Chapter 598 – Light Stream

Chapter 598 Lightstream
Duncan had been careful not to try to take over the helm wheel of the bizarre Lost Country ship sailing in endless darkness and mist since he found it.

Because he could not determine the nature of the ship, and did not know how the ship would react to his “takeover”.

But now that he knew that this ship was the shadow of the Lost Country, and that it was Goathead’s unconscious “dreaming” that had caused this change, it allayed many of his concerns.

It was time to let this ship sailing in the dream world know who the real captain was.

Duncan slowly walked up to the bridge on the aft deck, his feet crossing the hooks and cables near the bridge – the cables were silent, lying dormant in the darkness, while the dark-colored rudder wheel swayed slightly from side to side in the center of the platform, as if the rudder was still being fine-tuned in this dream world, as if the goat’s head was still dutifully controlling the direction of the ship. the course.

Duncan came to the rudder and inhaled gently, recalling the first time he had stepped up to the helm and placed his hand on the rudder.

Shaking the irrelevant thoughts from his mind for the moment, he reached out and slowly gripped the wooden handle on the edge of the rudder wheel – a smooth, cool touch, and along with it, a slight resistance.

Duncan ignored the resistance along the dreamscape, and mobilized the “safety fires” that had been sent aboard the ship, ordering them to converge on the bridge, while gripping the rudder with a firm grip.

In the next second, wisps of flame appeared out of nowhere in the darkness, and in the blink of an eye, the psychic flames ignited the aft bridge, Duncan’s body was transformed into a semi-transparent psychic body in the flames, and the entire bridge, including the rudder wheel, was instantly enveloped in flames!

In an instant, Duncan felt that the ship was changing in his hands, that it was becoming like the Lost Country in the real world, and that the structure of the ship was becoming clear in his mind – he sensed its decks, its masts, its sails and halyards, as well as the cabins, corridors and hallways below the decks, all of which were shrouded in darkness and secrecy! The cabins, the corridors ……

The whole ship creaked and rattled, and it was as if the Lost Country, shaped by the power of dreams and made of shadows, had suddenly awakened, recognized its captain, and every part of the ship seemed to rejoice, and the cables and barrels, which had been silent a moment before, began to shake in the darkness.

And immediately after that, along with the gradual filling of the sails of the spirit body, Duncan even felt that this ghost ship, which was originally just wandering slowly in the darkness and mist, began to accelerate, as if it had a sailing goal, and began to sail in a certain direction in the darkness.

Duncan was surprised to feel the change in the ship, especially its sudden acceleration in the darkness, yet before he could carefully perceive what lay ahead of this heading, a voice came abruptly from nowhere, directly into his mind, “…… Who’s there? ”

It was a somewhat childish-sounding female voice, with a kind of blank ambiguity as if half-asleep, and that voice was everywhere in the darkness, and in the next second after hearing that voice, Duncan felt light suddenly emerge before his eyes, and right after that, there was a huge structure suddenly emerging from the darkness in front of him, and there was a hazy phantom light appearing in front of the heading!
It looked like a huge vortex, but within the vortex could be seen countless structures that looked like vines or branches. Endless vines and branches came from the front of the Lost Country, and in the blink of an eye covered almost every inch of space beyond the ship’s side, and in front of Duncan’s eyes, the huge plant structure took up all of the field of vision, and continued to extend and move backward as the Lost Country sailed on.

This gives people the feeling as if the ship suddenly “flew” into a “tunnel” woven by a huge plant structure, vine branches intertwined into the tunnel’s walls and dome, a huge sense of oppression also came, and at the same time, there are numerous At the same time, there were countless shimmering lights emerging along those vines and converging like water.

Those “rays” finally came into contact with the Lost Country, and began to approach Duncan’s aft deck along the decks and sides of the ship. There seemed to be something converging in the rays of light, but they could not present a clear picture, they just kept converging and approaching, as if they were searching for something.

Duncan gripped the steering wheel tightly in the midst of this overwhelming visual pressure and mysterious glow, controlling himself so that he wasn’t going to take a step away from the bridge, no matter what happened, and he watched the dark vines and branches move out over the side of the ship, feeling the Lost Country’s speed dropping a little bit, as if there was invisible resistance slowing the ship down, and then the wandering glows finally converged near him, and he heard it again That tender, child-like voice-

“Who is it? Who’s there?”

Duncan stared dead in the face, seeing the light come near him, wandering aimlessly around the bridge, listening to the voice in his head as it continued to ring out.

“Are you back? Sasloka …… you’re home? You were away for a long time ……

“I can’t see you …… Where are you? Can I open my eyes now? Is it all over?

“I …… I can’t open my eyes, Sasloka, I’m a little scared, I can’t see anything …… but something is coming ……

“I’ve protected them all, I’ve built a wall, you can see them when you come back …… but I can’t see you, are you there? Are you back?”

The light called out over and over again, wandering and converging around the bridge and constantly dispersing into blinding, chaotic streams of light, and several times the shimmering light even flowed near the helm wheel, even touching the corners of Duncan’s coat and cuffs.

However, “she” did not seem to sense Duncan’s presence.

“She” can not see anything, as if …… the owner of this voice and Duncan are separated by a different dimension, in a different space and time.

Duncan looked at the wandering streams of light and listened to the voice that seemed to resonate directly in his mind, he could even feel a slight heat as the light approached, while the voice’s ever-repeating words seemed to be conveying a lot of vital information – he frowned, and after a brief moment of hesitation finally reached out, and one hand continuing to hold the rudder, and one hand probing one of the streams of light.

The light touched his palm, imparting a warmth that seemed real.

The shimmering light then penetrated his arm, and the temperature it brought subsided, as if located in another dimension, the light flowed in the direction of the stern of the ship.

But it was in this moment of contact that Duncan learned, or rather “recognized”, the name of the shimmer and the voice – she was Silentis, the Elven Tree of the World. The name was reflected directly into Duncan’s mind in the form of a message, as if presenting …… the contaminating nature of knowledge.

Duncan froze for a moment, and immediately afterward, he felt a sudden tremor coming from the deck beneath his feet.

The next second, this tremor appeared on the entire ship, this ship sailing in the darkness of the fog “Lost Country” began to shake violently, the spirit sails in the darkness quickly extinguished, the deck showed countless cracked lines, everything constituting the hull of the ship are fading, disintegration, and even Duncan’s hand steering wheel, gradually began to lose the solidity of the sense of touch.

Duncan was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized what was happening –

The stability of the dream was decreasing, and the moment of “awakening” had arrived.

But this time he clearly bypassed the flame on Silentis stimulation, in the contact just now, he did not feel Silentis have any “awakening” aura …… Why is the stability of the dream world is still rapidly decreasing?

The sudden winds of disorder in the desert awakened Vanna from her thoughts, and she stood up suddenly from the pile of rocks where she had taken shelter from the wind, and looked in the direction of the sweeping sands.

The sands rose like a wall in the distance, and everything in the dust and fog quickly became hazy, the jagged boulders becoming illusory and distorted, as if they would disappear into the world at any moment.

After a brief moment of dismay, Vanna received a message from the Captain –

The stability of the Dream of the Nameless One is decreasing, and this time the dream is coming to an end.

The flying sand and dust and the ever distorting illusory vistas were the dream boundaries approaching fast.

Vanna jerked her head back to look across the campfire that was already dying.

The pale giant was looking up, a calm fire burning in his stone-carved, sunken eye sockets.

“Traveler, it looks like the time has come to say goodbye.”

Vanna was stunned for a moment and suddenly responded, “How did you …… know …… that?”

“I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I can sense the temporary end of a journey, you’re leaving, aren’t you?” The giant spoke gently, slowly rising from between the pile of rubble, his frame rising like a tower in the wind, looking down and gazing calmly into Vanna’s eyes, “You don’t belong in a world that has been destroyed – there is still life in you, and this world hasn’t been alive for a very long time. ”

Vanna opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say – in this brief moment when the dream was about to awaken, it seemed that all that was left for her was to say goodbye.

The giant smiled and bent down to pick up the long, odd-looking staff.

Vanna noticed a few more symbols on the surface of the huge “cane”, which was taller than the giant.

They were letters with an inexplicable …… plausible familiarity, and for a moment she thought she was about to be able to read them, but the next moment the meaning of the words faded from her mind like water.

Those were words she didn’t recognize.

“Traveler, perhaps we will meet again,” the giant’s voice came from above, interrupting Vanna’s wandering, “and possibly soon.”

Vanna was stunned, “Why?”

The giant pointed to his cane, “Because there is a phrase here that I have not yet finished carving.”

Vanna blinked, and was about to ask something, but the wind and sand had raced swiftly from behind her – the world in her field of vision rapidly shook and crumbled in the sudden rise of sand and dust.

In the next second, the collapsed world reorganized itself into a familiar living room, a familiar dining table, and a familiar roof.

Those familiar faces also reappeared in front of her.

(End of chapter)

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