Chapter 444 – The Origin

Chapter 444 Origin
The cold aura in the room seemed to have calmed down slightly, and the living people who were shivering due to the cold air finally breathed a slight sigh of relief.

But Tirion still did not respond to the series of “suggestions” made by the secretary, he just calmly stared at the things placed on the table, as if a century had passed.

When everyone was almost crushed by the silence, he finally raised his head: “This is the wisdom of maintaining order, which must have played a big role half a century ago.”

“You should know how far the Frost has come in those days,” there was no avoidance in the machine secretary’s eyes, “Great men will do many great things, but the mistakes they make can be just as fatal as their bountiful accomplishments- -There are things we have to do in order to control the situation. General Tirion, I’m a student of history, and the fact …… that I’ve always personally thought that Her Majesty Rae Nora was a marvelous ruler doesn’t cover up the mess that followed the failure of the Subterranean Project.”

“Yes, you’ve studied history – and I’ve experienced it first hand,” Tirian said calmly, “We both know what happened back then, so I don’t mean to be harsh, and in all fairness you guys at least kept Frost at bay for at least another half century of peace.”

The machine secretary’s taut nerves seemed to have finally relaxed a little, and he subconsciously leaned forward, “So, you mean you agree with ……”

Tirian, however, didn’t say anything, but only pressed his hand on those documents with a slight force.

The power of extreme cold soaked through the paper, and the fine ice crystals quickly condensed and shattered again, accompanied by a rustling sound, those records that were strong enough to leave countless heavy traces in history turned into crumbs.

The machine secretary’s eyes instantly widened, and General Lister, who never spoke much on the side, even failed to hold back his low exclamation of surprise: “What are you ……”

“That’s not what I want,” Tirian raised his head and looked at the Frostman across the room, “I want the real record – what went wrong in that mine, how exactly did the cultists infiltrate the city-state, who exactly was responsibility, who wasn’t, and the true trajectory of Consul Winston’s rule – give me the truest first-hand account possible, without regard to the premise of ‘restoring order quickly’.”

He paused and continued, “It’s something that’s necessary to control the situation.”

The machine secretary was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, “You are agreeing to Frost’s ‘invitation’…… but with all due respect, you still need that information on the table just now, of course you can get hold of the true intelligence, but you also need to find a way to divert the attention of the public-“

He hesitated for a couple seconds at that, as if making up his mind, before continuing, “To be honest, what’s coming next for the city is going to be pretty bad, a lot of the infrastructure will probably have to be shut down for a while, and with the contamination caused by all that ‘sludge’ there’s going to be a strain on the fuel supply, and problems with the distribution of food, a deterioration of law and order, and the resulting clusterfuck that will result. With the deterioration of law and order and the resulting mass anger, we have to find a way to divert the public’s attention, and diverting it to the previous government and the consigliere is the most effective way to do that ……”

“If fuel is tight, use the reserves, I can think of something, if food distribution is chaotic, impose strict supervision and discipline, rationing all over the city, including uptown, if law and order is deteriorating, temporary military control, people need someone to vent their anger on – then actually catch the cultists, catch the subversives, catch the people who are actually angry, catch the subversives, catch the people who are really angry. subversive elements, to catch those who are actually responsible,” Tirian said gravely, “This series of things will be more difficult, of course, but at least, it will be a tangible solution to the problem, and it will actually ‘keep more people alive’. ”

The room fell silent for a moment, even to the point where one could hear people breathing, and the machine secretary, who always appeared to be civilized and proper, seemed to stiffen physically for a moment, as if for a moment he didn’t know how to react in the face of Tirian’s rather imposing remark.

Tirian, however, just smiled faintly and shook his head gently: ”I won’t belittle your efforts and your solutions – because there is no better alternative path within your capabilities, and you chose what was best suited to the situation back then, but the situation is different nowadays, and I don’t don’t want to repeat those fifty years all over again, Mr. Secretary, and the Sea Mist Fleet has the Sea Mist Fleet method, so it might be a good idea to turn up the expectations a little bit.”

The machine secretary seemed to finally respond as he blinked, adjusted his posture and looked at Tirian with burning eyes, “You can really do the things you say you can do?”

“As long as the remnants of the city hall can do the maximum cooperation, as for the rest of the …… “Tirian said this deliberately paused for a moment, followed by a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth, “Mr. Secretary, do you know that the Boundless Sea What is the most orderly person?”

“The most orderly?” The machine secretary froze for a moment, as if he didn’t react, “Is it the city-state navy? Or the ocean-going merchant fleet?”

“It’s the pirates, the great pirates of the Cold Sea,” Tirian laughed, “the city-state navies will always have stable supply ports and safe crossings, the ocean-going merchant fleets will always have the shelter of the Church and naval escorts, only the pirates – to fight the Boundless Sea, the only thing we can rely on is strict discipline and order.”

The machine secretary didn’t say anything for a moment, as if he didn’t know how to discuss the topic – it was clearly beyond the scope of his daily work and expertise.

Tirian, however, just smiled at this and reached out to pat the other man on the shoulder.

“Relax, Mr. Secretary, compared to fifty years ago, the current Frost situation is actually not too bad, I still know many ‘partners in trade’, I believe that if I let them know the real situation over here, there will be many people willing to help, at least in terms of secular order. You don’t have to worry too much, as for the part outside the ‘secular order’ ……”

Tirian suddenly paused and looked up out the window.

The deep darkness of night enveloped the city, the glow of gas lamps snaking in rows through the harbor district, the snow had stopped at some point, the overcast clouds had cleared, and the cool, pale light of the World’s Creation was enveloping the world – and underneath it, the city was at peace this night.

“The part outside the secular order …… I think my father will find a way.” The great pirate hesitated for a few seconds before finally speaking slowly in an odd tone.

Many in the room visibly shivered.

“Your father, He ……” General Lister couldn’t help but speak, even subconsciously using the word “He” in his address, “Is He still watching the Frost now? He is still watching the Frost? Where is He now?”

Of course He’s watching Frost, he might even be the one standing in the second floor window, living at forty-four Oak Street, rented from your Citizen’s Service Center. ……

A string of answers came instantly to Tirion’s mind, but neither hesitated nor dared to say them.

After all, it seems in front of the several frost people do not know “he” is currently in the city’s situation, if you do not go around without the permission of the father said, turn back is not guaranteed to be a father to beat the damage – their own soon to be the consul of the people, face and face can not afford. I can’t afford it.

“He is still concerned about this matter, but the specifics can not be disclosed,” hesitation half a day, the big pirate can only be so vaguely said a sentence, “he is usually very busy, not only to contact me.”

Lister was stunned and hurriedly nodded, “Ah …… can understand.”

It was also unknown how he understood it.

And that machine secretary couldn’t help but ask with a bit of curiosity, “What does your father …… He do on a regular basis?”

Tirian resisted the urge to roll his eyes – where would he know? After his father returned from subspace, his entire body was shrouded in mystery, who knew what his old man was doing on a regular basis, it couldn’t be the same as the usual retired old man who had nothing better to do than to fish and walk his dog and feed the pigeons. ……

The machine secretary noticed the subtle change in Tirian’s expression, realized that his question had overstepped the mark, and hurriedly straightened his expression, “Sorry, I spoke out of turn.”

“That’s fine, it’s just that it’s really inappropriate for ordinary people to discuss too much about matters related to ‘him’, so just for the sake of physical and mental health, let’s end this topic.” Tirian waved his hand and quickly changed the topic.

He then took a long breath and slowly got up from the couch and went to the floor-to-ceiling window.

The lights were still on outside the window, and the makeshift barricades that had been erected during the previous battle were still vaguely visible on the several intersections leading into the city.

At sunrise tomorrow, those barricades will be dismantled, and then …… it will be time for the administrators of this city to do their best to bring everything here back to order.

The lights of the thousands of homes in the distant city neighborhoods were reflected in Tirian’s eyes.

“It’s been many years since I’ve seen the scenery here, and it hasn’t changed much from back then.”

General Lister walked over and stood behind Tirian, “But after today, it should change a lot.”

“…… Fifty years ago, the last of the royalists left the city, the insurgents formed a new city hall, and I became a rebel, and fifty years later, I’m back, and the city is still the same as it was when I left …… “Tirion looked at the distant scenery and suddenly had a feeling, “Going round and round, everything seems to have circled back – General Lister, you say, these past fifty years of ours …… actually have What’s the point?”

Lister did not make a sound for a while, and seemed to be in thought.

The machine secretary, however, came over from the side and raised his hand to the window.

“General Tirion, these are the implications.”

(End of chapter)

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