Chapter 212: Is this a debt repayment by a fool?

Chapter 212: Is this a debt repayment for a fool?

This kind of heaven and earth and thou stated realm, naturally, let Fang Jinyu emotionally, quite a few mouth stuffed with lemon illusion, but at the same time, he also more and more want to step into such a realm.

Thus, he prepared to cultivate hard.

After all, the problem of his ineffectiveness in taking the Heavenly Infant Near God Pill had already been solved.

Right now, he could use this elixir to courageously refine his cultivation.

It was only at this time that Qing Fu added, “Mother, since you are so concerned about your lost longevity, how about having a few more magical treasures like that stone cauldron!”

“Qing Fu, are you saying that there are still some hidden problems in me?” Fang Jinyu instantly reacted.

“There is a thread in your body, although it is broken, as long as that thread exists, then you will definitely lose two hundred years of longevity in the future.” This little girl said this.

“You discovered this long ago?” Fang Jinyu was stunned, as soon as he heard Qingfu say this, he immediately remembered what this two hundred years of longevity was all about.

He thought that he had chopped it off in the first place, but he didn’t realize that it was still coupled up.

However, it turned out that he would lose the next two hundred years of his life, no wonder he didn’t have the slightest change in himself when he lost two hundred years of his life at that time, he thought it was because he had enough life.

“Yeah, but Mother you have so much longevity, I thought you didn’t care.”

Fang Jinyu didn’t mean to blame Qingfu, because he did have a lot of longevity, if it wasn’t for the fact that this time he had been given a hard time by the Heavenly Infant Near God Pill, he was afraid that he wouldn’t have been able to think of all that longevity.

“Why is it the next two hundred years of longevity?” Fang Jinyu asked, the later this longevity is drawn out, could it be that the benefits are greater for the other party?

“Because the longevity of those in higher realms carries more qi.”

Fang Jinyu’s brows tightened, there was actually qi luck involved.

“But Mother, you don’t have to worry too much, as long as you keep possessing that stone cauldron, or maybe one more magic treasure that is just like that stone cauldron, you can suppress that broken thread. Moreover, you might even be able to use this to add a little bit of trouble to that person who is fishing behind the scenes!” As Qing Fu spoke, her large black and white eyes suddenly blinked.

It was clearly hitting on something.

As for Fang Jinyu, once he heard this, he couldn’t help but show some joy between his brows, after all, no one wanted to have hidden dangers on them.

Subsequently, Fang Jinyu began his formal seclusion.

He needed to be courageous and refined!

While Fang Jinyu was in seclusion, Qingfu, under boredom, suddenly saw the Voltron Mountain Man captured by the Fang Xian Sect’s disciples, so she carried this strange unintelligent being in her small hands and ran off somewhere.

As a result, the Fang Xian Sect began to be heavily guarded.

Because none of them knew how that Voltron Mountain Man had disappeared into thin air.


However, the “human mind” that was hard to “see” had already fled the area where the Fang Xian Sect was located, after all, the leading Yuan Ying realm among them had already died.

After all, the leader of them has already died. The death of a YuanYing realm is not a trivial matter for any ethnic group.

But for this “human mind”, it was just a little bit of trouble.

They are running towards a place in droves. One year has passed, and they have not arrived at their destination. Three years passed and they still did not reach their destination. However, when nearly seven years had passed, they finally arrived at their destination.

With such a long time of migration, the distance they flew out was naturally not close, billions of kilometers away!
This was because this was the core of the Draconic Buddha Realm. The Ancient Temple of Amocha!
Around this ancient temple was one of the few places full of people in this realm.

There was a large golden palace here, which was for the monks to live in, as they were the most noble people in this heaven and earth. And if you want to become a monk, you can only do so through inheritance, that is, only those whose fathers in the family are monks and who have the bloodline of monks flowing through their veins are qualified to become given to the noble monks!

Second only to the monks is the nobility.

They are all related to the Amocha Ancient Monastery, which occupies one third of the land in this place.

As for the other two-thirds, they were in the hands of the monks of the Amochako Monastery.

And besides the monks and nobles, there were naturally other people here, and these people were the most numerous, and even the monks and nobles together were not even one ten thousandth of these people.

However, all of these people had only one identity – slaves.

Every slave, owed the nobles and monks large sums of money, which they could not pay back even if they had to pay it back for the rest of their lives! And because it was the interest that had to be paid back in the beginning, not only did the debt owed more and more not get less and less, but it got more and more!
In this place, there were many slaves who, as soon as they were born, were already burdened with the debts of their fathers, grandfathers, and even great-grandfathers!

Therefore, from the moment they were born, they were already doomed – to sell their lives and labor for the noble lords and monk lords for the rest of their lives.

It is for this reason that human life is of the least value here.

Many of the decorations in the homes of the nobles and monks were made from human skin and bones.

Here, the most useless thing is human flesh, because it can only be fed to the animals here.

When the “human hearts” flew back, they were discovered by the monks here, and they came out one after another to pay homage to these “human hearts”.

They all came out to pay homage to these “human hearts”, because they were the Dharma protectors under the seat of a “Bodhisatta in the flesh”.

Among them, the king of these “human minds” had even reached the realm of “golden body Arahant”, able to transform reality into reality, gathering and dispersing by heart!
However, very quickly, there were monks who realized that there was something wrong with these “human minds”.

“How come the Dream Arahat King has disappeared?”

The Dream Aloha King was the Yuan Ying realm in the “human mind”.

In the past, it was always this Dream Aura King who brought these “human minds” back. But right now, it was only a few Jindan realm Human Minds that led the way back.

Very quickly, these monks realized what had happened.

Someone had killed King Dream Ara!
“Who is it! What a big dog’s guts! Aren’t you afraid of going to hell after death?” Some monks were furious about this, for it was a provocation to them, and such a provocation they had not experienced for a long time.

“Some minds say that it was an Immortal Sect that suddenly appeared in the Hundred Gege Mountain Plain, and none of them honored the Dharma! They originally wanted to use the Dharma to sensitize these people, so that they would come as slaves to atone for their sins, so that they wouldn’t go to hell after death! How could they have imagined that not only did these people not appreciate them, but they also went straight out and captured King Dream Ara!”

There were monks who could communicate with the “human mind”, the Buddha’s creature, and after communicating with them, the monks who knew about this were all enraged by it.

Thus, at the request of a group of monks, the “Bodhisatta in Flesh” quickly issued a decree.

“Order golden-bodied Arahant Mu Anjiao and golden-bodied Arahant Greedy Cause Selfishness to lead ten great monks, three hundred monks, and one thousand Shamans, and go forth to take down this sinful Immortal Sect!”

“Bodhisattva, why do we need so many people?” But soon, a Golden-bodied Arhat inquired in disbelief.

“It’s just a matter of letting them have a long look, after all, such a flamboyant Immortal Sect has not been seen for many years.” That “Bodhisatta in Flesh” responded thus.

(End of chapter)

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