Chapter 148: 147 Gan Linniang’s Thorn Clan! Falling down the well and digging up the wall

Chapter 148 147.Gan Lin Niang’s Thorn Clan! Falling down a well and digging a wall, right?

Murphy soon received reports back from his loyal and brave little players.

This made him once again feel satisfied with his rational use of the Psychic Computing Treasure Pearl, inwardly marveling at the fact that no matter what world this was in, the development of science and technology was indeed the first productive force. However, the content of the report written by Brother Woo Meow himself did not make Murphy happy.

“Traces of other vampire clans have appeared in Transylvania? They’re still secretly gathering the Blood Vulture traitors, what are they doing? Preparing to fall into a well and take advantage of the fire? Heh, not bad for a vampire.

The technique of infighting is really well played.”

Murphy got up and laughed coldly, he was not at all surprised that the other clans were taking advantage of the situation, in the past when he was a high-level social animal, it was not that he had never dealt with headhunters, he knew that the first step of the so-called “high-end business war” often started from a large-scale digging up the wall of a friend’s businessman.

However, as a vampire newcomer, his knowledge of other clans is currently limited to the Wolfsbane clan that he has fought with, and the Blood League Knights that he has helped.

When it comes to troubles like the one at hand, you’ll have to ask the knowledgeable Mama Tris for help.

Murphy left the office and knocked on the door of the next room.

That’s right, the Blood Vulture Archduke and Count Cadman’s office is so close to each other, but what doesn’t surprise him at all is that the Blood Vulture Archduke, who was supposed to be at work at this time, has once again “disappeared”.


The vampire lord felt tired.

Encountering a boss who liked to skip work was really difficult, and what was even more difficult was that he actually fell in love with such a female goblin who was a pain in the ass in every aspect.

But things had come to this, what else could be done?

Murphy closed his eyes and connected to the vision of the blood-eating spirit vulture Reverno, and soon found Tris, who was groping for fish, in some nook or cranny beyond the ruins of Cadman City.

Unsurprisingly, that vampire gold-ranked wastrel was hiding in an abandoned tower gulping down a drink and looking at the scenery, with a few small dishes in hand, having a good time.


With the sound of wings closing, the ferocious blood-eating spirit vulture landed next to the drunken Tris, and was immediately noticed by the Archduchess.

After seeing that Murphy’s “eyes” had already spotted her, Tris got up and threw out a scarlet psychic portal to run away, but in the next second, arrows flew over and tore the portal apart.

In the midst of the huge bat wings closing, Murphy, whose face was as heavy as water, had already landed on the edge of the tower, and hung the exquisite and luxurious miser’s hunting crossbow in his hand back to his waist.


Tris laughed dryly twice, hiding the half-bottle of wine in her hand behind her back.

She thought she was going to get a few more lectures from young Murphy, but instead Murphy got right down to business.

“The Blood Vulture’s territory has been invaded, Your Excellency the Archduke, and this should be your part to deal with.”

The vampire lord projected the psychic image that came with the player’s report in the palm of his hand, and he pointed to the insignia and said:

“This is the badge of Clan Thorn, right?”

“Well, the Night Thorn, also known as the Vampire Vine, is indeed the coat of arms of the Blood Thorn Clan, and considering that it doesn’t sound good to call them the ‘Blood Thorn’ Clan, people started calling them the Thorn Clan a long time ago.”

Mother Trixie incidentally gave DD Yuko Vampire Lord a little bit of science on the origin of her fellow clan’s name.

She didn’t think of it as a big deal, and was relaxed enough to lean against the side of the tower and speak casually:
“Clan Thorn’s territory is under the White Mountains in the southern border of Nordtorf, a bit of a distance from Transylvania, but the fact that they would come into our area at this time of the year to gather up the rebels isn’t the least bit surprising.

After all, Clan Thorn is the loser of the ancient Holy Blood War.

They were banished from the heart of the bountiful continent after their defeat and were left to fend for themselves in the lands of the Northmen until things got a little better with the establishment of the Kingdom of Nordtorf, and it is said that the Thorn Clan served the descendants of the Heroic King Boris in the wars of the Norse conquests of the Great Wilderness.

If we have to say, the Thorn Clan is probably the one that has the most harmonious and close relationship with human civilization of all the clans, but it is also the one that has the deepest resentment towards other vampire clans.

Their ancestral motto is to reclaim everything they lost in the Holy Blood War.

Therefore, sucking in traitors from other clans to rebel against them is what the Thorn Clan loves to do, and it’s as if their clan has been cursed by something dirty, with every Archduke dying, and none of them surviving past 300 years in peace.

I remember when I was still in my prime, they had just elected their fourth Thorn Archduchess, what was her name? Sophia?

Or was it Mary?

Oh, yes, Sophie!
Her name is Sophie and she’s one of my handkerchief sisters.”

“The Holy Blood fight, that was eight hundred years ago, wasn’t it?”

Murphy said with a frown:
“There doesn’t seem to be any more records of this event in the Bloodwyvern Library, just a brief mention that it was the first clan war that broke out between the seven clans of vampires?”

“Who did you learn your blood history from?”

Tris corrected, rolling her eyes:
“It was six clans! The Mad Blood Clan was sealed in the Scarlet Sanctuary deep in the Dark Mountains before the Era opened, which is also the place where all vampires originated, and the Blood League Knights constantly parade around the Dark Mountains just to watch over that Sacred Blood Seal.

Every one hundred years the leaders of the other five clans would return to the origin of the Scarlet Sacred Land to reinforce the seal under the leadership of Venerable Lord Paying, and that was also a big event for the entire vampire clan.

Moreover, there was no participation of the Secret Blood Clan’s group of Mycavians in the ‘Sacred Blood Struggle’ that opened in the 300th year of the Era and came to an end in the 400th year.

They claimed to be blood recorders and never participated in the disputes of other clans, and excluding the Blood Alliance Knights who had always existed as arbiters, the so-called Sacred Blood Controversy actually took place between the four clans of the Blood Vulture, Blood Fear, Thorns, and Wolfsbane.

It was a conflict that erupted over the central area of the continent and the ‘blood food’ that was still in clan civilization at the time.

I don’t know much about the specific process.

It was too long ago.

But the end result was that the Blood Vulture, Blood Fear, and Wolfsbane agreed that the then very young Sarokdal, Charlemagne, and Edward, three cunning and powerful Clan Chief Archdukes, joined forces to ambush and kill Talma Oksana Toreze, the ancient matriarch of the Thorn Clan, at the Red Sea Cliffs in the Ice Bay region.

The great battle in which the ancient one fell directly led to the Clan of Thorn’s holy relic ‘Fallen Virtue’ being lost in the cold tide of the North Sea.

And while the remaining Thorn Clan should have been exterminated, the Venerable Lord Paying stepped in to preserve them, and those wretches were then driven by their own malevolent kinsmen into the great wilderness of the Bitter Cold Lands.

They settled beneath the White Mountains.

Since then, they have lived there and formed a small principality that has lasted until the present time.”

Tris told that ancient history in the tone of a historian, and at the end of the story, she spoke of a legend that had only been circulated in a small way within the Blood Clan.

This blood-eating female goblin said in a very gossipy tone:
“It is said that the original identity of the ancient one Matriarch of the Thorn Clan, Talma Oksana Torreze, was the ‘ex-girlfriend’ of our old Matriarch, Salokdar, and that the struggle for power turned the two against each other.

There may still be feelings between them.

As Salokdar shed tears of blood and stabbed Oksana in the heart with Necessary Evil, the desperate ancient then cursed her former love out loud.

She said that Salokdar and his accomplices would surely end up with despair as the end of eternity, and that there would not even be the gift of eternal silence again.

She also cursed that ‘whoever takes my blood today will die with a murderous blade through his heart in another day’.

The good news is that that curse was fulfilled.

But unfortunately, that prophecy was fulfilled hundreds of years too late.

Charlemagne Morva Giovanni, the patriarch of the Blood Fear Clan, who was one of the murderers, died in the Second Black Night War in the Sunburn Torture, which was carried out by the Venerable Lord Paying himself, because of the summoning of the Subspace Rift.

Venerable Lord Paying is obviously a very ritualistic person.

The place he chose for Charlemagne’s execution happened to be the crimson sea cliffs where Oksana was killed in a sneak attack that year, and Salokdar, who betrayed his lover for power and sustenance, did end up dying by the Demon Blade of Desire, the Blade of Necessary Evil, that killed Oksana in the first place.

So this stuff is actually pretty metaphysical.”

“Uh, I think it’s good to hear about this kind of thing, if the ancient curse was really that powerful, it wouldn’t have to wait eight hundred years for it to backfire on the murderer. Besides, isn’t old Edward, one of the murderers back then, still alive and well?”

Murphy shook his head.

Although he himself was a “feudal superstition” creature, he obviously didn’t care much about such unscientific things as curses, to be precise, he believed in the existence of curse-based psychic spells, but he didn’t believe that a single curse could influence the direction of fate.

Wouldn’t that make it too cheap to dictate everyone’s “destiny”?
After listening to the short story about the past of the Thorn Clan, Murphy asked: “Then with your insight, how should we respond to this kind of thing right now?”

“Depends on what you think.”

Tris ruffled her long hair and took a sip of wine, waving her hand and said:

“If you can endure this, negotiate with the Thorn Clan. They have embraced the thigh of the Nordtorf Kingdom’s royal family, and the resources they can use are very generous, so there’s no chance that you can use the lives of the traitors to make some favors for your own territory.

If you can’t bear it .
Just kill them!
Entering another clan’s territory and seducing a traitor without the permission of the Archduke of another clan can be punished with the most brutal form of sunburn in the Blood’s code of shunning.

While we recognize cunning as a tradition and cold-bloodedness as a virtue, betrayal is a different concept.

No clan can endure betrayal!
It destroys the very foundation of a clan’s existence, and this is something that even His Holiness P’yng himself would not accuse you of cruelty, even if you and I could use it to start a clan war and begin the Second Sacred Blood Struggle with our own hands.

Of course, the prerequisite is that you have to be able to defeat the emissaries sent by the Thorn Clan.

I reckon that guy must have something to fall back on if he dares to cause trouble at this time.

But Murphy, I guess, this incident might not represent the Thorn Archduke.

You have to understand that in an intact clan vampires always make many factions, and the faction leaders have a certain amount of freedom to act, something like this small-scale seduction of a rebel of another clan doesn’t necessarily have to be reported to the patriarch to make a decision.”

“I understand.”

Murphy nodded.

“So, what I’m about to do is a counterattack by the Bloodwing Clan’s Count Cadman faction against some unintelligent faction leader of the Thorn Clan, and it has nothing to do with my honorable and sultry Archduchess, Lady Tris.

I understand.”

Murphy smiled and bid a gentle farewell to Tris.

Tris nodded, but in the next instant Murphy came up in stride and snatched the bottle out of her hand as he chided her again:

“Get back to work when you’re done with business! There are so many things in the family waiting for you to make a decision, have you done next month’s business planning? Have you written a summary of this month’s work? The family personnel appointments haven’t been issued yet!

You’re still in the mood to come here to fish? Do you believe that this month’s matriarch allowance will be suspended for you?”

“Don’t! I’ve just ordered a batch of fine Ice Fire Wine from the Ice Bay’s wine merchant, and I’m just waiting for my paycheck to be paid, I’ve never owed anyone money for wine before! I’ve got a reputation for that, Tris!”

Tris wailed sadly.

“Can you please put your reputation to work?”

Murphy prodded.

Under Count Lord Cadman’s stern gaze, the unreasonable Blood Vulture Archduke had to open the psychic teleportation to his office and disappeared in front of Murphy’s eyes while muttering about being a cheapskate.

How does this look like a nearly 500 year old Scarlet Witch who used to reign supreme?

His Lordship let out a long sigh, threw the wine bottle in his hand, and opened his wings to glide back to the Blood Vulture Cloister in the evening night color.

The housekeeper under his command plus the head of intelligence, Adele, and her three heavily armed heirs were already here waiting for him.

Murphy opened his arms and allowed Lady Adele to step forward to dress him in his understated black and red swordsman’s light armor, along with the scarlet midnight cloak tied around his shoulders, and the Demon Sword of Necessity at his waist began to hum as it caught the scent of war.

Murphy pressed it and said to Adele:
“Call Maxim, you two take your respective heirs and come with me to Batasin, there is a lot going on in the territory so we must return done in one night. Also, have the Bloodservants prepare the crosses for the Sunburn torture.

Let’s start with ten, and then we’ll talk if we don’t have enough.”

“Master, is it a killing spree this time?”

Adele asked softly:
“Targeting those Thorn members who came across the border?”

“No, it’s reserved for the traitors.”

Murphy corrected, shaking his head:
“As for the uninvited guests, their little lives might be of some use other than turning to ash in the daylight, so by the way, prepare a place for our guests to settle down. Three cages .
Think that should be enough.”

“In the name of Lord Murphy! I sentence you, traitor, to eternal silence!”

Outside a village under the darkness of night, Badger, a blood vulture swordsman skilled in dual-sword combat, shouted in a feigned manner, and then both swords came out in unison to nail the fearful vampire in front of him to the ground.

Behind Badger, other small players were “dealing” with the other seven vampire traitors.

Although it was already night, and these Midnight Familiars would receive the blessing of the Mother of Night, however, the small players were not rookies in the past, and after being sharpened by the difficult battles in the Blood Wyvern Cloisters, it wasn’t too much of a problem for them to deal with these vampires at the level of professionals.

They have the advantage of numbers and their profession is quite good.

What’s more, as an apprentice alchemist, Good Dove had already learned from the witch hunters how to make daytime potions and other things that weaken vampires.

Hey, we bloodservants who are loyal to Lord Murphy use the witch hunters’ methods to fuck you disloyal vampires!
This whole thing just sounds energizing ow!
“These family fringe vampires aren’t as strong as we thought, even if they have an advantage in attributes, they are a mess in terms of fighting skills, and they only rely on their vampire status to scare people.

Ch, worrying for nothing.

Thought they were all ruthless characters like Maxim and Mrs. Adele.”

On the threshing ground outside this village, Good Dove, who had once again won a raid, said to Brother Whimpering Meow beside him:
“How dare they learn to rebel against the family with such little strength? Who gave them the courage!”

“It’s been said that they colluded with foreign enemies, with that clan called the Thorn Clan, and it must have been the new master who gave them the order to lurk here and try to wreak havoc.

Wild dogs that don’t know their masters but run around outside deserve a hard knock on the head with a wolfsbane!”

The cooing chicken that was about to turn into a “senior essence blood” spat disdainfully, and was about to chat with the good pigeon to mix up a few bottles of healing potions on his body to save his life, when he suddenly heard screams coming from the village behind him.

“Everyone block outside! Hurry!”

A few seconds later, Sister Pomegranate’s angry shout rang out from the team channel:

“There’s a Thorn Clan mole hiding here! His strength is at the Black Iron rank, but he can’t fly! He can’t run far, go after him and kill him! That bastard just bit a girl in the village.”

“Shit! What a disgusting thing!”

The small players were filled with righteous indignation.

Several hunters immediately released their scouts to search outwards, necessary to put this blood scum to death.

The fleeing Thorn Vampire wasn’t a strong character, and was soon surrounded by the small players by a river.

Seeing these armed Blood Servants wearing the Blood Vulture Clan’s coat of arms surrounded with murderous vigor, the Thorn Blood Clan holding a bladed whip immediately raised his hand and shouted:
“I want to see your honors! I want to negotiate! As a descendant of eternal sin, this is the power granted to me by the Mother of Midnight!”

“What the hell is he yelling? Doesn’t seem to be the local language?”

The bionic snail grasping the spear asked.

Next to him, Brother Woo Meow pretended not to see the translation of the player interface and said in a cold voice:

“He’s calling us wild dogs and insulting Lord Murphy and Ms. Tris, what guts! Get him!”

“Wait! Don’t kill him, tie him up.”

Orchid’s voice reminded slyly in the team channel:

“It is said that the vampires have a punishment called sunburn, as a traveler who is curious about customs everywhere, I would like to see it for myself, brothers please. BTW that girl who was bitten just now couldn’t be saved.”

“Oh, got it.”

Brother Woo Meow responded and said to Old Qu and Brother Black Silk who were clenching their fists beside him:
“What are you waiting for? Go chop wood!”

“Huh? Chop wood for what?”

“To make a cross! I read in A Brief History of the Blood that that’s the only thing that tastes good with sunburn.”

(End of chapter)

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