Chapter 152 – Fear of the Profound Demon

Chapter 152 – Fear of the Profound Demon

Duncan bent down to examine it.

It was indeed the nun – the one who had been talking to Duncan and Shirley not so long ago, and was currently theoretically praying in the main hall.

But now here she was, collapsed and dead near the entrance to the underground sanctuary, and up until the moment Duncan pushed on the door, she was pressing her body dead against it.

It seemed as if she was blocking something from invading the underground sanctuary, but looking at her state before she fell, it also seemed as if she was fighting something to the death in the underground sanctuary and closed the door before she died in order to prevent that thing from escaping from the underground sanctuary.

“It looks …… almost like she just died ……”

Shirley also boldly came over at this time, she poked her head behind Duncan to look at it, and only after two or three seconds did she cautiously open her mouth.

“Yeah, it looks like it hasn’t been dead long, even ……” Duncan said as he reached out and put his hand on the nun’s arm, “It’s even warm.”

This body at the entrance of the underground sanctuary retained a residual warmth, and the blood had not dried on the scarred body, which even gave Duncan a feeling as if the battle in this basement was still going on even when he and Shirley had just stepped into the church, and that this nun was still alive at that time, and that even …… up until the time when he and Shirley had begun exploring the church The nun was still breathing.

But that was impossible.

This church has been abandoned for eleven years, a certain transcendent vision in the city-state of Prand was also eleven years ago, if this church is really a “key node” on the curtain, then everything here should have happened and ended eleven years ago, this nun who fought to the last moment in the underground sanctuary The nun who fought to the end in the underground sanctuary …… could not have breathed her last until now.

Duncan’s expression was serious, slowly stood up, and his gaze was directed to the opposite side of the gate.

The underground sanctuary of this community church is just a spacious basement as he thought, there is no light in the sanctuary, even the long oil lamps and gas lamps that should be used to exorcise the evil spirits have been extinguished, only the little light that pours in through the gate at this moment illuminates the situation inside, and in the midst of a dimness, you can vaguely see a goddess idol standing quietly in the center of the basement, and the two sides of the sanctuary are lined with columns that are hung with the mantle of scripture. On both sides of the sanctuary were columns hung with mantles of scripture, as well as niche compartments for storing sacred vessels.

Duncan stepped over the nun’s body and searched the basement for signs of battle, and saw dents in the walls and columns from splintering, pits from bullets, and traces of flames, all of which must have been left over from the battle.

But he could not find the “enemy”, the “intruder” that the nun had fought so hard against before she died.

He turned his head to look at the Profound Hound, who was following Sherry and looking around cautiously with his head down, “Dog, what can you see?”

“Traces of time and space being severely distorted …… It may not seem like there’s that ‘reality overlapping’ anomaly like in the surface church here, but in reality time and space are more severely distorted than anywhere else, and “Dog’s tone is extraordinarily serious, as the only Transcendent expert in the three “human” teams, its analysis is obviously much more organized than Duncan’s blind guesses, “The entire underground sanctuary in my eyes is shrouded by a layer of mist, and the erroneous space-time has completely replaced reality, but the …… I didn’t find anything other than the phenomenon of space-time distortion.”

“What about the ‘invaders’ that attacked this place?” Duncan frowned, “The nun couldn’t have been here fighting the air, could she?”

“There are no intruders in ……,” Dog huffed – though he didn’t have a respiratory system, “no scent of living things, no ethereal demons or the scent of a spirit creature.”

At this it paused, then added, “Please trust my judgment in this regard, the Phantom Hound hunts best, and discerning prey scent in the environment is a basic ability as a predator, unless ……”

Duncan raised an eyebrow, “Unless?”

A Dog quickly looked around the circle, as if suddenly became very cautious, it lowered its voice to Duncan: “Unless it’s something in subspace that has escaped …… that I can’t track, but if it’s really something in subspace, you should be more familiar with it than I am ……”

Duncan heard, suddenly expressionless: “Sorry, really not familiar.”

Dog hurriedly lowered his head, “You …… you say you are not familiar that is not familiar …….”

Duncan, on the other hand, pondered slightly, he knew that Dog definitely didn’t believe his words, but he also really wasn’t familiar with Subspace, but on the other hand, Dog’s words really reminded him of – He recalled the rift he’d seen in the main hall of the church when he’d been observing the icon of the goddess in a flash of surprise, the misplaced light and shadows that had leaked out of that rift, and the strange and bizarre visions he’d seen while under the Lost Country ship.

Subspace …… is really something from subspace running out?
“If it’s really something that ran out of subspace ……,” Duncan frowned, as if muttering to himself, “how could it break right into this Storm Goddess’s sanctuary? Shouldn’t this be the place with the strongest defenses? And judging from the traces at the scene, it doesn’t look like the intruders attacked from the outside, but more like they appeared directly in the sanctuary and raided outwards ……”

“I don’t know about that,” Dog shook his head, “the secrets of the four churches are the knowledge blind spot of the Profound Demons, and subspace is a taboo recognized by the world, even the Dread Demons won’t pry into this area’s hidden secrets – in fact, in my eyes, humans are simply a crazier race than even the demons in this field, they dare to research subspace and haven’t had a problem for so many years ……”

“Humans have always been a race with a lot of guts,” Duncan said casually, and immediately looked at Dog, “But I am a bit surprised that the Profound Deep Sea is closely adjacent to Subspace, and you Profound Demons are even more afraid of that place than humans? Isn’t subspace the equivalent of home to you?”

“Then those who live next to volcanoes don’t do so because they love to drink lava,” Dog explained to the big brother with his head hanging down, “We live next to subspace, so we know better than humans how scary it is to fall in.”

Duncan thoughtfully asked the question he hadn’t been able to ask last time, “…… That’s why you’re just as afraid of the Lost Country returning from subspace as humans are?”

A dog shrunk his neck, special carefully looked at Duncan, as if it is afraid to talk about this topic will accidentally provoke the owner of the Lost Country in front of the eyes, but the big brother opened the topic it does not dare not continue, can only be honest: “In fact, …… if the Lost Country is only returning from subspace that is not so Scary, the key bar, that ship in the initial period of time also from time to time again from the real world ‘fall’ back, just like in the two dimensions between the vibration, in the subspace and the real world non-stop through and through ……”

Duncan originally just asked casually, but did not expect to hear this kind of information, suddenly his heart was moved: “Oscillating between the real world and subspace?”

“Yes, each time it penetrated right through the spirit world and the Profound, wrapping up everything it met along the way like a rampaging cannonball,” Dog was visibly distraught as he said this, “I even still remember a horrific scene, the ship was like an eternally burning pyroclastic meteor as it fell from the The ship fell from the upper levels like an eternally burning meteor, the flames swathed in screaming humans and twisted hulls, the blindly fighting Profound Demons scattering in terror, but in the blink of an eye they were swept into the flames by the sheer force of the flames, instantly fusing with the humans into grotesque, twisted lumps, and then spilling into the bottom of the Profound after being torn apart again. ……

“The Lost Country just smashed its way through all dimensions and fell into the depths of subspace, then after two days burrowed out from under there again, then …… again.”

Dog said, swallowing hard, a coarse rubbing sound and the sound of corrosive material surging from his throat.

“At that time, even a portion of the blind and foolish Spectral Demons briefly stopped fighting, and every day they just stared blankly in the direction of the Spirit World, and fear, even overriding killing, became their new instincts …… and I, at that time, was the batch of those with the deepest brand of fear. ”

Duncan listened with a wooden face, and in the middle of the day finally ventured out, “Then …… I understand why you are so psychologically shadowed.”

Dog boldly looked up at Duncan: “Do you …… not know this yourself?”

Duncan almost didn’t strain his expression – he knew X ah! It’s not like he did it! What kind of stale old pot is this that you have to carry yourself?

But even the biggest complaint he could only mutter a couple of words in his mind, and in front of Dog, he could only continue to keep a stern face, “…… probably wasn’t paying attention.”

Ah Dog: “……”

Seeing this Profound Hound’s greatly beaten appearance, Duncan sighed and could only add another sentence, “I will pay attention to it in the future.”

His tone was very sincere.

Dog was so moved that he didn’t dare to move.

Duncan himself fell into a brief moment of contemplation after this.

If what Dog said was all true, that means that the Lost Country ship …… had a period of complete loss of control? It did not simply return from subspace, but has been “oscillating” between the real world and subspace for quite a long time!

(End of chapter)

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