Chapter 1167: Airborne Troops Out of the Cage

  Chapter 1145 – Airborne Troops Out of Cage

War is bloody, from the Vienna government decided to start the landing plan in advance, the battle between the English Channel became more and more bloody.

Overnight, it was as if the Continental Alliance had changed its combat style. No longer concerned about troop casualties, it played a brutal game of Tui Zi.

Without any technical content, pure power competition. With one’s own strength, against the entire European world, such a game, the British Empire is undoubtedly “pressure”.

“Since the end of July, the enemy has been attacking us like mad. The enemy has been attacking us non-stop, and this time the main direction of attack is no longer London.

Coastal ports, large and small, have been subjected to disastrous air raids, even fishing village wharves.

It’s as if the bombs don’t cost anything. In just the past month, the enemy has dropped over 50,000 tons of bombs on England.

Purely in terms of direct bombing results, I doubt very much that the enemy has achieved enough to pay for the fuel for the fighter planes.

As a result of the enemy’s bombardment, our coastal garrisons suffered heavy losses. The loss of shore guns, in particular, amounted to more than three hundred.”

Minister of War Marcus said with a pale face.

No matter how high the cost paid by the enemy, England was miserable anyway. Because of the factor of geography, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales all dodged a bullet.

More than 50,000 tons of bombs had fallen on England’s head, and counting the previous bombardment, England had suffered a cumulative total of more than 100,000 tons of bombs.

From the English Channel to the ports along the Straits of Dover, there was not a single one intact. Either they were directly destroyed by shellfire or suffered heavy losses.

So many bombs were aimed at ports, cities, factories, and these populated areas, it was hard not to have heavy casualties.

As a result of this, the Royal Navy has shrunk to the rear. If the enemy launched another landing operation, it would take a day for the Royal Navy to get here.

Although not explicitly stated, but the air force accusations, has been overflowing.

Facing the staring eyes of the crowd, Attilio, as the Minister of the Air Force, was bitter in his heart!
The air force had really tried their best, but the enemy was also fighting for their lives. They couldn’t win in a head-to-head battle, and it was hard to set up a trap, but as a result, their own airplanes couldn’t catch up with the enemy.

Every air battle ended in defeat. Even if the British air force wants to be more and more courageous, the bottom of the family can not withstand the toss ah!

Britain’s aviation technology is behind the times, the allies and so on, that’s not to be expected.

At most, the purchase of some parts, engines and other core components, even if the British companies are willing to open the supply of technology, no three to five years, the allies can not be digested.

Technology can’t keep up, production capacity can’t keep up, personnel reserves still can’t keep up, in this context, it’s not surprising to lose the war.

“Don’t look at me, you all know well how much the air force has lost. The war has only been going on for more than half a year, and the air force has crashed more than four thousand warplanes.

Pilots have been replaced in three waves, and the earliest batch of old pilots are now more than half killed in action.

In order to fight for air control, we have repeatedly compressed our pilots’ training time, and the shortest training time was less than half a month before they were forced to go into battle.

Now that the air force power has been utilized to the maximum, if we want to continue to increase the intensity of combat, the air force will have to withdraw from the military establishment.”

In order to save the air force’s energy, face god forbid, Attilio no longer cared at all. If he didn’t sell out, the air force was going to be beaten out of existence.

Being able to barely defend London’s airspace with the cooperation of ground air defense forces is already the air force’s limit. If you want to take care of the rest of the world, you’re dreaming.

Not to mention the air force can’t do it, even the ground air defense force, can’t take care of the whole country.

Unlike later generations of precision positioning, missiles can run after the enemy aircraft, this year’s air defense artillery, machine guns, hit rate is very touching.

Want to intercept the enemy’s warplanes, not a few machine guns, a few anti-aircraft artillery, can play a role, must be formed large-scale anti-aircraft fire groups.

Taking London as an example, the British government concentrated thousands of anti-aircraft machine guns and nearly 1,000 anti-aircraft guns to be able to barely manage air defense with the cooperation of the air force.

Britain’s resources were limited, and it was a struggle to keep London, and it was simply impossible to devote so many resources to other small rural places.

Without sufficient ground anti-aircraft firepower, purely between the air force to fight alone, the war can not be fought.

“The air force does have a hard time, the enemy has been attacking very ferociously lately. In the past month, we’ve shot down more than eight hundred enemy planes, and the enemy’s offense still hasn’t seen a slowdown.

Combined with the fact that the enemy is constantly bombing the harbor and forcing the Royal Navy to retreat, it can be tentatively concluded that the enemy is preparing for a landing.

In order to prepare for the upcoming defense of England, it’s really not a good idea for the air force to expend too much power at the moment.”

The Minister of War said pertinently.

This explanation was unsatisfactory, but everyone had to accept it. Winning was not winning, the Royal Navy had not even been able to win, so how could one expect the air force to win with weakness.

Foreign Minister Adam: “European chaos alone will not delay time, as long as there is no major chaos within the Holy Roman Empire, the enemy’s offensive will not be affected much.

The Empire needs to win now, the government in Vienna is launching a diplomatic offensive, and the positions of many neutral countries have wavered.

Even our allies are beginning to move, and some of them have even privately contacted the Vienna government, just about to negotiate the terms of the reversal of the past.

If the strategic situation, for a long time, does not improve, the next situation will be very bad for us.”

By now, Adam was desperate. The name of the worst foreign minister, this life can not be washed away, and now have a little bit of a broken pot of meaning.

The failure to replace the Foreign Secretary is partly because no intelligent person is willing to jump into the hole, and replacing it with an unintelligent one would be better to keep Adam on.

Although the diplomatic results were unsatisfactory and the foreign minister’s mentality was in question, Adam’s true ability was still recognized by everyone.

Anyway, the foreign minister is mainly to coordinate diplomatic work, specific work or the following civil servants, as long as the planning is done, personal morale does not affect the overall situation.

Of course, there is no lack of the idea that we should all be finished together. After all, now there is no defeat, even if it is to bear the blame, it will not be more serious than after the defeat.

Not waiting for the crowd to unify their positions, the secretary general hurriedly broke in, his voice somewhat trembling, “An urgent telegram came from the front line, at about 10:00 this morning the enemy simultaneously launched a landing operation on thirteen areas such as Wemyss, Poole, the Isle of Wight, Worthing, Eastbourne, and so on.

According to the intelligence sent by the reconnaissance planes, the enemy’s main naval force is sailing towards London, followed by troop-carrying ships, and is likely to launch an attack on London.”

As soon as he snatched the battle report, Campbell’s face instantly lost its blood color. A full blown landing attack without prioritizing was clearly not in line with military logic.

Once the British seized the opportunity and caught one of the roads, or a few of them, and beat them hard, it would be easy to suffer heavy losses.

Looking at the map on the wall, the military crowd had begun to stare wide-eyed, completely unaware of what the enemy wanted to do.

Even if it was a feint, choosing two or three places would be enough. That is, it can achieve the effect of confusing the audience, but also to ensure that the troops are relatively concentrated and will not be taken advantage of.

After calming down, everyone’s unanimous reaction was: the enemy had lost his head!

Naval Minister Swending was the first to break the silence, “The opportunity to fight is here, since the enemy dares to disperse their forces, let’s not be polite, let’s first knock out one of the ways!”

There was no hurry, the Royal Navy had already lost face in the two previous sea battles.

If we can’t get any more battle results to consolidate our position, I’m afraid that in the future, if the navy wants to be as dominant as it is now, it won’t be possible.

The target is easy to choose, it is inevitable to take the attack on London all the way to start. As for other areas, there is no hurry for a while.


The sea breeze blew away the heat of the hot day. Located in the Dover Strait, the small town of Grylls still maintains the tranquility of the past days.

Because of the limitation of natural conditions, although it was near the sea, the town did not have a decent harbor.

The coast is mostly cliffs, with a few gentle areas where the continental shelf extends too gently, making it unsuitable for a harbor.

Relying on artificial dug out of the temporary port, mooring a few hundred tons of fishing boats is not bad, even if large warships into, once the tide goes out immediately have to run aground.

Such a terrain is obviously not suitable for the landing of large armies. Naturally, the British army will not become the focus of defense, symbolically stationed a company, plus the town’s militia regiment, is all the armed forces.

The British government’s attention, all attracted by the large-scale landing operations, simply have no time to worry about a marginal town.

Major John, who was the town’s garrison military officer, was now leisurely patrolling the defense line. Although he didn’t think there was any danger, he had to find something to do, didn’t he?

Leaving the big city with its bright lights, and coming to this remote town, John’s daily life has been shattered.

The traditional farming town of Grylls lacked almost all recreational activities. Even if there were occasional banquets, they would not fit into John’s eyes.

It could be said that aside from the nice scenery, the town of Grylls had nothing to offer. However, John was still satisfied with being stationed in this small countryside place.

Although there were various shortcomings, there was one thing that other areas could not compare to, and that was – safety.

The fact that he saw enemy planes passing overhead from time to time, without seeing a single bomb dropped by the enemy, spoke volumes about the strategic and economic position of Glenelg.

As a senior student of the Imperial Army Academy and an aristocrat, Major John had more choices, but he rejected them all and chose the position of the town’s garrison officer.

Even when he was told that he did not seek advancement and was greedy for life, John laughed it off.

Building a career on the battlefield was a nice thing to say, but war was a death sentence.

If he could win the fight, John naturally didn’t mind going for a fight. Unfortunately, the difference in strength between the two sides in this war was too great, especially the Army, and there was no way to see half a hope.

Noble honor was important, but the prerequisite was to survive. As an emerging nobleman, John did not have the chivalry of the old nobles.

Being able to go to the battlefield was already considered giving face to the Queen. It is important to know that many emerging nobles simply refuse to serve in the military.

Don’t ask why, ask is: the family has too much money, can’t afford to die.

Capitalists are reluctant to serve in the military, and capitalists who become nobles are likewise no exception. There is no spirit of bravery in their bones, so they are naturally unwilling to go to war.

This is completely different in Britain and Austria. In Britain as long as one had more money, one could become a noble through internal activities; whereas in Shinra without military service, no amount of money could cross the threshold of nobility.

The inner core was different, and the end result was naturally different.

The same is true for Britain in the original time and space, almost all of those who went to the battlefield to fight for their lives in World War I and World War II were veteran military nobles, and the emerging nobles were far less interested in defending the empire than in making money.

The ending is very ironic, the battlefield to protect the country’s final family broken, swallowed up by the hair are not left, while hiding in the back of the big money in the war of the guy took the fruits of victory.

Learn from your mistakes, and you will be wiser.

After the lessons learned, no one is willing to sacrifice blood for the country of the British Empire, naturally to the time of decline.

It is still too early to tell, and “wise men” like Major John are still the object of contempt.

The whistling of the airplane, the guard’s panic called out: “Major, the enemy aircraft is coming, a lot of ……”.

Glaring at the running guard, Major John sternly reprimanded: “I am not deaf to hear, do not need you to remind.

It’s just enemy warplanes, what’s all the fuss ……”

Before the words were finished, a small black dot fell from the sky, followed by a violent noise, rolling up dust, building debris, the scene was a mess.

Hundreds of bombers, targeting a nondescript town, Major John just felt like his brain wasn’t enough.

There was no need to waste his brain, for just moments before the air raid, Major John had been stunned by the explosions.

The end of the bombardment was immediately followed by a shower of falling parachutes. If one looked closely, one would still be able to spot a person dangling underneath the umbrella flower.

Sporadic resistance continued, but the garrison, which had lost its commander, was already struggling to put up a fight, even though they didn’t have much of a fighting chance in the first place.

In the face of the invincible enemy, the improvised militia was the first to surrender.

(End of chapter)

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