Chapter 750: Sunset

Chapter 748: Sunset
Seventy-two hours later, this long sunset began to draw to a close, at the end of the boundless sea, the brilliant sun wheel is now only a line of golden edge and part of the runic circle remains on the sea surface, in the refraction of the clouds, the evening sunlight at this moment is becoming more and more magnificent, but also more and more obscure down.

The people of this world had no time to appreciate the splendor of the setting sun – the magnificent and brilliant sunset meant only the approach of night to most people, and now the whole world was drifting into what was probably the longest night ever.

In the city-state of Mokko, two steam walkers bearing the emblem of the Academy of Truth were sauntering through the streets, heavily armed Knowledge guards accompanying the walkers to the left and right, checking the streets and urging the citizens to return home as soon as possible, the shadows of the warriors and spider-bots stretched out in the fading light of the sky, shakily melting into the shadows between the streets and the buildings alongside the road.

In Cold Harbor, the final mobilization of supplies had ended, and notices that the subway stations were temporarily out of service echoed through the stations, as the Guardians closed all gates to the underground facilities and guarded the entrances and exits – at sundown, the sacred vapors and incense would be pumped into the tubes until the undergrounds of the city-state were fully cleansed, and after that the subways would also reopen, but will be operated with caution and in strict accordance with the new timetable and safety code.

After all, the night may last one or two months, and the city cannot afford to be completely shut down for such a long period of time. During the seventy-two hour “preparation” period at dusk, the city’s administrators and scholars have developed a new “schedule” and safety system for the long night. and security systems to maintain the basic functions of the city for as long as possible during the duration of the night.

The new timetables and safety systems have not been tested in practice, and there has been no time for more detailed discussions – the city-states will have to test the feasibility of their respective “night programs” in the long darkness before the sun rises again.

In faraway Lunsar, the sound of gunfire disturbed the peace of the city for a time, and even came close to piercing the nerves of the people – sunbathers took advantage of the situation, compelling the highly strung citizens to preach the rebirth of the true sun god in the night, and their compelled followers set fire to churches on the edge of the city-state in the lower city.

The chaos was quickly suppressed, and the “fire protectors” of the Church of the Firebringer were able to contain the situation at first, but tensions in the city-state had already risen. ……


Mechanical spiders move their long jointed limbs and walk through the mottled and old streets of the city, and the broadcasting device mounted on the head of the walker emits a slightly distorted sound that echoes through the streets:

“…… Steam, electricity, and gas will be supplied as usual, and workers in the relevant positions may pass through the guard posts with a permit …… Night shelters in all locations will remain open for a long time, until sunrise… …

“On the xth day of the xth month of the xth year, we remain docked in the harbor of Fae’ron, a city-state that has prepared itself for the coming night, and now the sun will soon disappear over the sea ……

The announcement drifted away, fading into a fuzzy distorted wisp of wind in the ears, and outside the windows of the harbor inn, the gas lamps had been lit, the lone light dispersing the malice-ridden darkness and illuminating the empty streets – no pedestrians could be seen in those streets anymore, save for the occasional patrolling guardsman that could be seen walking through the intersections.

“…… If you notice unusual shadows in your home, or hear strange noises coming from underground, immediately seek help from the Knowledge Guards on the streets ……

“To all citizens …… There are thirty minutes until sunset, so please return to your homes as soon as possible …… The new curfew will last for twelve hours, followed by the implementation of a temporary city operating schedule… …

“Faehlun is a not-so-wealthy city-state, but things are going okay here, with everyone doing what they can to calm those around them, as well as trying to find ways to stock up on things for the night …… Before dinner, the innkeeper said he’d gotten enough fuel and stacked his warehouse full of emergency food and medicines to last even if the curfew was extended ……

Lawrence withdrew his eyes from looking out the window, exhaled softly, and lowered his head to scribble a line in his diary-

“Please remain calm and relaxed citizens, we are experiencing a special anomaly, the city-state is strong enough to protect everyone, please maintain your lives in accordance with the new timetable and safety code, keep your mind and body healthy ……”

“My crew is not fearful, they rather have a …… sky is the limit excitement, the blessing of the Lost Country has given them confidence and the belief that they are strong enough to deal with anything that comes their way – which isn’t anything bad.

“This city-state is near the southwestern border, and it looks like it’s used to this ‘restlessness’; no one knows what’s going to happen next, and everyone here tries as hard as they can not to discuss the worst possibilities, but instead spend all their energy on the life at hand, which is a valuable It’s a quality that makes Faelen more resilient than the richer city-states of the central seas. ……

It’s hard to imagine that just a few days ago this place was a picture of traffic and people.

“Citizens are obligated to help monitor the operation of the city’s infrastructure …… As soon as you notice that a streetlight is out or that the steam supply is not working, report it to the nearest church or sheriff’s post ……

“But I’m a little worried about something else – the seals on the ship, the seals in the city-state.

“And the ships still sailing the far seas, who, even with all their efforts to return, have not reached port in time – the sun is about to set, and there may still be many captains and sailors still stuck on the infinite sea, and it will take at least seven days’ journey to reach the nearest city-state from the middle of the southwestern route. It’s worse on those remote routes …… In the persistent night, no one knows what will happen to this sea ……”

A slight cool draft blew past his ears and Lawrence stopped his pen and sighed softly. He raised his head to the window that faced the harbor area, and as he gazed across the docks, he could see two more large freighters appearing in the distance on the sea level, approaching the shoreline as they hooted their horns – several small speedboats bearing the emblems of the Church rushed out of the docks like arrows to meet the two large ships requesting to come alongside, ready to carry out the requisite boarding and inspection and the blessing of entry into the harbor.

In the corner of a window, a shadowy figure emerged from the glassy surface and waved a hand at Lawrence, who was looking off into the distance.

“Two more ships have docked, and big ones at that,” Lawrence said softly, “All the docks in Fae’ron are nearly full.”

“In the last seventy-two hours, ships equal to four times the usual number have docked at Fae’len, and more than half of them have come over for ‘refuge,’ ” the shadowy figure at the window said casually, with a hint of an ethereal tremor of sound. “They’ve been lucky; those who couldn’t make it back in time don’t know what they’ll do yet.”

“…… Ocean-going ships have chapels and accompanying priests, but these measures are for normal nights,” Lawrence sighed, shaking his head, “Twenty-four hours after sunset, which is the port authority The last time limit given to allow normal docking, and ships returning after that time are not allowed to approach the city-state directly – they’ve been in the night too long, and it’s no longer safe for them to do so.”

“…… The White Oak had this ‘treatment’ back in the day,” Martha said, “I remember you saying it was after the first encounter with the Lost Country afterward.”

Lawrence shrugged without speaking.

Martha, on the other hand, was silent for a while, and spoke again, “…… If the sun maintains this way of functioning in the future, people will adapt to it sooner or later, and the chaos will only be temporary, just like those city-states that persevered in the Dark Ages, who found a new way to continue after the collapse of the ancient kingdom — As long as it survives, life will always find a way out.”

Lawrence knew that this was not something Martha would say – she was a remarkable woman explorer and captain, but not a philosopher.

Still, he felt a hint of relief and warmth in those words.

“You’re right, Martha,” he nodded gently, “there’s always a way out ……”

High in the sky, the pale creation of the world had gradually emerged behind the clouds, the thinner and thinner sunlight was fading from the sea, while a layer of chaotic mist had somehow appeared nearby, rising and falling with the sea.

The towering bow of the Lost Country ship broke through the waves, sailing into the distance in the evening mist, and on the towering mast, the translucent sails of the spirit body were drumming without wind, while the Bright Star ship followed closely, and the latter’s half-imaginary, half-substantial hull was undulating in the waves, as if it would fall into another dimension at any time.

The latest news from Lightwind Harbor was that the last civilian freighter to make it back to port before sunset had docked at the docks – the city-state’s navy was setting up outposts and beacons in the nearby waters, and was moving a motorized port with a high-powered steam core and a church facility out into the sea between the city-state and the “Luminous Geometry”. “After that, ships returning to the city-state will be required to dock at the temporary port and undergo strict inspection and quarantine before being allowed to approach the city-state.

Duncan stood on the bow deck, listening to Maurice relaying the situation over at Light Wind Harbor, and gently nodded: “Lawrence is currently in the city-state of Faehlun, and he said that over there they have set aside a twenty-four hour window of time for returning ships after nightfall, and after the window of time is over, returning ships must also stop at a temporary port near the city-state to undergo inspections and quarantine. ”

“Each city-state is working on a different response plan based on its own situation and experience, but no one knows which will work best,” Vanna said in an aside, “but in any case, there shouldn’t be much of a problem with everyone getting through the first nightfall- -Even with just the supplies in reserve, most of the city-states will be able to usher in the sunrise peacefully. The real concern …… is for the future.”

Duncan didn’t say anything, just thought quietly.

After a while, he suddenly spoke, “What about the sightings of the ‘Final Survey Team’?”

“As you expected – there have been sporadic reports of sightings in other parts of the world as well,” Vanna nodded, “I confirmed the matter with Coronet Helena, and she mentioned that since a few days ago, there have been at least five sightings in the Church of the Deep’s influence in the There have been at least five ‘sightings of phantoms suddenly appearing as if from another time and space’ within its range, and after comparing and confirming them, three of them are highly likely to be the Final Survey Team that is on an observation mission at the End of Time.”

Duncan pondered for a moment and nodded softly.

And in the corner of his eye, the last rays of the evening sun finally faded into the sea.

It was dark.

(End of chapter)

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