Chapter 1136: Crazy Excitement

  Chapter 1115 – Crazy Excitement
The deteriorating situation forced Britain to the edge of the cliff. It was like a gazelle flying across the river, cross over and the sea is wide open, if you don’t cross over, you’ll be shattered to pieces.

Although the storm of public opinion against the war in the European world had not yet subsided, it did not affect the governments to take sides.

There is nothing wrong with supporting the Holy Roman Empire or Britain. Even if there was a referendum, the final outcome would not change.

Anyway, it was just support now, it wasn’t like they were immediately going to personally send troops to war. The war hadn’t even broken out yet, and the governments still had time to guide public opinion.

It’s easy to do this, just look up the history books, there’s plenty of reasons to beat up the British.

What’s more, even if war breaks out, the countries will just play along, no need for everyone to explode their livers.

Times are evolving and technology is progressing. To deal with Britain, even if the Vienna government is looking for cannon fodder, it is not something that ordinary countries are qualified to participate in.

Land war, in addition to the Russians can participate, other countries even if they want to participate, the Vienna government will be too much in their way.

Not to mention the sea war, if the Shen Luo Navy can not win, plus the fleet of countries still can not win.

The advent of the era of the dreadnought has completely opened up the segment between the naval powers. A few thousand tons of iron armor ships involved in it, in addition to giving the enemy to increase the battle results, there is no practical significance.

Even if you want to fight for quantity, at least you need more than 10,000 tons of battleships to participate in order to be meaningful.

Especially because the navies of various countries are still distributed in different regions, except for the countries along the Mediterranean Sea, the fleets of other countries can’t be assembled at all in a moment.

Not to mention that the British are not fools, and it is unlikely that they will give the anti-British alliance time to gather people. Thinking back to the time when the Royal Navy defeated the invincible fleet by relying on the ants to bite the elephant, it is impossible not to learn from the experience.

Of course, the navies were a threat to the British even if they didn’t assemble.

Fortunately, the anti-British alliance is not an ironclad one internally, or else even if the Royal Navy is powerful, it will be exhausted now.

What countries can really participate in is probably to send a few planes symbolically to participate in the war against Britain.

Otherwise, it is bad luck, the mainland, colonies into the battlefield, forced to respond to the war; or late in the war, the landing operations on the British Isles, you can go up to beat the dog.

As a matter of fact, the greatest significance of the countries’ participation in the anti-British alliance was not in the military, but rather in the political and economic contributions.

After the establishment of the alliance, Britain had to face the entire European continent. The gap between the economic and industrial strength of both sides was directly opened four or five times.

Other than that, just look at the warship manufacturing is very obvious. As long as the Vienna government gives certain technical support, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal and other countries shipyards are also able to build super battleships.

The old naval empire is no longer in decline, the rotten ship is also three pounds of nails. At least the domestic shipbuilding industry system, still retained, the talent pool also has some.

These were all resources, nothing more than a bit of trouble to integrate and utilize. But this is all a small problem, as long as the interests are negotiated, there is nothing that can’t be done.

As a matter of fact, the Vienna government has already started to do it. What technology proliferation or not is not important now.

As long as the Royal Navy was defeated, there was no harm even if the shipbuilding technology was rotten. Anyway, the navy didn’t just fight for technology, but also for financial strength.

For example, the Russian Empire, a good ally of the Vienna government, was a typical representative of this.

They’ve done it more than once or twice before by importing technology from Shinra, but in the end, they were either screwed by domestic bureaucrats or dragged down by poor government finances.

Other countries are not much better, even if they are rich, but because of the size of the reason, the funds that can be invested in armaments are also very limited.

What’s more, do you really think that the development of the navy, just have the money, have the technology and that’s the end of it? If it is so simple, the Middle East in the latter half of the century is not a pile of naval powers.

Perhaps the first half of the Navy can really do so, but to the second half of a variety of tests will come. There is no supporting industrial system, even if it is the old naval power can only be sad.

The sudden change of the international situation, the British are confused, the civilian population will be even more unable to react.

Ordinary people can not keep up with the rhythm, experts and scholars are also a brain fog, do not know what happened.

It is understandable that people can’t stand on their own two feet. But so fast, so neatly stand in line, it is some people can not react.

“Premeditated collusion”?
This is not a bad way to fool the general public. Anyone who knows a little bit about politics knows that it is almost impossible to coordinate a dozen or so countries at the same time and not let any information leak out.

For no other reason than the fact that there are both pro-Shinra and pro-British governments.

Even for a dictatorship, when it comes to something as big as taking sides, there is still a need to bring it up for discussion.

Even if it was a small-scale discussion, with a dozen or so people participating in each country, there were still hundreds of people who were in the know.

Sensei’s secret is not a secret as long as more people know about it.

Where there are people, there is a jianghu, and you can’t expect all those in the know to keep their mouths shut, especially when there are interests involved.

With so many people in the know, there are always a few spokesmen for the interest groups. Knowing the information in advance is a big business opportunity.

Whether it’s hoarding and speculating on prices beforehand, or buying or selling off assets affected by the war, the futures and stock markets will show early signs of what’s to come.

But any big movement anywhere is a bust, and will naturally cause the British to be wary.

Exactly how to operate, in order to leave no oversight, completed a European countries between the string, became the world’s common concern.


There is naturally no answer to the outside world’s suspicions. Because there is no answer, there is no such thing as hooking up with a tandem in advance.

Although the Dutch were the first to call out the “Neutrality Movement”, it was the government in Vienna that brought the movement to a climax.

If there is no Vienna government signaled, Belgium, Sardinia, Lucca …… these beans small countries, by what dare to participate in it?

Not to mention the outside world, even many of the parties involved, after receiving the signals are very confused.

Although they did not know what kind of medicine the boss’s gourd was selling, but what was commanded had to be accomplished.

The reasons were all readily available, whether it was for the sake of national interests, or for personal political interests everyone had good reasons to oppose the war.

The pro-Australian faction became anti-war, naturally attracted the attention of the British, and even some guys even stabbed the news to the British.

The British government’s sight was indeed attracted, but they really could not understand. It was not the first time that a similar operation by the Vienna government happened.

Decades of old cases, to the present have not analyzed the motives, and some people even suspect that there is no so-called motive, completely the Vienna government brain suddenly into the water.

This explanation is the most reasonable, because all governments have a brain in the water. The British government itself is one of the best, every few terms there will be a strange government, as far as possible to engage in some people do not understand the operation of the mystery.

The Vienna government’s push for a neutrality movement was seen by British bureaucrats as an attempt by the domestic opposition to stop the war.

This is first-hand experience, every time Britain wants to start a war with foreign countries, there are a bunch of anti-war factions to make things happen, the difference is only in the size of the noise tossed out.

The British can not pay attention, but as a party to the European governments can not be ignored. Personally involved in the “Neutrality Movement”, we deeply realize how unreliable this thing.

No matter how loud the slogans shouted, once involved in specific things, immediately bad.

The “Neutral Alliance” was agreed upon to jointly bear the pressure from the two hegemonic powers, but in the end, no country willing to take the lead could be found.

The Russian Empire, on which everyone had high hopes, ended up with the Tsarist government saying: “We have the Russian-Austrian Alliance. Most of the clauses in the Neutral League contradict the content of the Russo-Austrian League and cannot participate in the contracting.”

If that didn’t sober everyone up, what the countries did next was truly desperate.

After the Russian Empire, it was Spain that was in a position to organize a “Neutral League”.

Unfortunately, the Spanish government was equally slippery and brought up the old “Austro-Spanish Port Agreement”.

The details of the agreement were not disclosed to the public, so that everyone could refer to the performance of the Vienna government in the Philippine War. Anyway, it was possible to launch a neutrality movement, and even help to provide a venue for meetings, but it was not possible to take the lead in concluding an alliance.

The big powers with weight were all unable to organize treaty-making because they had treaties of their own, so it was left to the smaller countries to get on board.

With the idea of giving it a try, everyone rolled out the Netherlands again. Although their own strength was not good, as the initiator of the neutrality movement, it was reasonable for them to organize it.

Unfortunately, the Dutch government was equally not stupid. Spain and Russia, the two big countries, were not willing to be the head of the pack, and they, a small country, were not qualified to take the lead.
They really think that it is easy to be the leader of the big brother, this thing is to pull the hatred, and will certainly be the Holy Roman Empire’s retaliation.

Just like the eighteen vassals to discuss the Dong, Yuan Shao became the alliance leader, the bullish Yuan family was first taken out to sacrifice the flag.

Realizing that neutrality is unreliable, then you can only go down and stand in line. Anyway, it is all about standing in line, why not sell yourself at a good price?

It is meaningless to talk about conditions now, the promise of more is also a blank check, ultimately can not be honored, can be honored how much still depends on the Vienna government.

According to the experience of the war against France, everyone understands the rules of the Vienna government to share the spoils. To summarize: the more you contribute, the more you get, and the more you get, the more you stand up first.

Of course, standing in line is standing in line, we still have to consider the reaction of the British. The Royal Family is still very powerful, and no one dares to guarantee that they will be able to pull Britain down this time.

In this context, the first to stand in line is certainly the most hated, and will certainly have to bear the most violent retaliation in the future.

Even with the Holy Roman Empire in tow, not every country has the ability to withstand the backlash.

Fortunately, the thick-skinned and resistant Russians are not afraid of British retaliation, and the tsarist government took the lead in jumping out of the line to help everyone solve this problem.

The first countries did not dare to rob, and the second was that everyone robbed together. Countries are both accidental and inevitable to take sides, unintentionally creating another world unsolved mystery.

Explanation is impossible to explain, it is good to be misunderstood. Let the British just fall in depression, is also a good choice.

Maybe in a few decades, this will become a proof of Franz’s “Chosen Son”, “Divine Destiny”, “God’s Choice”… …and a strong case for it.

In fact, similar claims have long been made. Religious figures, in particular, have long identified Franz as “God’s favored one”.

The reason was simple: the recovery of the Holy Land from the infidels was in God’s favor.

The revival of the Holy Roman Empire was also interpreted as a result of God’s favor. Including the fall of France, the religious people also gave a strong explanation: collusion with the pagans, punished by God.

If this theory is true, it will be Britain’s turn to suffer. But on the other hand, the fall of Britain once again confirmed this theory.

If the British had resisted this shock, they would have had to say that it was a test from God. As long as they can keep their faith, they will be able to win the next time.

There is nothing wrong with that, even though the British Empire is as strong as it is, it can’t change the nature of the current fall.

Being able to survive one challenge is already very impressive; a second one is definitely something that Britain cannot afford.

One had to admit that the Divine Stick still had a level. No matter how the situation developed, they all had a reasonable explanation.


Putting down the newspaper in his hands and looking at the snowflakes drifting outside the window, Franz turned his back to his son and asked, “Have the British not declared war yet?”

Although the later the war broke out, the more favorable it would be for the Holy Roman Empire. But the anti-British alliance is about to be assembled and completed, and the British, the big villain, still refuses to make a late appearance, which makes it difficult for people to be embarrassed.

If it wasn’t for the sake of dumping the blame for starting the war on the British, Franz would have wanted to preemptively declare war on the British to save himself the panic of waiting.

“Not yet.”

It was evident from Frederick’s helpless expression that this was not the first time Franz had asked. Perhaps because of his age, Franz’s nature had become more and more elusive.

After a pause, Frederick went on to explain, “According to the intelligence we received, the British Parliament is still bickering.

In yesterday morning’s meeting, it even escalated into a large group fight because of two members of parliament, and a total of three members of parliament were hospitalized due to serious injuries.

It is said that Edward VII, who heard the news, was furious at the Parliament and warned that if there was a recurrence of fighting, he would be stripped of his status as a member of Parliament.

Probably frightened by the reaction of the European countries, the strength of the British main war faction has declined a lot recently.”

Unlike later generations where MPs dared to grab the Queen’s scepter, the King of England these days still has real power. Dismissing MPs something that later generations of kings wouldn’t even dare to think about is possible in these days.

Of course, it is only possible. If you really want to do this, I guess you will be targeted by the parliament.

The main thing is that Britain has too few legal provisions to restrict the behavior of parliamentarians, and according to the normal rules and regulations, it is difficult to form a constraint on them.

There is no way, the laws have to be approved by others before they can be passed. Regulate, limit their own behavior of the decree, naturally can not be passed.

In contrast, the Holy Roman Empire was much better. Franz took early action, and there were a large number of decrees restricting the behavior of parliamentarians.

Even when the relevant decrees were amended and repealed, the parliamentarians had to avoid suspicion and had no right to participate at all.

If this had happened in the Holy Roman Empire, these parliamentarians who participated in the fights would not only have lost their status as parliamentarians, but would also have to go to prison to reflect on their actions.

Deliberately provoking trouble, gathering a crowd to fight, and disrupting the order of the council were not within the scope of legal immunity.

However, these small problems, now does not belong to the scope of Franz’s focus, caused him to pay attention to the British main war faction reduced.

The British Empire in the Victorian era was not a limp noodle. Confrontation with the European continent is not unprecedented, because the “scared” on the withdrawal, obviously not persuasive.

Although the Holy Roman Empire’s regular army did not move, but the African battlefield has really fought.

“Civilian armed conflict” is something that only the government in Vienna dares to say.

Neither the weapons and equipment, nor the military quality of the participants, nor the scale of the conflict is what a “civil armed conflict” should be.

Moreover, this is only the beginning. The number of people involved in the conflict is increasing with each passing day.

After a few moments of contemplation, Franz turned around and said indifferently: “Since the British are not moving, let’s stimulate them a little more.

Invite the European governments, next month in Vienna to convene an anti-British conference to discuss ……”

(End of chapter)

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