Chapter 728 Uncertainty, discontinuity

Chapter 728 Uncertainty, Discontinuity

In a series of bone deformation sounds and rising black smoke, twelve symmetrical black knuckles spread and grew once again, pitch-black bone armor gradually covered the surface of her body, and the sharp, blade-like bone spikes flashed with a blood-colored chilling light – Shirley once again reverted back to the form of a Profound Demon.

She was adapting to how to control her two forms at an astonishing speed, and her control of this body was becoming more and more comfortable, the whole process was not so much “learning” from scratch, but more like this part of the knowledge had already been infiltrated in the depths of her mind and limbs, and now she was just gradually “remembering” it! The whole process is not so much “learning” from scratch.

Slightly moving the jointed limbs behind her to assist in walking, and rotating her arms and legs, Shirley nodded with satisfaction: “This is still a little more comfortable in such a hellish place.”

Dog, for his part, tilted his head and glanced at Sherry, who was now much taller than he was, before his body was suddenly enveloped in a swirling cloud of smoke, and as if melting, he contracted and merged himself into the shadows around Sherry.

Duncan watched the scene silently from the sidelines, waiting until Shirley’s form had stabilized before stepping forward and saying, “I thought you’d resist your demonic form – after all, with such a drastic transformation of form, it’s a lot for a normal person to… . challenging thing for a normal person.”

“What do you care if it’s good or not when you’re in the Phantom Deep?” Shirley poked the rocks on the ground with her knobby limbs behind her, and said with a disinterested expression, “I’m a …… What’s that word, oh, I’m a ‘pragmatist’ – -first make sure you can live safely, then think about living well. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with this demon body, it is very capable of fighting, and resistant to fighting, and it works very well in the Profound Deep Sea, if I have to say that there is any disadvantage, it is that it will uncontrollably absorb the remains of the dead demons, and the evil …… still feels a little bit nauseous when I think about it …… “

Her side of the words just fell, the shadows at her feet drilled out a dog’s head: “…… Actually, I think the taste is not bad – Shirley you really do not taste that piece of bone I brought over to you?”

Shirley didn’t hesitate, “No, it’s awful!”

Duncan silently watched this scene, and a smile finally gradually emerged on his face.

“Then the only thing left for us to do is to find that ‘Profound Holy Lord’,” he spoke, bringing the topic back to the main topic, “There are countless floating islands scattered throughout this place, and the scale of the entire space is far greater than what was expected at the beginning –Gou, can you determine exactly where we are?”

The dog’s head once again drilled out from the shadows, Ah Gou took a serious look around and nodded slightly to the captain, “This should be the upper level of the barren ring belt – the area closest to the ‘starry sky’, if I’m right, we need to head towards the ‘starry sky’. words, we need to head ‘down’.”

Duncan looked curious, “Down?”

Dog nodded, then, after exchanging a few words with Shirley, came to the border of that broken wasteland and peered down into the infinite chaotic darkness below.

In the diffuse void below the floating islands, the chaotic obscure starlight is getting weaker and weaker, and you can vaguely see that there are more floating islands floating messily in that darkness, yet at the very bottom of all the darkness, you can hazily see that there is something else …… flickering with a shimmering light.

At first, Duncan thought it was another piece of “starry sky” hanging upside down at the bottom of the deep ocean, but he soon realized that those vague points of light were the faint flickering …… lights on the surface of some incredibly large structure.

Those faint points of light, almost covered by darkness, were arranged in a distant place, vaguely outlining the winding and curved branches and a “trunk” located in the center of all the branches, which was a little denser and appeared as if it were a living thing that was slowly moving around.

Duncan stood on the edge of the broken earth, quietly staring at the dim and dense spots of light, he could not judge from here to the bottom in the end how far, also can not judge that spot of light behind the “body” in the end how large-scale, but just such a rough observation, he can also imagine that in the end what kind of a huge thing.

“That’s the Profound Sacred Lord – the ‘mother’ of all demons, and the place where demons go after they die,” Dog said from the shadows, with a hint of inexplicable emotion in his voice, “On all the broken islands, the ‘main body’ is the ‘main body’, but just by this cursory observation, he could also imagine what kind of behemoth it was. “At the very bottom of all the shattered islands, His limbs spread out to the end of the entire Profound Deep, the visible physical part of which alone is equivalent to dozens or hundreds of city-states, while the invisible parts – the ends of those tentacles, which pierce the ‘bottom’ of the Profound Deep ‘, which extended all the way into subspace, could not be calculated or judged in any mathematically logical language.

“Every minute and every second, countless demonic substrates are bred in that dark abyss – they are like light smoke that leaves the ‘bottom’ on irregular invisible winds, and in turn, through a series of discontinuous spatial faults They are sent to a floating island up here, where they devour each other and turn into various entities in the process, and then fight endlessly, and the dead demons are once again transformed into smoke and mud, and then return to the abyss below to be absorbed by the Holy Lord after either a short or a long period of wandering, and so on, and so on, and so on.

“I have already broken away from this cycle …… but this has a negligible effect on the entire Profound Deep Sea, the devouring cycle between demons will not stop, and the ‘running of the ‘Holy Lord’ ‘ also never ends.”

Duncan listened quietly to Dog’s account, not speaking in between, until the other man’s words fell and he nodded gently, “So we just need to go down there?”

“That’s the thing, ‘going down’ isn’t an easy thing to do here,” Dog looked up from the shadows and looked Duncan in the eye, “Do you remember a very weird and difficult ‘trait’?”

“…… You mean spatial discontinuity?” Duncan thoughtfully, “I remember us talking about that before, in the Phantom Deep, ‘arriving’ from one location to another is a very uncertain thing, direction and distance are completely random here – but We didn’t feel that all the way through before.”

“That’s because we’re on an island, and within the confines of a single floating island, space still follows a continuous structure as we know it, but if we break away from those islands ……” Dog said, stepping out of the shadows as it picked up a piece of debris nearby, picking it up in its mouth before hurling it far out into the vast darkness beyond the confines of the floating island.

The rubble disappeared before everyone’s eyes in the blink of an eye – just as soon as it left the two or three meters around the floating island, it simply vanished into thin air.

Alice stared wide-eyed at the direction in which the stone had disappeared, and it took several seconds before she couldn’t help but speak, “Where did the stone go?”

“I don’t know, anyway, there is only a small chance that it is ‘falling downwards’,” Dog shook his head, “Up and down, left and right, front and back, in any direction, at any distance, at any point of fall, it is possible, it may be falling from the Star Space downwards, perhaps it has smashed on top of some unlucky demon’s head, and of course – it could have landed directly on the Profound Holy Lord. That’s how completely random the entity is when it moves through the ‘nothingness’ between the floating islands.”

Duncan frowned, “…… So those ‘loops’ you mentioned earlier, where demons ‘loop’ between the floating islands and the Holy Lord, are also randomized like that of the world?”

“Yes,” Dog nodded, “everything is built on uncertainty – a demon born from a Holy Lord may take centuries to gain entity on one of the floating islands, and a demon remnant killed by its own kind and thrown into the Void may take a thousand years of ‘falling’ in the darkness before a demon’s remains reach the deepest depths of the Profound, and this ‘fall’ could be in either direction …… “

It said as it raised its head to the obscure starry sky above its head.

“And given the size of the Profound Deep as well as the endless number of demons, we can even suspect that some of the demonic substrates that initially diverged from within the Profound Holy Body are still floating in the darkness and have not gained a solid body, and amongst the demons that died in the earliest days as a result of the fight, there are certain ones that are still in that darkness carrying on with a ‘fall’ that has been going on for 10,000 years now ‘descent’ and have not yet been able to fall to the bottom – all of which is quite possible.”

Uncertainty, discontinuity, a “chaotic loop” system built on a huge random event ……

How bizarre!

Duncan frowned tightly, while sketching a completely counterintuitive world “order” in his mind based on Dog’s description, he spoke thoughtfully, “…… But back then, the Lost Country ship had smashed straight through the deep sea… .”

“Yes, that’s why it’s the most terrifying thing,” the ghostly green fire in Dog’s eyes contracted slightly, “In fact, compared to the matter of ‘being smashed to death by a ball of flame falling from the sky,’ ‘The fact that something can fall from above and then must land at the bottom’ is what hit the demons in the Profound Deep even harder – demons don’t have minds, but are at least able to live in this land of chaos by instinct, and the appearance of the Lost Country completely defies the ‘rules’ of this place. The ‘rules’ here, this incomprehensible, unfathomable, law-defying ‘phenomenon’ is what drove many demons mad on the spot.”

Dog paused, his tone extraordinarily serious: “Do you understand what I mean? For the Profound Deep Sea, ‘a thing can fall from above to below, and that downward process holds true every time’, something that is taken for granted in the real world, is ‘unnameable’ here- -The fall of the Lost Country here did not simply destroy a few islands and kill tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of demons; it ‘broke through’ the order of the Profound Deep itself.”

Duncan thought for a moment, “…… Which means that for the sake of the physical and mental well-being of the demons here, I’d better not have any more ‘crashes’ here?”

“It’s not for the physical and mental health of the demons – their lifestyle isn’t very healthy in the first place anyway,” Dog shook his head, “it’s for the ‘health of the Pathfinding Deeps ‘, the place isn’t very stable already, and if you smash it again, it might actually leak.”

Duncan rubbed his chin and didn’t say anything for a moment.

Just as he was trying to think of how to solve the problem of spatial discontinuity beyond the floating island, and how to reach the ‘bottom’ of the Profound Holy Lord, he suddenly felt someone tugging on his arm from the side.

He turned his head and saw Alice’s beautiful eyes.

The mannequin raised his hand and handed something black to him, “Captain! Stone!”

Duncan froze, his expression a little subtle, “Uh, Alice, this isn’t the time ……”

He stopped abruptly.

The stone in Alice’s hand …… was the one Dog had just thrown out!

(End of chapter)

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