Chapter 522 – Trapped in a Dream

Chapter 522 – Trapped in a Dream
Beyond the boundary of the elf maiden’s dream, another elf appeared.

Heidi’s heart was instantly alerted.

Under normal circumstances, no other “mental entity” should appear outside the dream boundary, because this area was essentially a chaotic projection of the dreamer’s subconscious boundary interacting with the “real world”, where the dreamer’s own reason was no longer in effect, and the broken and chaotic subconscious was disturbed by the deeper world. Here, the dreamer’s own reason is no longer in effect, and the broken and chaotic subconscious mind is disturbed by the deeper layers of the world, generating all sorts of unbelievable or dangerous and bizarre “shadows” – shadows so dangerous that the human’s own “mind barrier” has to be removed from this layer of the “real world”. These shadows are so dangerous that man’s own “mind barrier” must be in full operation at this level in order to block the infiltration of information from the borders to the “inside”.

Heidi remembered clearly what her teacher had said when she was studying at the Truth Academy – that everyone was “blindfolded” in their dreams, and that if they really saw what they were really like at the edge of their dreams, then everyone in the world would go crazy.

Therefore, when the mental barrier is functioning properly, the dreamer will never “recognize” the “out-of-bounds area” of their dream, and will not generate any mental entities in this area.

Heidi once again gripped the golden awl in her hand, and at the same time recited Rahm’s name silently in her heart, so that the golden awl in her hand would have the power of suggestion to kill the intruder in her dream, because she knew very well that the “figure” that appeared in this place was either a “doctor” like herself or another intruder, and that the “doctor” was either a “doctor” or another intruder, and that the golden awl in her hand had the power of suggestion. …… is another intruder.

The figure with his back to this side seemed to be unaware of the gradually approaching psychiatrist lady behind him, and he was still standing there, keeping his head slightly raised, as if he was observing the canopy of trees that covered the sky with his full attention.

Underneath the canopy, sunlight flooded the forest – if not for the fact that this figure’s appearance here was really incongruous, this place would actually still be a very nice scenery.

Heidi came behind this mind entity, and then violently raised her hand, placing the golden cone against the back of the other party’s head – however, the moment she was about to stab the golden cone down, she stopped herself hard.

It was not an intruder!
The “Golden Cone” blessed by Rahm is a surgical tool for treating neuropathy in the real world, but in the spiritual realm, it’s a “suggestion carrier” with various extraordinary powers, which can be used to eliminate shadows in the mind, or to establish temporary mental contact! –At this moment, a clear and stable thought response was transmitted to Heidi’s senses along with the contact of the golden cone, and together with it, the close connection between the mental entity in front of her and its surroundings, and the trained psychiatrist instantly recognized what was going on… -She had come into contact with another “mind”.

She had contacted another “dreamer”.

This was not the “out-of-bounds area” of the elf girl’s dream, this was another elf’s dream!

Great dismay and confusion instantly surged up, Heidi had never encountered such a bizarre situation in her field of specialization since her graduation, she saw another dreamer in a “patient’s” dream, and the two dream worlds merged together, and she couldn’t even perceive the “demarcation” between them at all! The two dream worlds merged together, and the “boundary” between them could not even be detected at all!
A thought appeared uncontrollably in Heidi’s mind – she had a paper for the next journal, but if she really wrote about it in her paper, even the most whimsical psychologists at Truth College would be traveling around the clock by boat to come to Prand to fight with her offline… …

Thoughts flying like lightning in her mind, Heidi had already retrieved that golden cone at the first opportunity, and it wasn’t until she had hidden it behind her back that the slightly hunched figure in front of her, with mussed blonde hair, reacted as an afterthought and slowly turned her head.

A face with fatigue and confusion appeared in Heidi’s eyes.

The latter’s first association was with some of the awe-inspiring exam raiders she had met while furthering her education at the academy.

They didn’t eat, they didn’t sleep, they didn’t rest – and they flunked.

“Hello,” the face full of fatigue, as if it had never slept much in its life, spoke, in a sluggish tone, as if it were still half-awake from Ben’s sleep, “have you come to kill me in my dreams, too?”

Heidi’s mind, which had been somewhat confused, cleared and reacted instantly, “Too? Someone attacked you in a dream?”

“There were a few,” the middle-aged elf with the mishmash of blonde hair nodded, raising his hand and pointing to the ground not far away, “Look, there they are.”

“A few …… few?” Heidi sniffed a little stunned, she followed the direction of the other party’s finger to look over, but she saw that there were only a few small clusters of charred black things on the empty ground not far away, “They are ……”

“I don’t know where they came from, I just asked them a few questions and that’s all they were,” the middle-aged elf said slowly, his spirits lowered as if he would pass out at any moment, and then he shook his head again, “They’re all the same points that were circled before ah… …”

Heidi frowned slightly.

The mental state of this elf in front of her was not quite right, he seemed to have confused some things in his dream state, and he mentioned the “circled key points” …… in a muddled way, was this due to his identity and activities in real life? Is he a teacher? Or a scholar?
The elf knew that he was in the dream world, and knew that he had been attacked in the dream world, but there was a clear confusion in his perceptions …… Was it because he had been damaged in the previous attack, or was it because he had been affected by something in the process of entering the dream?
“You haven’t answered my question, ma’am,” just as Heidi was thinking fast, the middle-aged elf’s voice once again reached her ears, “Are you here to attack me as well?”

“No,” Heidi immediately shook her head, although the elf in front of her felt extraordinarily awkward with his slow and methodical manner of asking questions despite such a bizarre and tense situation, she still chose to identify herself, “I am a psychiatrist.”

The other frowned at her words, “A psychiatrist?”

“Yes, a psychiatrist,” Heidi immediately nodded her head, and at the same time, she naturally took out the “Golden Cone” representing her profession from behind her back, and then brushed her hand over her forehead and eyes, “I’m also a follower of Rahm. ” “Oh, professionals,” the middle-aged elf said with a slow, muddled nod, “It seems my students invited you here – they finally realized their teacher was trapped in the dream world? I thought they’d take this opportunity to take a couple days vacation first ……”

The strange elf in front of him seemed to misunderstand something.

But Heidi had no intention of unraveling the misunderstanding – a “reason for intervention” recognized by the dreamer herself was obviously a good thing, and it could help her stay in the dream more steadily.

“My name is Heidi, and I’m glad to have found you without incident,” Heidi said politely, “May I ask how you fell into this dream?”

“How did you fall into this dream? I’m not quite sure,” the middle-aged elf frowned, “but I remember what I was doing before …… I was watching the sun from the tower, the sun …… Right! Sun! Miss Heidi, the sun went out, and I was taking advantage of the good opportunity to observe its surface structure – what’s going on out there now? Was the sun still out when you came over?”

“The sun has been relit.” Heidi replied as she quickly digested the clues provided by the other party, all the while guessing where the elf was in the real world.

The other party mentioned “towers”, but there were no towers in Prand dedicated to observing the sun – if this elf who looked like a teacher or a scholar was referring to “observing” as some kind of specialized If the “observation” mentioned by this elf, who was suspected to be a teacher or scholar, was some kind of professional research behavior, then he must have done it from a tower with complete facilities.

Where would that be? Mokko? Asudi? Or Lightwind Harbor?

And to observe the surface of the sun while it was out …… Such a bold action was beyond the courage of the average “scholar”, even his own father would have hesitated to do such a thing, and where did this elf come from? What city-state would have such a desperate elf scholar who doesn’t sleep?
Just as a few guesses popped up in her mind, the middle-aged elf in front of her spoke again.

His gaze swept over the golden cone in Heidi’s hand and he pondered slightly, as if he hadn’t suddenly remembered anything until now.

“Ms. Heidi,” he asked politely, “did you just poke me in the neck with this?”

Heidi: “……”

Why did this guy just suddenly remember to ask this now?


“Master Taran El is still unconscious?”

Lucrecia frowned, looking at the Elf Master who was still lying quietly on the bed, his eyes closed tightly with no sign of waking up, his expression slightly serious.

She had returned to the Bright Star ship with the “manuscript” left behind by Talan El, but after a preliminary examination, she had no clue, so she wanted to come to Light Wind Harbor to inquire about each other’s situation, but she didn’t expect that this elf scholar was still deep in sleep.

This city-state had many skillful doctors and outstanding scholars from the Academy of Truth, yet it was unable to awaken Taran El who had fallen into a deep sleep?
“Yes …… yes, Ms. Lucrecia,” said a young man who came to take care of the great scholar in the hospital room, stuttering a bit, facing the “Witch of the Sea” with many strange legends, this young apprentice was obviously very worried. The young apprentice was obviously very nervous, “The doctor said that the teacher wasn’t injured or poisoned, but more like trapped in a nightmare, which could be the ‘effect’ of the sun going out ……”

Lucrecia frowned, her gaze sweeping over the other figures in the room again, and in the middle of a few apprentices she saw a vaguely familiar face.

“Joshua, your teacher should know protection techniques in the field of spirituality and psychology, right?”

“Yes, Ms. Lucrecia,” the young apprentice who had been caught by the “Witch of the Sea” once before while running in the corridor hurriedly replied, “Teacher often needs to come into contact with strange items found in the border area, so he usually does mind protection as well. Therefore, he has also done training in mind protection. ……”

“That is to say, Taran El possesses the skills to maintain wakefulness as well as self-preservation in nightmares, and under normal circumstances, he would be able to break free from the dream world on his own – but the current situation is beyond his ability.”

“We’ve gone for a psychiatrist!” Joshua spoke up in a panic, “It’ll be here soon!”

“A regular psychiatrist probably won’t be able to help much, this isn’t your average nightmare anymore,” Lucrecia shook her head, “I’m going to take him to the Radiant Star, my lab should come in handy.”

(End of chapter)

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