Chapter 507 – Maurice’s Teacher

Chapter 507 – Maurice’s Teacher
Vanna made her way to the prayer room deep within the crew area on the lower deck, closing the door behind her and quickly setting up the ceremonial field needed to conduct the psychic communication.

In this sprawling sea of limited conditions, the ceremonial ground was still made of materials that could be found on the ship, and she used large candlesticks instead of fire pits, her own prayer book instead of the necessary holy relics, and she constructed the sacred ground by smearing and drawing the runes of the storm on the floor with a mixture of salt and tallow – since it was the second time she had done so, she was not as rusty as the last time.

The feeling of being watched suddenly came from the side, causing Inquisitor-sama, who was busy setting up the ceremonial ground, to suddenly stop.

She turned her head to the direction from which the gazing sensation came, and saw that a round mirror was hanging on the wall in the corner of the room, and in that mirror light and shadows were undulating, and a lady with black hair draped over her shoulders was curiously looking this way.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spy on someone performing a ritual,” Agatha’s voice came from the mirror, “I was just intrigued by the commotion over here.”

“That’s okay, it’s not a secret ceremony,” Vanna smiled graciously and greeted the new and very special “crew” that had recently joined the Lost Country, “I was just about to contact the Church Ark. ”

“Well, I know, the Church of the Dead’s ritual process is slightly different, but I can more or less see what you’re doing, though ……”

Agatha in the mirror said, suddenly pausing with hesitation.

“But what?” Vanna asked suspiciously.

“…… Is it really okay to set up the ceremony site like this?” Agatha looked at the scene in the cabin with great curiosity, “It’s fine to use candlesticks instead of fire pits, and ordinary prayer books instead of holy relics …… is barely justifiable, but to use salt grains brought from the kitchen instead of the blessed ‘purifying salt’, and to use the oil from frying vegetables instead of holy oil …… Are the rites of the Church of the Deep so liberal?”

Vanna was a bit embarrassed at once: “This …… is mainly due to the limited conditions on the ship, the holy oil ran out before and I forgot to replenish it when we docked. But from experience it’s no problem.”

“…… Then it seems that you are indeed a saint deeply favored by the goddess,” Agatha couldn’t help but sigh with emotion, “Most magi wouldn’t dare to borrow the power of the gods in such a casual way. ”

The muscles in Vanna’s face jumped twice, and she could only tautly return, “Uh, thanks ……”

“I’ll leave you to it,” Agatha in the mirror waved her hand, her figure slowly fading with it, “I’m going to go see what Sherry is doing, the Captain asked me to supervise her homework ……”

The mirror turned into a dark mass, then faded back to its normal reflection.

Vanna fumed for a moment as she watched the mirrored lady leave, turning her head to look at the ceremonial field she had just carefully set up and slowly frowning.

“Is it really coming together?”

She muttered with some self-doubt, then curled her finger and flicked it in the direction of the candlestick – the invisible force instantly ignited the candlestick, and in the next second it turned into a rising and leaping fire that was far brighter than a normal candle flame, and right after that, the runes arranged around the ceremonial field began to splinter and crackle, and gradually mixed with the sound of rising The sound of the sea.

“Doesn’t this work quite so well ……”

Vanna sighed in her heart, and in the next second, she gradually sunk her spirit down, causing her consciousness and her five senses to gradually immerse themselves in the sound of the rising waves around her.

The ceremony drew the attention of the gods, the runes borrowed the power of the gods, and Vanna allowed the power to tug at her spirit and used it as a medium to call out to the distant church ark, waiting for Pope Helene’s response.

Spiritual resonance, relying on rituals to borrow the power of the four gods, and using this power to strengthen the originally weak psychic abilities of mortals, thus realizing contact with distant magi who held common beliefs, this ancient divine art was a skill that every full-fledged magus had to learn, even in today’s world of ever-evolving technology, and even though mankind had already created modern and convenient means of communication such as telegraphs and telephones, this kind of remote communication between magi had to be learned. Even today, even though mankind has created such modern and convenient means of communication as telegraphs and telephones, this kind of long-distance communication between the magi is still an important way for large city-states that are separated by great distances to communicate with each other.

Vanna felt that she had entered a long, dark tunnel, and her soul was flying through it as if she were in a hurry. The tunnel looked like a dark rock formation, but as she swept through it, there seemed to be a hazy ripple of things floating on the “rock formation”, and she looked… … as if they were coming to life.

Collecting her distractions, concentrating her mind, controlling her unnecessary curiosity and the urge to touch outward, Vanna mumbled in her mind the rules she knew by heart, and tried her best to avoid getting close to the boundary of any entity in this “tunnel”, and then, she “saw” a light gradually appearing in front of her. A light gradually appeared.

Unlike her trip to the Tomb of the Unknown King to attend the Gathering, her psychic communication today was directed only to the Cathedral of Storms on the infinite sea – at the end of the “Dark Tunnel”, a hazy and illusory space was rapidly building up. At the end of the “Dark Tunnel”, a hazy, illusory space was rapidly building up, and an elegant and dignified figure appeared in the field of vision.

Vanna stops in front of the figure, and her own illusory black shadow stabilizes rapidly.

“Hail to you, Coronation of the Pope.”

“There is no need for formalities, Vanna, this is not considered a public occasion,” Helena’s disembodied figure returned the salute, then asked curiously, “Why the sudden call for me? Is something wrong on ‘that ship’?”

“All is well aboard the ship – but something else of great importance has happened,” Vanna breathed in softly to compose herself, then spoke slowly, “I am conveying to you an alert from Captain Duncan –The Lost Country is a warning to the entire civilized world ……” ……

Bright yellow light illuminated the old bookshelves and ancient scrolls, on the wide walnut desk, delicate alchemy appliances were maintaining a set of complex chemical reactions, inside the large and rustic study, an old elf with a blonde figure and amiable face was sitting calmly by the desk – he was the leader of the Academy of Truth, the God of Wisdom Pope of Rahm, Lune.

This elven old man was gazing at the alchemy device on the table, however, in his eyeballs, he was reflecting the scene from the faraway land – the

“The Lost Country is alerting the entire civilized world that we have confirmed the existence of the awakening of the ancient god ‘The Holy Lord of the Spectres’ in the deep waters below Frost, and that this process of ‘awakening’ may be reproduced in any of the city-states, and that there is proof that that the ‘flesh and blood’ of the Profound Holy Lord exists in all things ……”

The short, plump and amiable elven old man listened silently to this voice from afar, his complexion gradually becoming serious, and it was only when the other party’s words fell that he slowly got up from his desk and spoke while walking towards one of the bookshelves at the end of the room, “Maurice, the most drastic portion of this information, if it were to be released to the outside world, would be viewed by the entire world as the most shocking deviation ever seen –even the Annihilationists, who would find this thing a bit extreme.”

“There are no deviations on the path of truth, Teacher, and there are only two kinds of ‘classics’ created by mortals, those that have already been overthrown, and those that are waiting to be overthrown, that’s what you’ve told me.”

Maurice’s voice sounded calm and strong, and carried a sharp inner persistence and courage, which made the elven old man couldn’t help but recall many years ago – when this gifted young human was still studying in the Truth Academy in the days when he was also carrying this same kind of persistence, digging into the bottom of his heart to seek out all the answers, and with great courage to question every question.

This curiosity and power of action seem fiery and dangerous when placed in a scholar, and countless very gifted young men will quickly climb the peaks of Truth under the impetus of this force, but many of them will be struck down by the dangers of knowledge itself in the process of climbing, and others, will have the opportunity to calm down, and learn to suppress their own talent under the shelter and guidance of their tutors, and learn how to cautiously embellish and drink in the truth’s trickle.

And an even smaller portion, such distinguished students as Maurice, were able to choose a third path–the

mastering the shooting of various light and heavy weapons, the use of cold weapons, demolitions, occult body armor, and mixed martial arts in two years.

They are the pride of Truth Academy and its affiliated martial arts schools.

Lune stopped in front of the large bookshelf and reached out to pull a record book from it.

After opening it, he slowly flipped through it, and page after page was filled with the faces and smiles of former students – their most youthful appearance was left in the pages of the book that contained magical power, or they stood coyly, or waved at the people outside the book, or made faces, or laughed heartily.

A young human man stood in the doorway of the classroom, arms clasped over his chest, looking this way with a confident expression, and below the black and white image was the name Maurice Underwood, along with the corresponding school record.

“Yes, I taught you that there are only two kinds of mortal classics, those that have been overthrown as well as those that are waiting to be overthrown …… There is no deviation on the path of truth, for the true truth needs no human approval, it has its own eternal …… “

Lune muttered softly to himself, one eye looking at the student on the page, while in one of his eyeballs was still a reflection of what the student looked like today – gray hairs had crept up to his temples, and he was nothing like the vigorous young man in the school register.

The life span of humans is really short, and establishing a deep relationship with humans is actually a difficult and painful thing for elves – these friends and students will always grow old very quickly, and then turn into shovelfuls of earth before the elves can react, and the memories and parting often come very suddenly, and every sadness will be late and with Every sentimentality comes late and with irrevocable regret.

But Lune was still happy to take in and teach the apprentices from human society.

Because even in a short life span, these apprentices can still burst out of the elf’s amazing ability to learn, and along with the short life span of the desire to explore and possibilities, in Lune’s view, is even more valuable in the pursuit of the truth in the process of the traits.

Maurice’s voice once again sounded in his mind, “Captain Duncan believes that it is necessary to inform the Church of the Four Gods of all the information we currently possess, with only selective retention in the course of exchanges with the city-states and the Explorers’ Guilds-because the Church of the Four Gods is both capable of, and cognizant enough to know how to deal with this information. cognizant enough to know what to do with this ‘warning’.”

“…… That sounds plausible, but hasn’t he thought of another possibility?” Loon slowly said, “The content of this ‘warning’ is too shocking, and even seems like a heretical argument that is even more extreme than the heresies of the Annihilationists, which would be viewed by the church as a …… hostile, or even treated as a new heretical mission, and for some of the more conservative clerics, they would not be the first to recognize it as a ‘warning’, but would be inclined to take it as an attack on their faith.”

“He doesn’t care.”


“The storm is coming, and the thunder that precedes it warns of it-but the thunder itself doesn’t care if the mortals are hiding, that’s the Captain’s attitude.”

“…… reasonable.”

(Push book time, book title “Wasteland: a guide to paradise construction”, author: there is an old Gou, behind the scenes flow, wasteland style, the protagonist has two identities, while the AI’s point of view to run a shelter, while using false identities to explore the wasteland, there is the element of Hammer, it can be treated as the emperor’s Terra Unity War to look at, feel that the point of view is very good, you can support it.)
(End of chapter)

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