Chapter 702 Departure from Hong Kong

Chapter 702 – Leaving Harbor
Goathead was panicking now, especially panicking – even though the captain had said for him not to panic, his head had almost gone into vibration mode the first moment after he heard the news.

Even Alice next to it was scared off her head for a moment after listening to the news brought by the captain – really scared off, and it still hasn’t mounted up to this day.

“Are you saying that …… all the individuals of the Ancient Cretan Kingdom from top to bottom were copied from a part of my remains,” Goathead stared, “and that it was copied by the hand of the Profound Holy Lord? ”

“Yes,” Duncan nodded, “and that explains many of the historical conundrums about the ancient kingdom of Crete that have always hung in the air for scholars, such as why this ancient kingdom left behind virtually no systematized cultural information- For example, why this ancient kingdom has left almost no systematic cultural data – because they were a transient group of people ‘made’ for the purpose of ‘Creation’, and originally had no cultural system of their own; for example, why the ‘remains’ of the Cretans are distributed in those areas where they have never been found. ‘ would be spread out on islands that are pressurized and even shrouded in visions, because all the ancient Cretan cities were built as infrastructure at the time of creation, they were not meant to serve as settlements ……”

Goathead’s tone grew more complex, “You know that’s not what I’m concerned about ……”

“…… It does come as a bit of a shock to suddenly learn that an ancient community is actually their ‘children’,” Duncan said after a moment’s silence, only able to try to strain his face, “and “Honestly, I was quite surprised when I first found out the news ……”

At this time Alice, who hadn’t interjected much next to him, suddenly spoke up as well, “But …… but …… but …… mountain ……”

“You put your head on before you talk,” Duncan helplessly blanked the mannequin, “It’s weirdly scary to sit next to it with your head in your hands.”

Alice just after the head scared off after not mounted, has been holding a head sitting next to Duncan to concentrate on eating melon, this time was a reminder of the panicked reaction to the side of the “Oh” while hurrying to put the head pressed on the neck, immediately speak up: “But the goat’s head is not the main god of the elves. is the main god of the elves, if you have to say that all the elves in the world can be considered his heirs, he should be able to accept it ……”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Goat Head immediately turned his head around, his resentment seeming to emerge from the base, “I’m sleeping with half of my body being used as a culture base, okay? Moreover, if it’s just an ancient race, it’s fine, but there’s also a group of Ultimate Preachers! I initially felt that the gang of godly ‘preachers’ have a problem, to the ship without saying a word first lie down and kiss the deck, I tell you if it is not the material does not allow me to have goosebumps at that time – now I think of the goosebumps! This is what happened ah this, sleep a sleep open eyes up ……”

Seeing that Goathead had flown into ranting mode, Duncan had to tap the table twice to quiet the somewhat agitated first officer before breaking the silence with a dry cough, “Ahem, the Final Preacher was once a normal Cretan.”

Goathead was baffled for a moment, turning his neck reluctantly, “That I did know …… Now I do …… And it’s just that now they have ones that aren’t so crazy . . but ……”

It “but” half a day, but not “but” out a reason, only mumble for a long time, and finally all turned into a helpless sigh, head hanging down, no longer say anything.

Alice, on the other hand, could not help but look at the goat’s head a couple of times, and then raised her head to look at Duncan with some uncertainty, and only after a while did she hesitantly open her mouth: “Captain …… The first mate doesn’t seem to be very happy.”

“Can’t speak of being happy or unhappy, it’s just that it’s suddenly learned some very shocking news and it needs to rest and then calmly think for some time,” Duncan sighed softly and got up from behind the navigation table, “Let’s not intrude.”

“Oh,” Alice agreed, rising honestly from her chair and following Duncan out of the captain’s room, she stopped as she passed the edge of the chart table but then reached out after a moment’s hesitation and stroked her hand over the goathead’s head, “Get some rest! …… I have to teach me how to cook southern food later ……”

Duncan couldn’t help but shake the corners of his eyes as he listened, but this time he didn’t say anything else, just shook his head in silence and turned toward the door deck.

The sea breeze was gentle, the breaking waves were undulating, and the sea sparkled in the distance, still a fine day.

Duncan and Alice strolled to the deck, and then realized that Vanna had come to the deck at some point, and was leaning against the side of the ship blowing in the wind, looking into the distance as if she had something on her mind.

The sea breeze from the direction of the border lifted Vanna’s silver-white hair, she heard the movement from behind her and turned her head to lift her long hair, a smile appeared on her face, “Captain, Alice.”

“I thought you were going to have to talk to Helena more,” Duncan nodded, stepping confidently near the side of the ship, “With information of this magnitude, I’m sure it will come as a shock to all.”

“Yes, such significant intelligence – so the Pope’s Coronet shouldn’t have much time to chat with me next,” Vanna smiled, shaking her head, “She should still be in a meeting with a few other coronets at the moment …… Whether it’s the origins of the ancient kingdom of Crete, or the future of our world known as ‘The Asylum’, or those …… who have gone mad with the ‘Final Survey Team’, there are enough to make many people lose a lot of hair.”

“…… Anything else from Vision 004 after that?” Duncan asked.

“No,” Vanna shook her head, “After you left, we left a few watchers behind, and they reported that there has not been any movement in the assembly grounds up to now …… And in the past, even if the mausoleum’s main body did not appear, some strange rattles or shadows would appear in the assembly ground from time to time …… It seems that it’s just like what you said, Vision 004 is really completely closed off from the outside world.”

“…… Just like the ‘sun’ above our heads, that ‘mausoleum’ has also reached the end of its lifespan, and its mission is over, the “Duncan said calmly, “The tomb keeper has warned that even if he receives any more messages from the mausoleum in the future, he should not respond, let alone send any more people in …… If anything comes out of the mausoleum, even if it is the tomb keeper himself who has come out of there, he must not respond, but rather stay away at the first opportunity …… That is no longer the vision 004 that you all perceive.”

“We know that the Pope’s Coronation has warned all the saints that from now on, Vision 004 will become completely forbidden, and that no one will approach the ‘Tomb of the Unknown King’ except for a team of ascetics who will be stationed at the edge of the assembly grounds on a rotating basis to monitor the situation… …” Vanna whispered, gradually falling silent again, before letting out a sudden sigh after a few seconds, “…… Another thing ended.”

Yes, another thing is over – but what is she referring to? Was she referring to this extremely special “gathering”? Or is it the “Watch-Gather-Listen” process for the tomb of the nameless king that has been established in the Church of the Four Gods for thousands of years? Or is it one of the legacies that the ancient creators of …… have left behind for the world?
Either way, they are over.

“Did the Gravekeeper mention anything to you about the knowledge of the ‘Sun’?” After a moment of silence, Vanna snapped, “Did he mention how that ‘sun’ was built, or …… what else could be done to repair it, even if it was just to continue to extend its ……”

Duncan shook his head gently.

“He’s just a guard, a guard who was imprisoned in life and death by the Observatory that was turned into a vision after all the systems stopped working and all the engineers and designers left, and he’s already told me everything he knows, but the sun ……”

Duncan paused for a moment, looking out to sea in the distance.

Vision 001 – The sun was slowly orbiting the sky, as if a pale, dying old man was stumbling towards his destination.

“The sun is a massive project built by the ‘King of Creeps’ and the entire Cretan community, and it is beyond the understanding of a single guard.”

“…… Also,” Vanna shook her head mockingly, “I expected too much.”

“Yes, but that’s okay, because that’s what I’m going to tackle next,” Duncan said in a gentle tone as he glanced at Vanna, “Let’s just go to that ‘designer’ of the Deep Ages –start by opening a door.”

As his words fell, a slight creaking sound rang out from the depths of the Lost Country’s hold at the same time, and immediately afterward, Vanna felt a slight vibration coming from beneath her feet, and then the translucent sails of the Spirit slowly floated up the masts – and

The Lost Country began to slowly adjust its stance and turn its bow, and this huge and majestic ghost ship slowly pointed its bow towards the distant sea – that magnificent and boundless mist that stood dimly at the border of the world.


In Light Wind Harbor, the solemn and sacred Storm Cathedral was still quietly docked near the shoreline, and a cleric in blue and black robes made his way through the corridors and arches of the upper church area, almost darting outside the door of the Pope’s prayer room: ”Coronation! Coronation of the Pope! That ship – the Lost Country – has moved! It suddenly reversed course ten minutes ago and accelerated away from Lightwind Harbor!”

“I know,” Helena’s voice came from the prayer room, her voice magnetic as if with calming magic, “There’s no need to make such a fuss, it’s just time.”

As the words fell from her lips, the graceful and elegant lady turned her head and focused her attention once more on the ceremonial fire pit in front of her.

A portion of her spirit penetrated deep into the fire pit, still lingering in the channel constructed by the psychic communication.

“…… The Lost Country has moved on, Vanna has just sent me word …… that yes, the ‘Tidal Wave’ is on its way with an escort ship, and they will arrive at the agreed upon rendezvous on time ……

“Banister, where’s that what’s-her-name dead-life fleet of yours?”

A somber voice came into Helena’s head, “It’s the ‘Rest in Peace’ and the ‘No Rest in Peace’, Helena.”

“Fine, it’s pretty much the same anyway …… Where are they?”

“They’ve departed as well, don’t worry – we’ll all arrive on time.”

(End of chapter)

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