Chapter 689 The Message in Alice’s Eyes

Chapter 689 – The Message in Alice’s Eyes
Lucrecia brought the paper tape copied from the “Luminous Body Research Station”, which recorded the “strange signal”, and found the original signal recorded by the Bright Star, Duncan stared at them for a few minutes, and soon came to a conclusion Duncan stared at them for a few minutes and quickly came to the conclusion that —

He couldn’t understand it. ……

Analyzing a bunch of abstract signals to draw conclusions should be the work of real experts and scholars, and it is clear that even the real scholars are at a loss to understand these signals.

“They just look like ‘tremors’ of random intensity,” Morris said, standing in front of the light, spreading a long piece of paper tape out on the table and trying to find patterns in the curve jumps from it, all the while frowning thoughtfully. “It would be possible to convert the amplitude of each tremor into a different number or length of ‘breaks,’ but it’s like some kind of cipher …… Without a corresponding ‘code book ‘, it would be impossible to figure out the meaning in those tremors.”

“Since they were first received, scholars have tried to convert these signals into a variety of forms,” Lucrecia said in an aside, “including sound – after converting these tremors into electrical signals directly into a playback device, it sounds like some sort of persistent, low whimper or ‘murmur’ that doesn’t actually mean anything. We’ve also tried to translate them into images, but nothing in that direction yet.”

Duncan, listening in, popped up, “Could this be the ‘internal signal’ used by that ‘luminous geometry’ to ‘communicate’ with the other structures of Vision 001 ‘?”

“We can’t rule that out,” Lucrecia nodded, “There’s a highly sensitive backup recording device over at the research station, and that thing received a weak signal from the direction of the main structure of Vision 001 not too long ago as well, so we have reason to believe that the ‘Luminous Geometry’ that’s currently resting offshore of Lightwind Harbor is a ‘signal’ that’s being used to communicate with the rest of the structure,” she said. ‘Luminous Geometry’ still maintains contact with the main structure of Vision 001 ……

“Both signals are related to the sun going out,” Morris also spoke in thought, “the first came after the sun went out, the second before, and the content of the signals is the same, which gives me the impression . . very much like some kind of ‘warning’ ……”

Duncan didn’t say anything, just came to the window and looked out thoughtfully.

The city was shrouded in a strange, interlocking “twilight”.

The sun in the sky has been extinguished, but some kind of “suppression” power of Vision 001 seems to be still in effect, so the creation of the world did not appear due to the early arrival of the “night”, the sky is now only a dark, but at the same time there is a light golden color. “Sunlight” from the direction of the coast, through the high and low buildings in the city, in the neighborhoods over the formation of a magnificent and strange light band, the streets and alleys of the gas lamps lit in advance, but no pedestrians on the streets, only occasionally see the patrol of the Guardian squad and steam walker quickly through the intersection, with the light scanning the empty road, full of vigilance and wariness. roads, wary and alert.

The city was quiet, an oppressive and tense atmosphere pervading the dimness, so much so that any movement from outside could stir one’s sensitive nerves.

A slight scuffling sound came from the side, and Alice curiously picked up the tapes of paper that were stacked on the table, looking at them upside down-she couldn’t read them, of course.

Shirley and Dog were sprawled in front of the other window, both heads staring out together, and Nina was standing behind them, muttering something.

“Things are fairly stable from Prand and Frost, the last experience brought people back to order quickly, but the unease brought on by the sun’s second extinction is spreading through the city,” Duncan snapped, “And contact with all the other city-states has been broken except for them …… as before.”

“The only difference from last time is that this time there are four cathedral ships docked next to Lightwind Harbor,” Vanna spoke up from the sidelines, “They were affected by the ‘luminous geometry’ this time and stayed after the sun went out on ‘This side’, now that order has been restored on the various church ships, Coronet Lune seems to have activated some observation and research facilities on the academy’s ark, collecting data on the environmental changes in the real world after the sun went out ……”

“Hopefully he’ll find something on his end,” Duncan sighed, “but honestly, I’m not hopeful about that – it’s been a full ten thousand years since Vision 001 hung high above this world, and I’m afraid that only the ancient kingdom of Crete back then or the legendary Profound Holy Lord who completed the ‘Third Long Night’ knows what that thing is originally ……”

Before he could finish his words on his side, Alice’s voice suddenly came from the side, “Captain Captain! Captain help! It’s stuck!”

Duncan turned his head to look, and saw that Alice had already been wrapped around her head and arms by a large pile of paper tapes–this Bean was blinking innocently in the middle of a pile of paper tapes, and did not dare to move a single time to stand in the same place, as if afraid of accidentally breaking those fragile paper tapes.

“…… How did you do that?!” Duncan watched the scene with dumbfounded amazement and amusement as he walked over to free Alice from her bonds, “That’s even tangled?”

“I don’t know!” Alice reasoned, “I just wanted to see how long this note was, how did I know how I couldn’t yank on the end, and by the time I reacted it was already tangled ……”

Duncan let out a sigh, “Just don’t toss them, these paper strips are useful.”

“Oh ……” Alice agreed with some frustration, and watched Duncan put those “paper strips” back into the box like a cat that had been robbed of its ball of wool, but soon she seemed to have forgotten this small regret, and the expression on her face was as if she had forgotten it. But soon she seemed to forget this little regret, her face expression became happy again, smiling and came to Duncan, “By the way Captain, what is the ‘Observer Effect Stabilizing Anchor’?”

Duncan, who was in the process of placing the large mass of paper tape into the box, instantly stopped moving.

The entire parlor snapped to silence.

The simpleton had just uttered a string of words that she could never have “created” herself!
After two seconds of stagnation, Duncan slowly turned his head, his eyes becoming extremely serious: “What did you …… just say?” Alice was startled, thinking she had screwed up again, “Observe …… the Observer Effect Stabilizing Anchor ah …… did I say the wrong thing?”

“Why did you mention that all of a sudden?” Duncan threw down the paper tape in his hand and came to Alice in two steps, slowing down his tone immediately after noticing the tension on the mannequin’s face, “Don’t be afraid, you didn’t do anything wrong, but you just mentioned a very …… unusual word.”

Alice stared with wide eyes and relaxed a little in Duncan’s gaze, then looked around as if observing something no one else could see and said casually, “Observer Effect Stabilization Anchor Failure, Failure Code E-C6-305, ‘Star Coronet’ Damage, Main System Reboot in Progress, Reboot Time unknown ……”

Not far away, Lucrecia finally reacted, she instantly came to Alice and raised her hand to point at those recording paper tapes on the table, “You read from those tapes? This is what they recorded?”

“No,” Alice shook her head innocently, “I don’t know what the jumbled curves on these strips of paper mean, but there are hints of Observer Effect Stabilizing Anchor Failure all over the place around here …… hey? You guys can’t see it?”

The doll seemed to have finally realized something, and looked at the people around her with a look of wonder, a wonder and surprise …… as if she had first learned that “ordinary people” couldn’t see those lines floating around.

Duncan stared at the doll, he gradually realized something, slowly raised his head and looked out the window to the sky that was blocked by the buildings and attenuated a lot of “sunlight”.

The “sunlight” came from the huge glowing geometries on the surface of the sea – they were already very weak here after being blocked by the layers of buildings in the city and attenuated by the distance.

But the information carried in the spectra is not lost to this level of attenuation – it is in the air, in the city.

To Alice’s eyes, they were everywhere.

“So, you can see the signals emitted by that ‘luminous geometry’ directly,” Duncan withdrew his gaze from looking out the window, his eyes falling on Alice, “and they . . what were they like?”

“I can’t say,” Alice scratched her hair, “And I don’t know if that counts as ‘seeing’ …… I just think the rays of light There were things in them, and then their meanings came right into my head – oh, although Goathead says I don’t really have a brain ……”

Maurice came along, looking at the mannequin with a blank stare, “Why didn’t you say so, then?”

“You guys didn’t ask either!” Alice was more reasonable this time, “And I thought you all could see it!”

Everyone in the living room couldn’t help but look at each other.

Apparently, everyone associated the “threads” in Alice’s eyes with what Ms. Doll thought “everyone could see” the last time.

Duncan, on the other hand, thought of more.

He thought of the little puffin with the black feathers that Lune had brought to the assembly – he thought of the crazy bird.

He also thought of Alice’s painting, and the “lines” she insisted on adding to each person in the painting.

Alice seemed a little uneasy – after straightening up, she seemed to realize that she was different from the others, and assuming that it was something she’d done wrong, she couldn’t help but lean towards Duncan, scowling, “I didn’t know at first… …”

“Different observers have different worlds in their eyes, and for Alice …… the world has looked different from ours from the very beginning, and she takes it for granted, and wouldn’t even think of taking the initiative to check with each and every one of them to see what the world looks like in everyone’s eyes, “Duncan suddenly broke the silence as he turned his head and gently pressed Alice’s hair, “Relax, you’ve done nothing wrong, and you’ve done well – Alice, you’ve done a great service, you’ve seen information that we can’t see ……”

He gently rubbed the doll’s hair, allowing her to slowly relax, while he gazed past the window, as if piercing through the scaled buildings of the city to see the sun that was still stagnant over the sea.

Vision 001 – Observer Effect Stabilization Anchor.

(End of chapter)

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