Chapter 4 – Spirit World Brio Ship

Chapter 4: Spirit World Brio Ship
The green flames were burning on his body, his flesh and bones were transformed into translucent spirits in the flames, Duncan was at the helm of the Lost Country ship in the midst of the flames, while his perception seemed to be spreading out along with the flames, and ultimately spreading to the entire ship.

As it turned out, it didn’t need a crew at all.

The Lost Country could set its own sails, and with only the captain at the helm, it could set sail at any time.

Duncan was thrown into a brief panic the moment the ghostly green flames rose into the air, but he had already seen more than one paranormal phenomenon aboard this ship in the past few days of exploration, and those experiences allowed him to force himself to calm down and not let go of the tiller wheel in his hand for those all-important few seconds.

Now he was sure that the flames were some kind of harmless “power” – regardless of whether his body would be able to recover afterward, at least for now it looked like the power of the flames was helping him to control the ghost ship under his feet.

Duncan felt that his mind was clearer than ever, and the Lost Country was like an extension of his limbs that sent all sorts of indescribable “touch”, even though he still did not have the knowledge and experience that a qualified captain should have, at least now he had the ability to control the ship by himself! control of the ship by himself.

The spiritual sails like yarn and mist were bulging on the mast, and there were many auxiliary corner sails and side sails began to adjust the angle by themselves, at this moment, the air current on the sea surface was chaotic, but those spiritual sails seemed to draw consistent power from the invisible chaotic winds, and the huge Lost Country ended its previous aimless drifting, and began to stabilize under the impetus of the sails.

Duncan tried to turn the rudder wheel in his hand, tangible feedback of power came into his mind, and he could feel the massive ship under his feet finally begin to gradually turn, beginning to try to move away from the boundless mist ahead.

But this steering speed still didn’t seem to be enough, that boundless fog was still coming a little bit closer over, and a goathead’s shrill cry came from the brass pipe next to the helm wheel, “Attention, it’s approaching the limit of reality …… We’re about to fall into the spirit world! Captain, we need to ……”

“I’m on it!” Duncan bellowed interrupting Goathead’s voice, “Instead of raving down there, why don’t you think about what you can do to help!”

The goat-head was instantly quiet, yet just when Duncan thought the other man had finally subsided, its hoarse, mournful, and even a little creepy yell suddenly came back from the brass, “Come on! Come on! Come on!”

Duncan: “……?”

At this moment, he suddenly felt that everything around him had lost its sense of reality, he accepted the visions he had encountered, he accepted the supernatural powers on this ship, he even accepted that he was being slowly stewed by a green fire, but in any case, he could not have imagined that the goat head who had given him a great sense of weirdness and danger from the beginning would be doing something so amazing at this moment… …This evil thing has been evil from the beginning, but this moment is really too evil!
But the approaching fog didn’t give Duncan a chance to think and spit, although the Lost Country had already begun to steer quickly – with its huge hull, the steering speed could almost be described as drifting, but the fog in the distance seemed to be consciously chasing the prey in front of him, and its edges dispersed a large piece of thin mist, the mist spreading and spreading. The mist spread extremely fast, almost instantly enveloping the entire space around the Lost Country.

The moment the mist rose on the surface of the sea, Duncan obviously felt that the surrounding environment had undergone some kind of strange changes, the sky light became exceptionally dark, and the original blue sea water had somehow surfaced countless, wisps of black threads, those black threads like fine entangled hairs floating up from under the surface of the sea, and with the speed visible to the naked eye will be the whole piece of the ocean dyed in a black color.

In the mist, there seemed to be countless shadowy things emerging.

“We’ve fallen into the Spirit World!” Goathead’s noisy and weird “cheering” sound finally stopped, its shout somehow sounded as if it came from an extremely distant place, interspersed with countless low and thin murmurs, as if there were a large number of voices full of malice surrounding Duncan, “But the Lost Country hasn’t completely fallen – Captain, the ship is still in the Spirit World! hasn’t completely fallen – Captain, take the helm, the Lost Country has the power to maintain its course until it sinks into the abyssal depths, we can still get out!”

“Provided I know which way to steer!” Duncan growled lowly, his voice mingling with the splintering sound of burning green flames as if from hell, “I’m losing my sense of direction!”

“Intuition, Captain, intuition!” Goathead’s voice shouted through the brass, “Your instincts are more accurate than the markings on a chart!”

Duncan: “……”

A sense of powerlessness surged through him, but Duncan had no more strength left to fight an evil goathead, and since the other man had said he would rely on his intuition, he would simply be reckless –

Following the glimmer of feeling that had lingered before the mist rose up, he gripped the tiller wheel in his hand as hard as he could and gave it a spin in the direction he believed in.

The Lost Country ship let out a series of chilling whistles from top to bottom, the huge hull of the ship drew an amazing arc in the sea that had been completely turned into a blackness, the wind howled, the mist swirled, and in this dim light of the sky and the mist, Duncan’s corner of the eye suddenly caught something that seemed to be gradually emerging from the mist.

In the next instant, he realized that it was a ship, a white vessel that looked a shade smaller than the Lost Country, with a pitch-black smokestack standing in the middle of its hull.

At the end of the beautiful arc drawn by the Lost Country, the ship that had suddenly emerged from the fog was crashing straight through-or rather, the Lost Country was crashing straight through.

All that was left in Duncan’s heart was a cry, “Motherfucker, something happened to Spirit World Biao Ship Biao!”

He has been exploring this weird world for a long time without seeing any other living people, why would a ship suddenly appear at this time? What kind of probability is this?


The wind is howling, the waves are huge, the infinite sea is releasing its terrifying power, and in front of this natural power, which is enough to tear down the superhuman power, the White Oak is squeezing out the last bit of power from the steam turbine to fight against the fate of death. The white-haired captain, Lawrence Creed, stood in the wheelhouse, whose solid walls and glass windows did not give him any sense of security; he held the rudder tightly with both hands, and the hissing and spasms of the dying White Oak seemed to pour directly into his mind through the series of gears and connecting rods behind the wheel.

Through the wide windows he could clearly see the amazingly huge waves rising over the side of the ship, but even more frightening than the waves was the strange fog rising and spreading over the sea in the distance, and the black lightning flashing in the fog.

The White Oak was the most advanced steamship in the world, but even the most advanced machines could only ensure that the ship was powered up in “normal” waters, but what it and its captain were facing now was the collapsing borders of reality, and the piercing cold that was spreading up from the stinking palaces of the evil gods at the bottom of the world.

“Captain! The priest can’t hold out much longer!”

The first mate’s mournful cry came from the sidelines, and Lawrence heard some muffled hoarse echo in the other man’s voice, and he looked immediately ahead of the bridge again, and saw that unearthly purple-black flames were rising from the incense burner that had been placed on the prayer-stand, and that the venerable and faithful clergyman in his dark-blue robes was seated shivering in front of the incense burner, with his mouth and nose full of blood, and with eyes of alternating frantic and sane colors were constantly alternating.

Lawrence’s heart sank.

He knew that the honorable clergyman was still on the side of mankind, and that he was using his last pious beliefs and his pure and holy soul to fight against the cries from the “depths of the world”, but this insistence was already at its end, and the purple-black smoke coming out of the incense burner was a clear proof that the contamination had already broken through the prayers.

Once the chaplain fell, every waking mind on the ship could be turned into a doorway to the abyss, or even to subspace.


The first mate’s voice once again came from the side, Lawrence interrupted him, the middle-aged captain’s face was full of determination at the moment, “Temporarily close the Holy Emblem Dao Beacon, let’s sink into the Spirit World!”

The first mate was instantly dumbfounded, it was as if this man who had spent half of his life begging for a living at sea could not believe his ears, “Captain?!”

“Sink into the Spirit Realm – so that for at least ten minutes we can escape the most ferocious wave of the border collapse, and the Chaplain has a chance to slow down,” Lawrence ordered yet again in a tone that brooked no question, only this time with two more sentences of explanation, “Execute my orders. “Carry out my orders.”

The first mate opened his mouth as if to say something more, but immediately afterward he gritted his teeth, “You are the captain!”

The crew began to quickly execute the orders from the captain, Lawrence who was personally at the helm took a deep breath, the holy emblem located deep inside the cabin was gradually going out, he could feel that the invisible protective force field enveloping the White Oak was rapidly weakening, and without the protection of the holy object, the ship was sinking little by little into the “Spirit World” layer in between the reality and the deep sea. The ship was sinking into the “spiritual world” between reality and the deep sea.

Mist appeared on the surrounding sea surface, and the sea water was gradually blackening.

It was dangerous, but it wasn’t as if no ship had ever returned to earth from the spirit world – as a member of the Explorers Guild, he had looked through countless books on the subject, as well as various “survival guides” written by survivors.

How much worse could it get? All he needed was for the White Oak to escape a storm at the edge of the Spirit World, and then, with the power of the advanced steam turbines, make a thrilling “Spirit World Drift,” and, if luck was still in his favor, he would be able to lead his crew back to Earth.

Then he would hand over the damn “Anomaly 099” in the cargo hold to the consul of the city-state of Prand, and never wade into the muddy waters of the authorities again in his life.

It can’t get any worse.

Lawrence reassured himself.

Then he saw a three-masted schooner, a full size larger than the White Oak, suddenly emerge from the suddenly darkening sea in the distance, and with a certain forward momentum, cut a thrilling arc and slammed headlong ……

Captain Lawrence gazed woodenly ahead.

“…… Fuck.”

(MAH YEAH! Another surprise!
Thank you all for your enthusiasm and support, and thank you to the silver alliance …… Big Moe from “The knuckleheads have been eaten” for another chapter today =. =
However, this update rhythm is limited to today …… after all, the body is not as good as back then 233)

(End of chapter)

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