Chapter 445: Fishing, Jerking Dogs, Feeding Pigeons

Chapter 445 – Fishing, Jerking Dogs, Feeding Pigeons

The morning light is bright, the vision 001 that is locked by the double runic circle is rising a little bit from the distant sea horizon, and in the haze that is gradually spreading out, the huge sailing ghost ship is floating on the endless calm sea, and is gradually being plated with a layer of light in the early morning.

At the far end of the sea, in the depths of the faint end of the morning mist, then the silhouette of the Frost City State could be vaguely seen – the trauma of the city state and the sorrows and joys of countless people were all turned into a misty haze at this distance, as if dissolving in the sunlight.

Duncan sat quietly on the edge of the bow deck, stretched his fishing rod beside him, watching the fishing line reflect the sunlight in the morning sun, and occasionally raising his head to look into the distance, the direction of the Frost City State.

At this time of day, when most of the city was still quiet, he didn’t have to divert too much of his mind from the incarnations in the city-state, and could enjoy a rare moment of cozy comfort on the boat.

Aye the pigeon, meanwhile, was walking around on the large wooden barrel beside him, which had a pile of French fries on the lid, brought to the ship from the Frost City-State – unlike the fries in Prenland, the Frost people would add some special spices to their fries to give them a savory aroma, which Aye was obviously very pleased with, and which occasionally looked up at his master who was He occasionally glanced up at his master, who was fishing, or at the sea in the distance, but the rest of the time was spent munching on his food.

On the other side of Duncan, on another shorter barrel, Shirley was writing furiously on her back, her expression sad as if she were facing an enemy of life and death.

Dog was lying quietly beside Shirley, holding a copy of Modern Geometry in his paws, while the deck was littered with sketchpads with marks and shapes drawn on them.

Feeling this moment of tranquility, Duncan could not help but raise the corners of his mouth, and the gloom that had accumulated in his heart over the past few days also dissolved a little.

But obviously not everyone on the scene is enjoying this “peace”.

“Why Nina can sleep in the cabin …… I have to get up early in the morning to catch up on homework ……” Shirley couldn’t help but mutter, her expression bitter can squeeze out water, “I should have known that going back to the ship would be a good idea,” she said. “If I had known that I could only do my homework back on the ship, I would have been better off staying in the city, at least I could go out shopping once in a while ……”

“There’s nothing to shop for in Frost right now, and life in that city isn’t going to be comfortable for the next foreseeable period of time,” Duncan sniffed and spoke faintly, “Besides, don’t complain about your homework, whoever let your homework get eaten by the wild dogs, you said so yourself. ”

Shirley looked up accusingly, “Then why doesn’t Nina have to make it up?”

“Anyone who is human knows she must have finished it already, turn around and Maurice will give her a comprehensive set of papers just to test how well she’s been studying on her own all this time,” Duncan glanced at Shirley, “Nina isn’t like you, she doesn’t need to be prodded.”

Shirley scowled, “So …… then is there a possibility that I’ve actually written …… that as well”

Duncan grimaced, “How do you spell the plural form of ‘pebbles’?”

“I haven’t memorized this ……”

“This is from the second page of your previous assignment, you’re two pages in.”

Shirley’s expression froze, and she suddenly didn’t say anything, then the girl let out a long sigh, lowered her head and continued to fight to the death with her spelling homework.

Duncan, on the other hand, laughed and shook his head, and then his eyes couldn’t help but fall on the dog at the side – the latter was at that moment putting his books aside for the time being, holding a pencil in his paw and scratching auxiliary lines on the draft paper on the deck.

Duncan’s gaze sent a sudden shiver through Dog’s soul, and with a subconscious shiver of the dog’s head, the auxiliary line went askew.

“Captain of the ship ……?” Dog raised his head nervously, again wanting to avoid Duncan’s gaze but not daring to actually turn his head away, the dog’s head bobbing.

Duncan reached out and touched Dog’s ugly skeleton head, his expression was a bit subtle, after several seconds he couldn’t help but open his mouth, “Isn’t this learning progress a bit too fast for you? Why do I feel that in a while you will be able to directly keep up with Maurice’s lectures?”

“Huh? I don’t feel it,” Dog froze for a moment as he sniffed, the red light in the hollow orbital holes flickering on and off as if he was a bit dazed, “I just feel that all these things are quite interesting …… What’s wrong with learning at a fast pace?”

Duncan thought about it and shook his head with a smile, “Never mind, there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s always good to learn more, so that you and Shirley on average aren’t illiterate at least.”

Dog let out a thinly veiled “Oh” while Duncan exhaled slightly and glanced back at the still motionless fishing rod.

Not a single fish had been caught in the morning. “With a big battle tossed around, I’m afraid the surrounding waters won’t be able to catch any fish anytime soon,” he sighed regretfully, slowly packing up his fishing stuff, “Is the commotion so great that even the sons of the deep won’t come near this place anymore… …”

Shirley couldn’t help but raise her head again at those words, “So are we leaving this place? When will you bring Mr. Morris and Sister Vanna from the city as well?”

Duncan stopped packing up his fishing rod and twisted his head to look at Shirley, “Did I mention that the Frost business is completely over?”

“Huh?” Sherry was a bit confused, “Isn’t it all done? And you recommended Mr. Tirion to City Hall, I thought you were going to leave it to him to wrap up everything behind him as well.”

“Indeed, I was going to leave all the troubles in this city for him to clean up – but there are still things that the Sea Mist Fleet can’t solve,” Duncan said casually as he continued to clean up, “things that I’ll have to deal with myself, and until that’s The Lost Country better not be far from here until it’s sorted out.”

Shirley still didn’t respond, “Something the Sea Mist Fleet can’t solve? That’s ……”

Duncan lowered his eyelids and gave her a faint look, “Where did the Mirror Frost come from?”

Shirley thought for a moment and spoke with less certainty, “Did …… those cultists summon it from the deep?”

“Pretty much, summoned from the depths – Mirror Frost is a ‘product’, a transformed thing, and everything we’ve eliminated in the process, including that sacrificial field in the depths of Mirror Frost. Essentially all of it can really only be considered ‘summoned objects’, and since there are summoned objects, there are summoned sources.”

Shirley finally reacted, shock gradually surfacing in her eyes.

“You mean …… the thing at the bottom of the sea is still there?!”

“If my judgment is correct, everything near the surface of the sea, no matter whether it’s those fakes or the Mirror City State itself, it’s essentially just a spreading and projection of power, just like a huge plant that keeps growing from the bottom to the top, and in the vicious battle that Frost has just finished, we just wiped out the crown of that out-of-control plant’s overgrown canopy, but its roots are still there, the “Duncan said with a calm expression, “Don’t forget, the Frost Queen back then threw several deep divers into the sea before she could barely touch the thing’s main body – that force, in the deep sea, has a ‘body ‘.”

Shirley finally couldn’t sit still, she almost jumped up, “Ah? Wouldn’t that mean we’d have to dive into the deep sea to fight that thing? Or else is it going to get another mirror image out soon?!”

“Soon? That’s not so bad,” Duncan laughed and shook his head, “Things aren’t as serious as you think, even if that main body is still there, it’s definitely badly damaged now, I’ve almost completely burned out the spreading part of it, and what’s left of it …… is most likely in a sinking state after it lost the ceremonial support of those cultists After that, it’s mostly in a state of slumber or dormancy, even if it’s really left alone, maybe it’ll take another half a century before it goes wrong again.”

At this point, he suddenly stopped and reached out to the air to the side.

“Wouldn’t you say, Agatha?”

A cluster of ghostly green flames burst into flame at Duncan’s fingertips and quickly leapt and expanded through the air to form a swirling curtain, and there, in the midst of that blazing curtain, the blind goddess-goddess, dressed in a black dress and eye-patch, stood in a prayerful stance with her hands clasped to her chest.

Shirley and Dog stared at this scene in disbelief.

“Yes, that’s exactly what we were worrying about,” Agatha looked up, her slightly magnetic voice sounding ethereal in a way, “all those who know the truth about the Subterranean Project worry so much – we just wiped out the the ‘product’ that appeared on the surface of the sea, but there is no room to destroy the ‘body’ that may still be dormant in the deep sea.”

“We can’t put it away for another fifty years and then repeat the Frost Defense when the next crisis arises,” Duncan said, “I wouldn’t mind stepping in to help every time, but there will always be a lot more unnecessary casualties in the fray.”

“…… I’m afraid that Frost, as it is now, doesn’t have the spare capacity to build another deep-diver like that,” Agatha said after a moment of silence, “It’s not just the deep-diver itself that’s the problem, but all the other equipment needed to make the dive, the data, the personnel, the material resources …… all of which are beyond the capabilities of a 100 year old Frost.”

“Then make your preparations as early as possible, go and get your town hall to think of something,” Duncan said lightly, “and if that’s not possible, prepare an iron coffin that can be blown open in the deep, put a body inside, and I can go to the bottom of the ocean to see what’s going on through that medium- -While the temporary incarnation is limited in the amount of power it can carry, I should be able to spread the flames to the bottom of the sea as long as a stable channel is established.”

(Time for a book push ~ Bright Barrier, by Panda Who Can Wrestle, here’s the author’s own book push quote:
The transcendent awakens, the building will fall.

Flesh and blood are bitterly weak, how can they soar?

(The story begins with receiving a ruler that carries the truth.)
(End of chapter)

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