Chapter 442: Another Possibility

Chapter 442 Another Possibility

Tirion walked into the meeting place.

There was no soft music symbolizing high society, nor was it in some high-end luxurious grand ballroom, it was just a meeting room under the Port Authority, and the receptionists were several representatives of the military – a few of the faces, he still had some impression of.

Had dealt with them in recent years.

Lister got up to welcome the “big pirate” who walked into the room.

“I’m sorry that our conditions are limited at this time,” the chief defense commander extended his hand with an apologetic tone, “and in haste, this is the only reception that can be prepared.”

Tirian did not respond to the other party’s handshake at first, but instead raised his head to look around – several representative personnel in Frost Navy uniforms stood behind Liszt, with fairly natural expressions on their faces, but the rest of his entourage and attendants were obviously less relaxed, some were surreptitiously sizing up the few undead who had walked into the room with them, the Some were secretly looking at the several undead who entered the room together, while some were turning their eyes away in a calm manner, but there was only one thing in common: in addition to nervousness, there was only exhaustion in their eyes that they could not hide.

Tirion smiled and reached out to shake Lister’s hand.

“That’s good – if you’d actually prepared a grand dinner for me at this point, and even gotten a couple of violin-players on the side to mess things up, then there would be no point in us having a conversation.”

Feeling the force coming from the “Iron Lieutenant General”‘s hand in front of him, the expression on Liszt’s face twitched slightly, and then he drew back his hand, his tone a little embarrassed: “You are prejudiced against us, but you actually know the real situation- we just have different positions, but as a member of the Iron Lieutenant General, we have different positions. -We just have a different stance, but as soldiers, the Frost Navy of today is still the same as yours back then, and will firmly defend our city-state.”

“Yes, I know that, and have witnessed it with my own eyes, if not for that, I would not have accepted your invitation at all, Admiral,” Tirian smiled, his eyes sweeping over the insignia on Lister’s chest, pausing briefly as he uttered the title ‘Admiral’ He then shook his head and spoke as he walked towards the center of the room, “Enough of the pleasantries, you and I both know what time it is, we can talk about the city, the future, or – if you have the courage – about my father. ”

“Your father ……” Lister settled down on the sofa, his body visibly stiffened when he heard the other party’s last words, and in the next second, the scene that was enough to make all Frost people remember for the rest of their lives resurfaced in his mind –The giant reflected from the infinite sea, the eyes that opened in the clouds like two suns, and the mirrored city-state that had been torn and stripped from the city and burned to ashes at the hands of the giant.

A shudder of war from his soul was rising, and Lister forced himself to curb his recollections, and looked heartily at the great pirate sitting across from him.

“So it really was your father, the being who returned from subspace ……” he spoke hesitantly, seeming to tense up with every word he uttered, as if the mere fact of such a conversation and mention would draw an unnamable gaze upon him. “It was really he who struck at the last moment …… But that gesture has never appeared in ……”

“It will appear in the records in the future now,” Tirion shrugged, “General Lister, congratulations, Frost will be the first city-state to witness and record this.”

At this he paused and asked with concern, “I’m curious, what is the mood in the city right now, and how do you people, in particular, feel about this?”

“Tension and fear still permeate the city, and I must admit that it has been a difficult night for all – the disaster is over, but in a way that is incomprehensible to most and deeply warring, and many are speculating as to what exactly the presence that finally descended upon the sea was, but I think …… if they did know, the panic would probably be worse instead,” Lister sighed as he spoke, “and it was only after combing through a lot of information and clues on the part of City Hall that they dared to guess it was your father- -Don’t blame us for being slow, that scene was so impactful that anyone would have hesitated for a long time.”

“I can understand that,” Tirian sighed, his expression a little subtle, “He hadn’t told me that before either, and I was just as taken aback as you were at the time.”

Lister looked at the big pirate in front of him, an odd feeling rose up in his heart, it was an uncontrollable curiosity mixed with the instinctive nervousness when facing the unknown fear, he couldn’t help but imagine, how would this “son of Duncan” communicate with his terrible father? How did they make the decision to help Frost in this matter? The shadow of the return from the subspace …… and how the earthly world nowadays?

“I would like to ask,” this fire line promoted general couldn’t help but speak, “your father, is he …… really as rumored to have recovered his humanity?”

Tirion, upon hearing this, showed surprise, “What part of him is not human?”

The giant standing in the sky immediately appeared in Lister’s mind, a scene of a city-state burnt to ashes and crushed into powder in the hands of a giant, he opened his mouth and brewed a stomach of offensive words, but didn’t dare to say a single word.

After holding his tongue for half a day, this Frost General only ventured out with a taut face, “I believe that he does have a human heart now ……”

Tirian laughed, “I also believe that your words are from the bottom of your heart.”

After saying that, this cold and cold sea great pirate then picked up the red wine cup on the coffee table and solemnly raised it to Lister, “Let’s drink to this friendship of believing in each other.”

Lister: “……”

This Frost General raised his glass and clinked it with Tirian with a stiff smile, took a sip and then put it down again, “Then may I ask what you and your father would like to do next?” Tirian looked extraordinarily candid, “I don’t know.”

Lister’s eyes widened instantly, “You don’t know?”

“He hasn’t told me yet,” Tirion spread his hands, but there was an irrepressible pleasant smile in the bottom of his eyes, he had been fighting with the Frost Navy for half a century, but this evening’s “friendly conversation” was the most pleasant for him, “Originally, I came here because of my father’s order. I only came here because of my father’s order, and after that, I only participated in the battle to protect the city that Her Majesty Queen Rai Nora had protected, I never thought about the plan after that, it depends on my father’s mood next.”

Lister subconsciously spoke, “Then how do we contact your father?”

Tirian raised his eyelids with a smirk, “…… You really want to contact? Then I’ll tell you a ritual ……”

“Ah, that’s not necessary,” Lister instantly felt a tightness in his back and hurriedly waved his hand, “I was just mentioning it casually.”

“When talking about ‘him’, it’s better not to have this habit of mentioning it casually, because it’s not possible to say when ‘he’ will really gaze at you,” Tirian said, his expression suddenly Tirion said, his expression suddenly changed a little, as if associating it with some not-so-pleasant memories, so he immediately shook his head, looked towards Liszt and changed his tone to a lighter one, “Relax, young man, I’m just kidding you, you’re all too tense, this is the first time that the Sea Mist Fleet has ‘come home’ after fifty years, we shouldn’t be a little relaxed as if we were meeting as a family,” he said. Shouldn’t we have some relaxed, family-like atmosphere?”

Young man ……

The corner of Lister’s mouth seemed to quiver for a moment, but immediately collected this embarrassment, then, the expression on his face became serious: “General Tirion, then I won’t hide it, frankly speaking …… Frost is now in trouble.”

“I know, we just solved it.”

“No, I’m not talking about that vision invasion …… That invasion wasn’t trouble, it was a disaster, and now that the disaster is over, it’s the subsequent trouble that will follow. The order of the Frost is shaky now, and even if this night passes peacefully, we still have to deal with law and order, supplies, safety at sea, and a whole host of other problems ……”

“And what does that have to do with me?” Tirian leaned back on the couch and gazed calmly into Lister’s eyes, “I’m a rebel – I don’t understand any of this.”

Before Lister could say the words that followed, he was directly choked back by Tirian’s attitude.

But after a few seconds of embarrassment, he quickly gathered his emotions and opened his mouth again as if to say something.

But a rhythmic knock on the door suddenly interrupted what he wanted to say.

The door to the parlor opened, and an elegant man in a proper gown, with meticulously combed hair and gold-rimmed glasses entered the room.

“I hope I’m not coming too abruptly,” the man with the gold-rimmed glasses wore a gentle smile on his face, and with a curtsey of greeting to the room’s hosts and guests, he walked straight to the parlor table, “May I join you?”

“Oh, Mr. Machine Secretary,” Tirian looked at the young man who had appeared in the room for a moment, recalling the other man indistinctly, a smile appearing on his face, “I recognize your glasses – and your hair. ”

Lister, on the other hand, looked to the machine secretary and asked quickly, “Is it something from City Hall?”

The machine secretary nodded and replied softly, “It’s City Hall.”

Tirian, who was on the side, spoke up, “Allow me to make a statement first, I have no interest in your town hall resolution – we are rebels ……”

Before he could finish his sentence, the well-dressed machine secretary suddenly turned his face and looked Tirian in the eye while placing a document on the coffee table, “So is there another possibility?”

He paused, pushed the document over, and spoke softly-

“Consul Tirian arrives at his loyal Frost.”

(End of chapter)

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