Chapter 568 – Night Vision

Chapter 568 – The Night Vision
Duncan rubbed his slightly swollen forehead, and while putting away the key, he recalled his experience in the “public house”, the message conveyed to him by the Ancient God’s tentacle in the garden, as well as the “invasive object” that appeared next to the hollow inside the public house.

Alice, on the other hand, quickly noticed the captain’s “return”, and turned her head curiously while pulling up the clothes on her back: “The captain is back! Did you find the answers you were looking for?”

“More information and only more questions,” Duncan exhaled softly, looking at Alice’s always carefree and radiant expression, he temporarily collected the chaotic thoughts in his head and a smirk appeared on his face, “but I’ve made a lot of progress! –at least for the near future I have a new goal.”

Alice cocked her head slightly, “A new goal?”

Duncan thought for a moment and spoke with a bemused look on his face, “Try capturing a few Annihilationists first.”

Why did the “trash” that he had thrown out of his bachelor pad float to the Alice Mansion? And why did those things turn into breeding shadows in the eyes of the servants of the public house? What happened to the missing gardener? What is the nature of the Cleaner? All these questions seem to be unanswered, and there is no suitable breakthrough in the short term, but in another direction, the advice given by the “Profound Lord” is worth a try.

About the state of Vision 001, about the meaning behind those short noises, about the ancient kings, about the truth of the Great Annihilation and the several long nights, and about the meaning of the so-called end of the cycle …… about all this, that ancient god who is perched in the profound sea obviously knows a lot of insider information, and he has the willingness to tell himself, the “fire usurper”. “fire usurper” to reveal these secrets.

Then finding a way to establish a connection with the Profound Sea became the only path with a clear goal, just as the Profound Holy Lord himself suggested – to capture a few Annihilationists to try.

However, whenever he thought of this “suggestion”, Duncan’s heart still could not help but float a little strange ……

Alice didn’t think that much, she was just happy that the captain had a new plan, although she didn’t understand why, she still showed an expectant look on her face: “Good, good, when are we going to catch them? Also where should we go to catch it?”

“…… Cultists aren’t jellyfish in the sea that you can just say you’re going to catch,” Duncan rubbed his forehead, “Let’s rest for today, tomorrow I’m going to get Vanna and Maurice to discuss this matter. ”

“…… Oh,” Alice nodded, but a question quickly popped up, “What’s a jellyfish?”

“It’s something that lives …… presumably in the sea,” Duncan explained with a twitch of a muscle in his face and a million grotesques, “It looks translucent, some of them are poisonous, and some of them can be eaten. ”

“Edible?” Duncan’s side was just explaining casually, but he didn’t expect Alice’s eyes to light up instantly, “Is it tasty then?”

Duncan blushed strangely, “…… You don’t even have a digestive system, what do you care about that for?”

“I can make it for you to eat!” Alice looked happy, “Captain, let’s go catch jellyfish together sometime in the future!”

This topic is rapidly becoming evil, Duncan’s expression almost can’t be maintained, and hurriedly waved his hand to perfunctorily pass over this question, “Okay, okay, promise you, catch it to eat when you have the chance ……”

And so Alice left happily and contentedly.

Duncan, on the other hand, exhaled softly, shook his head somewhat helplessly, and strolled to the window.

In terms of time, it was now nightfall – Vision 001 had fallen below the surface of the sea several hours ago, and its power had faded from the world, so the “rift” of the World’s Creation appeared in the sky, overlooking the entire city with a cool look.

But at the same time, there is still “sunlight” in the sky – that sunlight comes from the “luminous geometry” on the surface of the sea near the city-state, and that diffused light passes through the layers of buildings in the city to reach this area near the city-state. Those diffuse light through the layers of the city’s buildings, to the area near the center of the city, there is only a small column of light sweeping across the sky from high up – like the light cast by the blinds, irregular columns of light swept across the city’s high altitude, forming a strange, as if the alienated dusk of the general “landscape “.

And under the sunlight’s “cut”, the world’s creation in the sky also showed a staccato posture of light and shadow: it no longer stretched across the sky coherently, because where the sunlight swept through, the world’s creation was in an invisible state, and only where the sunlight couldn’t shine could we see in the sky those cold and pale fissures that were divided into sections. The fissure.

Duncan’s brow suddenly furrowed as he realized a detail he had previously overlooked, and began to look more and more curiously at the thought-provoking “spectacle” in the sky.

The glowing geometry that had fallen on the surface of the sea could not have projected its light as high as the World’s Creation – Lucrecia and the scholars of Lightwind Harbor had measured the range of its light, which could only encompass a city-state and a portion of the surrounding sea, and could not possibly have touched the sky.

What he saw now was that where the “beam of sunlight” swept over the city, the world’s creation was invisible.

So the …… sunlight is not directly affecting the world’s creation, but rather the eyes of the “observer”?

Vision 001 – The real effect of the sun is not to suppress the creation of the world, but to make it “unobservable” to the intelligent beings of the world by covering or filtering it? Vaguely, Duncan suddenly felt as if he had touched a very crucial mechanism of Vision 001.

However, just as Duncan was about to think along this line of thought, a flash of difference suddenly surfaced out of the corner of his eye and interrupted his train of thought.

He immediately stepped forward, pushed open the window and probed out, looking out the window in a certain direction.

It was another street adjacent to the Crown Block – he could still clearly remember the rooftops and tall buildings that lined the street, with an iconic spire that was located in the deepest part of the block.

Now, however, a lush jungle shrouded in dusk appeared in his view.

Giant towering trees had risen abruptly from the city, the original buildings and spires of the neighborhood had been transformed into a forest at some point, and there were also towering structures that looked like giant vines spreading out from the forest, some of which even extended to the boundaries of Crown Street!
Under the light and shadow of the “Sunshine” and “World Creation”, those dark-colored vines snaked and grew on the street, entangled the buildings on the street, and little by little climbed up the buildings and high walls, entangled in the street lamps, like tentacles extending from a nightmare, and little by little pierced into reality. Tentacles, little by little stabbed into the real world ……

Duncan blinked his eyes, and found that the “strange shape” in the field of vision still existed, and in the interlocking sunlight and the illumination of the world’s creation, it seems to be a little more real than just now.

However, the city was still silent, neither the other neighborhoods in the distance, nor the buildings that had been entangled in the vines in front of them …… made a sound.

No one seemed to be aware of the huge range of abnormalities, even though the lights were clearly still on in a few nearby houses, and it was obvious that there were people awake and moving around in the houses until a second ago.

Duncan withdrew his gaze from the window and turned to walk briskly toward the door, and before he could open it, a hurried footstep already sounded from the corridor outside and violently pushed open the door.

Alice, who had just left not long ago, hurriedly ran back, and she clearly carried a panicked expression on her face, “The ship …… Captain! Outside! You see outside ……”

“I see it,” Duncan interrupted the nervous-to-stammering mannequin, “It’s probably some sort of vision or hallucination that covers a very wide area, but it’s not affecting us in this house yet – don’t panic yet, go get the others to together, we need to figure out what’s going on.”

Alice finally calmed down a little once she heard that, and hurriedly nodded, then turned around and went out the door while speaking quickly, “Oh …… oh right! You wait first, I’ll go find the others!”

The mannequin jogged all the way out and soon disappeared into the corridor outside, while Duncan turned his head and took another look at the “strange scene” on the street outside.

The “forest” that had covered a large portion of the block was still there, lush and thick as rising shadows in the night, but the vines that had spread out from the forest seemed to have stopped growing – many of them of varying thicknesses had stayed at the edge of Crown Street, not extending any further towards the street. strip, showing no sign of extending further this way.

But that was all he could see from here, and he couldn’t be sure what was on the other side of the “forest”.

Just as Duncan began to worry about whether the rest of the city had also changed, Alice’s hurried footsteps appeared in the corridor again, and her nervous voice reached Duncan’s ears at the same time: “Captain, captain! Its …… everyone else is gone!”

This time Duncan was finally stunned, “Everyone else is gone?”

“All gone,” Alice flew over, nodding hurriedly and hastily holding her head with her hand as if she was afraid the point would fall off, “I just went to Nina’s and Shirley’s rooms to come here, and neither of them are here, neither is Ms. Lucrecia, and there’s no response to knocking on the doors of the other rooms, and in the living room there’s only the clockwork-driven servants – they all stayed motionless and looked too scared!”

Duncan’s eyes were momentarily glazed over, but he still calmed a nervous Alice before narrowing his eyes slightly and gradually spreading his senses out
He searched for the “marks” on Vanna, Maurice and the others, trying to confirm their condition.

The imprint still exists, but the state …… is very strange.

“Let’s check downstairs,” Duncan opened his eyes and beckoned to the cabinet next to him again, letting Aye, who was snoozing on top of it, land on his shoulder before nodding to Alice, “Stay close to me and don’t wander off.”

Alice immediately nodded, “Okay …… okay Captain!”

(End of chapter)

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