Chapter 69 – Reliable Pigeon Express

Chapter 69 The Reliable Pigeon Express

A slightly cool sea breeze suddenly blew across the deck, causing Captain Lawrence, who had just stepped outside from indoors, to subconsciously rub his arms – but he wasn’t sure if the feeling of wanting to get goosebumps was because of the slightly cool sea breeze or because of what that young Inquisitor had told him.

Abnormality 099, Doll Hearse, after losing control not only possesses the ability to move around and the tendency to get out of trouble, but also continuously expands its sphere of influence and constantly checks the humanoid targets within its range for unconditional decapitation, only the Saints are able to resist this almost karmic decapitation effect ……

For the past half-month voyage, he and his crew had been spending time with this dangerous anomaly – and despite the fact that the escort trip had never been dangerous except for the final encounter with the Lost Country ship, he still felt a bit of trepidation when he looked back on it at this point.

But that was all.

He was a member of the Explorer’s Association, a veteran ocean explorer, and his job was to deal with the boundless sea – unlike those fishermen who only operated in the safe offshore areas, he spent a large portion of his sailing career dealing with all sorts of anomalies and even visions.

When undertaking an unusual transportation mission, the authorities or the Church will inform the transportation process of the dangers in advance, and this part is often the shortest part of the entire commission contract, usually with only one clause: this mission is fatally dangerous, and the specific details cannot be informed.

Every captain who has made a living among the city-states knows what he is up against, and more than half of them have been haunted by this fatal career in their old age – years of dealing with the Boundless Sea, and anomalies and visions are always going to leave something in your destiny.

Many of his colleagues of a similar age had retired, either suffering from unrelenting nightmares, mental problems due to various degrees of curses, or physical disabilities left behind on long voyages …… or worse.

The captains and sailors of ocean-going vessels earn more than the inhabitants of the city-states can imagine, and suffer more than any other profession from “occupational diseases”.

Captain Lawrence felt that he was not a very noble man, he did this business is mainly to earn money, of course, he was young also have a passion for exploring the sea, but like most people, young enthusiasm is difficult to accompany the whole life, and now …… he felt that this enthusiasm is time to burn out.

While he is still mentally normal, while the Infinite Sea has not yet entangled his destiny, find a time to retire.

Lawrence sighed slightly and turned around to walk slowly in the direction of the captain’s room.

The search and questioning of the entire ship by the priests had not yet ended, before that, he could not leave the White Oak, after that, he was to be transferred to the church along with everyone else, to undergo quarantine observation and a series of psychiatric appraisals.

His gaze swept over the familiar ship’s facilities around him.

It was a fine ship, and new, and he had only been at the helm of it for just five years, and in the common saying of captains on the Boundless Sea, “the captain and the ship are not even newlyweds yet”, so really, retirement was a bit of a bummer.

But it was better to retire now than to die on some future voyage or spend the rest of his life in an insane asylum.


Inside the old Duncan’s Antique Shop in the lower part of the city-state, the middle-aged man lying on a bed on the second floor slowly opened his eyes, the slightly old and moldy ceiling reflecting into Duncan’s field of vision.


Duncan exhaled softly, feeling the perceptions coming from this body rapidly clearing and stabilizing, feeling the way his control over this body went from remote manipulation to direct mastery, and slowing down for two or three seconds before his arms pushed to prop himself up.

Aye the pigeon fluttered over and ground her beak shell on the end of his bed, yelling staggeringly, “Welcome home, darling, do you eat first, or shower first, or ……”

Duncan was about to stretch a lazy waist, let this pigeon a sentence directly to the stretching almost cramp, then a slap on the head of Ai: “How do you this what words are there?!”

Ai obviously not extraordinary bird, was Duncan slapped a slap with nothing like, briskly paced to the side of the two steps, the mouth continued to yell: “Puff’s only a punch, is hitting the nose, hit the blood burst flow, nose crooked in half, but it seems to have opened an oil sauce store …… “

Duncan directly put this brain not quite normal bird to one side no longer take care of, from the bed got up to look at the table not far away.

On the table, was quietly placed before the Lost Country ship he prepared a variety of experiments:
Sun amulet, dagger, cheese, cannonball, and a salted fish.

The things are complete, so many messy and unrelated things put together, Ai did not appear to “lose the bag” phenomenon.

This pigeon is even more reliable than he thought.

Duncan went up to confirm each and every thing on the table, after confirming that the items were complete and undamaged, he could not help but look back at the pigeon pacing on the bed, and in his heart there was a little bit of praise for this bird.

Then he saw Ai pacing around the bed, by now he had memorized “When Luda looked, he saw Zheng Tu on the ground.” ……

Duncan: “……” He hid the approval in his heart, and then sat down at the table and began to check the condition of those “goods” one by one.

First of all, the sun amulet, it is unchanged – as a transcendent item that has been completely transformed and controlled by the fire of the spirit body, it is still quietly flowing in the body of the gentle power, two consecutive walks in the spirit world does not seem to have affected the nature of this item.

The dagger that did not possess transcendent properties also looked unchanged; aside from its ancient style, its blade was still sharp and its sheath well-maintained.

Duncan’s eyes fell on the cheese that had been brought from the kitchens of the Lost Country.

There was nothing unusual about the cheese, it was still in the same inedible state and had not rotted or disappeared into thin air as quickly as Duncan had thought it would after leaving the Lost Country.

He looked at the shell again – it stayed still on the table, unresponsive to the captain’s gaze.

Duncan nudged the shell and tapped its cast iron casing again.

The transcendent properties faded from the shell.

In the Lost Country, even the shells are “active”, of course, this does not mean that each shell has a separate “thinking”, but the ship’s entire ammunition system has a unified “consciousness”, and as a “sub-unit” of this consciousness, it is controlled by the “sub-unit” of the “consciousness”. The entire ammunition system of the ship is controlled by a unified “consciousness”, and as a “sub-unit” of this consciousness, the cannonballs on the Lost Country will even adjust their positions and accept “inspection” immediately when they are watched by the captain of the ship.

According to Duncan’s observation for a period of time, the force part of the Lost Country should be controlled by two “consciousnesses”, one is the ammunition system, and the other is the dozens of cannons below the deck, and these two consciousnesses should be responsible for the loading and firing work during the battle, and control every ” members” of their respective systems.

The shell in front of me had apparently left the control of its superior consciousness with the departure of the Lost Country ship, and had turned into a flat iron lump.

Duncan pondered this.

If this shell was brought back, would it become part of the ammo dump again? Would the Lost Country recognize this returning “sub-unit”?

His thoughts went further – the ammo on the Lost Country is limited, and the shells that go out don’t come back in (the eight shells that were used to pressurize Alice’s tank didn’t come back in), so can the ammo on the …… ship be replenished? And how does the new ammo become a “sub-unit” of the Lost Country?

To extend the idea a bit: could the Lost Country have upgraded its artillery system? More advanced cannons, more advanced shells, would these things work on that ship?

The Lost Country is a ghost ship, which makes it difficult for it to be easily resupplied and …… “improved” like a normal ship, and the things it carries on board are just “foreign objects”. If they don’t become part of the Lost Country, they won’t be able to “run on their own” like the rest of the ship’s facilities.

However, if there is a way to turn these things into part of the Lost Country ship …… the ghost ship may be able to utilize greater power.

At the same time, it would have better living conditions.

Duncan couldn’t help but think a lot in that regard.

The more he was exposed to the modern city-state of Prand, the more he could sense that the Lost Country ship of a century ago wasn’t really as polished and perfect as its hefty reputation –

That ship might have had weird and scary power, but it didn’t even have an electric light, and it didn’t have French fries, and its weapon system was still an ancient front-loading artillery, so it was hard to tell how powerful it would be, and it didn’t have French fries, and the Spirit Body’s Sails, as good as they were, were obviously good to have a set of steam organs as back-up power, but the ship didn’t even have a hot water heating boiler.

And no fries.

Duncan silently glanced at Dove, who had popped up on the windowsill and was looking out.

The pigeon looked back at him with blinking green eyes, “Going down to the docks to fix some fries?”

“Shut up about the fries.” Duncan shot back at the pigeon with a subtle hint of amusement, before focusing on the last item.

Salted fish, an all-natural food processed from the tasty gifts caught in the deep sea, tasted pretty good, and fell into the category of “items outside the Lost Country”.

After walking in the spirit world, the salted fish didn’t look like it had changed much.

Let’s make soup for Nina tonight.

(End of chapter)

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