Chapter 611: Sleeping in the Twilight

Chapter 611 – Sleeping in the Twilight
Although the same cult group, the Cult of the Sun and the Cult of Annihilation have very different characteristics, which also led to the actions of these cultists, Duncan must take into account their “characteristics”.

The essence of the Annihilationists, is through the contract with the devil to obtain the power, transformation of their own “human”, although these dark believers explicitly believe in the profound Lord, but their “gods” in fact will not respond to this relationship, so in addition to blasphemous transcendent power, but also to the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness of the darkness. Therefore, apart from their blasphemous transcendent powers, the Annihilationists are still a group of mortals, and their actions and limitations are based on their identity as “humans” – no matter how loudly they shout the name of the Holy Lord, this group of lunatics has little to do with the Ancient Gods.

If we divide their sect into a “tower structure”, then from the lowest level of powerless believers, to the clergymen who can summon demons, to the top level of the so-called “saints” who seem to have no human form at all, they are all trying to move up to the top. They were all trying to climb up to the so-called “truth” on the upper floors, but the “Profound Lord” at the top of the tower didn’t want to take any notice of them.

This is not the case with the Sun Church – the “structural transmission” of the Sun Church is from the top down.

At the top is the dying “Black Sun”, an ancient god in a poor state of sleep who, in a state of near-death, has given birth to powerful descendants called “heirs”, who, in turn, closely watch and protect the “heirs” called “heirs”. These “heirs” in turn paid close attention to and sheltered the humanoid monsters called “relics”, that is, those sun remnants, and then down to those huge numbers of delirious sun believers, and these mortal believers did not spontaneously worship the black sun, but the power of the black sun leaked into the reality dimension, causing some human beings to have mental aberrations, and only then transformed into believers out of thin air. into believers.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, the entire “Sun Sect” can be regarded as a “superfluous creature” of an ancient god, a branch structure of the Black Sun’s power and flesh and blood.

When facing the Annihilation Sect, one should think of them as human beings, but when facing the Sun Sect, one should first think of “it” as a chaotic ancient god-every heir, every remnant, is one of those unconsciously twitching and spasmodic tentacles of the ancient god in its slumber. Every child, every remnant, is the unconscious twitching and spasming tentacles of the ancient god in his sleep.

These tentacles sneak into the Dream of the Nameless One, and some kind of “instinct” from the higher level drives them to steal the “sun” in the Dream of the Nameless One. Considering their higher level nature, the method for these guys to enter the Dream of the Nameless One could be simpler and more dangerous than that of the Annihilationists. Roughness …… is also more dangerous.

Duncan exhaled gently, and put those thoughts aside for the time being.

“After this Dream of the Nameless One is over, have the rabbi confirm exactly where that ship is as soon as possible,” he said mentally to Lucrecia, “the sooner the better – provided he’s careful not to alert the ‘Saint’.”

Lucrecia’s voice hesitated for a few seconds before coming through, “Are you …… worried about the elves that were used as sacrifices?”

“Judging by the initiation ritual, their lives won’t be in danger for a while, but those cultists might perform some other ritual, and there might be more than just those two elves on that ship,” Duncan’s tone was serious, “That’s one of the reasons, and the other, I’m not sure about the one in their hands, the The other reason is that I’m very concerned about the ‘goat’s head’ in their hands – the goat’s head might actually be a fragment of an ancient god, and if that’s the case, then the fragment must not remain in the hands of a bunch of cultists, who knows what else they might do next. Who knows what new death-defying maneuvers they’ll come up with next?”

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Duncan’s words just fell and he felt a weak …… mood change coming from Lucrecia’s “imprint”, that witch’s mood seems to be inexplicably better?

“Understood, I will plan this with the Rabbi,” Lucrecia’s voice sounded, “within a few days, I will find the ship.”


Duncan responded mentally, then he let out a breath and turned his head to the chart table.

The dark, goat-headed wooden carving was gazing calmly over the side – although it appeared motionless at the moment, it had already turned at an angle once a few moments ago.

It had awakened, it just hadn’t spoken.

Duncan walked toward the chart table, his gaze sweeping across the tabletop.

The lush, mysterious forest projected on the charts had replaced the previous ocean markings and routes, and the silhouette of the ship representing the Lost Country was slowly moving over the forest sea.

The goat’s head on the edge of the table followed Duncan’s footsteps, moving slowly out of sight.

After an unknown amount of time, the silent goathead (to be honest Duncan thought the word was a bit out of place even on a goathead) finally broke the silence, “There you go again my friend …… you seem to have changed a bit.”

“Changes?” Duncan raised his eyebrows, “What kind of changes?”

“I can’t say, but you, now, seem to …… make me feel safer than you did before,” Goathead spoke slowly, “Before, your presence here would have confused and strained me, and I couldn’t make sense of your existence. But now, although I still don’t know who you are, that confusion and tension is gone.”

Duncan gazed silently into the goathead’s eyes.

He knew that it was his “solution” that had worked this time.

He had entered the reflection of the Lost Country through the mirror before nine o’clock at night, just as Agatha had done – and when the transformation took place after nine o’clock, he became a part of the Dream Ship directly along with the reflection.

In other words, he changed from being an “intruder” to being “one of us” in the dream world.

After many attempts, Duncan had found a way to truly “enter here”, and now he could finally let go of what he wanted to do here – whether it was exploring the ship, taking the helm, or piloting the ship into the dark mists, he could do it all without waking Silentis again. No more waking Silentis, no more waking Goathead.

“Probably because we’re finally getting acquainted,” Duncan grinned, and, of course not being able to reveal the existence of this dream world to a mind-entity sleeping in it, he switched gears, “which is a good thing.” “Familiar?” The goathead turned its head slightly, seeming to think briefly at Duncan’s words, and its muddled, half-asleep state seemed to have lessened a bit from the last time they had met, yet it was still a bit slow to respond, “Ah, that does seem to be a good thing …… We’re on better terms now as friends now.”

Duncan thought for a moment, giving up on the idea of heading to the bridge to take the helm now, and instead took a seat in the high-backed chair behind the chart table.

He looked at Goathead, who was gazing at him wordlessly, and asked a cautious question, “Where is Silentis now?”

The goathead turned its head for a moment, seemingly a bit surprised by Duncan’s question – it hesitated a bit in a rare moment, and only after this almost human reaction did it speak slowly, “Silantis is here, every where.”

“Right here? Everywhere? Can you be more specific?” Duncan frowned, then added immediately afterward, “I don’t mean any harm, I just want …… to talk to her. I don’t know if you can understand, but she’s in danger, there’s a group of unsavory people who want to hurt Silentis, and I want to find her before they do.”

Duncan wasn’t sure if the second half of his explanation had had any effect, but after a few moments of silence, Goathead did speak.

“…… Here is Silantis,” it gazed into Duncan’s eyes, “you are already inside Silantis – you are in her thoughts, you are in her memories, this is the border and the hinterland, but …… you cannot possibly see her.”

Listening to the first half of Goathead’s sentence, Duncan was instantly enlightened, but the other man’s last sentence froze him again, “Why?”

“Because Silentis hasn’t remembered herself yet – she wasn’t a definitive being …… until she brought it all back to life and right now, she doesn’t want to wake up.”

“You mean that Silantis is now diffused in this dark fog as some sort of mental body, and because she can’t form a complete awareness of herself, she is at the moment a disembodied being?” Duncan immediately understood the other party’s meaning, and then couldn’t help but follow up with, “Then is there any other way I can see her? Or just establishing communication would be fine.”

He remembered his previous experience when he was at the helm of this dream ship, the streams of light that appeared in the darkness, and the voices in the streams of light – he could be sure that they were Silentis’ thoughts, but those “thoughts” were not the same as the “thoughts” of Silentis. However, the “thoughts” seemed to be located in another dimension, and did not respond to his calls at all.

This time, the goat’s head was silent for a longer time than before.

It was only after an unknown period of time that it finally spoke…

“Let her sleep a little longer, just a little …… not too long, let her settle them ……”


The unorganized wind suddenly blew in his ears, and the diffuse sand and dust turned to envelop the sight.

However, before Vanna subconsciously raised her hand to block the sand and dust, the wind and sand stopped in front of her, while a voice came from the wind, “Traveler, we meet again.”

Vanna immediately looked in the direction the voice came from.

In the sand that was gradually stopping, the giant’s figure became clear.

He was sitting between a pile of black boulders that had collapsed and tumbled, with that huge and exaggerated “walking stick” beside him, and the “bonfire” that had been burning for an unknown period of time had long been extinguished, and by the giant’s feet, all that was left was a pile of ashes that had turned into dust, still emitting a slight amount of heat and sparks. The “bonfire” that had been burning for an unknown period of time had long been extinguished.

Vanna raised her eyes and looked around.

It was the same place where she had said goodbye to the giant, the same sheltered spot, the same campfire, and she had returned to the exact “spot” where the giant seemed to have been waiting for her.

“I told you we’d meet again soon,” the giant smiled gently, wrinkles piling up on his face, “Look, the fire is still warm.”

“You’ve been waiting here for me?” Vanna was a little surprised, “I thought ……”

“Just some waiting,” the giant said calmly, “There’s nothing left for me to do here, since it’s nothing but barren anyway – waiting, more or less.”

He paused for a moment, then raised his head, his eyes looking into the distance.

“It’s just as well that you’re here, traveler …… If you don’t have a goal at the moment either, there’s a place I’d like to take you to.”

(Requesting monthly votes during the double period!)
(End of chapter)

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