enough wealth for them to change their class and their lives.

And now there were forty years left.
Maybe he could put up a fight and make up for the first half of his life by doubling down!

“I’ll have to meet with old Bird first, and later meet the man behind that little merchant group of his with his introduction, which I don’t expect to be a big shot, probably some lieutenant with a little bit of power in the Nordtorff Frontier Army.

But through this line may be able to contact the occupying forces of the Crimson Fortress, and then grab a trip to the territory of the Baroness of the Darkness to complete the deal for the mines.

If all goes well, a month and a half should do the trick.

That will be just in time for the beginning of late fall, and the large-scale food will be able to be gotten back in a steady stream.”

The merchantwoman in the carriage twisted the Knight’s Honor Ring on her finger, her shrewd brain that did not match her large waisted physique constantly spinning, thinking over and over again about her next move until the caravan entered this small, not so large, but very lively border town thirty minutes later.

The city of Batasin had once been a small town in one of the smaller principalities within the Confederacy of Portia, but it was a very important location.

To the east, it was adjacent to the rich Kahovka Great Plains, to the north it was a two-day journey to cross Count Siko’s territory to reach the border of Ice Bay, and to the south was Count Cadman’s territory.

This small town happened to be the intersection of the three regions, and it was also one of the more important places of commerce in Transylvania over the past hundred years or so, especially since merchants from the Yankee side tended to take care of most of their business activities here.

Although the place is small, because of the geographical reason, the Blood Vulture Clan has stationed an armed blood servant and a small number of elite vampires here all year round.

Unfortunately, the legion of Blood Servants stationed here during the Ten Years’ War had been sent to the front east of the Kavhoka Plains, and should have been disarmed by the Yankees by now.

“Get some rest at the ‘Horseshoe’ Inn first, I need to get ready to meet my guests.”

Ms. Parian instructed her escort and coachman, and the caravan turned to the inn, and a few minutes later, at the entrance of the Horseshoe Inn, which had the simple and atmospheric style of the Yankees, Ms. Parian also delivered her “mission” with the Earl warriors who had escorted her all the way here.

She took out a bag of gold coins and handed it over to the leader of the group, Brother Woo Meow, and thanked him:
“Your performance along the way was perfect, very, very professional, worthy of being the Earl’s most valued warriors. When I have established an official merchant group for the Earl-sama, I hope that you will also participate in the defense of the merchant group.”

“Yo, is this a hint that the merchant running game will be introduced in the future?”

Brother Woo Meow’s eyes blinked as his mind raced, then he responded with a standard Blood Wyvern salute to the big bladdered NPC in front of him:
“Of course, Knight Parian, we will certainly give everything we have for Count Cadman’s greatness, and please be safe, we will stay here for a day and a night. If you encounter any problems you can contact us through the Operational Pearl.

Your safety is a very important task for us.”

“Very well, but I also have many friends here, in fact, my birthplace is not far from here, alas, it is a pity that the war has long since leveled my homeland in Ice Bay.”

The chatty businesswoman let out a laugh and another full of regret before bidding farewell to the players and entering this inn run by a distant old uncle from her birth village.

The players didn’t go in, their escorting mission was over but there were more important tasks to be done.

“Nah, that’s a total of five Portia gold coins and 78 silver coins, let’s split it up.”

Brother Woo Meow tossed the bag of coins to the pretender not using his hands.

The old watch was already a professional accountant in his team and hardly needed to do much math to divide the rewards equally, while the lead big pigeon couldn’t help but spit out as he looked at the chilling coins in his hand:
“Before wandering in the ruins have not realized that the money of this game is actually quite valuable, running for two days a person to earn a pitiful dozens of silver coins . F*ck, before in the ruins defense line to buy an apple have to five silver coins!

I think I might have been screwed by that cunning NPC.”

“Normal, back then everyone had no place to spend their money, how would they know how to exchange prices?”

Lumina collected her reward and remembered her “feat” of buying a blank gun with 10 gold coins, and immediately felt ashamed of her generous spending.

“Find a place to eat, eat something nice today.”

Brother Woo Meow rubbed his stomach and said to the fellows:

“Get ready to work after eating, there are definitely a lot of vampires in this city, today, I ran from early morning to afternoon, and I actually didn’t even have a single vampire in the three villages I passed by. This is not normal! I think those assholes might be planning to ambush us in the city, but hopefully I’m overthinking it.”

“What do you mean by overthinking, I don’t even need to look when I stand here, I can feel no less than seven or eight Blood Servants around us spying on us, with that cool look in their eyes.”

Meow Shark, who had the highest perception in the team, moved his body uncomfortably as he whispered to the others:
“This perception being too high isn’t a good thing, I’m going to have a nervous breakdown if it continues like this. However, I’ve already memorized the characteristics of a few people and left hunting tags, so we’ll have something to do after dinner.

We need to weaken their numbers while it’s still daytime!
Once we get to nighttime this is going to be a disaster, there are so many bloodsuckers here, the vampire population isn’t likely to be much smaller.”

“Six hours until sunset.”

Orchid Blossom accurately estimated the time with a glance up at the sky, a traveler’s base drill, she said:

“Thirty minutes to solve the problem of eating, then clean up street by street! I just asked Ms. Parian’s guards, and the veteran told me that the armed blood servants in this city who are supposed to maintain order have all been sent to the front lines, which means that we’re not afraid of being blocked even if we mess up something big.

I suggest that once the night is over, we find a place to stand guard!
Fighting night battles with vampires in places they know well makes your head spin just thinking about it.”

“Well, let’s do that!”

Brother Woo Meow nodded murderously, and the lead Big Pigeon next to him thought for a moment and said:
“You guys go eat, I’ll stay on the wagon to configure some daytime potions, remember to bring me back a meal, I want to eat meat, and it’s best if there are chicken legs.”

“Pigeon Bao ah, we are all playing the game, don’t be so picky with your mouth, okay?”

Ah Badger immediately saddened to:
“You think this is a school snack street ah, also big chicken legs. What is the standard of living in this hellish place you do not know? Can bring you back a lamb paste is already lucky.”

“Hell knows this game’s food and flavor system is done so realistically! I’m going crazy from gnawing on cakes every day, my grandfather lived in a cowshed back in the day and ate better than this!”

Pigeon Treasure crossed her arms in displeasure and said:

“Anyway, I don’t care! I just want to eat a big chicken leg! If I can’t eat it, you guys will be careful when you sleep at night, and I’ll see if I don’t pout at you.”

“Ugh, go go go, buy a chicken and get the cook to roast it.”

The bionic snail sighed and turned around, the black silk brother next to him skimmed his lips and said:
“When have we ever been so disciplined in a game? Still buying? What’s wrong with your money? Why don’t you just steal one? It’s not like we don’t have a Stalker.”


The only Stalker in the group who pretended not to use his hands exclaimed:
“My ideal is to be a Flying Bandit! And you want me to steal chickens for you? You’re so full of it! Go steal it yourself!”

This group of little guys scattered through the streets of Batasin in an uproar.

They only had thirty minutes to eat, but that didn’t stop these guys from taking the time to explore the small medieval-style town.

Especially Orchid Flower.

The traveler’s soul couldn’t wait.

Meanwhile, a Spirit teleportation quietly ripped through space, sending Murphy and his two sons and his sons’ sons into the forest near the small town of Batasin.

This was the first time Murphy experienced the feeling of “teleportation” after coming to the other world.

But to be honest, it was a terrible feeling. According to what Tris said, the principle of spiritual energy transportation is not a simple and brutal tearing of the space of the material world, but to open a rift in the mysterious astral realm that shrouds the material world.

The shortest path was mapped out by accurately calculating the relative coordinates of the starting point and the landing point in the astral realm, which meant that the teleporter would have to travel across the astral realm for a few seconds to several tens of seconds in order to quickly reach the landing point.

Space and time in the Astral Realm are chaotic, which makes it possible to travel through it quickly without regard to the rules of physics.

However, the Astral Realm is a dangerous and insane place, and any use of psychic teleportation means that the recipient has to face the Astral Realm’s tainted psychic energy and mental shock head-on, and thus can only barely use the thing if he or she enters the Black Iron rank.

Moreover, Tris said, don’t use it if you can!
Because the biggest problem with this psychic energy transportation thing was that it didn’t work every time.

Even if it was maneuvered by a Gold ranked Psychic Energy Master himself, one small mistake was enough to send Murphy to the other side of the world, and the most frightening thing was that he wasn’t necessarily in one piece when he landed.

The worst thing is that those unlucky people who died in the astral world and were sent back to the present world may also bring some “dirty things” out of the astral world.

“I swear I’ll never use this thing again!”

Murphy rubbed his head and spat harshly in the shadows of the woods.

The five SCs recorded on the battle record in front of him were all successful, but the intense headache after returning to the material world still made the vampire lord feel uncomfortable enough to vomit.

And he was counting this as good.

Next to him, Maxim had already ceased to be a fierce man and rushed into the back of a nearby tree with his face pale and covering his mouth.

Mrs. Adele was also a beauty frowning, Xishi cupped the heart of the bad look, it looks like you have to rest for a few minutes in order to regain combat power.

“Five and a half hours until sunset, we leave at dusk.”

Murphy waved his hand and spoke to the eight vampires behind him:

“Feel free to move around now and rest for a while. All the vampires around Batasin have gathered here, and from this distance I can sense at least seventy of my compatriots slumbering amongst them, and there are a few more that don’t smell like blood vultures.”

He tossed the vampire slayer sword oils left over from the last battle to Lady Adele and Maxim, took out the arrows soaked in the Daylight Potion and loaded them into the magazines of the miser’s hand crossbows, and finally reached out and tapped on the magical sword at his waist.

Count Cadman tugged at his scarlet cloak as he whispered:

“Well, tonight the magic blade will be able to feast on delicious blood and be strong again, gentlemen, as the first battle of the new blood vultures, when the time comes, please behave decently!”

As dusk approaches evening, a caravan of two wagons is approaching the city of Batasin from the direction of the Great Plains of Kavhoka.

The ones driving the carriages were a few armed Blood Servants, and outside the caravan there was also a Blood Servant Guard made up of 20 chest-armored cavalrymen, a formation that looked to be some kind of vampire traveling.

In the second carriage was an exquisite black cold wood coffin, emitting a faint aroma.

However, its owner did not choose to sleep at dusk, instead, he was sitting in the carriage decorated with black velvet seats, holding a golden book of poems in his hand, reading, and letting the sunlight that was no longer hot at dusk fall through the gaps in the carriage curtains into this dim place.

It was “Your Highness” who had contacted Vesta, the Thorn Vampire, last night.

He looked tall and thin, his blonde hair was combed to look like an adult, but his serious face still had a “childish” look to it.

He shouldn’t be too old.

And although this guy’s handsome and Lord Murphy can’t be compared, but his features are straight and bring with him a “majesty” that can’t be imitated, so he also looks like a kind of beauty like a small male dog.

The light armor of the Thorn Swordsman on his body was also not the same as other Thorn Vampires.

Not only was it embellished with the Thorn Clan’s coat of arms, but there was also a shield-shaped wolf’s head White Mountain insignia, which represented his other identity outside of vampirism.

The Earl of White Mountain, the leader of the White Mountain faction.


A loud bang rang out ahead, stopping the carriage that was already approaching the small town.

The surrounding cavalrymen formed a well-trained guard formation, while “Your Highness”, who had been interrupted from the association in his mind while reading the poem, frowned as he asked with his onomatopoeic technique:
“What happened in front?”

“It’s an explosion, Your Highness. There are explosions in the city of Batasin, and apparently not the first, there are many places in the city where smoke is coming out, where fighting is taking place! Also we can’t get communication with Vesta, something may have happened to your squire.”

The vampire scout in the carriage ahead responded immediately, much to the displeasure of His Highness, who didn’t like to be late or surprised.

He reached out and placed his hand on the golden-gray noble sword at his waist, a cloud of ice mist visible to the naked eye emanating from his fingers.

He said:

“Then why are you all still standing around? Shouldn’t a member of the family be in danger and go to their aid? Vesta has served me for sixteen years, he doesn’t deserve such an end.”

“But Your Highness, your safety .”

“The battlefield lies ahead of me, and you mean to tell me to fall on the ground where my ancestors fought?”

“No, Your Highness!”

A few seconds later, the two carriages and the escorting cavalry around them accelerated towards the city of Batasin, while at the same time, in the mansion of the Thorn Clan’s point of contact in the small city, Maximus was dragging the Thorn vampire Vesta, who had been pecked blind by a blood-eating spirit vulture and whose leg had been bitten off by a giant wolf of the Star Realm, in front of Murphy as if he were a dead dog.

Count Cadman sat on the only intact chair in the room with his hands on his magic sword.

He wore a vampire ball mask to cover his eyes stuck on the bridge of his nose, and those scarlet eyes stared at his fellow outsiders who were in severe pain in front of him but gritted their teeth to keep from letting out a cowardly moan.

After a few seconds of observation, he said:
“So, tell me, what does the uninvited guest, Clan Thorn, intend to do with his hand in Clan Bloodwing’s territory?”

“You’re crazy!”

The miserable vampire Vesta said in a muffled voice, forcing back the pain:

“There are only these few of you, and there are more than seventy vampires in this city! You’re dead!”

“There are only 53 left now.”

Murphy corrected in a mild tone:

“My warriors have hunted down traitors with the blessing of the blazing sun much faster than you can imagine, and I must admit with pride and anticipation that they are already competent vampire slayers! And they will surely make even more amazing hunts before the power of the Mother of Night descends.

But I guess these things don’t concern you anymore, and I’ll ask you one last time in all fairness, Outcast!

What do you rude Yankees want by coming to us?”

“Let him go!”

A figure broke through the door at the sound of a cold rebuke, interrupting the inquiry which had just begun.

Murphy’s eyes looked forward as he noticed that distinctive coat of arms on the other man, recognizing the other man in the heraldry of his mind’s discernment.

Then rising, sword in one hand and one hand caressing his shoulder, he moved with grace and bent down to the visitor and said:

“Ah, uninvited Excellency, I salute you, one Blood Count to another. But it would be unseemly for you to step into my domain with a sword, and I give you three seconds to drop it. Well, it seems you don’t intend to end this conflict honorably.

That’s nice!

Let’s see what Clan Thorn can do, then.”

(End of chapter)

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