Chapter 112 – The Big Brother’s Sermon

Chapter 112 – The Big Brother’s Sermon

The bus during rush hour was overcrowded, even the rear of the bus could hardly find much space, the short Shirley was squeezed in the middle of the crowd, and shrunk her neck and didn’t dare to move, looking like a pathetic little animal.

If Duncan hadn’t seen how she smashed a room full of cultists with her dog, he would have believed that this girl was “harmless”.

He slowly squeezed in next to Shirley, his tall adult frame helping the girl to secure a loose corner and leaving a gap for the two to talk, Duncan was keenly aware that Shirley’s body was shaking a little – she was nervous, even a little bit scared.

“What are you afraid of?” He gave Shirley a look, “It’s not like I’m going to eat you alive.”

Shirley cried out, “You …… you’re going to have to eat it cooked?”

Duncan: “……”

He could probably guess why the girl was so scared, after all, the “Dog” had seen through some of the “real situation” underneath his human body, and after the other party fled, he must have described his feelings to his mistress with a bit of jealousy, which must have left a lasting impression on the latter. This must have made a deep impression on the latter.

He is not sure what image he is now in Shirley’s mind, but I think it is similar to the captains of the infinite sea look at the Lost Country, all belong to the level of the best immediately after meeting to start writing a will, and also have to try to write faster, because the general death will be faster than making a will…….

Duncan is also very helpless to this situation, he is trying to behave as friendly as possible, but can not stop a demon from the deep sea has and human different “vision”, that “black sun” is still in the vision to ask him for help, the attitude is quite sincere, but a When he thought of the face of the other side under the corona shell, he was still wary.
He only hoped that his own image in the eyes of the profound hound could be a bit better than the strange evil god inside the sun he saw, at least there must be a five-featured it ……

Thinking of that Profound Hound, Duncan frowned slightly and looked at the girl in front of him, “Is Dog following you now?”

“A …… Dog usually hides where no one else can see it ……” Sherry gulped, not daring to answer uncooperatively, and then lowered her voice immediately afterward. “But it can ‘know’ what’s going on in my place ……”

“Oh, then say hello to it for me,” Duncan nodded, “I had a lot of questions I didn’t get to ask in the rush of our last parting.”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt Shirley shiver again ……

“You relax,” Duncan sighed helplessly, he seemed to have vaguely sensed what seemed like odd glances being cast nearby, “What’s the point of being nervous about talking to me, I don’t mean any harm to either you or Dog.”

“That …… that’s really nice ……” Shirley nodded stiffly, and then immediately afterward, as if to deliberately appear more relaxed, struggled to find a half-dozen topics of conversation before her gaze fell on Duncan’s shoulder. “You …… didn’t bring your pigeon with you this time, did you?”

“No pets allowed on the bus,” Duncan said casually, “I let him out to hunt.”

“Put the dove out …… hunting?” Shirley looked at Duncan dumbfounded, feeling a little vocabulary shattered, but then nodded quickly, “Oh yes, you’re right, pigeons are quite good for hunting, they have sharp eyes and fly fast ……”

Her thoughts were a bit confused, and she looked like she wasn’t going to know what she was talking about, but then the bus shifted suddenly, and the conductor’s voice came from the middle of the car, interrupting her fragmented thoughts, “Sixth block! Anyone getting off?”

Shirley was visibly relieved when the conductor shouted, jumping to her feet as if she had been rescued and yelling to get off the bus, and then saying goodbye to Duncan with remarkable fluency as she pushed her way forward, “I’m getting off the bus, it was a pleasure meeting you today, until next time …….”

Then she didn’t finish her sentence when she saw Duncan squeezing over after her, and the expression on his face went from bright to gray in the blink of an eye.

“I’m getting off at this stop too.” Duncan said with an expressionless face.

Shirley’s face expression stiffened, knowing that it would be inappropriate to say that she would not get off again at this time – and the big man in front of her may be intentionally trying to follow her, and continuing to play tricks at this moment may offend the other party, and then really will be cooked and eaten by the big man ……

The girl just so fully brainstormed, and then very fully was scared to death, at this time she also heard the conductor next to the urging, so shrunk her neck, began to take a stiff step towards the outside.

As it turned out, she had just reached the door when she heard the conductor’s voice suddenly say, “Wait a minute, kid, did you not buy a ticket?”

Shirley froze for a moment, looking at the ticket conductor in the dark blue uniform with some dismay, as if she had never expected to be called out, had never expected her ticket evasion to be detected, and it was with such a moment of dismay that the conductor had already determined the situation, “You didn’t buy a ticket, I remembered, first… …”

“I know this kid, she probably just lost her ticket,” Duncan’s voice suddenly came from the sidelines, “I’ll give her a replacement.” The ticket taker twisted his head suspiciously to look at Duncan, and then at the nervous Sherry, and after a moment’s thought didn’t say anything, just nodded, “Alright then.”

Duncan fished out a few coins to make up the ticket for Shirley, and then he followed the other out of the compartment and got off the train by an empty and outdated platform.

While the entire bus car was packed with passengers, they were the only two who got off in the sixth block.

Duncan first looked around, but what he saw was just the most ordinary downtown neighborhood scene, although the surrounding buildings are relatively old, not many pedestrians walking on the pavement near the station, but not to the extent that he imagined that completely dilapidated – the old street stores are also open for business, sparse pedestrians! Although not as lively as other neighborhoods, there were always people walking through the streets, and in the distance there were factory chimneys belching smoke, as well as newspaper deliverers on bicycles crossing the intersection at the end of the street.

Overall, it’s just a more secluded, underdeveloped neighborhood, but it looks like the residents are going about their normal lives.

The factory leak that happened here eleven years ago seemed to have more or less left some residual effects, but the extent of the impact was not as severe as he thought ……

It was only after taking a general look around like that that Duncan withdrew his eyes and his gaze fell back on Sherry.

After this girl got off the bus, she honestly stood in place, like a small animal caught in a trap and did not move, although Duncan’s attention was not on her at all at the beginning, she did not have the slightest move to run away.

Completely a look of listening to the arrangement of fate.

Duncan couldn’t help but be amused at the sight of his opponent’s good-natured and harmless appearance, and said that if he hadn’t seen this irascible girl’s battle heroism with his own eyes, perhaps he would have been truly fooled by her appearance at the moment.

He shook his head and came over to Sherry, “What are you doing in the sixth block?”

Sherry immediately stood up straight, “I …… I heard that the scenery here is good!”

Duncan looked the girl up and down, “I’ve been meaning to ask since just now, are you actually …… pretending to be nice?”

“I …… wasn’t pretending!” Shirley stood up straighter than she had a moment ago, “I’m always well-behaved!”

Duncan shook his head, and said that he had seen a lot of this kind of child who suddenly pretended to be well-behaved and acted cute, and that the skills of this girl in front of him were not pure at all, but he didn’t say much, and just raised his head to look at the streets in the distance, and opened his mouth seemingly casually, “Eleven years ago in the Sixth Block ……, there was a factory leak, and it was rumored that a cultist was behind the accident.”

Sherry blinked as if confused, “Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?”

“Come on, what’s the point of pretending to be stupid, you were in a Sunist stronghold earlier asking about things that happened eleven years ago,” Duncan glanced at Shirley and stepped forward, “This is the focal point of all the official records, the one where the ‘leak’ took place ‘ factory is right in front of here.”

Shirley froze for a moment and hurriedly took a step to follow, looking at Duncan in surprise as she flew backwards and forwards on her short legs, “Are you …… also investigating the accident from eleven years ago?!”

It seems that after confirming that the big man really doesn’t eat people (at least for the time being, he doesn’t want to) and that both sides have the same purpose, she has grown a little bit bolder, and at this time she even dares to take the initiative to ask questions.

“Well, a little interested,” Duncan nodded noncommittally, but within a few steps he suddenly stopped again and looked at Shirley curiously, “Do you often skip tickets?”

Shirley opened her mouth, “I ……”

Duncan knew what was going on as soon as he looked at the girl’s expression, he shook his head, “It’s not good to skip tickets.”

Shirley was on the verge of tears when she heard this – she had been preached at by Dog, preached at by the neighbor’s uncle and aunt, and even preached at by the sheriff of the city-state, but she really didn’t think that she would one day be preached at suddenly by a big brother who was like an evil god, and this kind of big brother’s preaching to her was actually to take a car and not to skip the ticket …… Is the moral level of bigots in subspace already so high these days?

Since the last time Dog described to her the horrible existence in the body of this “Mr. Duncan”, she had already vaguely associated this big man with the shadows in the subspace.

(End of chapter)

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