Chapter 149 148 The local blood servants are really too rude!

Chapter 149 148.The local blood servants are really too rude!
The first night experience of enabling the sleep connection feature of the gaming helmet was quite good.

The young players started to enter sleep mode at 22:00 at night and played until the full eight hours at 6:00 a.m. the next morning, and then re-entered the game after six hours of mandatory offline rest as the in-game time went to midnight, just as dawn was approaching in game time.

As a result, it was just dawn when the young players came online again, but the head of the Thorn Clan vampire tied to the cross outside the village was already screaming in agony.

Though the sun was not really shining yet, the solar energy was already active and filled the heart of the foreign vampire, who was not dressed like a “local”, with fear as he screamed from the cross.

But he was weakened by the puncture in his heart, and his hands and feet were bound with the strongest chains he could find in the village, which made him powerless to break free.

The entire village had risen early at Ms. Parian’s request to stay with the small players to watch this execution of a vampire, a rare event in Transylvania, and basically without prodding, the entire village had gathered here.

They have a feeling that the strange things they saw today will definitely be able to be used as a talking point in the future for other people who have never seen it before.

“You have no power!”

The thorny vampire shouted with a scowl on his face:
“I am a descendant of the White Mountain blood that the Archduke of Thorns has sheltered! I am the son of Toreze! Wild dogs of Lexenbrae! You will surely pay for this shameful lynching!”

“Shut him up! It’s making a lot of noise. It’s just a wild dog, how could Lord Murphy punish us cuties for it?”

Sister Pomegranate, who still wasn’t in the best of moods, was annoyed and spoke to little Viktorina, who was chewing on a malt beside her.

The little dwarf gunman drew his delicate scarlet revolver and fired a shot forward, the speeding bullet accurately pierced into that thorny vampire’s mouth, causing his teeth to crumble and blood to flow.

The roaring snarl also turned into a whimper of pain.

In fact, when the first batch of young players first entered the game, they often heard Lord Murphy hang on to the sentence of sunburn and use it as a means of scaring people, and at that time, they knew that this thing was no less terrifying than lynching for vampires.

But the players have never seen the lynching, so everyone is full of expectation and curiosity about what will happen.

Soon, the first ray of sunlight ripped through the pre-dawn darkness and shone on the earth, the light seemed to be attracted by the vampire tied to the cross, like a golden light jumping to light “candles”, in the invisible sun spirit energy active.

The tied up vampire was set on fire.

His hair was the first to start burning as if he had been lit with a heavenly lantern, and then his body continued to fly out of the gray dust under the light, and then, with a scream that could not be suppressed, his whole body convulsed on the cross and shook like a sieve.

The fire of the sun did not only ignite the vampire’s body from the outside, but also seemed to burn inside him.

The players clearly saw the tied up vampire open his mouth to emit fiery smoke, as if the simultaneous ignition from within and without was causing his struggles to rapidly weaken with the rising sun’s illumination.

It wasn’t until a few minutes later that the thorned vampire, who had been quite handsome, had become a piece of dead bone hanging from a cross.

It was as if he had been thrown into lava and fished out again, his entire skin turned black as charcoal, and you could still see the dark red spots of light like ash under the chapped marks on top of his skin.

All the blood and moisture in his body had been vaporized by the sun.

But he wasn’t dead yet.

From that trembling body, it was clear that even if that had been the case, the pain that the sunlight had brought to him still hadn’t diminished, and was still tormenting his body and soul.

It was said that a true sunburn would last for three full days and nights, allowing a vampire who had committed an unforgivable sin to taste the most horrific torture in the world before he was allowed to walk into eternal silence.

However, the vast majority of vampires will not survive even one morning’s pain before they go up in smoke.

The vampires who die under this punishment are truly bone-crushing, not even the vampire’s heart will be left behind, so the sunburn punishment is not used too often within the bloodline.

It is more of a symbol of fear!

It also represents the power to punish, and it is said that in the two Black Night Wars, the Old Religion had also erected massive crosses to serve as the most brutal means of the War of Faith.

And so it was that the young players took it upon themselves to complete the first sunburned execution they ever carried out.

It wasn’t until the thorny vampire exhaled his last breath in a whimper a few minutes later, completely dissipating into gray flying ash, that they finally realized that lynching still seemed to be a bit of a misnomer to describe this thing.

“Holy shit, this is too bad, isn’t it?”

Che Che, who had witnessed all of this, covered his eyes.

His young mind was greatly shaken, and at this moment felt like a bad guy with dirt on his hands as he whispered to Badger next to him:

“Are we going too far with this?”

“Uh, if I have to say, I think it’s a bit too much too.”

Badger’s face didn’t look too good either, but he quickly noticed the villagers being gathered around him.

Although these populace living on the dark earth did not have any dignity to speak of, they were unusually quiet at this moment, and many of their eyes were looking straight at the cross that only had shackles hanging from it.

There were also some whose gazes looked at the players.

This scene made Badger hesitate, and he whispered:

“But I think we should be doing something good, right? After all, that bastard killed someone, and it’s rumored that the girl just got married to a young man a few days ago”

Just as he finished speaking, a young man rushed out from the crowd, the latter wiped his eyes and rushed to the players, without saying a word he plopped down on his knees like a bumper sticker, which scared the players.

Very alert, they subconsciously took a step back to vacate an open space.

“Thank you thank you guys.”

The man in tears slumped over like a pentagram, his mouth incoherent with thanks, while Lumina, who had witnessed the vampire’s murder last night, explained in a whisper to the other players:
“That’s the poor girl’s husband.”

“If you are truly grateful to Lord Murphy’s warriors for avenging your poor wife, then you should offer your loyalty to the Lord Count!”

Ms. Parian, who had been a merchant, had a twinkle in her eye and stepped forward to spread her hands and proclaimed in a see-saw manner:
“They have come to hunt these traitors on the orders of the Lord Count, who has promised that even the vampires will no longer enjoy any privileges in his domain in the future!
You saw it with your own eyes!

You all saw it with your own eyes!

This burned Fae vampire represents the will of Count Cadman! He will protect you all mercifully!

Go, go to the Scarlet Castle and pledge your allegiance to him.

The Lord Count will protect you, as firmly and humbly as he did last night!”

“I will go.”

The young man who had lost his wife wiped his eyes and spoke in a hoarse tone:
“I will do whatever the Lord Earl wants me to do, and I will be there.”

“Very well, the Lord Earl needs a loyalist like you.”

Ms. Parian felt that she had completed a perfect “sermon”.

Of course, the small players didn’t resist the NPCs lending their power to the fox, anyway, this is also part of the administrative task of “proclaiming majesty”, they just discuss this “random event” on the sidelines not doing too bad.

It’s just a little cheesy.

“We all know that this is meant to be a part of Lord Murphy’s efforts to gather people’s hearts and minds, but it would have been nice if the plotting had been a bit more reasonable.”

Badger, who had reboarded the carriage to head to the next village, said rather dissatisfied as he clutched his twin swords:
“Now this situation how to look how like Ms. Parian hired a trust, and we are all group acting, but there is no box lunch to eat, on my previous performance, how also worth a big chicken leg ah.”

“Nah, here comes the big chicken leg.”

Just as he was whining, the lead Big Pigeon came over and threw him a leather armor, saying:
“This is one of the best pieces of last night’s loot, finely crafted veteran grade gauntlets, I asked for it for you, how many pieces are you missing to make a set now?”

“emm, shoes, belt and jewelry, still missing a ring.”

Badger handily changed the good gauntlets into them, and the old ones he couldn’t be bothered to throw away and put back into his bag, he said to Good Dove:
“The psychic energy gauntlets made in-house by the Blood Vulture family all have set attributes, although the attributes of this primary equipment are very poor, nothing more than adding stamina plus defense level and armor, with the occasional good use of a few words. However, I feel that if you want to challenge the elites solo to complete the Black Iron Trial, a set of Seiko Veteran’s gauntlets that is the standard, and if you are pursuing more upgraded, how can you get the best family guard set in the game at the moment, right?
Also have to find a way to get a good weapon to do!

I only have one standard Commander Grade Clan Winged Blade from a previous raffle right now, but I need two for this profession.”

“Let’s see if killing elite vampires afterward can pop one for you, if not, we’ll go back to painting copies.”

Good Dove sat beside Badger and said:
“Stick who stayed over at the camp brought people to experience the new copies last night, they are all copies made from the plot included in the storyline we fought before, they are moderately difficult and can be brushed once a day, although they don’t drop equipment but they drop tokens.

Three tokens can be exchanged for a veteran gauntlet at the cloister quartermaster’s place, and if you brush it every day, you’ll be able to put together the Seiko Veteran Set plus weapons in three or four days.

The group book is not open yet, I guess it’s just these two days.

Stick helped us out and the ‘Veteran’s Badge’ from the group book will be able to be exchanged for a standard commander level family guard set.

It seems that the development team also knows that the Black Iron Trial is difficult, so this update has added an extra set exchange to solve our equipment problems.

Alas, what should be there is slowly coming together, this damn game is finally getting a bit of a look.”

“The development team didn’t want to add a copy system before.”

Next to lying on the car board closed eyes resting Gu Gu chicken holding a piece of grass, said:

“That said, in such a real game brush copy what always feel a little strange, although the development group also gave a specific background, said what spirit energy illusion to simulate the past battles to facilitate the newcomers to experience the plot.

Shit, those guys can really pull it off!

However, Pigeon Treasure, do you think that after we turn vampires, we can really embrace our heirs for the first time like Lord Murphy first embraced Mrs. Adele?”

“I think you want to fart eat.”

Meow Shark, who was hugging the Family Guardian’s war halberd, grinned, kicked Cuckoo Chicken, and said:
“You think beautifully, but also Lady Adele, yesterday turned two villages, you also saw the modeling of NPC women, I guess the whole Transylvania doesn’t have a few Lady Adele kind of level of super beautiful NPCs.

Tsk, tsk, big boobs black silk cold half elf maid head, this dog planning is also too good at it, right?
And even if you can really have blood servants and heirs, surely you have to do exclusive follower quests, the development team always has to consider balance, it’s impossible to make vampires too strong.”

“That’s true, I did think a bit too much.”

Cuckoo Chicken sighed, propping his chin up to look at the scenery outside the carriage.

He suddenly said:

“How much do you guys think this should be if it were real? It wouldn’t be bad to just find an elf or half-elf as a wife here, or if not, a vampire would be fine, I’ve never seen a particularly ugly vampire anyway.”

“You think so? Do you want to ask Lord Murphy to send us all a blood servant girl to serve us?”

A few other student parties glanced at each other, and then erupted into a burst of laughter, causing the air of pleasure to surge in the carriage.

This was a game, not a real traveler.
How could there be that kind of good thing where a beautiful woman falls on you?

“Reverse! It’s gone wrong! The blood servant has devoured the master!”

An angry roar echoed through the darkened house of a mansion in the small Transylvanian border town of Batasin, as a tall vampire in the hunting attire of a Thorn Clan nightwalker with a twisted face chided:
“My heir died under the blazing sun! In the reflection of his death I saw those lowly humans with weapons! How rude of the local Bloodservants! Is your Blood Vulture Clan so proud of these lowly foodstuffs?
How dare you allow them to turn their weapons on the noble Midnight nobility?
How do you train your blood servants?”

The few other vampires in the room looked at each other in disbelief.

Although they were all wearing the uniforms of the Blood Vulture Clan, they didn’t feel that they should take any responsibility for what had just happened.

After all, it wasn’t like it was one of their Blood Servants who was causing a disturbance.

“Are you sure that was really a Blood Servant? Lord Vesta.”

A slim but somber Blood Vulture renegade whispered:

“I don’t think a human from the Transylvanian region would have the guts to do that, perhaps a witch hunter disguised as a blood servant? I’ve heard they’re still operating in this great land.”

“They all wear the coat of arms of the Blood Vulture! I see them clearly in the reflections of my children’s deaths! Are you questioning my eyesight?”

The thorny vampire named “Vesta” asked in a grim tone, leaving the rest of the room silent.

“Never mind, it’s just an insignificant ripple.”

The member of the Thorn Clan quickly adjusted his mind.

He sat back down on the chair in the middle of the room and put on an overbearing appearance, saying to the several Blood Vulture traitors in front of him who were in a leadership position in the local area:

“Those who should be contacted have already been contacted, call out the rest of you to come here, and return with us to the Kingdom of Nordtorf tomorrow night for an audience with Archduke Shani in the Duchy of Bloodthorn. When you have shed the blood of the Blood Wyvern and drunk the blessed wine of the Thorns, you will have plenty of opportunity to return here and seek glory for your family.

Of course, there is one last thing you must do before you leave.”

The emissary of the Thorn Clan raised a finger as he narrowed his gray-on-red eyes and said:

“Those murderers are coming towards Batasin, and they will arrive here in the afternoon, midnight at the latest, to bring their heads! That should be easy for you, right?”

“Those are the blood servants of the others, and hunting them would be a declaration of war.”

One of the Blood Vulture traitors said in a mute voice:

“I think it’s better not to make a fuss at this juncture .”

“Oh, gentlemen, your concerns are valid, but with all due respect, I don’t care what you’re thinking?”

Vesta responded with a sneer as she leaned back in her chair and hugged her arms:
“The fact that you all have been informed of the new Archduchess of the Blood Vulture’s ascension to the throne and yet have not gone forth to pledge your allegiance is proof that you have made a choice. At this point, do you still intend to maintain your pathetic dignity?
I don’t know how you Blood Vulture Clan did things in the past, but for us, the Thorn Clan, such provocations cannot be tolerated!
Do you understand?”

Several Blood Vulture renegade leaders felt contempt.

However, they couldn’t refute it and could only leave in disgrace.

The mansion in this small town was quiet again, and in the house the originally arrogant and domineering Thorn Vampire Vesta stood up, took a deep breath and fiddled with a round mirror on the table, and soon with the reverberation of psychic energy ripples, the mirror reflected the face of a slim, serious and young man.

The man’s eyes were gray-blue, with only a little blood light dancing in his pupils, which matched his face as majestically as the howling north wind, yet made people feel a chill in their hearts.

“Your Highness.”

Vesta said as she bent down very humbly:
“My operation to gather the faction blood vulture traitors for you will end tomorrow night, and I will bring back a good number of servants for you.”

“My loyal servant Vesta, there has been a change of plans.”

The young vampire known as “Your Highness” whispered:

“Archduke Shani has already left for Fortress Crimson, and I will be arriving in Batasin tomorrow night; my new servants do not need to return to the Duchy of Bloodthorn, let them follow me directly to the Dark Mountains. This will be their first blood battle with me.”

“Your Highness? Why are we going to the Dark Mountains?”

Vesta asked in surprise:

“It is very dangerous there! An honorable man like you.”

“Vesta! The Black Plague is coming!”

The young vampire in the mirror said in a cold voice:

“My country and my clan need me to fulfill my duty, that is all! Gather your ranks tomorrow night and meet me in Batasin. Remember! Don’t do anything stupid. I don’t like to be late, and I don’t like surprises.”

(End of chapter)

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