Chapter 695: The Urging Bell

Chapter 695 – The Urging Bell

“Captain! You believe in me! You know my style of behavior – not to mention stealing wine from your collection, I just walked to the door of your room legs and stomach already began to turn ah …… I really do not know how this thing into my hands ah!”

Anomaly 077 pulling the broken voice and Lawrence dry howling, the noise of half the deck can be heard, the surrounding passing seamen all sideways glance, curious to see this in the white oak ship the most special “members” in the end and what mess.

The gray-haired Lawrence is frowning, he ignored the dry body in front of the ghost howling movement, but thoughtfully looked at the next deck put two bottles of beer.

Of course he believed the sailor’s words – for all of his usual misdeeds, the dryad had always been very reliable when it came to “turning his legs around at the sight of the captain”.

It was unlikely that this “anomaly”, who feared spirit fire as much as he feared his natural enemies, would come into the captain’s cabin to steal anything, even if the two bottles of wine were sitting on the table, which he wouldn’t have touched.

After a moment’s thought, Lawrence suddenly raised his head:”…… Mr. Ted Ryer left just now? He was with you until he left?”

The sailor was stunned at his words, although he didn’t know why the captain suddenly changed the topic to this direction, he still hurriedly nodded: “Yes, he just left, he had been chatting with me before he left.”

Lawrence gazed into Anomaly 077’s eyes, “What are you all talking about?”

“…… Poetry and song?” Abnormality 077 said casually, then hurriedly waved his hand before the old captain turned pale, “That’s certainly not …… like a worldview or something? I can’t quite remember, we seemed to talk a lot, I just felt that Mr. Secret Keeper was preoccupied, talking to me about the world, the future, life, and so on ……”

He said this hesitantly paused, and muttered with some hesitation, “I seem to have even invited him for a drink, but he didn’t want it …… Strange, did I or didn’t I …… invite him?”

Lawrence frowned slightly, he looked gravely observing the look and behavior of this dry corpse in front of him, and waited for the other party to mutter for half a day before asking again, “Then you still remember how you answered? Do you even remember what you said?”

The sailor stopped mumbling instantly, and shortly after a look of remembrance appeared on his face, his expression became puzzled and uneasy.

“I …… don’t seem to remember? I should have told him a lot of things, but it seems like I can remember only a few of them …… Most of the time it seems like I’m just babbling away like ……” Abnormality 077 chimed in, looking at the Captain, “Wait, I remember …… I didn’t want to open my mouth, but it was like there was a voice talking with me the whole time, leading me to open my mouth …… This doesn’t feel right Captain? ”

“It’s wrong …… Of course it’s wrong.” Lawrence said softly, and along with his words, a faint layer of ghostly green flames have quietly floated beside him, and along the deck to flow away in all directions, at the same time, in the sea next to the White Oak also noiselessly surfaced a huge black shadow – the Black Oak as a reflection floating up from the sea appeared! Next to the White Oak, lights flickered on the shadow of the black-house-draped ship, and the silhouette undulated.

Anomaly 077 was startled by this sudden movement, and hurriedly jumped to avoid the spirit fire spreading on the deck while yelling, “Hey captain what are you …… doing?”

“There was an uninvited guest on the ship-though he may have left by now,” Lawrence said casually as he glanced at Anomaly 077, “Martha told me she saw a figure in the White Oak’s reflection that didn’t belong to either of us. one of them, and that figure was standing beside you at one point.”

The sailor froze for a moment, his expression fading into horror, “…… Crap!”


“You were correct, there was indeed an uninvited guest aboard the White Oak at that time – he was in the vicinity of Anomaly 077,” Duncan nodded to Ted Reel, “Do you think you ‘heard’ two voices, one of which would have come from that ‘uninvited guest’.”

Noting the change in Duncan’s demeanor just now, Ted Rill spoke speculatively, “…… Is that a message from the White Oak? That old captain caught someone?”

“No catch,” Duncan shook his head, “The other party was alert and had left the ship by the time Lawrence and Martha realized something.”

“Left?” Ted Reel sniffed in slight confusion, “It’s possible to run away in the middle of the ocean to ……”

He suddenly stopped, obviously as a “Truth Keeper”, he had already matched the most likely answer from his own experience.

Duncan, on the other hand, nodded gently after noticing the change in the other’s expression, “Do you remember what you were talking about with that ‘sailor’?”

“Remember.” Ted Reel immediately said, then after a quick recollection, he told Duncan what he had talked about with the ‘sailor’ without any omissions. Listening to the other party s narration, Duncan s expression also became a little bit serious, and finally nodded: “Sure enough …… this can’t be something that the sailor said of his own accord.”

Ted Reel was a bit puzzled: “How are you so sure?”

“He’s not that highly educated.”

Ted Riel: “……”

“It looks like we can probably identify the uninvited guest,” Duncan exhales softly in his turn, “This theory sounds a little close to the Endbringer’s doomsday argument, but it’s more like a relatively mild, logical version of it, and the person you’ve been talking to would have been an Endbringer in a state of sanity –who was hidden aboard the White Oak and spoke to you through the mouth of the ‘sailor’.”

At this he paused and added, “Based on what was reported on Lawrence’s end, the process was much like a thought ‘overwriting’ and ‘channeling’- -The sailor still remembers talking to you but can’t remember the exact content of the conversation, and he also made some moves that were not in line with his previous character, which should also be the result of being influenced.”

Ted Reel’s brows furrowed, and the expression on his face was a bit subtle: “…… I have never heard of Terminal Preacher having this kind of ability and acting style ……”

“It’s normal, not so long ago we didn’t even believe that sensible Terminal Preachers existed in this world,” Duncan shrugged, “This group of ‘subspace worshippers’ located in the cracks of time has always been the most mysterious, they Sometimes they act like monsters warped by subspace, sometimes they look like polite scholars, they live in a non-linear time stream, so technically speaking …… perhaps the whole world has never been truly contacted by a ‘full’ Final Preacher, and all we know about them so far is merely the temporary state they exhibit in a particular ‘time slice’.”

“…… Interesting theory,” Ted Riel raised an eyebrow, and then immediately afterward, he tightened his expression and his tone appeared serious, “It’s amazing that an End Preacher can appear unnoticed in my eyes and In the end, he was still able to retreat in one piece, and didn’t even cause that old captain under you to be alerted …… It looks like their degree of weirdness is indeed beyond imagination, but that ‘uninvited guest’ did all this just to borrow the ‘sailor’s ‘ mouth to tell me some godawful doomsday theories …… What do you think of that stuff he said?”

Duncan didn’t say anything for a while, he fell silent, pondering the words Ted Ryer heard from the Sailor, and after a long time, he suddenly looked up: “What do you think? Do you think it makes sense to tinker with the world?”

“It’s not whether there’s a point or not, it’s that there’s no other way out,” Ted Riel shook his head gently, “The world is a big ship sailing on the sea, maybe it’s just like what the Final Preacher said, the ship is breaking leaks and sinking, and it’s already at the point of being beyond redemption, but those of us who live on the ship what else can we do? All we can do is fix it – it’s better than sitting around, isn’t it?”

Duncan, however, was not to be denied; he merely brooded long and hard, but no one knew what he was contemplating at the moment.

And just then, a disembodied and illusory chime suddenly reached Ted Riel’s ears, interrupting the exchange between him and Duncan.

This Truth Keeper of Secrets was momentarily stunned for a moment, and after distinguishing the frequency and interval of that bell, he gradually frowned in confusion, “Swift Bell ……?”

“Swift Bells?” Duncan’s voice came from the sidelines, “You’re talking about this sudden burst of bells?”

“Yes, it’s a summons for the Saints to travel to ……,” Ted Riel said casually, but just in the middle of his sentence he stopped violently and turned to look at Duncan with a stunned expression, “Wait, you said you heard the bells just now as well ?!”

“Yeah, heard it, what happened?” Duncan looked puzzled, “Shouldn’t I have heard it? It’s kinda obvious ……”

“Of course you shouldn’t have heard it!” Ted Riel almost jumped out of his chair, “It’s the summoning bell coming from the tomb of the Unknown King, and the Church of the Four Gods constructed measures to seal and channel that bell many years ago, so theoretically only the saints of the Four Gods should be able to hear the summoning …… “

“The Tomb of the Unknown King?” Duncan sniffed and gradually reacted, “Ah, I did hear Vanna talk about this aspect, so this is what she called the ‘Swift Bell’ …… “

As he said that, he got up and looked around, and added casually, “The bell is ringing again – it seems to be urging the Saints to assemble? Don’t you have to be part of the assembly?”

“Theoretically, yes ……” Ted Riel said, but suddenly hesitated a little, “but it shouldn’t be …… it’s still during the Deep Church rotation. Theoretically even I shouldn’t hear the bells ……”

He looked up, face to face with Duncan.

The bells, on the other hand, rang out once more, with a solemn air, with an air of urgency, as if …… they were preparing to make a solemn proclamation to the world.

(End of chapter)

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