Chapter 1161: Countdown to Landing

  Chapter 1139: Countdown to Landing

Explanation is a cover-up; no amount of justification can hide the fact that the US army is not strong enough to fight. Emphasizing again and again that the enemy is strong is nothing more than an excuse for failure.

But if you don’t make excuses, you have to take the blame. Even if you want to show your courageous side, it is definitely not the time to do so.

The situation has developed to this point, no one expected. Before launching the attack, Roosevelt never dreamed that the seven countries of the Oceanic Alliance could not even take down the enemy’s colonies.

Turning over the history books to know, the United States of America’s vast territory, are taken from the hands of the colonial empire.

Each of these countries was more powerful than the United States back then, but because of geographic factors, the ultimate victor was the United States.

Now there are the British in front of the support, blocking the enemy with the colonies between the contact, is the best time to start, multi-national alliance never fail.

However, the plan, which was foolproof, ended in failure. Unlike other territorial disputes, this time the enemy behaved in a particularly ferocious manner.

The enemy’s plan was not as strong as the previous territorial disputes, but this time the enemy behaved in a particularly ferocious manner.

The most important Austro-Central America was in trouble, the local immigrants are all hedgehogs, a touch will be pricked.

The intention of invasion has just been revealed, the allied forces have not yet been assembled, people will first hit out.

Mexico, Colombia two allies, now has been pressed by the enemy in the ground friction, if the United States does not make a move, they are going to surrender.

As for the other allies, only the three strongest in South America have some fighting power. Only in Roosevelt’s view, this “three strong” is too much water, completely and “strong” has nothing to do with.

Argentina and Chile together could not defeat Patagonia, a country with a population of only a million, so how could it be considered a strong country?

The most important thing is that without removing this nail and stabilizing their own rear, it is impossible for the two countries to send troops to reinforce Colombia.

The soy sauce allies first ignored, just Brazil sent tens of thousands of reinforcements, can not protect the Republic of Colombia.

In this context, the United States will have to split their troops into three directions to reinforce Colombia and Mexico at the same time, and by the way, they will also have to take Cuba.

With such a heavy task, the military is obviously overwhelmed. Unless it is to fight a war of attrition, utilizing the advantage in national strength to slowly wear down the enemy, otherwise it really can’t see a chance of victory.

Only the reality is cruel, along with the war goes on, the international situation is more and more unfavorable to the Ocean Alliance.

The countries that were originally inclined towards Shinra were now ready to move. If Britain lost again, these countries were afraid that they would have to go down.

Whether or not other countries entered the war, everyone could care less, but the next-door alliance country had to be considered on.

Even though the British had used economic means to bolster the alliance countries and keep them neutral, this political thing could be repeated at any time.

It was already difficult to pull out the nails, but if they added another group of enemies, the battle behind them would be even more impossible to fight.

Regret is already too late, political slogans have been shouted, the United States of America’s ambition exposed, the Vienna government is now more unlikely to let them go.

“America for the Americans” could also be interpreted as “America for the Americans”. If this goal had been realized, Theodore Roosevelt would have been one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States, just as he was in the original time and place.

Unfortunately, the door opened unfavorably, and he was hit with a blow. But at this point in time, there is only one thing to do but fight on.

Even if he could not win, he had to prove his strength on the battlefield, so that the enemy would not dare to insult him lightly.

Do not need to reach the world’s top level, as long as the U.S. military shows the combat power of second- and third-rate countries, the Vienna government will have to think twice when settling scores in the fall.


The English Channel, along with the launch of the “Sea Lion Program”, the main naval forces of the Continental Alliance countries are all gathered here.

Big and small more than one hundred and eighty small and large warships, the scene is a huge. Especially the thirty-six super battleships at the head were even more magnificent.

If the British can launch a sneak attack and take out the fleet in front of them, the Continental Union will not be able to turn around for at least five years.

However, looking at the airplanes hovering in the sky, it was clear that launching a sneak attack would not be successful without first solving the eyes in the sky.

Just think about it, the air force is Britain’s short board. Whether it’s flight altitude, or flight speed, or flexibility, Britannia’s warplanes are an era behind.

The entire industrial system backward, not a moment to catch up. Even if you invest more, it will take time.

In the unobstructed view of the sea, there is no air control, only to be ambushed.

Look at the Royal Navy to know, looking at the war is about to start, but the Royal Navy is too slow to enter.

The English Channel naturally does not lack a good harbor, but the problem is that the harbor is within the bombing range of the enemy’s aircraft. To go there at this time would be to enter the tiger’s mouth.

Originally, after the completion of the continental alliance countries navy, the royal navy does not have the advantage, if the enemy air force bombing wave, then even more no fight.

The Malacca naval battle is a typical case, the enemy first used aircraft to injure warships, and then the navy swooped in to make up for it, easily locking up the victory.

Eat a moat, long a wisdom. Learned a lesson from the Royal Navy, decisively choose to stay away from the Shen Luo air force.

In normal times, they can hide, but now the enemy is going to land on the British Isles, and then they are going to lose their homes.

As the Minister of the Navy, Swaintyn is now under great pressure, for fear of accidentally burying the Royal Navy and becoming the sinner of Britain.

Of course, he is not the only one who feels the pressure, the British government senior management have a count one, now all are under “high pressure”.

As before the storm, the air is filled with a depressing atmosphere, suffocating.


“From the intelligence gathered, the enemy has completed its buildup and will attack us in the near future.

The time to test the British Empire has come, and despite our losses in previous wars, we will never give in, we will fight to the end.

Unlike any previous battles, we are now at an unprecedented strength, with 40 million British people as our most solid backing.

It is an absolute mistake for the enemy to choose to attack the British Isles, where we have ……”

–Prime Minister Campbell, April 27, 1905, Declaration on the Defense of England.

Judge the greatness of a country or nation by what they do in times of crisis.

Being able to stand out from the crowd of competitors for world domination, Britain naturally had its own strengths.

Along with the deteriorating situation, perhaps because everyone realized the danger, the internal struggle of the British government, also gradually eased.

The opposition parties, although still attacking the government, are now only paying lip service, and they have actually given up dragging their feet in their actions.

After the constant propaganda of the media, from the princes and nobles down to the ordinary British people, all knew what this war meant.

Under the high pressure of the Continental Union, the British Empire, the war machine, finally ran at full speed.

Finally united internally, Prime Minister Campbell was not at all happy. If possible, he would rather not have this internal unity under the threat of the enemy.

“All for one, one for all”. It was just a political slogan, but it was the strength that could really decide whether the war would be won or lost.

For the British Empire, the situation had deteriorated to the point of no return. Even if we win the battle of England, we can only temporarily avoid the danger of losing the country. To win the war is still a long way off.

Secretary of State for War Marcus: “In order to intercept the enemy’s landing, we have deployed one million troops along the English Channel, with half a million maneuvering troops in the rear ready for reinforcement.

On top of that, we have organized a million militia to take care of logistical transportation. If the war situation is urgent, they can also be reinforced up there.

However, this is only the worst-case scenario. If possible, it’s best to keep the enemy out of the British Isles.

Once the battle reaches the mainland, even if we wipe out all the enemies, we will have lost.”

It was obvious that the Army was really trying its best. From the outbreak of the war until now, the Army had successively reinforced India, the Cape of Good Hope, and the Central and Southern Peninsula with half a million, 150,000, and 50,000 troops.

In order to maintain the stability of Ireland and Scotland, it has stationed a total of 180,000 troops in the two places again.

With Britain’s population of forty million, the mobilization of such a large number of troops was really an exertion of strength.

Especially since among these forty million people, there were also three and a half million Scots and four and a quarter million Irish.

The Scots were just fine, although there were also conflicts, and on the whole they still identified with Britain.

Not so with Ireland, which has been bullied too much in the last half-century. The local population dropped from eight and a half million in the mid-nineteenth century to four and a quarter million now, full of grievances.

Fortunately, the island of Ireland’s location is backward, otherwise the enemy landed from Ireland, all over the bandwagon.

For security reasons, the conscripted Irish soldiers, Scottish soldiers, were basically sent to the colonies.

Siphoning off a large number of young men and women, the place was temporarily stabilized. But want them to contribute to this war, can not count on it.

Even after doing his best, Marcus still didn’t have a clue in his heart. The enemy is the entire continent of Europe, to lobster soldiers to single-handedly fight the group, the difficulty is too great.

“The Navy is also ready to fight for the Empire. We harbor the confidence that we will win, and the final victory will definitely belong to Great Britain.

It’s just that the enemy’s air superiority should not be underestimated, before the start of the duel, it’s best to be able to defeat the enemy’s air force first, or even worse, to stall them.”

Shouting the loudest slogans, doing the most from the heart. It wasn’t that Swendin was a wimp, it was really that this war was really hard to fight.

The navies of the Continental Union countries together, whether it was the number of main ships, or the total tonnage of warships, were not weaker than the Royal Navy.

If it is not the opposite is a multi-national coalition, command can not do up and down as one, the Royal Navy simply does not have much chance of winning.

The few winning chances, but also by the enemy air superiority to wipe out. The Royal Navy was so slow to arrive at the battlefield that they waited until the last minute to minimize the risk of being attacked by the air.

The army and navy had good reasons, the air force was embarrassed and couldn’t even try to shrug it off. The situation has deteriorated to such a point now, one of the most central factors is the air force is not effective.

It’s worse than even the original time and space, at least during World War II the British fighters were no worse than the Germans, and there was an American nanny to replenish the blood.

Now limited by industrial strength, the performance of locally produced airplanes is poor, the Americans produced warplanes, but also can only be used for daily training, take out to duel is to send a person’s head.

The air force wants to rise to the occasion, the reality does not allow them to break out. It is not easy to endure, save up for a few months of home base, just the beginning of the scale also have to face a bitter war.

The heart is not bottom of the air force minister Attilio, now naturally do not dare to pack a ticket. After all, the family is accumulating strength, the enemy has not been idle.

Comparison of the two countries of the aviation industry strength, Britain to build a fighter, Shen Luo will be able to build four or five, coupled with the continental alliance this gap will be even greater.

As for following Japan’s example of recruiting pilot death squads, that is a joke. It was hard to wait for a dozen people to sign up, but the result is not waiting for the battle and then backed out one after another.

There is no way, Britain does not have the social atmosphere of killing oneself, unless it is a momentary fever, calm down really no one to do this kind of ten deaths of work.

Really want to implement, or to wait for the moment of crisis, and then go to fool the hot-blooded teenagers. It is best to mobilize and go to war right away.

After hesitating again and again, Attilio said fiercely: “After this few months of hard work, the air force has accumulated three thousand fighters, five hundred bombers ……

Once the defense of the British Isles starts, we will do our best to pester the enemy’s air force and create opportunities for the navy.

Unless we are completely wiped out, we will definitely not allow the enemy’s air force to intervene in the duel at sea!”

Forced to make this decision, Attilio’s heart was dripping blood. But now there is no way, the air force does not top up the enemy is going to land on the British Isles.

Don’t look at the army is now strong, seems to be able to defend the British Isles; really if the fight, not at all.

Foreign Secretary Adam: “The Foreign Office and the Japanese government have reached an agreement to bring in 200 pilot death squads from Japan, which are expected to arrive in London in twenty days.

At the same time, we have also communicated with the revolutionary parties of various countries. They agreed to mobilize a group of hot-blooded youths to join the war, and the air force can be selected with priority.

In addition to this, we have also financed national independence movements in France, Poland, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, Finland, etc., and they will launch uprisings in the near future.

Originally, we also found the Hungarian Independence Organization, but unfortunately, they have lost their fighting spirit and do not dare to return to their country to lead the revolution.”

One had to admit that John Bull’s diplomacy was just slick, even when he was in a passive state, he was able to toss things around.

Fortunately, those present had all seen great storms, or else they would have to think that this was nonsense. The introduction of what have, the introduction of the death squad is the first time we have heard, I guess this is also the first time since the beginning of the world.

However, if you think about it, it is not surprising, now Japan is anxious to show their own, let the Vienna government know that they are not to be messed with, in order to peacefully through the future of the autumn to settle scores.

The only thing that scares people is that they “dare to fight”, because their overall national strength is not good enough and their army’s fighting strength is just average.

Only by letting everyone see that the price to be paid for the expedition is too high and completely disproportionate to the benefits, can the idea of settling scores with the Continental Union be dispelled.

To prove this point, just in the Far East and the Spanish play is not enough, must be displayed in front of the European countries. Only with their own eyes, there is a deterrent.

Coincidentally at this time, the British are willing to pay a lot of money to introduce “talent”, the two sides hit it off.


(End of chapter)

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