Chapter 75 – There’s a mole. Terminate the deal.

Chapter 75 There’s a mole, terminate the deal
Duncan didn’t end up digging up any more memories from his mind.

While it was true that the original owner of this body had been attached to Nina, and things related to Nina had indeed been some of the deepest memories in his mind, years of illness and abuse of spirits and drugs had severely damaged them, and by the time the cultist known as Ron exhaled his last breath, there were not many warm memories of his family left in his numb mind.

Only one thing was certain, a fire had indeed existed eleven years ago, in the Lower Township – a fire that had claimed the lives of Nina’s own parents and permanently altered the trajectory of that child’s life.

It may have been a coincidence, but there is a greater possibility that there is a connection between this incident and the “sun fragments” that the Sunists are looking for.

The accidental appearance of the Sun Shard caused a fire in the city, in which innocent people lost their lives, a child became an orphan, and a few years later, the child’s only remaining relative degenerated into one of the cultists who follow the Sun Shard. ……

It is as if there is a sinister destiny that travels around the sun, as if trapped in gravity.

Just at this time, someone in the surrounding congregation suddenly spoke, interrupting Duncan’s thoughts: “I have inquired among the residents around me these days, and I have not heard of any more famous fires in the lower city eleven years ago …… Instead, someone mentioned that there had been a factory leak that year, and the toxic gas exposed in the tanks spread The poisonous gas that came out of the tanks spread for several blocks, causing many people to fall into hallucinations and go crazy, and the story even made the papers at the time.”

Duncan looked up in surprise to see that the speaker was an ordinary-looking female member of the congregation.

But before he could give serious thought to what the other man was saying, he noticed the cult leader’s eyes turn to himself, “Fellow countryman, you happen to be a local here, do you know anything about this?”

Duncan was stunned, and suddenly realized that he had become the focus of the scene – for this group of foreign cultists who were trying to gather information, he, a local “living in the lower part of Prand”, was undoubtedly a very good source of information!

Noticing the several lines of sight coming from the surrounding area, he thought about it for a moment and came up with a good excuse: “I didn’t live here eleven years ago, so I’m not sure about the specifics, but I did hear about the leakage of the factory …….”

While doing so perfunctorily, he looked towards the female congregation member who had just opened her mouth, “Eleven years ago, was there really no big fire in the lower city?”

“At least from what I’ve heard, yes,” the religious man nodded, “According to what I’ve heard, there hasn’t been a major fire in the lower part of Prand for at least twenty years. …… Small fires, such as kitchen fires, have occurred. Small fires like that do happen, but that’s obviously not on the table.”

Duncan blinked and said nothing.

He clearly remembered that Nina’s parents had died in the fire eleven years ago! He even had a fragment of memory in his mind’s eye of “himself” rushing out of the fire with Nina in tow!
What’s wrong here? Did this body inherit the memories incorrectly? Or was the fire not in the downtown area? Or …… just because the cultist in front of him didn’t inquire about the true situation ……

His heart flushed with faint doubts, because the matter involves Nina and “himself”, he subconsciously pay attention to this matter, and just at this time, he heard another voice from the opposite side, it is the girl named Shirley: “Eleven years ago, the factory leakage incident …… was the one that happened in the sixth neighborhood?”

“The sixth neighborhood? Well …… that seems right,” the female congregant nodded, “It was said to have been a big deal at the time, as the chemicals left a lot of people with aftereffects, and quite a few residents of the downtown area still remember it to this day.”

A few of the congregants beside her nodded in agreement, looking like they had inquired about pretty much the same thing.

“The factory leaked ……,” the leader located in the center of the assembly hall suddenly broke the silence, and his low majestic voice also interrupted the conversation between the congregants on the scene, “The apparent production accident is most likely a transcendent that was disguised by the authorities Event, and it happens to be eleven years ago this node …… This is a very important clue. Next we’ll investigate in this direction to see if this so-called factory leak behind it points to the Sacred Sun Fragment.”

The congregants on the scene immediately nodded in response to the order, and immediately afterward, the masked leader added, “In addition, not only do we need to focus on the transcendent event that occurred in the lower city eleven years ago, but we also need to pay attention to the unusual things that have been going on in the city-state of Prand in recent times. “Although the Sun Shard is still sleeping at the moment, the day of its awakening is approaching, and its activity is increasing every day. Four years ago, our fellow churchmen attempted to awaken the shard ahead of time, and although the attempt failed at the time, even drawing a frenzy of strangulation from the Church of the Deep due to the failure of the ritual, the attempt at the time wasn’t completely ineffective – the stimulation of the awakening ritual further deepened the sun shard’s connection to the real world, and this was enough for it to be able to intervene a short time before it fully awakens This was enough to give it the power to interfere with reality a short time before its complete awakening, which may help us find it.

“Pay close attention to the newspapers and street rumors in the city-state in the near future, anything that seems unusual could point to the Sun Shard, don’t let any clues slip by, understand?”

While the religious bowed their heads and respectfully took their orders, Duncan noticed another key point mentioned by the leader:
Four years ago!
Four years ago, the Church of the Deep in the city-state of Prand did destroy the city’s largest stronghold of solar heresy, and it was said to have been a very powerful event, and it was also the battle of the current Inquisitor of the city-state, Vanna, to establish her authority – after that, the city’s solar cult fell apart, and the city was left in a state of devastation. After that, the Sun cult in the city fell apart, and remains so to this day.

Duncan had only known this part of the information on the surface, but now it seemed that the truth of this incident was because the Sunists in the city wanted to awaken the sun fragments that were sleeping somewhere in advance!

Unconsciously, a series of truths hidden in the past unfolded in front of Duncan, and he quickly assembled the known pieces of information in his mind while thinking about how to get more information from these cultists, but just then, a strange smell suddenly drilled into his nostrils.

It smelled like sulfur burning, mixed with a sour and pungent odor like some kind of chemical.

In the next second, the ordinary worshippers around him also smelled this pungent and obvious smell, some of them looked at each other as if searching for the source of the smell, while the leader standing in the center of the assembly hall reacted instantly, he suddenly felt out a talisman imitating the sun from his pocket – the talisman was exactly the same as the sun talisman carried by Duncan! The surface of the talisman was ablaze with an illusory, translucent flame!
The pungent odor was coming from the flames.

“Filthy impurities …… flames are deceived!” The leader glanced at the burning sun amulet, and his voice burst with alarm and anger, “There is a heretic lurking in our midst!”

The scene was in an uproar, Duncan’s first reaction was that he had been exposed, although he did not know how, but the sun amulet carried by the ringleader seemed to have finally recognized himself as a “heretic” who did not believe in the sun at all.

With this in mind, he sighed slightly and was about to release the dove, but before he could do anything, he heard another sigh coming from the opposite side of the room – a sigh from the man dressed in black, who was wearing the sun talisman.

The sigh came from the girl in the black dress, a young girl named Shirley, who shook her head regretfully, “I knew Dog was unreliable, the disguise won’t last three hours at all.”

Before the words fell, a pitch-black flame suddenly burst into flames on the girl’s side!

The flame was born out of thin air, it had the shape of fire, but it was as black as a shadow, it ignited on the girl’s arm, and within a second it spread to almost a third of her body, the next moment, the right half of Sherry’s body seemed to have been transformed into a black fire firewood, and in the crackling, the flames flowed down, and the part of it that was in mid-air was transformed into a pitch-black chain, and the part that was on the ground coalesced in the blink of an eye into a skeleton! jagged, burning monster!

It was a pitch-black demon dog, a huge canine more than half a person tall, its body seemed to be made of countless twisted and stacked skeletons, where it should be flesh and blood was filled with burning black fire and writhing shadows, its head was jagged and hideous, where it should be the eyes was empty, there was only blood-red light mist inside, filled with infinite hunger and malice!

A dark chain extended from the neck of the giant dog, extending all the way to the arm of “Shirley”, and vaguely merged with the girl’s body.

“A summoner of the Profound Hound …… Annihilation Cult?!” The ringleader in the center of the assembly field was shocked and furious when he saw this scene, “What is the meaning of this? Are you guys who worship the Profound going to war with the followers of the sun?!”

(End of chapter)

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