Chapter 430 – Rituals in the midst of the melee

Chapter 430 – Ritual in the midst of the melee
The ritual was disrupted.

When the Queen’s Guard, which had been cycling for half a century, suddenly broke the cycle for some reason, when the “Door of Ascension” of the ceremony hall was blown up by the intruders, when a group of people appeared out of nowhere and ran into the hall – when the intended sacrifice, however, sacrificed itself to the green flame in front of the Pool of Origin, the ceremony was disrupted. When the intended sacrifice was sacrificed to the green flame in front of the Pool of Vegetation, this sublime and ultimate ceremony had reached an irreversible point.

And now the infidels had rushed in, vandals in a frenzy to slaughter the Holy Lord’s followers, destroying the decades of hard work that had gone into it.

“What have you done?!”

In the center of the deep pool, the leader of the congregation with the appearance of a blonde young man let out a roar in a frenzy of rage, his body steeply drew up, supported by the black mud, transforming into a swollen and ghastly giant, and as he swung his arm out towards Agatha, countless thorns and bone spikes grew and spread swiftly out of the pool, surging heaven and earth towards the gatekeeper who was still standing amidst the blazing flames.

However, all the attacks couldn’t even touch Agatha’s body, and they instantly turned into ashes under the burning of the spectral green flames, and the strange flames would instead follow the trajectory of the ashes in the opposite direction, gradually burning the sacrificial symbols and blasphemous items around the pool of mud, and spreading the flame towards the pool.

Agatha was still wrapped in flames, the blazing spiritual fire had already begun to erupt from her body, every wound on her body had even become a channel for the flames to come out, looking at it, it was as if the flames had turned into a liquid and flowed through her veins – the intense pain of the flames burning her body had faded at some point, and in the midst of the fire she Laughed, raised her head to gaze recklessly at the furious but impotent heretic, and murmured softly as if to herself, “Ah …… I see ……”

In the next second, her eyeballs were instantly incinerated by the spiritual fire, and the fire poured outward from the empty sockets, and she used these incinerated “eyes” to look around at the cultists around the Deep Pool, who were in a great chaos.

As she swept her gaze across the room, all the cultists began to burn, and so did their symbiotic demons, and all the blasphemous objects in the hall became fuel for the fire, and even the hall itself began to slowly soak up the texture of the flames.

The usurper of fire gave her authority, and by the authority of fire she put an end to the blasphemy of this place – that was the truth she saw in the fire the moment her own eyeballs were incinerated.

The cultist in the center of the mud was not enough to worry about, he was just a freak who had completed his self-sacrificing transformation; it was the heretics who screamed and screamed wildly and ugly and monstrous around the pools of mud that really kept this place running.

“Stop! Just stop it! You have no idea what you’re doing! The ritual is out of control and it’s not doing anyone any good! It has already proceeded to ……”

The leader of the congregation that had transformed into a swollen giant shouted in vain and kept creating barriers in a vain attempt to ward off the flames that were spreading around in the hall, however, just then, a gunshot suddenly came from the side again, interrupting his shouts.


A young warrior wearing a soldier’s uniform from half a century ago and holding an old-fashioned rifle in his hand rushed in, raising his rifle and firing at the monstrously swollen giant in the center of the deep pool.

The brave soldier was engulfed in the raging black mud the next moment, yet behind him, more soldiers were rushing into the hall.

In time, the cycle of the Queen’s Guard’s “Counterattack” had already passed, and the phantom warriors should have all disappeared, but it was clear that the cycle had been altered by the destruction of the thorny gate – the Queen’s Guard should have disappeared at the next full hour! The Queen’s Guard, which should have disappeared at the next full hour, has now returned from the cycle and is attacking the final hall.

The Land Warrior Squad led by Lawrence had also fought with the nearby cultists and demons – they were out of bullets, but they still had sharp scimitars and longswords, as well as a body that didn’t fear death for a while, so even against the dark clerics and demonic creatures that wielded all kinds of dangerous powers, they were as strong as powerful transcendental beings. They were as strong as the powerful transcendentals.

With a “clang” sound, Lawrence chopped down a bone spike flying towards him, and then dodged a fireball that almost exploded on him, he stepped forward in the flames and cut the chain behind the neck of one of the cultists, and watched the body of this dark cleric quickly turn into flying ash, and then raised his head to look at the person who was standing in front of the pool of mud not far away. The long-haired woman who was standing in front of the pool of mud, her body burning like a torch.

“Girl! We’re here to help!” The old captain shouted, “All work for the ‘Captain’, right – what ship are you on?”

He could see clearly that the young girl standing in the flames was burning with the same spectral green flame as himself, so she was obviously one of his own, while on the other hand, the girl’s flames were darker in color, and the fire was obviously bigger than his own, so she must not be a normal “one of his own”.

Big and green – it’s one of Captain Duncan’s men.

Captain Lawrence used his vast experience as an adventurer and captain to make a simple judgment and concluded that he should take the initiative to greet his future high-ranking colleague.

Agatha stared in dismay across the room at the burly old man who was shouting at her and looked dressed like a captain.

“What did you say?!” After two or three seconds, she couldn’t help but shout, “It’s too noisy here for me to hear!”

Lawrence froze and turned his head to confirm with the subordinate beside him, “She is responding, right?”

“How would I know!” Anomaly 077 was the closest, but this dry body was now shouting, his voice wretchedly mixed with fear, he jumped around in the middle of the flames spreading in all directions, desperately dodging bullets, fireballs, bone spikes and even blown limbs and arms flying across the surrounding area, and his twin swords in his hands had already hacked out gaping holes, “I’m a sailor! Why am I fighting for my life against a bunch of cultists in the sewers right now – that’s what marines do!” “That wasn’t your attitude when you went ashore,” Lawrence shouted, “You were excited like a pirate ready to plunder a city-state.”

“You said it, we’re not pirates!”

“Then I appoint you marines.”

“You fucking-“


“You fucking ……”

Agatha listened in bewilderment to the baffling exchange of shouts between the rude and brawny sailors and the captain, and watched the scene of utter chaos before her –

Who are these guys? Where did they come from? What are they doing?

She saw the strangers burning with green flames like her own, and the cultists in the halls fighting with them, and watched as a horde of ancient ghost-like soldiers rushed in and fired all over the place, occasionally calling out the name of the Frost Queen, and it was all beyond her comprehension, as if the ……

It was as if after she chose to sacrifice herself, the whole world was painted in a different light.

However, soon enough, the sound of a whistling wind in her ears interrupted her rambling thoughts.

The swollen, deformed giant bent toward her.

“Everything …… can no longer be stopped ……”

It hissed, its entire body gushing with foul, out-of-control black mud, the once handsome, blonde-haired young man’s appearance long gone, now replaced by a ghastly monstrosity with roughly humanoid contours.

Its half of the body is covered with criss-crossed mouth, sharp teeth between the chilling friction and whisper, its head is slowly cracked in front of Agatha, the crack is full of malicious eyeballs, the primeval has completely eroded and replaced the monster’s once-human body, which has become a part of the pool of mud, and even …… part of some larger, more misguided will.

This swollen giant stared at Agatha dead in the face with its countless eyes, the mud spreading out around it had been set on fire, the flames even reversed and extended to its body, yet it was as if this monster wasn’t in the slightest bit of pain, just repeating over and over again, “It can’t be stopped …… can’t be stopped …… error, error ……”

“You have failed,” Agatha tilted her head up and locked eyes with the monster, the flames flowing from her eyes distorting the air around her, “You should be able to feel that the so-called ‘channel’ has been cut off — the process of reversing the phase between mirror image and reality has ceased.”

“Stopped?” That monster seemed to have suddenly come to its senses for a moment due to Agatha’s last words, and in those countless mutated eyeballs, the indignation belonging to human beings surfaced once again, “Foolish …… you think that if you sacrifice yourself …… we’ll have have no other sacrifices?!”

Agatha was stunned.

In the next second, she saw the giant suddenly raise his hands high – those arms suddenly changed, as if they were dry and cracked branches growing and dividing rapidly, turning into large and large thorn-like structures and piercing into the roof of the assembly hall and every nearby pipe, while between the thorn spikes, there were faint flashes of light darting around like streaming fireflies .

And from the depths of this “thorn bush” came an ecstatic cry – “I see it!

“I see! I understand! I understand!
“What a magnificent creation! What a magnificent blueprint! O Lord Most Great and Holy …… I have comprehended Your intention, I have comprehended …… to remake this world, yes, to remake …… all of us, and all things in this world, will be born from God’s flesh and blood out of which will come again – O believers, the time of sacrifice has come!”

“The time for sacrifice has come!”

As Agatha and the Land Warrior Squad led by Lawrence looked on in shock, all the remaining Annihilationists in the hall began to cheer ecstatically, as if they had truly received some revelation originating from the Truth, and in the midst of this roaring cheer, one by one, they threw themselves into the pool of mud in the center of the hall!
(I have a bold idea!)

(End of this chapter)

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