Chapter 130 129 This kind of equipment that most people can’t use you set up

Chapter 130 129.What’s the point of designing this kind of equipment that most people can’t use? Poor evaluation!
Things like opening treasure chests have always been a matter of joy for a few.

Just like playing with the pit blind box, most of the people who are addicted to opening treasure chests are traveling under heavy loads to feed those who should eat a few spears hard for the euro king in the years to come.

But Murphy’s wave of treasure boxes is considered quite conscientious.

The worst of the worst is the “mafia leader” meow brother draw hidden mission design.

Players can trade with each other when they draw weapons they don’t need, so the black hand or something can only be said to be the development group’s “good-natured joke”, although most of the psychic weapons need to be bound to their own psychic energy in order to use them, but in the real world, the process of binding is not an instantaneous completion.

Anyway, when Murphy brought the young players in their new clothes to the city square, most of them were quite satisfied.

And at this time, the square had already begun its celebration after nightfall.

The Transylvania region was not exactly rich and open, and the celebrations here were really lackluster, nothing more than girls going up to dance and drunkards indulging in merrymaking.

However, because the food for today’s celebration was provided free of charge by Lord Murphy, and did not require labor points to be exchanged, the happiness brought by the free food quickly heated up the atmosphere of the celebration.

The girls from the survivor’s camp danced hand in hand in the square amidst the cheers of the people, sadly without accompaniment, while Lumina brightened up and felt that her high time as a bard had come.

In her “hidden profession”, there was a very special “music infectiousness” setting, and if she wanted to make her music more infectious, she had to keep playing on various occasions in exchange for the recognition of the audience.

So wearing a vampire costume, Lumina put on her ball mask and put her beloved Nessie’s music box on the ground, and began to play the music she had mastered in order to accompany the girls.

This act of kindness was soon met with an enthusiastic response from the surrounding crowd.

The small players went over to take a look and soon some good people also joined in, for example, working in the bar Lin Bei dog planer proudly showed a wave of mechanical dance dance skills.

You don’t say, in Lumina’s fast-paced music accompaniment, this guy enthusiastic and dashing dance soon got the warm praise of the surrounding alcoholics.

The celebration is naturally the more lively the better, Murphy saw the small players in the high place is still a bit formal, so he casually released a “enjoy the celebration” random event quest.

The quest asked the players to go up and put on a show.

The reward was that they could get the reputation of the Cadmanian Self-Rescue Army and the survivor camps, and now the players who were still being formal immediately took the initiative.

Anyway, wasn’t this whole prestige thing just a brush with familiarity, to put it bluntly?

You had contributed to a collective, plus most people knew you, so naturally this reputation rubbed off on you.

Players who can dance went up to have a good time, cheering and watching the prestige bar slowly rise is a pretty good feeling, and those who can’t dance also have a way, for example, Niu Niu rushed up to play a set of cool show boxing, and also found a few “lucky spectators” to accompany the practice, and also harvested a wave of cheers from the drunkards.

Other students followed suit, they found a place at the edge of the square and lit up a circle with gas lamps, took some coins as a lottery, and invited the NPCs to come and do some entertaining boxing.

Purely as a brush of unarmed combat proficiency, the result also attracted a bunch of idle NPCs to run to join in the fun.

For the players, fighting with NPCs is also a part of the game, considering that the sense of immersion in the “real other world” is really uplifting, and the full-analog mode allows them to also feel the increasingly hot atmosphere of the celebration around them, and thus can easily be brought into it.

It was a development Murphy wanted to see.

He didn’t want his little players to think of their own citizens as just NPCs handing out quests.

Sooner or later something would happen under that mercenary and realistic model, there was nothing wrong with letting the relationship between the players and the natives go further, both sides depending on each other was the most suitable state for the development of Cadman City and the Transylvania region.

At this moment, the Vampire Lord was hiding in the shadows of the square, using Desire Sense to secretly listen to the voices of the small players.

However, this power didn’t work too well for these otherworldly spirits, probably because of the lack of entity, Murphy could only hear some murmurs in the players’ minds, and only overly strong emotions could be heard.

For example.
“Blanch! This time, taking the Enchanted Treasure Chest from Mrs. Tris will definitely not be a hack!”

Fierce emotions brewed in Brother Whoop Meow’s heart as he yelled in his mind:

“Woo Meow ah Woo Meow, the time to prove that you’re a super little red-handed person has arrived! Just now, you have already gone offline to wash your hands three times, and applied fragrant shower gel, and by the way, you have worshipped the God of Wealth and the God of Guan Gong, so this time, there will definitely be no problem!

Luck and all that is superstition!

And this stuff is absolutely conserved!
You’ve been black for so long, believe in yourself! You’ll definitely be red this time!”

“Does this one have such a big grudge?”

Murphy blinked in the darkness.

He could tell that Brother Whoop Meow, who would be walking towards Tris’s Alchemy Hut, was on the verge of blowing up mentally, and if there were no more goodies in the Enchanted Treasure Chest given by Tris’s Hidden Quest, this guy was probably going to go on a rampage.

The probability of withdrawing from the game was impossible.

After all, Brother Woo Meow was very active both in the game and on the forums, and it was obvious that he was truly in love with Real Otherworld, but the gaming experience was greatly reduced for sure, and there was no chance that it would seriously demotivate Brother Woo Meow’s gameplay.

“Well first I’ll give you some sweetness, after that we’ll slowly discuss the matter of you making yellow rumors about me.”

The cunning vampire lord who specialized in Pua grinned in the darkness and flashed open his batwing to head to Tris’ hut first.

The scarlet witch had never been too keen on such things as celebrations, plus she was now a proper blood vulture archduchess, so the necessary style was still necessary.

When Murphy came over, Tris was busy with the “gathering stone”.

Before Murphy gave her the drawings, and now this master alchemist, Cuice, is about to make this key prop that can be used as a “copy system”, according to Cuice’s words, the complexity of this thing is definitely considered a high-level psychic item, and its operation mechanism and psychic spells have never been seen before.

This made Tris full of interest in this thing, and she didn’t think it was a boring job.

“Your Excellency the Archduke.”

Murphy jumped in through the window and said to Tris:
“Your warriors have completed their mission are about to come to you to ask for their payment, you wouldn’t be unprepared, would you?”

“Huh? Payment? Is there such a thing?”

Tris pushed up the alchemist’s monocle she had set over her left eye.

Just by looking at the blank look on her sultry face, she knew that she must have forgotten about the quest she had sent, and this time when Murphy reminded her she hurriedly looked up the log of the Arithmetic Treasure Bead, and that’s when she panicked.

The good thing is that although the rewards promised by Cuishi are many, they are not rare.

Skill journals and diaries are readily available, enchantment orders can be verbally committed or simply write a note of indebtedness, the only relatively troublesome is the five Enchanted Treasure Chests and Trish’s Evening Gowns as a decorative item.


Tris pulled open her closet and rather reluctantly took out one of the well preserved black evening dresses she hadn’t worn in over a hundred years.

Just by looking at the material and design style of this thing, one would know that it must have come from a masterpiece, and glimpsing Tris’s reluctant look, Murphy, who was helping to prepare the treasure chest for her, whispered:

“Why don’t you change it? Anyway, my warriors don’t really care if it’s a real evening dress or not, what they want is just pretty enough or weird enough for the decoration itself. Just pick any dress you don’t like and give it to them.”

“I did promise! The Scarlet Witch may be a villainous badass, but she always does what she says, and what’s more, I’m an Archduchess of the Blood Vulture now. I don’t care to do this kind of lying and cheating.”

Mama Trixie was clearly dismayed.

But still, with a clench of her teeth and a twist of her head, she picked up a dress box and folded up this favorite dress of hers into it.

After a few seconds of darkness, she turned back to Murphy and said:
“It’s actually good to give it away, these are memories that represent the past, but we’ve moved on to a new phase in our lives, and we always have to vacate the old things in order to put the new ones in.”

“Hey, are you trying to convince me or yourself, it’s just as well that vampires are incapable of shedding tears, otherwise you poor little thing would be bursting into tears by now, wouldn’t you?”

Murphy took out a few things from his own psychic bag and put them into the psychic box in Tris’s hut, and he said to Tris in an oddly comforting way with a quirky look in his eyes:

“Don’t be sad. When I have the chance to bring you back better looking clothes in the future, this world is a big place, there will always be something prettier and more suitable for you than this dress you gave away.”

“Okay, then I’ll wait.”

Tris grunted and glanced at Murphy who was boxing up his treasures.

In her heart, she said that this little guy still had no vision!
This dress of her own was modeled after the Moon Elf Queen’s evening dress, and in the realm of artistic value, it was already considered a unique treasure in this world.

However, little Murphy’s warm comfort and promise still made the Blood Vulture Archduke feel a little better in his heart.

She reached out and released a psychic spell on Murphy’s loaded boxes to make them openable only by certain people, and a few minutes later, Brother Woo Meow and Little Vikname arrived at the door of the Alchemy Lodge with a smile on their faces. Sister Pomegranate, Orchid, and Lumina had already gotten high in the plaza, so the two of them had been specially dispatched to pick up their well-deserved rewards.

“Come in.”

As they walked up to the door, the door to the tightly closed room suddenly opened automatically, followed by Lady Tris’s light voice.

Amidst the raucous sound of the three-eyed raven Weber’s wing beats and rattling cries, a tall and a short two small players walked into the room, and they were greeted by Lady Tris, who was dressed in the robes of an Archduke, and Lord Murphy, who stood behind her, looking at them with his hands behind his back smilingly.

The fact that both important NPCs were here made Little Vikrama and Brother Woo Meow’s eyes blink followed by a glance at each other.

Little Vikrama’s eyes were filled with a girl’s characteristic gossip, while Brother Oo Meow had an expression of deep concealment.

I didn’t just lie to you, little girl.

I told you that there must be a relationship between Lord Murphy and Mrs. Tris! Otherwise everyone would be out enjoying the festivities, even Maxim and Mrs. Adele, but what are these two doing hiding in this dark room?

This is a man and a woman, it is difficult not to be bored playing cards?
You meow uncle ah, but the game is the first to find Lord Murphy and Mrs. Tris “adulterous” player, keen observation it.

On the other hand, Little Vikrama’s side gave a big compliment to Brother Woo Meow without moving!
Worthy of being Uncle Meow, a cunning socialist actually gossiped with a little girl like me.

How true ow!
The eye contact between these two little ones couldn’t be hidden from Murphy at all, making the vampire lord’s “elegant and easy-going curing expression” on his face turn stiff.


Fist hard!

Good for you King Woo Meow!

Just now I was pitying you for your poor gaming experience so I was going to let you off the hook, but then you turned around and gave me the whole job, right?

What’s with the winking?


I’ll eat the entire Cadman Ruins right in front of you if your black hand is able to transit in the future!

“Here are the rewards you deserve.”

Murphy said coldly in a grating tone:
“Take it and go enjoy your fun and relaxation, and don’t forget to return to the Blood Wyvern Cloisters to observe the ceremony later.”

He would be so exasperated that he wouldn’t even bother to say anything polite.

The two small players didn’t care either.

Vampires were all schizophrenic, who knew which fucking asshole had pissed off Lord Murphy?
But these are no problem!
Because the reward was close at hand.

Five Enchantment Chests, five Enchantment Orders, five Elf Skills Handbooks and a set of specialized fashion boxes, as well as an Elf Storybook reserved for Lumina.

A great harvest!

Little Vikrama and Woo Meow Brother joyfully took all the things with them and politely said goodbye and left, only to have Woo Meow Brother’s ghostly cries come out from outside the small courtyard within a few minutes.

“Huh! Master Dao, I’ve been hit! Heavens ah earth ah, you can finally give me a red, Scarlet Witch’s Spiritual Energy Cane! Seiko! Commander-in-Chief grade! It comes with psychic energy extraction! Automatically replenishes blue when fighting monsters! Ouch!
Not bad for a regiment quest reward!
And the yellow characters!

The appearance is windy, and the attributes are practical! The collection value pulls full weight!
I knew that Lady Tris was feeling sorry for us, ahahahaha, and got the ‘Natural Shield’ spell handbook!

Lady Tris!

I declare you!!!”

“Oooh meow brother don’t in this barbershop la! The NPCs next to me are looking over, blanch, so embarrassing ah you! Huh! I’ve been hit too! Yeah, yeah, Scarlet Witch’s Ring of Illusion. Is it so cool that you can generate a shield and create three psychic decoys?

This is the new equipment for Mrs. Tris’s girls, isn’t it?
Wow, this little bat head is so delicate!

I love it!
Mrs. Tris I’m so fond of you!”

Little Vikrama’s squeal followed, causing Mrs. Tris to smile, lamenting the fact that these otherworldly souls really didn’t hide anything in their hearts, and that it was quite fun to deal with them.

As a result, she turned her head to see Murphy gritting his teeth and muttering as he scribbled in that little black book of his, as if he was drawing a circle to curse someone.

“What are you doing?”

Tris asked as she picked up a bottle of wine and stepped forward, and Murphy said in a cold tone:

“Do you know there’s been a rumor going around among them about you and me?”

“Ch, is that a rumor? You know in your own heart what you did that night, and I’m not even happy to talk about you!”

The Blood Vulture Archduchess bristled:
“Besides, you can’t stand just a rumor? In the past, when the two of us were down and out in Cadman City, we were dependent on each other and were poked and prodded every day, and I’ve seen you get so worked up about it. It’s not like you didn’t hear worse things about us back then.”

“You don’t understand.”

Murphy waved his hand, putting away his “book of hate” as he said:

“To talk about one’s own monarch behind one’s back, this kind of behavior is really too hateful, so we need to let Maxim teach this lawless King of Woo Meow what loyalty means!

Alas, never mind.

You’re right, they’re not exactly rumors, after all, my mind really isn’t that pure”


Tris, who was drinking, immediately choked.

The Archduchess put on a cold face and slapped away Murphy’s hand on her waist, but the next moment her entire body was pulled into the arms of the ill-behaved Count Lord Cadman. The Scarlet Witch grunted and unhurriedly squeezed a ball of spiritual energy in the palm of her hand to smoothly deter the foolish Murphy, she rolled her eyes and urged:

“Why don’t you hurry up and go to the Blood Vulture Cloister to prepare for Maxim and Miriam’s first embrace.”

“Who said anything about first embrace for Miriam?”

Murphy put on a proper demeanor and shook his head:
“Me, I’ve already signed a contract with that redhead, the kind that’s more effective than a bloodline contract.”

“The clothes ugh.”

In a house at the corner of the square, Sister Garnet, the best-built of the several female players, looked at the evening dress she was wearing with a hard look on her face.

The size was enough to hold up this gorgeous long dress, but the chest area was a bit loose.

Her good figure obtained from years of training is not good, the other three girls are even worse, the small reed name of the head wearing this long dress is the same as wearing a theater gown, the legs can not hold up.

Sister Pomegranate, who has always been extremely confident in her appearance, will be annoyed and angry, saying:
“Is this really for people to wear! Outrageous ah, I do not believe that in addition to Mrs. Tris and E sister Adele, there is anyone else who can hold up this damn thing!”

“Ugh, it does look good.”

Lumina pinched her slightly plump waist with a wrecked face, seemingly knocked out of all the joy of getting good equipment, skills and a map to the Elven Kingdom by this outrageous evening dress of Lady Tris.

Very battered, she said sadly:

“You see, obviously completing the quest and getting the reward, these are two happy things put together why is it not happy?”

“Shut up, the season of white photo albums passed long ago!”

Orchid said with a displeased look on her face as she hugged her arms and looked up and down at Sister Pomegranate:
“I see this evening gown is quite expensive, this damn game is so hardcore in that regard, you can’t wear it if you can’t adjust your breast size.

How about selling it?
Maybe it could be a start-up fund or something.”

“Mrs. Water! That demonic figure of Mrs. Water can definitely hold up!”

Little Vikrama, who was covering her mouth with a strange smile next to her, suddenly stretched out her hand and flung it fiercely as she said with glowing eyes:

“She’ll absolutely love this dress too, she used to be a fashion designer, so we don’t have a good reason to drag her into it. I mean to get her to play with us! I mean to get her to play with us? Look, here’s the reason.”

(End of chapter)

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