Chapter 154.

Chapter 154: Space-Time Lockdown
In the darkness, the icon of Storm Goddess Gemona still stood quietly in the center of the underground sanctuary, veil-covered, overlooking the world.

Of course, according to the strict doctrinal distinction, the “goddess” in the underground sanctuary is the other side of Gemona, should be called the “quiet sea girl” is right.

Duncan stared at the cold stone statue, and he was sure that he had just heard a voice, a dreamy whisper that came from the statue.

Yet both Shirley and Dog, who were close by, had been unresponsive up to this point – apparently the voice had been heard only by himself.

“Mr. Duncan?” Shirley had noticed Duncan’s strange behavior by this time, and her eyes widened a little nervously as she involuntarily pressed herself against Dog, “Have you found something?”

“Did you guys hear anything just now?” Duncan asked in a low voice as he casually extinguished the fire at his fingertips and cautiously moved closer to observe the icon of the Shizumi maiden.

“A sound?” Sherry and Dog looked at each other and shook their heads, “No.”

The icon of the goddess was unresponsive to Duncan’s renewed proximity, and no more sounds came from it.

Duncan thought he might have been a little reckless this time.

He only thought that the connection between the Storm Goddess and this church had been severed, and when he summoned Dog and burned down the door of the sanctuary, it didn’t cause any strange phenomena, so he let go a little bit when exploring, but he didn’t think that after he burned down a ball of flame, he actually attracted the gaze of that “god”! –If that question just now really came from Gemona.

From this, he reflected a little in his heart and decided to be a little more cautious next time.

While reflecting in his mind, a question also popped up in his mind:
Look at the situation of this church, before he and Shirley came in, this place was obviously completely abandoned and forgotten, the connection between Storm Goddess Gemona and this place has obviously been blocked, it is reasonable to say that his own flames are also the “invasion force” in this church, and after the flames burned, it can only make the erosion and blocking of this church even more serious than before. The fire can only make the church erosion and shielding more serious than before, just like lighting another fire on the ruins that have already been burned down seriously, but how ……

After his own fire, the connection between the Storm Goddess and this place was briefly strengthened instead!
Isn’t he an intruder? Shouldn’t one’s own flames have a strong destructive effect on the power of gods with the attribute of order? How come it also burned the spirit of the goddess?
The more Duncan thought about it, the more confused he felt, but he didn’t ruminate for too long.

In the end, he can t be sure whether that vague whisper just now is Gemona s voice or not, just based on this conjecture in the wild speculation, and the immediate priority …… is to think about how to deal with this out of place church next.

Just after the whispering voice disappeared, there is no follow-up, Duncan does not know what a goddess is usually busy, but the other side does not seem to continue to watch this place, and the rest of the underground sanctuary is still maintaining the initial appearance, the flames released by himself did not unveil any “curtain” like that time in the abandoned factory. The flames that he released did not open any “curtains” like the one in the abandoned factory.

He also did not sense the situation on the other side of the “curtain”, and the flame that he had left in that umbrella monster’s split body was still nowhere to be seen, he could only be sure that the flame was still burning, and had even begun to spread, but he could not touch the “dimension” in which the flame was located. .

This church was indeed an important node on the curtain, but with the power of him and Shirley, it didn’t seem too easy to pry the place apart.

And with his current body condition, coupled with the current distance between the Lost Country and the city-state of Prand, it would be difficult for him to mobilize a larger scale of flames, and make a bigger commotion here.

After weighing the situation so quickly in his mind, Duncan had a vague idea in his mind.

It is time to be “Mr. Duncan, the enthusiastic citizen” once again.

This church has been hidden until today, some kind of inexplicable power has been blocking outsiders from prying into this place, so what if …… he forcefully lifts the lid?
He was curious as to how the Deep Sea Church of the City-State of Prand would react to this, and even more curious as to what that Storm Goddess would do – since he couldn’t open the curtain on this place on his own, let’s just poke the place into a big story.

Of course, this time again to find a few patrols of the night watchman report is afraid that is not too good, that may instead of the first batch of investigators to come in death, how to use a reliable and effective way to stab this place into a big news …… still have to seriously think about it.

Between thoughts, Duncan face unconsciously showed a smile, which is the smile of the Lezi people in planning a big fun, however, this smile is next to the Shirley and Dog gave a jump, especially the latter, on the spot to the tail to pin up: “Deng …… Deng …… Mr. Duncan, are you planning something?”

Duncan waved his hand as soon as he heard it, “Nothing, I plan to do my part in maintaining the order of the city-state, that’s all.”

Dog throat gurgled, said that this even said to the profound deep sea of those crazy demons to listen to I’m afraid that no one will believe ah, just now the big man face that expression is clearly a subspace invader finally sought to understand what is called subspace invasion, and is ready to carry out a subspace invasion of the smile ……

“Well, there’s nothing more to see here,” Duncan, on the other hand, didn’t care about Shirley and Dog’s reactions, he just swept back a glance at Gemona’s icon, and after leaving a meaningful gaze, he turned around and walked towards the exit door, “This is not a good place to stay for a long time.”

The group flew towards the exit, but before leaving, Shirley couldn’t help but stop again, “Mr. Duncan, what about this …… dead nun?”

Duncan stopped as well, gazing silently at the lady who had died fighting for her life. She was still young, so young that it was regrettable that she was not a church guardian specializing in combat, yet she died with a sword in her hand in the darkness of this underground sanctuary.

Duncan suddenly realized something.

Nuns …… guarding the sanctuary why would it be a nun? Under normal circumstances, shouldn’t there be a team of specially trained guardsmen stationed here?
He recalled the sight he had seen in the main hall earlier.

That team of guards seemed to have died in the main hall of the church,……, and according to what he had seen in that scene of “iterative reality”, those guards were not killed in battle, but more like sitting in the pews and praying when they all suddenly died violently.

The guards who should have been stationed in the underground sanctuary suddenly died in the main hall of the church without any trace of battle, the nun who should have stayed in the main hall died alone in the sanctuary, the intruder was suspected to be from subspace and did not leave any scent behind after the battle, and the church was sealed off and forgotten, and some kind of “residual sound” from the nun returned to the main hall and continued to maintain the day-to-day routine of the church. and the nuns returned to the main hall to keep up the day-to-day prayers ……

Duncan’s attention returned to reality, he gazed at the nun for a few seconds and spoke softly, “I’m sorry, I can’t bury you, you’ll stay here for now, maybe someone else will come along and find out the truth about what happened back then.”

In this case, it is really necessary to use the hands of “professionals”.

Duncan stood up and walked towards the exit to the main hall, Shirley couldn’t help but speak from behind, “Ah, are we just going to leave her here?”

“It’s called preserving the scene,” Duncan didn’t look back, “Come on, the investigation isn’t over yet, only we won’t need to do it ourselves.”

Shirley gave a seemingly oh-so-comprehension and led Dog in Duncan’s footsteps as they left the underground sanctum and headed for the staircase that led up to the main hall in front of them.

A slight bumping sound came from behind them.

Duncan jerked to a halt and looked back in the direction from which the sound had come.

A dark, heavy wooden door stood at the entrance to the main hall, slightly ajar and reinforced with steel and rivets, with sacred rune patterns faintly visible on the door’s flap.

Shirley glanced back, her eyes slowly widening in horror.

She then turned her head to see Duncan slack-jawed, his face deep in water.

“The door …… door ……” Shirley raised her hand and pointed in the direction of the door, opening her mouth several times without knowing what to say.

“I saw it.” Duncan interrupted Shirley’s words, then stepped back to the door of the sanctuary, he glanced at the dark and heavy door, reached out and gently pushed.

The door was unlocked, but he would feel resistance if he continued to push.

The back of the door was held against it.

He withdrew his hand and thought quietly for a few seconds, restraining the urge to light another fire to burn the door open.

He already knew what would be inside when he opened the door, and the overly bizarre nature of the place made him abandon the idea of trying it again and again with brute force methods.

“Twisted space-time …… is really twisted to a certain extent.”

At the same time, in the Deep Sea Cathedral located in the upper city, the calm-faced Vanna ended her daily routine prayers, and after arranging the day’s work to her subordinates, she dismissed her attendants and went alone to the depths of this magnificent, holy building.

This was the cathedral’s archives, which, under the watchful eye of the goddess, contained all those records involving the transcendent that should not be made public.

In a sense, it stored the history of the city-state of Prand, the Church’s “memory” of the land.

(End of chapter)

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