Chapter 429: Arson and the Burning of the Gods

Chapter 429: Arson Burning God
Flashes of light flowed through the thorn bushes, the ancient god’s mind spreading in the darkness, the tattered body passing through the slit between the thorns, the faltering will crossing over the abyss of madness and dementia.

How long had one been traveling through this space filled with chaos? How much pollution originating from the ancient gods had one been exposed to? Was she a complete individual, or merely a fragment floating in the chaos, about to be assimilated and absorbed by it?
Agatha couldn’t tell, she couldn’t tell anything, she couldn’t even tell the boundary between her own body and the surrounding chaos – in her vision, her own body looked like a ball of ink gradually dispersing in the water, the edges of her body appeared like a blur, a liquid halo-like texture, it was as if she wasn’t walking in the darkness. It was as if she was not stepping forward in this darkness, but flowing forward in a viscous fluid similar in nature to her own body.

She knew that everything was coming to an end – the primordial elements, she didn’t know if they had created everything in the world or not, but it was clear that they had created the body she was in today.

Ice dissolves in water, mist in the wind, from the primeval condensed out of the fake, will return to the primeval composition of the “sea”, and this body inside the so-called “personal will”, will soon become this chaotic “sea” of a small, insignificant, and the “sea” of the “sea”. The so-called “personal will” inside this body will soon become an inconspicuous point of light in this chaotic “sea”, and will become the “nourishment” for those shimmering lights that keep wandering in the thorn bushes.

She was just a fake, she was just a shadow, she had the memories of twenty-four years of her life, which included her hometown, her comrades, everything she loved and loathed – but the twenty-four years of her life really belonged to her, perhaps only three days, or even shorter.

For some reason, Consul Winston’s voice seemed to echo suddenly in her mind, with a sigh, with regret–

“There is no point ……”

A living person with a real life in this endless darkness had so annotated his life, and a fake with only three days to live was walking through the darkness in a vain attempt to face the ancient gods head on.

“How stupid ……”

Agatha sighed softly, her voice dissolving into faint ripples in the darkness, while in her mind, endless information was rising and falling, the mysterious will of “0s” and “1s” washing over her.

She knew that she was about to dissolve in this huge will – even if this place only stored the “flash” of the ancient god’s thoughts at a certain moment, its huge scale was not comparable to her own weak mind.

But it didn’t matter, she had already arrived.

She had already passed through the huge jungle of thorns to the deepest part of the darkness.

The giant pillar-like “tentacle” stood silently in front of her eyes, its surface covered with mysterious and unpredictable dark blue lines, in the dim and chaotic background, it looked like some kind of monument recording the ancient truth.

Agatha slowly raised her head, and reached out her hand, trying to touch the thing.

Black shards and soot rose and drifted across her vision.

Her skin had long been cut by the thorns in countless wounds, and the black mud-like substance was now gushing out of her body like a fog, and escaping and dissolving into the surrounding space, and those rising black fragments and soot were the things that were drifting out of her body.

Agatha felt that she must look like a ghastly mannequin covered in cracks, even if she was wrapped in bandages, she was afraid that she would not be able to hide this horrible appearance.

At the same time, the ancient god’s “wrist” did not respond to her touch.

It didn’t show any strong power, nor did it show any horror, it didn’t even show any reaction to external stimuli – the only thing that came from her fingertips was a slightly cold and soft touch, with a little bit of roughness.

Is it because this is just an illusion projected from the deep sea? Or was it because his own existence was so small that he couldn’t even attract the attention of the Ancient God?

Agatha frowned, thinking about what else she could do in these last moments, but after a long time of thinking, she realized that there didn’t seem to be anything left for her to do.

She had reached the end of the line, learned the truth of this darkness, she had passed through the thorn bushes that symbolized the thinking of the Ancient God, and had witnessed a part of the true face of the Profound Holy Lord at the end of this darkness – she had even touched this Ancient God’s tentacles with her own hands.

There were no more truths for her to discover, and no more missions for her to fulfill – this last leg of her journey was more like a way to satisfy her own obsession than to fulfill her duty as a Gatekeeper.

Now, it was time to rest.

So Agatha exhaled softly, letting her body relax, and slowly turned around, leaning next to the massive tentacle as if it were leaning against a pillar.

“I don’t suppose I have a soul to go on ……” Agatha muttered as some odd thought popped into her head, leaning back into the darkness, but soon she laughed to herself and shook her head, “Definitely not, if I had a soul, if I have, when I go through that door, it will definitely bring a lot of trouble to the ‘gatekeeper’ on that side …… And if I go through, what about ‘her’, a person can’t go through that door twice again door twice ……

“I don’t know what’s going on over at the cathedral …… Have the guys who went down the well gone back yet …… But they don’t seem to have anything to worry about …… “

And with that, she muttered to herself in the darkness, as if she couldn’t control the escape of her thoughts, and what was on her mind unconsciously followed the words.

But just then, a strange burning sensation suddenly interrupted her self-talk.

Agatha snapped out of her dazed and muddled state.

In that instant, she felt the flames scorching herself, a horrible burning sensation as if it were going to burn through her soul in an instant, and she felt her mind boiling in the flames, and her mind, which had been almost assimilated into the place, came to its senses, and she struggled to get up from this vision of flames burning her body, not knowing what had happened, but the next moment, a voice burrowed into her mind- – “The fire is lit.”

It was her own voice.

In the darkness, Agatha’s eyes snapped open, as if she were seeing a vision – she saw that she was standing in front of a deep pool of gushing black mud, all around the edges of which were sickeningly religious and demonic, with mud tumbling and malice spreading in the pool, and she was in front of that quagmire with her hands raised high in the air, like torches, lit up in a blaze of fire.

A flash of green suddenly came into view, as if a vision had penetrated the boundary between reality and illusion.

Agatha lowered her head and saw that the surface of her arms, which had already begun to disintegrate and escape, was ablaze with flame, a greenish flame exactly like the one she had seen in the vision.

In this flame-constructed passage, she suddenly felt it – she felt another mind, another self.

The other felt her, too.

She realized what she had to do – she had things to do.

Agatha snapped around and stared at the giant tentacle that passed through the sky, the brightest smile since she had stepped into this darkness blooming on her face as the bright light emerged from her eyes once more.

She took a step forward and stretched out her hands towards the tentacle, all of her body was quickly engulfed in flames, yet the pain of this flaming body seemed to turn into a great reward at the moment – Agatha opened her arms, a gesture she had seen in that vision and made herself in front of the deep pool.

As if in an embrace, the Gatekeeper lunged at the tentacle.

Greatness that would counter another greatness – those maddened religious people had presumed to use the Gatekeeper to build a bridge for the sacrifice, but this burning fire would cut it off completely.

A terrifying roar came from the darkness, and the flames swept through this chaotic and twisted space in almost the blink of an eye, and in the overwhelmingly sweeping and rising spiritual fire, the great tentacle instantly transformed into a burning torch and violently trembled in the flames.

Agatha, on the other hand, felt that her flesh and blood were rapidly melting away in the flames, and her own body, which was already made up of contaminated material, was now becoming a ring to be completely purified by the flames – but she was not the least bit fearful, and instead, she struggled to raise her head and looked back in the direction from which she had come.

The “thorn bush” had also been set ablaze, and in the wildly spreading spiritual fire, it looked like a bizarre and spectacular canopy.

“Goodbye …… Consul Winston ……”

Agatha softly muttered to herself, in the flames of the more hard to hold tight to the wrist, quietly waiting for the fate of the end.

However, just before her consciousness was about to dissipate, she suddenly felt something.

The flames burned through her, and also burned through the wrist, and in the bridge built by the fire of the spirit body, she felt for the first time the response of this “ancient god’s limb” to herself.

She raised her head in dismay, looking at the surface of the tentacle, which was covered with lines, watching the flames flow inside and outside of it, and feeling the information injected into her mind from the spiritual fire, she saw that the surface of the tentacle seemed to have opened countless eyes in an instant, and those eyes were all frantically transmitting knowledge and information to her.

In the end, all the knowledge and information turned into a storm in her mind – the

11101001……11100101 10001000……10010011……

Big strings of “0” and “1” filled Agatha’s last remaining thoughts.

But this time, she understood what they meant.

“Error …… replicant ……”

Shocked, she debated reading this intelligence that the ancient god’s limb had communicated to her, understanding His intentions, and finally piecing together the answer.

She stared at the tentacle that she had set on fire.

“Is this also a …… forgery?!”

In the next second, the blazing green fire engulfed the last of her consciousness.

(End of chapter)

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