Chapter 142 141 DevLog: Copies Suites and “guarantees”

Chapter 142 141. Dev Log: Copies, Suits, and the “Guarantee” Mechanic

The 32nd hour since the player left Transylvania.

At the collapse of the Blood Vulture Corridor, dozens of people from the survivor camp were busy removing boulders to clear the ground and reopen the stairs that extended downward from the intricate interior of the corridor.

These workers who toiled in the corridor could receive 1.5 times the labor points of other jobs in the camp every day, and could also enjoy a rather sumptuous and most importantly completely free lunch at noon, so only those who were the hardest working and most loyal would be put to work here by Miriam.

They tended to be the most trustworthy as well.

This was, after all, the Blood Vulture Clan’s lair, of which there were many things that could not be known by the outside world, and its interior adhered to the ancient tradition of vampirism with many strange secret rooms, even many places where even Tris and Femis couldn’t tell what was actually there.

For example, this underground warehouse that is being opened right now.

Murphy is standing not far away, with his hands behind his back, wearing a magic sword at his waist, looking out over this place.

His eyes looked around, and he could still see the road leading to the Holy Blood Pool in the Cloister, but it had completely collapsed and was irreparable.

The damage around the hall of the Holy Blood Pool was catastrophic, Murphy had decided to close off this area as a “side area” to be opened before he had enough manpower.

Beside him, the loyal Maxim stood as Murphy’s shadow, wearing heavy and imposing full plate armor and two swords at his waist.

He wondered what his master was waiting for.

But for the moment Maxim seemed to be immersed in the meeting that had long since ended, and he eventually couldn’t help but ask in a small voice his inner doubts:
“My master, just what kind of magic did you perform? To be able to make your retainers wail at your service as if they were pumped up with chicken blood, they only took half a day to finish the planning for the camp’s subsequent migration.

I even saw Portman himself, who always likes to be smart and lazy, leading the camp guards in transporting supplies to the ruins of the old city.

It’s like he’s a different man.
Have you twisted his personality?

I know vampires can do such things, as you did when you turned the unruly Adele into your loyal dog.”

“No, he has simply found meaning in his life, and Adele is not my loyal dog, her soul and personality are independent, and I have given her the opportunity to seek her freedom. You need to watch the art of speaking, Mark.

Don’t let words cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

As for Mr. Portman’s change it is also well explained that after more than forty years of mediocrity he is for the first time facing up to the ambitions and ideals which he had set up in his youth but which have long since been smoothed out by life.”

Murphy said softly:
“Our Mr. Portman is a hedonist who, after rewarding himself viciously one empty, unbearable night in his twenties, swore to himself in sage time that he’d sleep with a minimum of ninety-nine women in his life .
I’m just telling him that his ambition is pathetic.

I told him that even 999 wouldn’t be a problem as long as he was willing as well as his body topped out.

I showed him that it was possible to fulfill his desires in just six months, you know? Mark.

All it takes is for our domain to survive the Black Plague, and he can live the extravagant life he desires, and from that point of view, Lord Portman is rather the most easily satisfied of my vassals.

The real trouble is Sister Jules.

Her sincerity about her faith is marvelous, and taking advantage of it disturbs my soul.

I really wasn’t unleashing any evil magic, Mark, I was just unfolding their desires and letting them see their cravings with their own eyes, that’s all.”

Murphy sighed.

He raised his left hand and looked at his long, white fingers, feeling the power called [Energy of Desire] that was becoming more and more active within his body.

He truly felt the power of this “original sin”.

It is an incomparably powerful thing, and even Salokdar and Tris have not been able to truly discover its true power.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Murphy seems to have found the right use for it.

“Morality can only restrain oneself, but desire can dominate others.”

Murphy mumbled the words in his mind as he closed his own fingers and clenched them into fists in the darkness under Maxim’s awe-inspiring and loyal gaze, seeming to hold some kind of invisible power.

“My Lord, my Baron, the way to the bottom is open!”

A few minutes later, a grimy foreman ran over to report the good news, Murphy nodded with satisfaction and said kindly to the sweaty foreman:

“Lead the workers to the side for a rest. Your work is fruitful, after cleaning up the debris here you can go back to the camp, I will instruct Miriam to arrange a vacation for you in the near future.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

The foreman saluted Murphy with a fawning smile, while the vampire lord walked forward, Maxim behind him looked the foreman up and down, he suddenly spoke:

“I also need excellent workers like you in my territory, are you interested in traveling to Lim village to carry out reconstruction work? I can appoint you as the village chief and give you a quota of 50 more people, pick the assistants you need in the camp yourself.”

“Ah this.”

The foreman completely didn’t expect such a good thing.

The smile on his face overflowed, and he immediately nodded frantically in agreement, and then with a face of stealing joy, he watched the two adults step into the underground warehouse that had just been opened.

The foreman didn’t know what was in the warehouse, he just felt that he had gotten lucky today.

“Well done.”

Murphy said softly to Maxim beside him as he walked into the warehouse:

“You already know how to use power well.”

“It is only to protect your secrets, Master, and what is hidden here is so important that those who know the location must be kept under close guard.”

Maxim replied:
“In the old tradition of the Blood Vulture, these workers are to be disposed of, but I am well aware of your need for manpower at this time.”

“Well, the right idea, the people are the most important, that is the root of all greatness.”

The vampire lord laughed softly as the two delved into the darkness of the warehouse.

There wasn’t a single source of light here, but it couldn’t stop the two from seeing. In front of the eyes of the large warehouse are all neatly arranged wooden boxes, piled up the entire area, Murphy walked to the nearest wooden box, reached out and clasped the lid gently pulled, the things inside will see the light of day.

Hundreds of war spears are stored in them, Murphy picked up a hand in his hand and waved it twice, the balance is not bad, the spear head is sharp, it is perfect for the new recruits to use.

These were standard recruit level weapons, the small players couldn’t even look at them, and what was here really wasn’t for them to use.

Behind him, Maxim opened another chest, which stored brand new recruit leather armor and extremely well-maintained shields, and after checking it out briefly, he came over and reported for Murphy:
“The weapons here are enough to arm 6000 blood servant warriors, my lord, deep in the warehouse there are also 1500 sets of weak psychic weapons and battle armor specially prepared for vampire recruits.

Unfortunately, there are no firearms.

The people of Transylvania don’t like that kind of dangerous stuff, and the vampires also scoff at those fire-breathing things, however, it is now the age of steel and gunpowder, and the ordinary soldiers of the Kingdom of Canary Blossom can skillfully use muskets.”

“The question of firearms can come later.”

Murphy was not disappointed.

He patted the wooden box in front of him and said to Maxim:

“Lord Paranor promised to help us urge the Goldfinch and Nordtorf Kingdom to release the armed Blood Servants captured in the war, but I don’t need sixteen thousand Servant Soldiers, and we can’t afford to raise an army that large.

Upon their return you will select the best 3000 of them to reorganize the Cadmanian Self-Rescue Army, hmmm…
Let’s call it ‘Kardman People’s Army’, this name might be more appropriate, the weapons and armor here can arm them quickly. Another 1,000 veterans of good character will be selected and given to Mr. Portman to be trained as a full-time militia in the villages that will be rebuilt.

The rest will be demobilized as freemen and dispersed into Scarlet City and the five collective farms we are currently preparing to rebuild, which will become future towns or even small cities.

Mark, I’ll leave the territory’s military system to you.

Perhaps you need to find some veterans in the camp to serve as your staff and learn from them what to do to manage such a large army, you need to be careful to promote those who are talented, after all, it is impossible for us to only have an army of 3,000 people in the future.”

“Will not let you down!”

Maxim responded in a deep voice.

This heavy trust from his lord motivated him.

“Seal this place.”

Murphy placed the spear in his hand back into the wooden crate, then left the warehouse and swept towards another previously dug out warehouse not far away again.

Over there was the armory of the corridor guards and the patriarch’s personal guards, which was the richest place in the Blood Wyvern Corridor.

Maxim immediately replied:
“That side has also been counted, master, counting the guards’ weapons that we recovered from the corridor battlefield, the number of weakly-effective spirit energy weapons that can be distributed now is 4,000 rods, and the number of sets of weakly-effective spirit energy armor is 3,000 sets.

There are even more scattered armor, we don’t have enough blacksmiths and tailors so it’s difficult to utilize those broken things for the time being.

As for the high-level psychic weapons and armor for the clan leader’s guards, there are 1,000 sets each.

This is in addition to what you have rewarded the warriors for consuming, and is the accumulation of the Blood Vulture Clan’s armaments over the past 400 years. I have heard from Lady Tris that the Blood Vulture Clan seems to have a hidden armory in the south and north of Transylvania, where another batch of high-grade weapons and armor are stored.

Unfortunately, the locations of the two top secret armories are only known to the pro-guard captains, and they’re already dead, but having these in front of us is enough.

You can completely reorganize the core elite of the Blood Vulture Clan.

The only problem is that the number of clansmen is too small.”

“That’s even less of a problem.”

Murphy chuckled lightly and said:
“I never intended to rebuild the Clan in the traditional way of vampires, the Blood Vulture Clan is just left with an ancient name, which is just ‘origin information’ for my warriors to walk the continent in the future. Mark, you are also a vampire now, you should be able to understand the inferiority of our race.

We are like parasites on top of other civilizations, extracting the blood of others to feed ourselves, and the dark nature of vampires born in the midnight makes them start messing around with things that are not conducive to unity once they bunch up.

Therefore, in my future plans for Scarlet Fortress as well as Transylvania, the number of vampires must be strictly controlled! They should be controlled to around 1% of the total population, no more.

I am a vampire.

But I don’t trust those of our so-called compatriots.”

“Very fine thinking, Master, and I agree.”

Maxim gave a cry of approval, but then he was puzzled:
“But ordinary soldiers can’t use psychic weapons and armor, and even professionals have a hard time harnessing the psychic items that the Blood Vulture Clan has accumulated over the past 400 years. If it is consumed by just giving it to your warriors to use, this will undoubtedly result in a great waste of resources.”

“The speed at which they update their armaments can be beyond your imagination, not to mention the fact that they can’t just have sixty people forever.

You think it’s more, I still think it’s less.

It’s too few! It’s not useful at all, so when we’re idle, the matter of unearthing the Blood Vulture Clan’s two top-secret arsenals must also be on the agenda!”

Murphy shook his head and barked at Maxim:
“You go find Miriam and ask her to assign special people to manage these important supplies, then divide them according to the power level of the spirit energy items, and arrange for a resourceful quartermaster to man the place for a long period of time.

After my warriors return, I will arrange a brand new equipment exchange and recycling system for them.”

“Okay, master.”

Maxim took out his notebook and recorded this instruction.

A few minutes later the two of him left this warehouse area and turned a corner backward to the main entrance to the collapsed Blood Vulture Sacred Pool.

Tris had been busy here for some time now, and the Archduchess of the Blood Vulture would by now be casting a spell on a strange black stone that stood at the collapsed entrance, with the help of several of her vampire psychic personal guards.

Maxim had never seen anything like it before.

It was shaped like an irregular stone pillar, and its black exterior was covered in complex psychic runes, like a lighthouse-type device.

As Tris finished casting the spell, the “gathering stone” also emitted a unique shimmering light in the darkness.

“Your Excellency, has the commissioning of our important ‘Blood Vulture Secret Art’ been completed?”

Murphy asked as he stepped forward, and Tris glanced at him and nodded:
“It has been tested, and I must admit I have never seen such a delicate item of psychic energy, do you confirm that this is the mystical knowledge you gained from that failed astral summoning?”

“Yes, I am certain, I even think it may have come from a more mysterious subspace, perhaps a generous gift from some unknown subspace shadow.”

Murphy whispered as he reached out and touched his hand to the surface of the assemblage stone.

In the next instant, a prompt popped up on the character card:
[The placement of the special psychic energy item ‘Gathering Stone’ is complete, the copy snapshot mechanism is ready, please take a copy fragment from the list of currently inventoried event snapshots.

The current list of copy snapshots that can be extracted is as follows:

Mini-Illusion: the Morlan Village Blockade, the Smuggler Woodland Assault, and the Jed Gang Breaking Battle.

Large Illusion: advancing into the Blood Wyvern Cloisters.


A Gathering Stone can only host one copy of a Snapshot.


Test administrators can select special targets in the copy snapshot and add ‘special drops’ to them, this mode does not currently support physical forms, you can specify the use of ‘special tokens’ for exchange operations.


Test administrators can freely adjust the internal rules, enemy strength, enemy size and cooldown time in Copy Snapshot].

“Cool! Three five-player books and a team book, now the Black Iron Stage’s equipment acquisition channels are ‘developed’.”

Murphy exclaimed in his heart.

He was also new to the game, so he put the simplest snapshot of the blockade of Moorland Village into the Gathering Stone, and then as if he had unsheathed his consciousness, he entered a field similar to the “Spiritual Illusion”.

This experience was like turning on the “editing mode” of the Mazoku, incorporating the entire process of the battle extracted from Murphy’s memory, from the beginning of the blockade at the entrance of the village to the attack of Natalie’s team.

He could even assign the NPCs to say some very shameful lines!
Murphy was a bit clumsy at first.

But soon he became skillful; after all, this simple scene editing and reassembling was nothing compared to the difficulty of running a piece of shit mountain code that was only nine lines long but would report ten errors.

So following his own understanding of the copy, he quickly confirmed that the copy snapshot was in effect after making detailed changes to the entire memory.

A few minutes later, Murphy withdrew his finger, and the illusion of psychic energy lingered on the collection stone in front of him, and when he looked closely at the light surrounding the collection stone, what was projected therein was precisely the scene of the Moorland Village.

“Try it.”

Murphy made a “please” gesture to Maxim beside him, the loyal servant did not hesitate to go forward and reach out to touch the collection stone, he injected psychic energy into it, and his figure seemed to be enveloped by a mist, and then reappeared in the mist after nearly three minutes.


Three minutes and you’re done?
What happened to the speed mode?

Is Maxim too strong? Or is Murphy’s copy design too bad?

No way!

It has to be on the upper difficulty level!
Murphy thought so, but Maxim savored the experience he just had, and he said to Murphy with odd eyes:

“Master, isn’t this the same experience we had in Moorland Village? It’s just that it’s slightly different in terms of details, and the strength of the enemies seems to have been strengthened a bit. Besides I don’t remember shouting those strange words during the battle . Something about a burning left hand calling for victory . This is so shameful!”

“Don’t pay attention to these details!
What you have just experienced is the beauty of the Gathering Stones, knowledge from the Astral Plane grants us the ability to re-travel battles we have experienced in the form of illusions, and everything you have experienced in that illusion can be turned into actual combat experience.”

Murphy explained:
“Look at the arithmetic pearl in your hand.”

Maxim immediately bowed his head.

There was an additional “Token” field on the screen of the Arithmetic Bead, in which three “Recruit Badges” were recorded, which corresponded to the three Elite Witch Hunters that he had fought against in the illusion just now.

In addition to the Recruit Badge, there were similar “Veteran Badge”, “Elite Badge” and “Warrior Badge”, which could only be obtained by defeating the enemy in more difficult battle illusions. The “Veteran Badge”, “Elite Badge” and “Warrior Badge” must be earned by defeating enemies in more difficult battle visions.

“This virtual currency is used to prove that my warriors have passed the trials, and then they can spend it to exchange corresponding weapons and armor at the quartermaster’s office, and when their strength grows and they need more powerful weapons and armor, they can return them to the quartermaster’s office to get tokens that have been depreciated to one-third of their original price.

In this way, the recycling of psychic energy items from low-grade to high-grade can be realized.”

Murphy spoke eloquently to Maxim and Tris:

“Such a facility can undoubtedly rapidly improve the warriors’ combat skills, and after our dedicated soldier system is established, I will also put this psychic energy facility at their disposal, so that our new recruits will also be able to experience an absolutely realistic combat experience.

It shouldn’t be bad to use it for practicing.”

“But if it’s really that perfect, then your warriors will be so immersed in this illusion that they’ll ignore the changes in reality, Little Murphy, this is a flaw common to all scenario-based illusions.”

Psychic Master Tris warned seriously:

“Even the most realistic illusion is still fake, you must make your warriors understand this! Only the changes of the real world are worth chasing, not immersing yourself in the power of illusion.”

“They can only enter once a day, and the more difficult team battles can only be experienced once a week.”

Murphy explained:
“And the weapons and armor exchanged for tokens are made in bulk, I’m just trying to give them the most basic ‘guaranteed’ gains at each stage. If they want more powerful, rarer and more beautiful weapons, they have to rely on their own exploration and experience to find them in the real world.

I am well aware of the importance of this.

Therefore, Tris, you don’t have to worry.

However, each collection stone can only carry a segment of battle memories, so I’ll need at least three more, Tris, I’ll be counting on you next.”

“Why do I feel that I, the Blood Vulture Archduke, have now fallen into your servitude?”

Tris said conspiratorially:

“A normal family relationship shouldn’t be like this, right? Your Excellency Count Cadman, you drive your clan leader to work for you without even saying a word of thanks?”

“That doesn’t make us look like we’re not related.”

Murphy grinned, reached out and took Tris’s wrist and began to whisper soothingly, while Tris deflated her mouth and was making demands, something like one collection stone for twenty cases of fine wine.

Loyal Maxim at this time very eye-catching exit this area.

The private lives of the honored ones should not be spied on, this was the basic conduct of the loyal ones.

What’s more, in Maxim’s mind, a stunning and bewitching beauty like Lady Tris was only worthy of a heroic figure like Lord Murphy!
Although there was a difference of more than 400 years in age between the two, that was not a matter!
The two of them are talented and beautiful, whose turn is it for an ungrateful demon to talk about them?

(End of chapter)

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